Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1923, p. 7

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GR~ It îs green tea !m and tlavory. Japaxis TQu ev« Sold 1 to the fines- 'o Parents O PEN 'a Savings Account in this Bankc for eacli child the year it is born. Make sm all deposits > regularly, and whien college days corne, thec requi- Ssite funds are ready and the education will flot be a1 drain on thefamify pirse. THE STANDARD BANK TOTAL .ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-T'HREE MILLIONS Bowm2anville Bcanch, - - - H. W, Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branc' i, - - - . E. A. Preston, Manager Necsian 'Netoile BrncesJ.'Scott Montgomery, Managver AWise Builder USES THE BEST MATERIALS, Rogers Cernent miakes the best foundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quèbec Spruce make the best superstructure. B. C. Cedar.Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering. Beaver BrancLHardwood Flooring is more duir- able and sanitary than any other, therefore it is the best flooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsonie wafls and ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. Thei People's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best * place to buy., Prices reasonable and a square deal for every- - ~body. Cail and see us. McCleIIan& Co.,Lmie IlKing St. East Office Phono 15 Bownianville House Phonos 228, 274, 218 Tne LWaterproofSkine -the " 'N,uggei" shire- stays longest ! Lt defies al 1eathers. Ï24 liLACK-TAN--TONEY RED DARK BROWN AND WHITE APURE -jpARD s direct from You rub the parts and geti no fear of ur the Bar ýring througb the saf esta -i 15 Alice Courtice were pioneer set- tIers. Ia 1863 she was married to Mr. William C. Thomas of Oshawa,ý mnoving Iter to Hampton, Port Pe.r-1 iry, then to Peterboro wvhere she hasi resided over 30 years, She ans on-i verted early lu Iife, was a faýithful and consistent Christian, a member of Trinity Methodist Churc, eing also highly esteemed by fre1 n acquaintances. Her husband pre- deceased her seveniteen yenrs, she is survived hy ber three 'daughters, Mrs. A. Roach ,Toronto, Mrs. J. H. Forster, North Monnghan and Miss Loui at home, a teacher la Queen Mary School, and one sister, Mrs. M. Swallow. The funeral service con- ducted by Rev. H. M. Manning a friend of the family for many years assisted by Rev. B. Greatrix wns held on Thursday, March 22, ber pal b carers were her four grandsofts, Gordon Roach, Joseph Forst:er, Har- ry Forster and Harold Whately and ber two- nephews, James Peak of Markhamni nd F. Delon,-, Toronto. Interment ln Little Lake Cemetery.! -Peterboro Examiner.1 J OBITUARY Mra. Margaret Pollard ,Lindsay, The death took place at tbe rosi- dence of ber brother at Burat River on April 4, of Margaret Briabin, widow of the late Zecbariah Pollard, after a few bours' illness, aged 80 years. IMrs. Pollard was married twice, hen firat husband being Mr. George McCarty, who witb two sons and one daiughter pnedeceased ber. Her second busbaad was Mr. Z. Pollarc who bas also passed on before some yeara ago. Mrs. Pollard is sur- vived by two sons-Mr. D. C. Mc- Carty, Herkemier, New York an'd W. G. McCartv, Lindsay, and four sis- tenal, Mrs. TÉ. Gardiner, Lindsay, Mrs. John WoodIley of Petrolia, Mrs: WW H., Hlcks and Mns. W. Litlésof Ty. rone, and two brothens, Turner and JosephB risbin of Burýit River. During tÉhe yeans Mrs. Pollard hns liyed at New Park, Lindlsa-ý, Osbawa add Tyrone, where she wvas much bc-' Ioved by al who knew ber, and where she served the chuncb and commiuaity and surely it can be aaid of ber "She hath dlone what she could". We moura the passing of this noble Christian womnaa who was oae of the truest and most unselfisb and devot- ed Christian characten it has, been Our pivilege to m-ee-t. Sbe as a moat delig-htful co-worker in the wvork of the com-munity and cburch, so considlerate and thoughtful of tbe views and feelings of others, ioving in disposition and kind ii ber mnin- istry to othera. T he endi, though su'dden, found flot Mrs. Pollard, unprepared, but living ia f ellowship with ber Lord with haad and beant full of good deeds. The funeral service was heid at the residence of ber son, Mr. W. G. Mcçarty, Lindsay, on Saturday, Apnîl 7, and was conducted by Rev. W. H. Barraclough, B. A., qssisted by Rev. W. T. Wickett of 'Tyrone, who paid fitting tribute to the, char- acter and work of a faithful foillower of CI'hrist. Interinent took place la iveseCemetery. The esteem la whlch she was held and the sympathy for the bereavedI found expressions in the large at-I tendance at tihe funeral and thel beautiful flowers which conveyed their message of love.1 $She resta from ber labors and ber works do follow ber". Zutoo Tablets Do Three Things '-cure Hleadachie in 20 minutes -break vp a Cold over night -stop Monthlypin of womez. There is one thng tliey wlil moi JIO-they w-on't hurt ym. "MetalII" ShimgIes rire, LIg htninýg, Rust and Storm Proof-MaIcesWator by Condenrlng D ew a n d ro ta n Sansd Postal Card for Fo;lder"E" The MetaIicl Rooflng C. UM iSt WTorontoO A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL! Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto. Open ail year. Courses 'given: Business, Stenography, Type- writing, Secretarial, General Im- provement, etc. Demand for our graduates during the lait sixteen montha mbrë than double our aupply. Enter now, particulars free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. TRAIN for SUSCESS PrePare for a business career at 12 Schoola in Toronto insure individual instruction in ail business subjects, nt Our Schools or by mail Write for pros- p)ectus te P. McINTOSII, Ciief principal tFR1 END Relieves caked bag, gar- get, spider or infection of the teat, also thrush in horses' feet, fistula, etc. Stops Jileeding at once. Rernoves proud fesh, soreness and swell- ing. At all Deaiers and Druggists. Manufactured oniy by DOUGLAS & CO., NAPANEE, Ont Double Track Route Between Montreal Toronto Detroit Chicago Unexcelled dinlng car servce. Sleep- ing cars on night trains and parlor Cars on the principal day trains, F'ull information froni any Grand runk Ticket Agent or C. E. oa ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor-7 onto. J. H. H. JURY, Agent Phoaqe 78 Bowmanville New Maple syrup la coniing in freely. It is of excellent qualitY. Price of eggs, wThich ranl close toj that of butter ail winter, lb now only about one-haif butter prices. Paln sorniething and see it grow. If you have no garden pýlant a simali, d eposit insaig bank every week and wac tow. Rkngte lawns, cleaning off the deadgas and leaves, and the bon- fire, alwaysý welconied by the kid- ies, are now every-'day exploit,. ±IUWMANVILLE!, AP'IIL 19, 1923. SAME OLD STORY OBITUARIES, FROM NOVA SCOTIA! Thomas Peate,. Bowmanvi!le. Dodd's Kidney Pis Gave! One of the town's oldest residents, Relief When Other Medi- in the person of Mr. Thomas Peate, cînes Failed passed away on Friday after somne weeks' ilîne&s, being somewhere about 90 yenrs of age. He wvas a nMra. Mary M cLeani Suffered From of the late Mr. Richard Pente, The Rhu timad ine Trbl Tailor, and for mnny years carried and was Reiieved by Dodd's Kid- on a dyeing and clNaning establish- ney Pilla.j ment and was well known by the The Point, West Bay, Richmond business and town's people as a goo'd Co. N. S8., April 16 (Special). "Il and honest workman. The funeral sufferedffroii .rbeumatisin and kidn.ey took pl 'ace on Sunday afternoon trouble, and after spending a con- fro'lis lae residence, Brown St., asiderable am)ounit of money on otheri sriebelia' conducted by Rev. S. m iedicines, I tried Dodd's Kidney Pilla C. Mioore, B. A., B. D. The bearers' They bave done me more good than were Messrs, Lewis and Cbarles Bur-1 any' other miedicine I bave ever geas, H. Stretch and Jamies Nokes. taken." Bsides bis wif e be leaves two sonsi Mrs. Mary McLean, who liveý here, and twio daugters-William 'of makes tbs statement. She says that IClfton Springs, N. Y., Richard of DodsKidney Pilla are ail that they I ooto, Mrs. Rose of Rochester, ar limedt e N. Y., and Mrs. Martyn at home o dd's Kide il aen xeri- Among those attending the fulneral mnt. They bave been relieving were Mr. and Mrs. R. Pente and fam- kidney diseuse ln ail parts of Canada iiy, Toronto, Mr. William Pente, for over a quarter of a century. Clifton Springs, and Mrs. Rose-, Dodd's Kidney Pis act directly on Rochester. the kidneys, strength'ening tbem so that tbey do their full work of strain- Mrs. Joanna Thomas, Peterboro. ing ail the impurities out of tbe blood Urie Acid crystallizing in Mrs. W. C. Thomas, after a brief the muscles causes tbe pains kniow%ýn illness entered into eternal rest on as rbeumatismi. With no Uric Acid Tuesday, Mairdh 20, at ber home, 187 intebodtee a -n bua Rubidge Street, Peterboro. Deceas- tisi ed, wbose maiden name -was Joanna Ask your n'eigbbors if Dodd'a Kid- Score Courtice was bora near Pick-nyPlad o aesudKdes e-ring and spent ber girlbood on the ePildontia su Kny. Ruufabout $4059 Touring $445 coupe $695 Sedan $785 Chassis $345 'IhwChmsîs495 SATI' NcANo, LECPCLcHTMýX Ço me t o Toronto trCarCo for U s ed Fo rd C ar SENSATIONAL P Ail these cars have been traded in as part payment on New Fords. We guaran-ee the titie, model and year and proteet you agalnst observable def'eets. Ever-Y car guarantsed to be as represented. The LOWEST PRICES Everi Qton UaedFord'Car $50 N $54 /ON$81I CW I FRDTOUIN I Weii-kept jM)_______ In Go ydtion FORD ROADSTER LIGHT DELIVER2Y DRICES.' I GUARANTEE IIf you do uiqt think tLe car Iyen purchase from 1', fa *work, îLe money, brià Iin within ten days an' w IBalnce$~Omonh BaAS$8L0InTTEABal00AceEK12 mont EA SY T rMSNBE UT U AFR iMÇ"A Who islie' Who is the mlan ini the Private Office?, Hie is-the man your salesmen are afraid to stop on, the street; -the maxi who 1,s alIwuYs "out" or "busy" w he n they cail; -the'mlaxi w ho neyer replies to your letters making special offers; -the 111a n whIlo ignores your tele-. grains. ýSomebody -lias called him on Long Distance. Hie does 'lot k-now yet wlIo it is, but lie is as polite as if he anticipated favors! Long Distance gets in where salesmen fen.r to tread. Planned Long Dis.- tance campaigns gt past every barrier. Ivry Bejek hoe H j E (USTOft N t , TORONTO PHONE MAIN 38 IN ten years the Ford Car has passed the street car, the horse and buggy and the locomotive as a means of transportation ~ The Ford has given the pubietransportation which co-mbines ail the advantages which other methods offer with none of their disad- vantages I t is giving the railroads S realI competition in fast cross-countriy transportation. Lt has ousted the street car in ready convenience and low maileage costs. Lt has Pushed the horse and buggy completely intQ, the discard in low-first cost and low maintenance costs. SThe numiber of people who buy Ford cars wilJ set the price of Ford cars. CHADBURN MOTOR CO., Oshawa, E 4 L 11wFormHLan ýf , $15"AS H $ 9CAH $ 2 UAS FOD OUPE F ORD SEDAN FORD TOURING Balance $17 month Balance $22 nxonth Balance $8.50 month 72 CSH f$1 18 CASH ODTU FORD ROADSTER aS0128 ayfor 313F 6 TONTRuc. Balnce$1 moth FORD COUPE Ternis: $9 mcmntýý 17ULL SET 0F TOOLS AND V%" DRIVING INSTRUCTION A~ ~~ $67 cAsH i Te1rns: $11 monili $2450 PER $72 C.SH FORD TNTRUCI! Buys this Good-iooking Reliabie I CJASH %81 DOWN FORD SEDAN FORD TOURIN Trs 12îot $150 Cash Down s-Balance$Terma: $12ORD mON UC The above easy ternis are for' twelve mnontiiîy paYMeitnda a ue ners and inaýurance. SvbstantilîeXtra savlngs for ALL CASH,. n niçe trs Whii. We always have a good stoek. of used Pords at 1ow srlces, now is the time t o bqiy-when w. are at the peak o? oui' Sprlng business. MIL" ýf , 1 1 1 'il 1 1 r mi 'l 2623

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