Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1923, p. 6

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1Que., and feit so w/eakI any distan~ce. 1 tc but they only1 1 wras talding then -A - - - - r rit*Ltt rrm Ameri LflJo, anat.con tinued taking several boxes. Tt>- day 1 feel like a niew woman, and arn able to do my work without that drýeadful tired feeling."t DR. CHASE'S NERVE F00D 50 cents a box, al deaieTS, Or Edmnanson, Bates & Ce., Ltçi., Tororito iction sý numeroi E MOUSMOLD EHROF TWIN -BOYSI farm stock are ;priug. ible with the easy-going fellow la that if'ese hard te get hlm sfarfed.-Ex. Only a watch repairer ean keep hie oye on a timepiece' and stili tend te busiuéss. Asthmia victims. The man or womnan subject te asthma le indeofl a victirs. What cani be more terrif y- ing than te suddenly bie seized wifh paroxysme of choking which seeoma te fairly threaten the existence cf life ifself. From such a condition Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Bemiedy h as brought many te cerspletely re- Istored health and happiness. If la Jknown and prized ln every section of this broad land. "And am I1 the only girl you have ever-" .."..wait a mninute Molly. Be- f ore you ask me that, do you want mie te lie and flatter you, or fell you the fruth and eatisfy your curies- ity?" Report of itua 15, 1923 ýANCES uditors From Toronto. The Mayor and Council, Municipality of the Town of Bowmanville, Bewanv1ie, Ontario. Dear Sirs- In our report accomnpanying the, Financial Statemnents we have ýdealt wifb those, maft;ers affecfing the fln- ancial position of fhe Municipality at 81sf December, 1922, and the Revenue and Expendifure for the year. lu accordance wifh youar request we have also examined the book- keeping eystemi and the records of the oreasurer's and Colector's De- partment and the Engineers' Office wifh a view te reporting on their conditioli and making recommenda- tiens for improving the systein and reducing the amount of work re- quired te keep these books and re- corda. We report as f ollows: Cash Records We made inquiry into ail known sources of revenue and from the in- formation given te us we believe fhat ail receipta have been properly ae- counfed for. We found a fund of $70 consisting cf cash and amuse- ment tax tickets of whichi no re- cord appeared iu the accounts. Thisi fund was creafed prior te 1922 and if is important that if should appear in~ the books the sarse as any other fund. Your Treasurere informs us thaf the Provincial Governmept holds the Municipality responsible for the sale or return of the tickets included in this fund. No cash book had been kept re- cording the receipta and expenditures! on Local limprovement accoupt nnd itl was necessary f0 write up acas book beL ore we we-re able te vouch' the expenditures and verify the amount on hand at the end of the' year. This record should undoubt-I e'dly be continued and we sugg-est ai suitable form ýater iu tia ý;report. Generi aILedger No double entry system had been inaýtalled and as a reault there was no proper periodical balancing and no satisfactory control over the sub- sidiary records. The ,assets and liabilities of the town hiad net been For, Rheumatism By actual record Tem- peton's Rheumatîc Cap- Mue re ad oc posited to the credit of the Treas- urer. There were three cases in which the discount of 1 %'I was al- lowed ,although the records appar- ently indicated that the money was nQt received until three days after the discount date. Cemnetery Accounts There is a large nuitiber of these accounts and the present records are very cumibersome, re'quiring a great deal of unnecessary work on the part of the Treasurer. Nium- erous accounts are in arr'ears and we understand that a considerable portion is disputed. We attach a Eist of the outstandings and recors- nmend that these should bc actively followed up so as to ascertain what amounts are recoverable and the ire- mainder written off under proper authority of By-law. Your Treasurer informs us that quite a number of the outstanding accounts are for maintenance of the graves, and ià appeais to us dJoubt-. fui whether the piunicipality bas the right to inake such a charge as the Cemetery By-law provides only for a charge covering the cost of thé grave. In future these cemetery accounts should be f ollowred up much mnore promnptly in the matter of collec- tions. Finesý We saw reports from the lMagis-~ trate covering the fines accounted for as being received by a remit- taInce from hlmi but we did not apply to hilm for the aggregate ainount paid over during the year. Weigh Scale Receipts Small ainounts are received fromn time to time by your Treasurer for the use of the weigh scales, but no record is kept except the stubs of the~ receipts which lie gives out. While the amounits are sinail these receipteshould be entered in somel permanent record and transferred toi the Generni Cash Book monthly. i By-Iaws and Minutes We are glad to be ahble to report that the By-laws of 'he town and Minutes of Council ý re very care- f ully and fully rcrd Insurance xrs A list of the fire insu, 'lAce carried by the to-wn and the ýz ' -] oard and the bonds on the offi i ls is at- tahe t0 his report. VWe_-think it ndiale tht somieone com,,petent to do, so should consideýr tha insur- ance carrieui on the Town-i property aýnd schools and decide f0 hn ex- tent le it sufficient or more than le required. '~Debenture eod '1The preseut form of the dleben register in a bound book la nof esuitable and we rýecomimeni da1 fleaf ýdebenture register which shlow an accounit for every de tutre issanud ndreorde e ENNISICILLEN The Willing Worker's Class meet ai; the home of President Roy Me- Gill on February 20th. Newly elected omfcetrs are:~ President- Hlarvey McGill; Vice-President--Will Ashton; Seretary-Aylnior Herring; Treasurer-Frank Dorland; Look- Ouf Committee-Artliur Brunt, Jack~ Smith and Lloyd Ashton; Sick Cors- maittee-Roy McGill, Francis Werry and (Qordon Werry; Auditors-How- ard Pye and Wilbert Snmith; Sport ýComitee-Dr. Fergtrson, Boy Mc- GilI, Bey. G. T. McKenzîe andl Ayl- mer Herring. Teacher-Dr. Fer- guson; Assistant-W. H. Moore. serinus Consequences Wi1I Surely Fetlow NegIect When yen feel Ouf of sort<s, when youI are easily tired, when you feel weak, when you can't sleep, wlien von have hieadaches,when you are losinig weiglit, are ail daniger signais. Tliese synip- tomns are the foreruInners of serions consequences to followv if nleglected. Reienimber that as long as yon keep Weil and healthy, it is almnost impvos- sible to contract colds and other coni- tagionisdiseases. ntewatoke well and hlealthyv is to bmlId 11P Your system inmiiediately yoli notice these symlptomes. No preparation will (10 this more qtiiicll or mlore effecti-e1y thian Carniol." arnol ic-ontains thlat wvonçlerfnfl nerve tonlic gi -ycerophos- phlate salta. Thecse are commiioly kniown thie orld over as the lo Slts," which, combîned C(Iwith mion, aire thet best blood bider a-11 nerve iii vi- gorator y-et discoveredI. Carniol also coninils the soluble nuitritive propeýrties of fresilibeef, whIich, vith cod livers' extract-fthe nauiseating taste being remloved -- stimuitlate and( nonrishi the sstem-. Carniol is thie ideýaI preparation for consmpton mi il iseseaof a wan, ntue.lTnowilig the value Pof the ingredients in Caruo, do]ctors Renýd, onr ,Monley Back", guarantee ivith every bottie. 4-123 For Sale b-y Jury & Lovel THE Ttelieve Estimn; A 2,aa.e co\V' rangemen~t. ,yet cause .dragging )wn feeling. ,table Cors- ie for such es relieved g the cause perience 15 TS F. R. Kersiake and Jury & Loveil Friends Tel rriends Stops Iieadache Five years ago ZUTOO was practicàfly un-knowii ln Canad. To-day, thousands and thiousands of gmen ,and wogen depeld on theselittle ha1rm- less tablets for quick relief frorn lHedd- aches. Their fame has goe frorn friend to friend-froDm to'wn ta town-from- coast ta coast. Whcrever tbere are headucheý.~ br abould be ZUTOO Tablecîà rtî lle, ln 2 mdites. 25c a box---si &Il &,lere o b mal pomtpaid. R, N. lbno Red,Çaiok. QUC_ ESTABLISHED 1857 imnprter direct of SCOTCH AND) SWED E GRANàTES and only Lt beet grades of '%ERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 empioy ne cemetery caretakere as âgeaits preferring te Bell My own goeds thus saving the purchaserýl the ageul's conmmission. A calI solielted. F. fi. Proprietor. Phone 326W BQUNSALL BowmarevIle. Box 041 luori atcompan) tatersients. Xaterworks Dei trtment ýonfinué d on Ils 0zP îuIve beenen ,.r:geuagainsttle bene11-j fitfed ratepayers as a part of thel cost of improvement was chRrged' ag-ainst the i general rate. It ap- ma0 peara desirable, therefore, that this practce should::ediscoft::ed. EN Do net suf Vouchers for Expeniditures ttchiflg, DB We hd cnsierale dffiult insu, Piles or SugicýaI operation obtaining the vouchers for oxpendi- Ointiuent wiî reli tures made during the year. Thfe afford i astng ben syatem of filing these VOUCherS s l tdearorontm, xot satisfactry-they should be LmttTrne filed in the order of the date on which they are paid so as to Save cr fime in tracing them. A 1sf of MIIEI missiugr vouchers was forwardied to the Treasurer with the requost that ho produce hem and f orward them 4e on te us for our inspection. A list U of those stilI te be prodluced isaut- useMurineoften. tached te this report. .Infantor Adutil Authorization of EiqiendlturVes for F rEefuoeký., At the present timne theexed----------- turos are aubm-itted to Council fhruj 'RRHOIOS tUfer another daty witi. Meedlng, -or Protruding Ilernorrhoids. No nrequired. Dr. Clias ,eve yo1u at once andj ne fit. 60e a box; ail lnson, Dates & Co., Sample box free, 'Nfght nd NMorulug. 'Have a.aii, H. afth.y £y.a. If they Tire, SItch, Smart or Buru, Sif Sore, Irritated, kip flaimed orGrahýulai.ed, n.otes,Refeshes. Saf e f çr A,' ai! Druggists. Write, coitinareterence to1,the1 ngregatel amnount of the paymonfsa authorized or particulars and amnounts of the, individual paymnents, so as te pro- vent any change being inater made *n 'the reports, resultîng lu pnymrents h- ing made 'iffring fror týhose aufh- orized by Council. F'or the exponditures on Genieral Account tho ýConmmittees' reporta wore aîl app-rovedl by a majority of thie Finance Comniittee. For Water- w~ork.s and Local Improvements the expendlitures -were muade upon the authority of the Enlgiineer w}io pro- pares reportsA o the expenditures, theïso reports being sulbm-ittod te andl approved by the Watenwork Cern-1 rsiteo, except ilu some instances which we reported te yeur Trea.. urer. Collectors Rol On the whole the Collector's rol was very WeL-1kept. Some miner errors were found which were ad- j usted. Al the taxes reeorded as being receive'd were proinptly de- A~t all Dealers and Draggists. IManulactured only' by DOUGLAS &<CO.,NAPÂNEE, Ont. Noirway's Seas Mauy fathoms upder the' Iseas, N at ur e proviles an' abundance of sustenance f or the codflsh' that makes ital live-cels prlc nv itie- Scoll's Elmulsion serves thousands of Ifre ansd grown people with î Icodrliver Où in a form eay totake. Ihusa food-tomic that belps en- Iesgize and bud up the W.y.U Scott&Do'wne. Toronto. Ont. 22-37 Double Track Route Betweenx Montre.èI Toronto Detroit Chicago Unexcelled rining car îeervce. Sleep- ing cars on night trains and parlor Cars on the principal day trains., Pull information fromr any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onýto. J. H. H. JURY, Agent Phone 78 Bowmanville HIAW 332 ""The most Delicious Tea yrou cicn buy"' Children Like- Bread When the eidren are fed with Tod's Bread, you can rest assured that they wilI grow into strong and healthful Canadian cîtizens. Tod's Bread has a fine, even texture, and we invite you to try one of these big, crusty loaves to-day. Tod's Bread is baked fresh every day, and always maakes a delieious between-meals snack when spread with jam or marmalade. Watch the children eat it. THOiMAS TODr"ý Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Cream Wannted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for., Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fÀ'iI to eall on you we would appreciate a phone eall or write us. Oronlo Creamnery o. ORONO p r; N4 OW IS THETIME To have your trees properly pruned WE KNOW HOW And the charges are reasonable. Brookdale Nurseries Tree Surgeans Phonue No. 7' Foresters Bowunanville Any Touchý of Indigestion. Your Until your various digestive organs Food0j, are in order your food, instead of will properly nourishing you will be liable Feed to clog and poison your system. Your YOU blood will be poor and impure and your nervous system thoroughly run M- 0 'M down. Take immediate steps to secure' thre healthy activit,ýT of stomacli, Jiver, Take and bowels. To this end you shouki rlacips3 N P«OMNWOM-m 01

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