77777, 7.,7717MM , Victory Bond Interest When your iterest coupons becomne due, or~ when you receive cheques for interest on registered bonds, deposit them in a Sav- ings Account ini the Bank of Montreal. The money you receive on your investment iii bonds will then earn interest for you. *Bowmanville Branch: J. A. MeClellan, 'Manager BANK 0F MONTREAL Established over 100 years OPTOMETRY R. M. MITCHELL Eegistered ]By Ëxaminat'on Special- jzing in errors ef Refraction and Muscular Isnhalýs4ces. Latest Methi- ods, Modern Equipmient. Office-R. M. Mitchel 1 & Co's. Drug Store, »oWni~nvm$ic Ontario FUNERAL DIRECTORS -, . . MORRIS CO. tVomplete Motor or H~orse Equipmnent ~All cails promptly attended to. r Jrivate Ambulance. l-Bowmanville phones 10 and 34 -Brancli Stores--()ono & Newcastle. 'WILLIAMS & C4NN Embahiiers and Funeral Directors. <Cals given prompt andl personal at- tention. No extra charge f'or dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bow- 3nanville, Ont. 3-t LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LI. D. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY moxney to loan on Farm and Town Propert~y Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. F. WARDI, B. .A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Money to loaun.- Bonds fer sale. offices: BIeakley Bek, King Street, Bowianville Ontario. Pliones: Office 102, House 279J. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Phy.. sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pi1ttsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- =aville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, f orm.erly of Enniskillen, Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence on Church-st., Bow- rmanville. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. (raduate of the Royal College of Dental Surg eons of On- AUC!TIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Atictioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniskillen. P. O Phone 197-r3. 1t JAMES BENNETT Auctioneer 10 years' experience in tari, furni- turc and nouse auction sales. Ad- drcas Jes. Bennett, Hardware Mer- chant, King-st., Bowmanville, phone 131. box 33. VETERINARY DR_ F. T. TIGHIE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Niglit Calls Promptly Attended t.o. Office King-st. W., Stat..iuan Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. GENERAL CONTRACTOR & ENCINEER Specialist in reinforced concrete. Estimates furnished. George Chepery King-st. omnle 49-tf SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Complete Commercial and General Improvement Courses. Students accepted at any time. Good posi- tions -for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE Oshawa and Toronto PARISIAN LADIES' AND GENTS' TAILORS (FormeirIy in BowmaiLnville,) now at 1262 Yog-tstop) at Summiierhii Ave., Toronto, phfone Trinity 3217w. We can stili give you aur best services. Gauaranteed to fit and workmarishlp at pre-war prices. McCREERY'S BARGAINS velvet patclies $2, 2 lbs. hg-r4 Ifingering yarn $29, 10 ydis. rompter eioth Ior' prints, 8 ys.faney d ýresging- harn, voile, :harnbray, ogandlie orj A. McCREERY & CO., Chatham, Ont. lone 40. Hlouse phone 22. Corrugatd Galvanlzed l DR. J. C. DEVITT 1s istant-Dr. C. W. Lyons S -e o îii et Royal Dental College, DIF-et from Manufacturqs o Con- Office, Ring-st. East, Bow- Sumr. WrIte for >lg *Office heurs 9 a. m. to 61 The etaIIlc Rooflng Co. aily except Sunday. Phone Limnite4 400 ouse phone 90b. 194 King St. W., Tor >te tR. E. DINNIWELL upposit 301. DR. S M. 301% BOWMANvILLE, APRIL 26, 1923. THE EDITOR TALKS Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. This is the scrip4pral in- junction. Influences are at work to secularize this day. Sunday la the day 97 per cent of the people of Can- ada and the United States hgVc made their day for worship anrest bas been sanctioned as theret-a anid laws enacted protecting~ the day, Jews and another class of religionists have been trying to secularize the re- cogn>,ized Christian Sabbathi, but such ipeople, if not satisfied witb Cana- dian laws, shouldl retura to the coun- try fromi which they came, for whîle in Canada they must obey our laws. If only about three persons in every 100 are flot satisfied tbey had bet- ter make up their minds to fail into uine with the bigo majority. It does not mnake a. particle of difference on wbat dlay one worships God-what day one fixes as Sabbath or Sunday. As a mnatter of fact, as every schol- ar of standing knows, there is not the slighitest evidence in the world that Satur.day is the original Sab- bath or Sunday the original Sunday. The calendar bas been chang'-d too often, says Dr. Fredcrick Lynch in The Christian Work. When we find a real good thing in heaith talks we like te pass it on to our readers. Thousands of in- diviiduals are afficted -with disease of the kidneys and they are ignorant of the presence of this insidious aliment. The Sun Doctor answcvring a corres- pondent gives this very sensible ad- vice, which niay be taken by other persons not adicts to kidney discase, What is a suitable diet for weak kid- neya? 1He replies: The best diet when there is a tendency to dropsy is one consisting largcely of milk. Pure milk is often difficult of digestion, but it is less like1y te be se if it is diluted with one-third bot water, or witb hot thin oatmceal gruel. But- termilk, if it should be prefýerred, may be taken instead of milk, and drunk. No stimulants should be permitted, and ail animal fooyd for- bidden until the urine is free from albumin. Rice puddings, tapioca, blanemnange and such fQods dan be taken frcely with the milk. Frcsh veg-etables-lettuce, tomatoes, water- cress, onions, etc., sbould be enten daily. IMeat abould be restricted- once a week is enough during conval- escence, and then it should be caten with a fresb vegetable salad. Fresh fruits and stewed fruits can be taken daily and espccially at breakfast. Nut s can aise be given occasionally in place of meat. Our constant aim hbas been in Efurtbcrance et the editorial policy, we adopted ever 44 years ago te givei our readers information and instruc- tien, useful and reliable knowledge ef eventis, discoveries and experien- ces, as wcll as the editors' opinions, on the questions of the tunes and the newis ofthe wcek et a local cliaracter, Ieaving te the m-etropolitan newspap- crs the publication ef the world's do- inga in general. In, accordijince with this policy we are plcased te publish froni tune te time the very instruc- tive andi intcresting contributions fromn the pen of Mr. Chas. M. Bice, Lawyer of Denver, Colorado, who, by the way, îs a Solina old boy, a school- fellow ofthe Hughes fammly. We advise every student and other intel- ligent individlual te read Mr. Bice's article in this issue on "The Einstein Tbery"-a vcry intercsting discus- sion. George N. Morang, Publishier, Tor- onito, bas just isýuedanother beook in the new senies .'The Makers of Can- adia" whicb deserves a place in every Canadian hom-e and library. It ia "The Pioneera et Old Ontarie" by W. L. Smnitb and is îllustrated witb 85 original drawinga by M. McGil- livray. It is a volume of 344 large pages and evcry chapter is repîcte witb incidents in the !ives ef early settlers in thia Province. One para- gra.pb under the first illustration- a log cabin of an early settier-con- tains this truthful statement: "There can be ne real bistory ef this land unless fuillJustice is donc te the mnemory and service of the mnen and womcn wbo, wbile suiffering unhe- lievable privations, endured a loneli. nesa almiost tee great te be berne, anid with beartsý aching because of tics broken with horne and kindred, laid the feundations et the civiliza-1 tien which it is our privilege te, en-_ joy". Another pointed sentence is crcdited te the late John Rosa Robert- son in whicb bie telis another great trutb andi it la this: "Evcry sideline in Ontario i- rich in memoiles ot the joys and sorrows ef the pioneers, and in aonme of them mayi. be gathpred1 atories et tragedica rivalling in in- tereat atbiNhig told eofthticlands of chivalrv ,!indlromaniice,".- This book shows in n-arratives obtainced trami carly acsttlcrs and descendants et tbc-m with, wbat suffcrng, brisnand doggcd determnination the founda- tins et this banner Canaian Pro- viincc wcrc laid, There is ne miore îniteresting h istory wiittcn than thc acceunits et pioncer days an'd Captain Smîh bs crtan. got together ini this book a -wonderful collection of them. Our advice te the heada et, 0 cverv7 Canadian housebold is te pro- cure a cepy ef The Pioncera eof014j Ontario. _______ Ever since the Refermner first gan publilcatien there has, from t te tume, appeared îTrtices advocaf thc patronizing et our ownvi il chants, and business men in pro: ence te sending te city mail or firma for wbat they needcd. lai something bias happened that cooled our ardor in that respect. tbotigh there are t-,,e, printin- ces in town capable et turning ,good work at reasonable rates, some of our business men thinkt CATTLE FOR BRITISH MARKET British markets require ecd year about 300,000 store cattle and 400,- 000 fat cattie for ininediate slaught- er. Approximately two-fiftlhs of the beef use'd at the present tiie by the British public is ra4sed and fat- tened in the British Is1es. This is usually beef of the best quality pro- duced from stock with a century of good breeding and feeding behind it. The remainder of the beef use'd is imiported largely from the Argentine, Uruguay, Australia and New Zeal- an-d. T1his comes as frozen beef and sellsa t alower rate than the home- grown product. Canada cannot compete in tuis market because South Amierican and Australasian farniers produce their beef entirely on grass and can sel it cheaper, des- pite the longer ecean voyage. We cau, however, ship overseas store cat- tic to go on the British pastures for summ-er f atteninig and grain or grass finished steers for immediate slaught- er. The advantage of shipping lire, fattenecd cattie is that wh'en slaught- ered they command somewhere near the high price paid for the best Brit- ish-raised beef. Store cattie for the British trade sliould weigh about 1100 pounds. They miûst be sappy, wellleshed cat- Cîe with the quality and breeding nec- essary to make economical gains.1 Light cattie niay be economically1 wintered and shipped overseas ta go on the British pastures in April or May. Cattie for immediate slaughter should weigh 1200 pounda or over at thirty months of age. They must be wl~ie steers witlh the quality and finish to dress out a high per- centage of beef. TORONTO AND EASTERN RY. Electrification of portions of Tor- ente and Eastern and Canadian National Railwaya between Toronto ai-d Cobourg is now assured. The. Canadlian National Railway will be electrified between Cobour1g and Or- ommo and a new line will be construét- ed frojo Oro"no te Bowianville, the route contiinued froni Bowmanville ever the Toronto and Eastern thru Oshawa ànd Whitby te Pickering brancbing then te the Canadian Na- tional Railway thence into Toronto, I. 0. 0. F. CHURÇH PAR~ADE The iemibers of Florence Nigh~tin- gale Lodge, No. 66, are requested te, neet at the Lodge Roomi on Sunday,ý April 29, at 10.30 a. in, to attend churcb service at St. John's Church.* Rev. Bro. G. S. Postlethwaite will prech.1 Oddfellows in town members of F ther lodges are cordially invited to join with us. J. E. Anderson, 1 Noble Grand. F. C. Pethick, Rec. Secretary. POULTRY WANTED Basebaîl playera are preparing for the season's sport. Lawn bowlers are miaking planei for the spinmer's pastinie. Someoiie prophesies that as April his two full moons it will be a cold sumimer with inontbly anew flurries This occurred in 116-over 100 years ago. Bah! What astronon4- cal effeet bas a fulll moon on ApriI 3Othi over one on May lst? Goodbye winter. Wc're very glad' you,'re gone, King Street is clear of ice ut last and autos and carrnages spin along' almoat noiselessly. The Statesiman stands aniong the Selected Newspapers of Ontario. Send it te that distant friend of --rs I contains more news of the -town and vyktnity in one issue thanl you are likeîy to write in a year. Il WXXVHEN YOU EAT TFIQ& TOD'S BJEAD Yr'OU EAT THE BEST Delivered daily in town. Ail kinds of live poultry for which 1"wIl pay highest market pices. Have the wagon cal at your home, THOMAS TOD Phone colleet, or J Baker and Confectioner drop me a card. ili Bowmlanville I. STIEN Phone 81 We Assume the Risk for You Needing Furniture? This is the time of year when you buy furni- ture. And you wilI flnd right now the best tine to buy furniture at 'otur store when, extra spe- cial values are being offered. [t makes no difference if you want a Chester- field or a Kitchen Chair, we can.save you rnoney. WILLIAMS & CANN Undertaker & Embainier Bo'wmanville Furniture Dealers Ontario 1Ili Buying, Meat Under MODERN SANITARY CONDITIONS Thne improved fixtures recently installed in our shop makes it possible to keep the meat under. glass. It is not exposed and is kept in good sani- tary condition. We have al-ways aimed to give our customers the best of service and meats at lowest prices. ONE DELIVERY DAILY G.j A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Pone 21 Bowmnanv itle Getting Ready For Spring Planting?, Our n'ew Spr'ing Catalogue is now ready for distributioip. No need of buying your plants and shrubs out of 'town. We have the best and can save you money. I3toQkcWe Nurseries Tree Surgeans Phone No. 7 Foresters Bowmanville With increased usage of automobiles naturally the percentage of accidenits will be greater this' year than ever before.i That's why insurance, covering fire, theft, col- lision and liability, is absolutely necessary. You may be the most careful driver in the world, but you do not know that the "other fel- Iow" is? 0f course not. Corne to us for the best grade of insurance at exceptionally low fees-in- surance that means prompt settiement. J. J. M A SOCN & %SO N Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowmanvill MOVED Auto Owners will please note that F. W. KIRKEINDALL BATTERY EXPERT has moved to more convenient and central q uarters in MOFFAT'S GARAGE I will continue to be local agent for PREST-0-LITE BATTERIES anud my long and practical experience places me in a position to lREPAIR ALL KINDS 0F IBATTERIES Phone 248' Bowmanville Cream Wanted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fail to ca11 on you we would appreciate a phone eall or write us. Orono Creamery Co., ORONO Office pli