Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1923, p. 3

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'f "ILast Week's Advt. Brought, Many Buyers" -ARCHIE TAIT~ So many people told us they were just Ioo1king for such a chance to replenis1h their cupboards and china cabinets as we offèered last week. Th-e same bargains prevail again this week al- though ,stocks are somewhiat reduced. There is stili 2 Wedgoewoodl Dinner Sets left,, 97 pieces, city price $50,..-........... My Price $28.00 You wilI also find oùr prices are lowest for Nippon China and French Limoges. Don't buy tili you have visited our China Dept. CROCKERY-CHINA-GLASSWARÉ JALL REDUCED 20%/, DURING- SALE Use the phone, No. 65, when ordering groceries. Goods promnptly delivered. THE OLD RELIABLE GROCER, ARCHIE TAIT Bowmanville, March 14, 1923. values In Hardware These are the CANADA. 1922. Uy o. -, CANAD^. LTO. M45 final days of our great Pre-Stock- taking Sale in Hardware. Corne in before it is too late and get your share of the many worth-while sav- ings being offered. Bowmianville 'ALL PAPE is Wall Paper is the in ,and n.No W.Ti Allen V EOWMANVILLE, MARÇH 22,, 1923 Suriday Servicês at Methodist Church, Bowmanville I__ There. passed away on March 2nd, SiningandAddesss MchEnjyedbut1 ddn' kow ini Hewas so'Mrs. William Weekes, a highly re- Sixgin an Adr~ses uchEnjyedbuEI ddn' knw hai. He as~~SOspected resident of Oshawa for over By Large Congregations occupied with business and sOoiety, 1 fifty years. Th,- deceasefd enjoyed eaw,ý him only occaeionally at meal- good health and was very active up Sunday was a special day at the time; I really didn't know hlm". And,,to the time of'lher illness which last- Methodist Church here as next Sun- $0 I1imade up i-vm md to know and ed nearly four weeks. She was of day promises te be when Rev. Dr. j. be Jknown by myý own son., a very bright disposition making W. Graham, B. A., Secretary of Edu- The welfare of every boy de- evclry one that came in hier presence cation, -will preach at both services. miands that his father be miore inter- feel the better for it. lier life, was Fine Springlike weather was a pleas- ested in hlm than in his business, or a lif e of service to others. She ure after the many stormiy Sundays, hie club or lodge, and the welfare of leaves, to mourn hler bass, two sons, we have had] the past winter. We everv girl demnande that hier mother William ànd Harry of Toronto; say past winter hecause this Wed- be more attachedl to hier than to se- three dlaughters, Mrs. T. B. Mother- nesday is the- firet 'day of Spring. ciety, pink teas, bridge parties or sili, Mrs. Hughi Park, and Mrs. W. Muisicanly and m-usically Sunday! picture shows. Pious parental inter- C. Martin; Mrs. Joseph Armiour of was of special interest. Mr. T. W est is the price of purity and safety Courtice, is a sister. Mr. Weekes Stanliey, Choir Director and Organist, for our boys and girls. predleceased lier over seven years' liaving- recovered from his indisposi- Schools and churches can dIo nuch go tio, poviedsome excellent volun- to miould the mindsanad morals of eur treofa attracteive character. The youth but they are sorry suheitutes Mr. Donald Stb, MidIand. anthemi, an old favorite here, "Ner- jat best for gutidance and leadership_____ en's "Rejoice Jerusalem and Sin 1fody ahes nd1ohes was capitalliy sung by the large choir5, After an illness of over a year, Mr; 1Mrs.. T. Wesley Cawker san-g ila John G. Paton, the great ýmission- Donald Smith, who was an hionored beautifully clear voice the solo "Just' ar.y, pays a fin e tribute te his godly and respected citizen of Midland aad] outsi'de the Door"-Acekley. The parents on leaving home for the firstvicit for fortyý-seven yeare, paes- hyne a lso were_ lively and inspira-i time by "vewinig deeply and often, by edl away at th'e home of his son-in- tional, the whole musical service be- the help of God, te se live and act as law, Mr. John McKee, Third St. Mr. lngexe'einly njyabe.neyer te grieve or difehonor such a Smiith was bora in t'lieTewnshiip of Îng eceedig-ly njoyale. ather or niether as God had given Clarke, Durhamn Counlty, sixty-niae Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., the hiim". yasao tteaeo wny pastor, was la geod forin and liasý never preanched better sermions dur-1 Every father who would best dis- treh are isEm ilr iag hie nearly four years pasterate, charge his sacred duty te his son of Darlington, and together they hèmutebe built upa reputation for honesty and hr. Hie miorning subject wasemut1 e kindness aniong' their neighibors and "Satisfaction vs. D)issatisfacton--ý lst-A Christian man himeelf. Iii acquaintances,. - in g Mr. Smith's Mortality vs. Imm-ortality, and being ne place on earth doee a man's re- ilîness he manif )dgea atec a weighty themne was based on1 two ligion ceunt for se much as in his and fortitude. 1Hiedfattienwcs tet:"Temeta uet put on I-. ow0'n home, and on ne 1f e dees his domn and geodness of Ged during the mortality, 1 Cor. 15 :53, and "I sehall Christia~n character tell se m1uch ae weary daye of hie sickness made bie etsfiedwhes I aake7:it1Th on hie own eon's. Many a man those days bearable for imself and Likeese" Pe. 1715.eeems very pieus la Churcli on Sun- hie friende, and when the end eame It le net an easy m1ttr 1tedo ay and then le harsh and hasty at on the -)th hie seemed _ie one falling justice te a sermoa la a brief syaop- iorne on Monday. No wonder his asleep. sis but the preacher began by ask- influence on hie family is net very The funeral servicé was held on ing hie hearere te note thic strikingi wholes orne. Considerlng, the non- the 7thi met. and wae conducted by contraste: Mortality and Iniortality; Christian influence of se nmany fath- hie pastor, Rev. W. F. SpidelI. Be- Satisfac-tion and Disaisfactioa. All i ers, the wonder le net that se many sidles a large numiber ef friende and are faiiiar with the miortal havii but that se few sons goweg egies i rnee teie been hemn and broughit up la it. We 2nd-A True Father muet be a in a body.ý and marcied te the cem- face and figit IV every dlay. We paint' Man of Prayer. A father'e Vàsk of etery. The many whe seat fiowers Our decaying houses, and patch Ourl training hils-son le tee heavy and hard etify te the esteem aad respect la broken pavemients; we tene up ouri te carry it alone. He neede God's which Mr. Smith was heldý. Tiey declining health and 'dector eux dyingý help te give hlm lpatience and wle- came from the f ollowiag:;-Wreaths mortality. dloin. It's a patietic ighit te se fromn L. 0. L. No. 947; Scarlet Chiap- Why? To preserve 1f e and post-.- prayerlees parents rying to set a ter; Central School; famnily. Pillow pone death as long as possible. Why? 1 rght example, or te selve the prob- from the family. Sickle fromi Mr. Because something within us cries f lems their sens and daugiters are and Mms. A. Ruby. Bouquets from out againet decay and dlamors forl sure te create. *Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson. Sprays eteral ife Weinsincivey fell3rdFatersmus bcStuent offrom MNrs. M'cMillan and Mr. J. Ml. et~ral 1f . W intintivly eel nd-athrs uetlieStuent ofSmith; the Hughes' family; Mr. and bhat the earthly le not the ultimate.i the Bible. Ne other book is se use- Mrs. Meek; Mr. and Mrs. iMorrison; The Pealmist cried, "Thou rrnmem-! fuiland helpful for counisel and guid-M.W.ARthrrdadfmiy berest that we are duet", and thien' ance as the Word of God. O)ur the Rutherford family; Mr. and Mrs. in the saine breath, "But the mercy faitiful fathers aA~ forefathiers were McGregor and Mies Wilson, and Mr. of the Lord endureth f orever". It's, deep, devout students of Vie ecrîp- adMs rte 9case of eartily 'duet and eternal tures. Many fathers te-day seem Tho Ms whao rmi emer h lestiay combinied. Man le ai bit Ite have f orgetten the Bible. We talk hsworeantmunter f earth. Earthly plus a breath of about "Mother's Bible". Whtabaout lese are the widlow, three daughters eaven and the heavenly. We ehake "Father's Bible"? ît'e greatl and twe sens: Mrs. William Joyce, of off' the dust of the earthly and soar naeded.t' Toronto; Mrs. Thes. Grigg, MIrs. ut into tie regiones of' the eternal i ' John McKee, of Midland; Mr.hom- inder the pulse-beat of the imminor 4th-To win Vie love and trust as Smith of Toronto, amd Mr. Donald ,al hpe wihin.and confidence of his son, every Smith of Midiland.-MidiIand Free al opewthn.father muet leve, trust aad eonllde Press. The heart of man hears the calla hie son. Parents rnay show their Deceaeed was a brotlier-ixi-Iaw of nd feels Vie pulil of the lif e be- love for their cli-i 'by vng Mrs.Viola Smith, VPyrone ,.Vho at- ýûn, juet as Vie brook hears Vie eall them care and ce-ný,1-_ olsil bet-'1 acf feels the pull of the sea and'Vrb ilgVemc'r si n tended the funeral,' iastens to renew its youth la itsý conpanionsiehp. Fatiers and sons' ýlese hope of les eut my outwar, aV lasV ouij subjeet te ear Vhe f oni ýt off thie ga where clotiE MUortality nmuet have imn comnplete Lînd compensat, hunger muet have Heavei i. Som~e da-y e ux seuls, on Vie infinite fulîness c the inexiaustible resour Tice venling service brigit and pleasant. 0v ronds fewç country people there -was a large congre a goodIlyvnumber l inte ec anthem--"So)ldiers o! Ch (Mliller') weat with a swi pparetly enjeyed by singe: ence. AUl weme glad Vc Reta R. Cole again la the Cross" by Ilarriett Ware sangla good voice and f sien r. Pastor Moore was ag-ain ble and sustained Vie laVE subject "Fathers and Sonu tie cboseeýt attenltion. o! for asua,4 of40 iint J3ooksto Made yuse. Moffa ýr!9htc- lvlMst boys of en f trnllieougit te b~e real chume and- pals. f Joseph Ward, Hampton eteral ife 5th-Pareats mnuet realize the boundless possibilities lo'cked up I n Hampton, oa Friday mernîng, rd form ap-. their boys and girls. An old Seo tcè h March 9th, 1923, one of the oldest echoolmaster always toek off hies hat and beet known residents of Vie vil- grown shaîl on entering the schoolrooma, for lie lage was called te hie eternal re-wnrd said "Hoiw do 1 know who may be' in Vie person of Joseph Ward, aged the years, amnong aiy Pupils? Parents and, 86 years, 5 menthe. teaciers are dealing with Vhe la-'A bout the year 1849, Samuel and ers of history" ,the "pilIers of tie GmaeWrwt hi aiyo n 1 take ciurch", the buiflders of Vhe nation, tire Ward, tli theirSamelyaof arb of flesh 1V may be "diamends la the rougi", Josee boysTivdi homs coaueryfan .e my life but "'diamonds sure enougi" . Let Egada d aie ceunmtyfomc us bring hem Oulr best. Ega' n aet imtn t reside, and lived in Vie village pract- ________________ callya their lives. About Vie year moritality te 1864, under Vie pastorate of Vie laVe ýn te satisfy Rer. W. R. Roach, çleceased united shahl be fed PIANO TUNING wi the Bible Christian Ciurch, and of God and remained true Vo Vie faiti up Vo ine 'ces of Vie Having hadi 17 yeare practical e..Of hie deati. For many yeare he perie-ace as fine tuner with Vie Do- was a valued clase leadler, arid la the was very minion Organ & Piano Ce., I amf year 1895 he had a clase of over 60 sing Vo bad prepared te do firet-clase tuning and mnemiers>, il only of whom are now ecame, but action repairing on all makes of living. egation and pianos. AUl work guamanteed. Deceaeed was twice married, ils ýhoir. The! Prices reasonable. Phone 314,1 firet wife being Mary F. Petik, and hisit Arise"bo, 84 Bwanville, L. B. Tapson,: hie second, Ana Yeo Ashton, widow ng and a p- o_______ f John Ashton, hem maiden naine ra and audi-i being Ana Yeo Weetàway. Deceas- Dhear Miss f Nearly nîl chijdren amre subject te, ed leaves Vo mouimn hie lose twe step- e solo "The;j werms, and imany are bora witi them. daulgiters, Eliza (Mrs. John Elliott) -which slie Spare them eufferiag by usn Owýen Sound, an'd Anale (Mms. John fie expres- Mkother Graves' Worm Exterminator, Colwill) Of Hampten, wiVh whom lie an excellenit remedy. lihas been residiag. l fine fet- Mm. Claude Wickett, Port Hope rOn Sunday, after a short service er'eet la is1me n imperteidf Nubian gent whichi aV Vie iouse, Vie remains were taken s" and 1( held! has givTen .birth te Vwine. The little Vo Vi, churci, where services were his; hearers nannales arecumn-ing alan. nicely. conducted by his pastor, Rev. W. W. g og ones.The large atteadance at, Vie Couci, Joinston & Crydermian w1111 and ons ceebrte heir4Ot Buines Ani-funerai, and th'e nny floral offeriags My Fatier,; versary by holding a Birthday Party, j aeapl vdnc f'ieete iýoYuth"-1 Saturdiay, Marci 24th. - See advt. inwchVeeeaewahld after som-le' Muscular _Rheumatism Subdued.-' Among2 relatives from a distane' dl Vie texV, When one is a sufferer from mas-,_ were: Alfred Ciallener, Dr. J. H. ~ary lfe f clarmhematsm e cnno dobet_ ,îEllioVt, Toronto; Fred T. Ashton and iearth lf ey ian Vo hrave Vie eginon -o wif e, 'Ce.Ormiston amd wif'e, Ea- ci asl e.rwthantDr. eth rg nrubbed field; Ellis Pascoe and wife, Brook- ,vemy ca-e ihD.Thomas' Eclectric 011. Let in, J. H. Crydermnan and Andrew V folbow ils Vie rubbing be brick arti continuePeaiteBwavleadoirs efor good until ense is secured. There îs more To Vie relatives o! Vie deceaseed Vie Ask aay jvirtue la abottie o!f ihn an enal sincere syinpath3r o! Vie cemmrunity just aboutî fully estimiated. exedd years mccl tihat heyv are perfectly, -af e la felle-wing father's footeteps.1 How mnany faitibre maintain tint1 boy-like confi.dence Vo Vie end o!I lfe?1 Further, thinge Vie, boy le taugiti te be bad do neot seem hal! se bad wiea done by dad. Thus a ba d father indircctly weakens hie own soai'e power o! resistance o! evil. Any father -wio directs hie owa footateps in Vie wrong direction, indirectly in- vites hie ewn son's moral destruction,- utiles Divine Grace and Providence iptervernes. The Canadian Statesman is $2.00 a year -and worth i r Subscribe To-day General Insurance REAL ESTATE CON VEYANCING iRepresenting Willoughby Farm Agency ,Mrs Edith V. Scobeli Williami T. Symons Phone 189 Bowmanville CARD 0F THANKS Mmr.andi me. John Colwill, Hamp.. Von, desire Vo thank ail their nieigi- beors and friende for thie many kîL-nd- nesses receîved afid Vlie sympathy ex- pre-sed during the ilînesand deti o! Mm. Jes. Wardi and for Vie beauti- f ai floral off eringe. 1 DIED IN PORT HOPE HOSPITAL WHERE HE WENT TO SEE WIFE' Jabez Brimiacomibe of Osaca, pase- cd nway la Port TTnnpelHo-tl ,,,,Ar' H-ousecleaning tinie 'is almost here. Brighiten your home with new window shades. Why ,put up the old soiled shades on. weak rollers that will scarcely carry them and continually try one's pat- ience when you. can freshen up your rooms with pleasing new shades on easy running rollers. 75e and upwards in ail standard sizes and colors,' plain or trimmed with insertion or lace, complete with tassel or ring. Do not delay, measure your windows and give us a cail that we may quote you on new shades for your home or office in whatever style you desire. "Vour Window" THE MOST DECORATIVE FEATURE 0F THE HOME Extension Curtain Rods to fit any window, guaranteed flot to rust, sag or tarnish,' finished in velvetone brass and velvetone white.- The popu- larity of the fiat brass curtain rod is the natural result of their exceptional service. They are practical and permanent and if gîven ordinary Single Reds, in ail widIths, esl put up strong, neat brackets. No large nail holes Double Rods, for side drapes insure a simple yet attractive window treatmept. Triple Rod simplifies the decorating of win- dows where valance and side 'curtains ar'e both used-the 3 rods fir-mly being on one bracket. SPECIAL STYLES FOR BAY WINDOWS, ARCHES AND DOORS Sash Rods in a variety of styles. We would be pleased to have you cà1l and receive a "Kirsh IRod and Window Draping Book" whiçh is full of valuable suggestions,' Fe F. iMVORRIS CO FURNITURE1 Phones 10, 34 Branches, Oroact; Newcastle t I DEALERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS BOWMANVILLE 11 Tic- coacian father of ~~ S a m W e hl e a d a k o - ) 1 c cîedge of hoteie w,ýhich, ike ~ Sam's kno lege of tie City of London, was "x Witl i waî nchucklc of, satis-f factýr iohe %would have landed ,,, . h spasseen.crs ait T he W eýst mninster! AI ichorncy comfort and restful- I esofthieold coaLchling inas,with every mod- ern convenience alddd Here the tired trav- chler can inJdd "ake is case ne his inn.- Fireproof; perfeýct equipmniet.ai-id cuisine;. unobtrusive srvicc. On a beautiful rei- dencial estreet, yet close te c hope and tipa- cres. Sin.ghIt-room kith bath, $2.50, Whe yu arrive in Toronto a&k for a Black and W/hite Taxi, and say " Ws&gjnter." L 1

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