LiV YJYAIN VLLJE, 1.URSD5IAY, APEIL 26, Ail the moods-whims-and f ancies of the season's new fashionis are being displayed. The Magic Qf Spr ing Ex~presses itself in a thôusand ways in the assemb- l y of the new fashions throughout this store. The yeear is at the Spring-its favored season-and Dame Fashion opens the page of lier all'urîng romance. Iu siiks and snatins-frills and fancies-sie lieralds thse coning of lier "favor- ites" ln Cots-Suits-Dresscs-Focks-Skirts..Blouses .and other wear, for women. We are ready to-day ta 'denionstrate the fact to you la al »epartmnts-niaking special mntion liere of the exclusive ns- semlbly of outer garments-in dressy coats and wvraps in beauti- ful weaves-ex.p1oiting ail the domyinatîng style foatures in inusual treatments-and la a range of ricli colors, and la fancy tweeds.-S-upe1rb la assortunuent and mlost attractive values. SPING CLOTHING~ FOR MEN Our stock of suits and coats for m.,ea was never better and the values are the best we have beeri cble to oqfer for severai years. Select your Spring clothes now, i Coach, Johnston & Cryderm an, !3owmanville Phione 104 ite Optical Special EVERY THURSDAY AT Jury & Lolveil's, Bodwmlanville We have secured the services of J. W. _Worrall, D. O., one of Ontario's Foremost Eye-sight Specialists, for a short while onlly. So that- he mnay be kept busy while here we have de- cided to give the residents of Bowvmanville ai-d vicinity an as- tounding opportunity Every Thursday \CLASSES $5.OO COâ'MPwLETE Genuine Gold Filled Frames, complete w\ý,ith Periscopie Len- ses and your eyes examined bya Specialist. Extra large double vision Lenses least 30%5. in' Sheli Frames, saving of at JURY V OEL Whèn We Test Eyes it is Done Properly Bowmanv."i'e TENDERS FOR DREDGING SEALE, Tenders adIreý ssed ton I Undclersi gnied an ndo sed. -Te ndcler f edg 'I-ing, omnvleete ., as the cu m1ay lhe, 'Ulereevdumil 12 o'cljc noon, Frlday, May il, 1923, for, driedgil required a- Bowmni vle, 2Midland, Pi etanguihe ne, Port L'ope. Sault Ste. M îe, Point Traverse, Ont., Nicolet, Riv St. Cliarles, Riviere du Loup andS Pierre les Becquets, P. Q. Tendecrs wj'i not lie considered un1ei made~ on the fonts supplied iyj tl Departm-ent and according te, conditior set 'forth teen Cýomb)ined spiecfection and lformi tendeor can lie obta ined on ; appliation1 the undersigned, also at the offices( the District Engineers, EÀquity Buildin: Toronto, Ont., Slbaughnessy Btuildlim MUontreal and at tïie Post Offide 1Buidi Three Rivera, P. Q. 'Tenders must ir clude the towing of t1e pla to an froit he work. The dredges and other plant winch ar intendied to bli sed! on th(e ,work sha ha:ve ben cdulytgistered in.ýi cad ,it the time of the, iling of the tendc wvith th(, Departieýnt, or shall have bee built in Cainada a-fteýr thie filing0f th tendeý-r. Eacli tender ixbust lie acJpaie ) ,an accepted cheque? on a chartere-d ban payable to the ordler of th(e Ministerc Pulic Works, for S p. o. of thte contrac price, but no cheque to lie for less thi fifteen huindred dollars. War Loa Býonds of the Domi-inion -,'Ill aiso bleac cepted1 as secur1ty, or War Bonds an, ch -e frquired to maiýke up an od, amount. By order, R,.C. IDESROCHERS, Departmeünt of Public Works, Pauine Frederick InI 'THE GLORY 0F CLEMENTINA' F'llmed from Willisa J. Lacke'S Popular Fiction uccess Monday-Tuesday APR[L 30-MAY 1 stage play from Bertha lm. Cn widely rend novel "Thornxs and Orange Blossoms-- With a Splendid Cast Wednesday-Thursday MAY 2.3 Raý,h Graves. Supported by -Matt Moore and Marguerite de la MUotte In "THE JILT" "THE FOUR HIRSEMAN THE APOCALYPSE (Retura Engagement) At Regular Prices COMING SOON Haroldl Lloyd In "DR. JACK" 1 - WAN 11>23. $2.OO a Year In Advance 5c a Conv Nn 17 SILVER WEDDING DREAM 0F QUEEN ESTHER MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Mr. and Mlrs. W. C. Co'e Given Play Deliglhted Two Audiences. Cucio hitM.C .Jc PleaantSurpisesont, Toronto, will preach at both ser A Bowmianvllle is favored with hav- vices on Suniday next. A very jolly comipaniy of soine 25 near inlg so mc talent cýapable of put- S rehlives of 1Mir. and mrs. w. . c ole, ,S.Pu'ChrRe DM.B KigSt. W., gave them a genýiuine sur: ting on a literary, rmusical or bîbli.. ijs. al a. Church, B e, .e therseoïn Frîda eenigon the '25th aný- cal presentation that calls forth mîstficer.Il edat. 7 "The OneA for 11iversaýry of the,-ir wddnday pressions of appreciation inthe. ý- 1;Su-enofthe"M pediae7 . m.3( ý Atter ail were comifortably eted r2\itreo1he"ipl1.e" . ing 7. F ùeac alled ordIvr and 5tated es ofehe Hi A fewweepstag np. -m.-Sunday Scliool and Bb the objiect oftlle ilceremodious \visit and lpupilso h Hg coo u nClasses. u:111e1 on Air, A. J. )ke who reada vey Shakepeare's "As You Liket"wh ier 'îeywre airs n Mr.F C. local trainers and every actor did ex- Methodit Church, Re. S. G St Vnsononbeao f Ihelatives,r- ceptionally well. Two weeks ago Moore, B. A., B. D., Pastor. Sun. setdtnhe bide and groom with a "The Message of the Blue-bird" waàs day subjects: il a. m.-Dailý ~ss beýaftiful ile Service lvith tray and apuonbtonaltwthn tsd Strength for, daily needs. 2.3( lhe clut giaLss d ish. ]u n') ontln iha ud Ds Mr. and Mrs. toe altbo soinewat ex- traýiter. 1).. m.-Sunday School and Bible citd o~r he uddnnes o th inas- Fridlay evening the Senior Depart- f .m-TeBakSe Of ion, su1itaîbly th1anked thosepren for of the faiyEau pca t0 t11,ir kinid words and i lo^vl Us Many mient of the Methodist Sunday School tmysu pc of, ctlier brief eu oistio s pec hes wre im ae reszei-tecl,"A D rea m of Q ueen Est- nmusîc. ng, b,, tbe visitors all congralating theml lier" with'all of their own talent an.d 1lev. E. R. Jameins, O)memnee, hias go. 'g, on attainiing 1bis impiiortant 0mîilestone n eputted a' eauito NewcastAglc !9, their mnarried lhfe. Delicious f efre sh-1 their ow7,n leaders The Opera House Chul rcl-i to taIre effect MAl th n- men-lts were servedl and with muasie and[ was fifted on Fridiay niglit and it was At the mnorning service in.,the -Method. ndsoillcat thebne of th vening repeated on Tuesday evening to ~itCucio udyRv .C.or waLs hbappily spient.s. the pastor, took for hia subject "Whsl tegood a Chrlistiain? "' being, a very sui table ýa1l The stox'y of Esther the .ewisn addreiss to thle reception se.rvie -whlc ler CHINA WEDDING - heroine, is famîfliar to ail bible read- folovwhen somle 28 cbiý,ldrenwce daf e into catachumiien relationshlp ,en ers as,. one of the finest pieces wf th the churcli and twelveý aduits luto ,e Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wilkins, biblical history. This drama is a fui membeý-rshfip, five by Leter ian, seven by Oshawa. plas- cobiatonofmusic, re- 01) rofesson of faith. A dut was ct rs ilordWllin wee o fsung, by lfs. H. MI. Foster and Mâr. W. nk itaionandacting ad usained B.e Tapsonl. In theeven'iing the p)astor of Saturcay eveniing, April2,Mr and interest fromt beginni-ng to end. gae, ver Y practical sermon on "A LtMs-MlodWlisw, pieasantly True PurpIos e in Life-. A solo waq anl surprised at their homne, 7 Royal st.. There are tliree acts with two suna, by Miss ilda Curtis and Mijs, tn shcaa on occasion of the 2th anniver- scenes inla ecl and eommittee had Leoneý Quinn sang thie solo ini the an- c- sary of, their wediding wbhen a ood the characters well chosen. thei. nd iinmber of frien(tispand relatives gatcher- On M\ondaýr, April 23t11eMiisnan Id ed to celebrate with tliemi the happy The first sca5ne is on tlie housetop ilid their regular mieeting ýW],e! the (,vent and p)resen-itet theni \with a beauti- i h i fSuh"i following officers wee e lecteti: Presl- fui China C2abinet. This address- was of Mordecai i e iY ofShs e n lt Hester (Caverly; e inistsAd read by Mr. Frirk O. Jamnes and Mr. Persia. Mr. Wallace Bragg as Mor- Webberan1 Viola Callan; Vice Pr sident Y. Theodore Wilkins p)resenited the Cabinet.. decai, the captive Jew, sustained his -Kity Knowles; Secretary--Geriruaeý AI. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wilkins: Dear part well iin costume and gesture as lin; Treasurer-Florence Ives (re -Cet- Friends:-Twenty years ago to-day, thera rsne hepe o i ed "); Cor, Secretary-Marjorie -Moore, was performied in Oshalwa by the- Rev. R. li rsnedtepe frhsb-(r-electeti); Heralda for Watch Tov'er- Burns a ceremiony thlat 14ft itsimr- loved people, lu their bondage and S. 0. 5.-Ba-rnica Fennel; fia oi jsion for good on the lives of many afterwards as lie pleaded witli Esther Jmeo;Asra-enc ela pole. The ceremnony was the unitlnig t aveChina-Gladysuelmanat Jamieson; Frencli-Bîsi, fri-nds, relatives alnt your iumediate of Ahasuerus and lis trusted friend aldine Williamis; Italian-Mona Cavýer. family lias as left a feeling of re- Haman. Iy; Japian-Evel-,n Gdar;('e-l freýshlt-enit andtiianil impression for things nia Morris; Christian Stewartiship -Ire better. We feel i, a p)rivilege therefore Mr. Lorne Plummer, as Hegai the Baýtemn eiprneMrin me to meet here to-nliglit and celeýbrate with King's Chamberlain, was well dis- Lepague Mondlay niglit in thre methýodisi you this great event in your lvs guised and carried out the part of C2hurcli was in charge of thie Pre:s:.i i1t. We, your, friencis, baye always fouildt the King's attendant very success- I Miss Spargo0. OlIlcers eiected W1,re: you true, as goid, ws, have always en- fulîy. PeiteP.-r ruce Ingh,7 M jl A.; joyed your friendship, and we are glatild ic-fs the icks; Ass'itt to tairé this opportuniity of showl\vng our- Sixteen Jewish ocildcrn blue and Mfr. Startiey Osb)orne; 254n Vie -Miss appreciation of yvour 'good~ feliow9hilp. white costumes miasde a vervlia"p eenCpdyan sisat-is'ae There is nothlng more beaut'full in this , - otich; 3rdi Vice-Miss M1argrettaAais world Iban true friend(sip,,.nothing mnore group of lîttie performers acting Ass t.-Ms itaJaclkman; 4th vice to be(eir, than true friends and we their part innocently and in a care- -Mr. Jack< Brooks; .A.ssistan ~Ms feel that in yýou we haýve enijoyeci a rare free .manner tbat amuseid the ud- Týack Brrooks and MNr. Stanfori-iSymns Shakespeare .says: Rec See'y.-Miss Eniti Soucbç Cor.D- "Tfrienip. ullataniter9,ti ence as tliey played and danced Miss Marion Morris; Treasur. , -Mr. "Toe frieds huhsndterao-around. TegQmp onprised= LonePlumier; Flower Cmite Grapple thei to thy soul withi hoops of Gertrude Allin, tyKiý eKt- Misses, Grace Cayerly, Gladys Batemana1, 1 " GertrudeMorris; Piiit-Mýliss lone steel". leen Tliurston, . Q! -uinrn; Asst.-Miss Mlldred Cole. The V'our friendisipbalus been tried and has Yvonne Tiglie, Jean Wigh~t, Marion tum retiring VicePeteî-Ms Jr ilot he fonti w1anting. We, Four sala- Ioi ioaadGogn 3e-tu lrlyad H.WPitn tireýs, halve alwayýs founi hlositulity in lmnWioaa& eognCye-trie ane adM.H.W Pinn Fou hme' w hvealwys~noyeti your ly, Editb Morr~is, Loraine Piekard, the reiigPrsdn liss Spa rgýo, and the e 1w TYesident, MWr. Ingliam, spoke compilani',nslip wheui we have been priy- Ileen Gibbs, Evelyun Rickard, Joyeê hrielly' andi meeting closed with the M-Niz- ilIgedto enertain you' in ours. and 'ir h1ave always hia ila feeling of security Ltuxtorr, Doroliy Nidhols, Ailéen psah Benedliction. thlat inI trouble or in p)rosperity ouri re- Wighit. , Other clirucli news appear, on lationship) with you wold lie helpful.~ But it is Four inim-edIiate famnily most The ne..t two scories are in the page 3 of th1~is ic. of alI whio are glad of this opportunity palace of the King wheni twelve Per- of expressing affect4on and an apprecia- sian Rose miaids witli garlands of redi MINISTERS TRANSFERREI> tion of ah you h1ave 1feant Yuhv shiown u ls what iparents are, not i wordroe sag wieley ecred only but in dleed and al Our lives we Kazaria Shemeel, Miss Reta R. 'Cole,1 Transfer, Committee of Method,ýist have felt that there wvas a bondi of love the Court Lady, as she appeared il' Chui'cb met last week in Toron,ýto. We t as eouvterefoeb acet Iislier attractive Persian costume and Tir nsfers affecting Bay ofQut tokenl of our appreciation and as you use sang "The Red, Red Rose", in lber D'ricti are: Probationers -Roy it to feel that in frientis, relatives anti owni winisome and beautîful m-ranner. Macdonald Bay of Quinte to Sas- famlily you hcave awas any to whiom Tlie rose maids were-Dorothy Plum-- katchewan; A. D. White,Ssiahe to tomn for biel p if ever In trouble ni r ge asoe oolyBl-w tByofQie. Span mia n y to e xýt en ti th e g la t i ha n i o f lo v e m e r A g e V n s o e D o o l y B l- a n t B y f Q n e . S p r - anti gooti fellowship.1 man, Mabel Dowsan, Iooto Quinn, uated-W. Weese, Montreal, lo Bay aoth matie suitale replies, tha1rnking XKute Pinch, Janey Mason, Eliza Kirk- Of Quinite. Minsters-J.F b~ thepi adrens ntor the ir dsethimghtsfleston1, Marguerite Joness, Dorotliy mat, Bay of Quinte, to Lon n 1adgooti-w-1, ikon aeî.wll d Wehber. A. Conneîl, Bay of Quinte, to Hlamil- Thieir famil]y was, prseýnt: Thoe6doi-e The part of King Aliasuerus of ton; E. MU. Morrow, Hamilton,, to WrilkinsiFrdan ofJamsatwa (rs ersia was splendidly taken by Mr. Bay of Quinte; J. D. Richiilson, Amiong frientis and relativea fdm ut Bruce Iliaii, M. A., who displayed London, to Bay of Quinte. of town were Mr. anti Mrs., .ryT the fine qualities of a sovereign, tlie Jame-s,-M\r. anti Mrs. C(anceHys Mr. anti Mrs. L. L. Guy 'ani . Jhnvaliant ihbro wlio killed the lion audi "JEACE TIME PATRIOTISM", HI. Jamies, al of Columbuls; Mr. nt rescued a lovely innocent maiden' ____ Mrs. R. HI. Hamiley, Misses Gertuceant and as tlie busy mlonlarcli who signed Th-g' aainClub of Bow- Marion mnti Master Wilfred R famlje,Mr. TdecreeCnaia ni M rs. Tom irci-ock, Edlitor anti Mrs.ý the(re that alm-ost wiped the iianville will hold its fourtbi ban- 1 - , ý;* ation out o exis enceu et of the season at Christie's, Par- M.Irýs \r. antI Mrs. Ernie Foley, wlien the plot was made knon to lors on Fri'day, April 27, a, 7.15 1AIiýs HlaFoley ani Master HTo"ward hilm he lwas as quick to ,save thie in- -Foley, Mr. anti Mrs. Alex. Wilkins anti cntaddsto h tatrHa i Mrs. Harry Vickery, al of Bowmianyille. tncn. n eto ti rio a Prof. J. A. Dale, Director cf So.. A dligitfuil' eyening was suient in na.calSrie nd efae epr. singing anti lit a social gooti time antiilSriead efr pat the niany guiests left wishing the bride MiEss Marlon Piekard portray<ed ment, University cf 'Toronto, wîlI anti grooml continueti happiness f or miany the cliaracter of Esther, the unassumr- give an address on "Pence Tin'-,- Pat- yea rs. - ing' littie Jewisl i aiden, who loved riotismi". lir kinsmuan Mordecai, ai-d tbe .Jeýw- Considerable publlicity lias been Subsrib no-$10O or he'ish, people and -wlio was willing tQ! given Dr. Dale over bis appoli-nent Sub cribe o- -$1 00 or he satirifice lier if e and endure the t o a ci c office lui Toronto. la Candin taestantoeu o 12I king's w.rath if aeeds he for the lifei comimenting on these attacks; The Coi. Philip Rowe, Pickering, an.d of ber people. JStar says eéditorially, la part: Prof. Miss Ada Silver, Toronto, lave been vistin tle frme's othr, rs As a queen she filled the part ta Dale is Britisli-born; his worki, seu- vistin th foitir'snioher Mr.'perf ection, 'lier sim.ple dignity, and dorsed by f orsmost Britishers;- lie is J. . ow wn as 0 eas ldswveetness of inanner comibined ta o o ire of a "Red" tlian 'Lloyd on, April 18. Sbe re- mrake lier ani ideal character for tte George, and tlie wliole trumpedý,,,-up ceived a numlber cf congratulatory- part. The p.-art of Meesha 'Zabeel, charge againect hlmi is 'due to lis1 thor- mesýsages, flowers, etc., and n',,,ny lher faitliful' attendant \vas taklerl oughiy British belief la free sp",ecli friend(s cnlledl dur' ng the day and splendidly by _Mrs. C . AWiglit, whj-o and free discussion. offered! good wishes and partook thle witýh others lias doue jmmicli tou pro- '- - ostntyof t-his lady who, is en- mlots the drama, Master Boyd --in life so liappily at 'ibis ad- smion mladle a claver litfl&page -as trogbout the svening lu a m-ost vanced age. ;nhe cairtied the Queen's Crowýn. saýtisfactory manner. MissMaron ellan tok he art Tuesday eveniug thie Bragg Quar- Mlth issMaliofBElimadook trylieprt tet charmed everyone by slng ,ýtwo ate Wasil ofun.or erl y c elyselections tbat were very imucliap- I a d wa wel suportd by theprecia'te'd. Idream lieroines, Miss Rutli frigg as iRebecca, Miîss Marlon Warder as Mir- ------ j Miss Mýildred Pincli as Deborali,îI Mîss Gladys Bateman as Adali ,fMi s sI F lorence Ashton 'as Martha, MissRI i i I .DBeatrice orris as as RthanTiý~s peat vO .pera graceful movemlents and portrayal of their parts could -not well lie ex-, 25GIRLS To Learn l-OSIERY OPERATIONS Thomison Kniitting Co., Ltd f and 7Durham H~osiery Milis Ltd. 'owtM'anville Ont. Court ladýies who f the King -were timg, Miss' Cole, tI Mrs. J. H. Johnstc han maid whn was lera Lad. it the The Message 0f Thc d(I!ugly Blue Bird > heauti- Under direction Of Mr. ou !Asa Huycke of Peterbor,,o. ayerly, great OPERA HOUSE erable BOWMANVILLE foMONDAY, APRIL 30TH ofa e, to In Aid of Hlospital wlio Admission 50c Miss thio1i- Seats reserved without [ramia, extra careat Mlt4 i.11,s peIai 6Dr Stor~e. Plan opens [o IFriday, April 27th., at ýr- st' -A C. y de re eh to or ss id i; e, 1, th À Friday-Sturdoay APRIL 27-28 Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE 11923. ,$2.00 a Year In Advance COMING MAY 7-8 ! 1 1 in. 5c ý a CODY 'No.' 17