j a come Q ,~,41 m~fURKETON n invitaion is ex- 1 W.C. Parsons, Secretary. Set, willow pat- ordler house have; d at $50. Archie ýe is only $28.00. auî dlaN [lit Mv the funerai of an old Irsenci near C.ol, borne. -Mr. Dunnett. Mçssage of Blue Bird, April 5, 6. Fort- years, is a long time to be ir business. Couch, Johnston & Gry- derman wvill celebrate this event oi Saturdlay, March 24th, SPRING flaving a social evening. me is expected. ENFIELD H. Gustavus and Miss Gu: llIand, have been visitinI 'hn McCulloch's..Mr. der and -Mrs. R. Jolloýv, SEASON MO3VED Auto Owners will please note that F. W. KI1R K E ND)AL L BATTERY EXPERT has moved to more convenient and central qujarters in MOFFAV'S G,'ARAGE- I wiIl continue' to be local agent for PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES and my long and practical experience places me in a position to REPAIR ALL KINDS 0F BATTERIES 248 Bowmanv ile Corn Growers' Attention ýh Wred Smnith vîsiied at Torto LaIllUI1 W ...ek.... Ladies' Aid had a suc- ono; Mrs. Win. Gi il quilting at the homie of Mrs. Willrn2r at her sc rmuiston's last Saturdlay. The Griffin, Cart-wrighl will be for sale in the near thLlat Mrs. N. Bye: . ..Mr. Fred Page has moved and Mrs. P. Mount wmanville.. Mr. O. McCulloch~.. We are pleasec sd of one of his Pure Bved Cis Werry in ouri ms at Bowmanville sale last bhis accident. . . No day. week on accountc iare invited to our Birthda ' being absent.. ra1been invited to -4Oth Business Arniversar 21Legj,. Ms t$J -C.tO1.b UflL. VLflUjahta, &J L eturùed f, rs. lerman.who je ii and not any bettE SOLINA attended the evening. TI cbool was closed on account.of boys. Great R. J. McKessock, teacher, being H-. Stainton, t up with the fi . .. . Mr. Elmer hie trainedc the bur bas been undcer the doctor'8 lhope to heari b, avîng run a rusty naîl into future.. - .Mr, band. ...M. Albert Balson baci Coulter and misfortune to cul his foot very ,vith Mr. and !y. . .. Mr. John Reynolds who Haydon, a-nd been unwell for some time -wenti for a holiday. T'oronto M.onday to consuit .al You are ir iaitand have an X-ray xaif-Party-4O0th1 n. Mvs. Reynold!s accompanied Mý,arch 24tb:' .. ý.A niimber from bere at- Cryderman. ed the funeral of the late Jos. rid, Hampton, on, Sunday . W. L. La-w, Osbawýa, bas been i ting bis son ,Mr. 1. M. Law, ini ing thin gs veady for the sale on Mr. EverËt inesday, Mnrch '2lst.. Miss Bes- ernar CIleý ReyiY'olds was borne frZom Toronto dy at borii rthie wekend .... A laýrge nun-i ando, Zioi, froni here thiat were interested . .. . IMr s. Dmui ýhortho-ns attendled the big sale itfingber sistg Bowmanville, Thursday, amiong Mo r, E.* L. V buyers bere we noticed Mr. dngherat S. Blanchard, Mr. E. R. Taylor, R. Tennant, Chas. Smnith and Mr. Thos,,. Bakerl F. G. Kersiaýki ýon .... Several of tbe Cartwrighit lener, T'oront iiers are com-ing to tis neighibor-1 Toronto, atter d for seed oats this ye....... Mr. Jobý. Ward.. . Mrs. L. C. Pnscoe, Enfield, IMrs. lost a borse la s. acJ<ey and Mr. Ells Pascoe.A splendi okin, visite<i their father, Mv. PasEtor Rev. iad-Psoe, whn ppis tn o nni eTeuon,o . Mr. n her (1 is ter... Sboys 'he seý it pra their1 em foi them a.:ý famil A lMv A lefi nvited Busin, Cot HiA 7.5 Although winter still hangs on we find many peu>ple are Iooklng forward to the welcome bright days of Spring. Spring business has already started with a hum. Every day rnew fresh and fashionable goods are 'arr4ving and being placed on'display for the approval of our customers. (to ou. Birthday nesio ' nniversary- ach Jobuston & bt KersIakýe, Gu'nb Vet- gIe,. spent a couple of L ...Mrs. l1te Johins l, visited Mi, C. Johns [ op, CoIdwvataýr, is vis- er, Mrs. T. Salter... Villiamsonil- visited bis Maeester .... Mrs. T. i, I*..i . flJiUot,1 funieral of Mvr.1 B. Crydlermari from paralysis; gation geeed Jones uda Value - mService - Satisfaction These have been the foundation stones of the repu- tatiozn we have built up, and our aim is to constantly strive to serve youi even better. Ail goods are sold under an iron clad guarantee of absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded. We solicit your patronage and in~vite your inspec- tion of our stcie and nierchandise. WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE WITH BETTER VALUES AND ALWAYS FOR LESS MlcMurtry Co.,Ltd. We are open to contract 50 acres of Golden l3antam ýdorn at $25.00 per ton. Last year's yield at Simcoe 2½/ý to 3 tons per acre. This corn should give good returns in this district. For further information apply at the office. Biritish Canadian Canners LIMITED D. H. Steinburgh Local Manager Phone '82w Bowmanville 1' ~WhatStyle of Su-it Do l'on Want? UYING Dre-S-wllHand-tiWered Clothes gves you two êefinite ad- vantages .at the start. You not oniy choose exactiy the (JIOTH you like, but you alac get lest the STYLiE:you waiit., Tou oahave aa ie-breted or deubee-- brestpd <at, a wid., lapel or a ata-ndzr<i iape4 accnservative style or a youmg man'ms tyle, or a. S it oomnbinng , aAI the. Indiviuaà touhes tài" apaI to ycpu. 1doesn't matter what style or what lu&- teriliyou want, 1 cati satisry yos lahi re--elSait. Hiand-tailiored. Made right ln *very detal comne In, sefi tii. gooda, dlous the style&. You'1i no:t be urged to buy. * Guaranteed, of Course ~ -yet Prices are Reasonable J. T. MOLLO Ladies' and Gents' Cleaningý and Press- ing, Opposite Goodyear Hotel. phone 255 BowmaEnviîle î nr itïiIuU t nillpon UU. . .. ,ur. ii u ruierai on ounue. way vteLy argeiy Reynolds visited at Cerywood .... attended ... . Miss Eva ocbBow- IMr. and Mrs. S. E. Wevry and famlily mianville, is visiting ber brot)'her, Mv. visited at Osbhawa... .Mr. Sid B-rooks C. W. Souchi .. .Mv. and Mrs. Jabez of Courtice, visite'd at Mr. S. E. Moore, Enniskillen, MVrs. W. E. Rob- Werry's. - bins, Underbili, -Man., visited at Mr. Mr. and Mlrs. Harold Hayes and R. Avery's .... A sleigbload from our two childven Columibus, and Mrf. and -jvillage went to Bowmanvilie to bear 1MWs. Harold i Mowbray, Brooklin,' vis-j the song recital given by Arthur 'tecl ,et Mr. Harvey Hardy' ... Mr.! Bight and enjoyed the 'delightful Chas. Scott visitedi in Torono... rograni ail througb. Thougli a Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harudy and storniy night tbhey f elt they we.ej Russell visited at Mr. Everett Hoar's, amply repaid for their drive... Con-Y1 Bethesda .... Mr. Donald yellowivees gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray whio has been with Mr. S. Edg'ar Wev- IOn the arrivai of a baby girl. Also ry for some years, has accepted al to Mr. and Mrs. R. Petley on the a.- position with . Ray McLaugblin rivail of a son. iiear Columibus, and intends- pioving1 League meeting on Fridiay evenjng this niionth. was well attended. Being misson You are invited to ou. Birthday ary meeting, Miss Marion StevýensI, Part-4Oh Buines Anivesar.-.occupied the chair. After opig arh24tb., Couch, Johnston& exercices Mrs.BavnadM.T Cryderllari.Saiter sang- a duet in their usual, Crydeman.pîeai anne.. Scripture Lessn the 72nd Psalm was radby M.'iss TYRONE\ Louise Johns. The topie, a chapterý 'froni tbe study book "Building a Na- Miss Florence Stew-art baýs re turn- tioni" was very interesting and belp-, ed home after a lengtby visit wi,,tb fui and was well presented by Mrs. friends in Cobouvg.... . Mr. and' Mrs. j W. W. Jones. -We are pleased to Bert Stevens, Hampton, spent Sun- bave witb us Mrs. T. R. Tennant, day witb bis sister, Mrs. Robert Bur- Toronto, who contributed a. solo gess. . .. Sorvy to learn that Mrs. G. which as en.joyed by all. Miss Cctwling and Mrs. Bessie H-aw%,key are Helen Johns gave a short veading botsriusl il ithlitl hoe fandthe meeting closed with the recoveîry. . . MT4. Bruce Honeywel, 1 Benedýieon Toronto, spent Sunday with bis aunit,f You are invited to ou. Bithday Mrs. W. R .Cemens ... . A very in- Party-4Oth Business' Anniversay- teresting niissionary program was'IMn-àcb 24th. Couch, Johnston. & given by Gleaners Cass at Sundayl Crydermian. School Sunday. Misses Fl'orence Stewart and Ferguson gave very de-. lightful readings. Miss Velma Staples gave a piano solo -ývhicb was enijoyed by ail. . Don't forget League 'IGI FrSTHAT LAST: 3' Thursday night. Social eveningwl be held, everybody welcpme.. Sorry to lose Mr. anI Mrs. Nelson Hudson froi our vicinity they hav, FOR ALLOC A I S ing returned to their former home a Peterboro ... . A large num-iber from he're attended the sale of thorough ý ~ I~ bred cattie beid at tire stables of the W D.G late Robt. Beitb, Bowinanvilie,' on iTTiTD Y 1Thursday last, and aiso Byron Me-!I DIW AýY Laughlini's sale at Enniskiilen o Friday .... Col. Wm. Farrell is at- ANNIVERSARIES tending- the Grand Lodg-e of Home Ciýrcie held in Toronto this ..ek,:.... PR SE4TIN Mr. aud Mrs. Jas. Souc-h,Bo n- ville, visited at Mr. Thos. Rcad' E SO A JT on Sunlda. . . .Mr. Edgar Scott bas'I R O A FT retureci tio is homne "t int after S R RS A TE three w\eeks' holid1ays wvvitbhbis Par.- ý"R R A TE entýs, -Mr. and ïMrs. Thos. Scott ... iMrs.Shwod Rundle, Grace andl Jeaîn, Bowmi-anville. Sundlayed witbl You will find here giftsi' ber othr, rs. E. h. appropriate for al! occa- -Be sure to attend EpWorth Leavue1 ' n n oniin.A service this (Thursday) fiight 'and! jisa*n odtoi.A njoy a good program, "St. Patrick" inspecti on places you un- wiil be the spicial'character conisider- en olgtont1u ed .... Rev. W. T, Wickett Ma de a 0 -I Obiaont u business trip to Lindsay last wýeek. unless you see what you! Agood congregation wavs in ait.. tendanice at our church on Sundayl want. mnornlng, wben our pastor coniductedi a very interesting and instructive service.'. Ou. indusýtvious Mille., Mr. A le L. J. Goodman, is stiil doing business * e . l.l<.i. tE at the Qid stand, often working ove.- time. jeweer-Watchmaker-Eeigraver You ave invited- to ou, Birthday Party-4Oth Busine-ss Anniversay- Phonle 207 Bowmanville March 24th. Coueli, Johnston' & Cryderrman.* PHONE 83' BOWMANVILLE Clothiers & Furnishers "Men, Boys, Children Style Headquarterst -Head to Foot"e Where Society Brand J h Asto n S Where Hart Clothes Clotes re Sld.Are SoId With Easter not f ar away, and Spring days apprQaching, we would direct your attention to our new Spring Stock lof Clothing and Furnishinps for Men, Boys, and Children. Neyer before have we been able to Qifer the sprendid values we are now 4placing on display. Representig as they do, the very best manufact- urers and combining workmanship and quality, together with fashion's latest cre- ations in f abrics and patterns. WE CORDIALLY INVITE~ YOU TO VISIT OUR STORE BOYS' SUIT SPECIAL NO. I This week we will off er an extra value in Boys' Ail Wool Fancy Grey Tweed Suit. A splendid suit for the sturdy school boy, well made. Ne-w and very sinarntpattern. ON SALE FOR $6.95 READY TO WEAR SUITS Ou. Ready-to-Wea, Dept., for Men and Boys is at its best at this timie of year. Ou.,' stock is new an'd up-to-date. Prices are very moderate consistent with bigh grade merchandise and workmanship. FROM $ 18.00 -TO $38. 3 Dcors East of Standard Bank MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS Ail our new Spring Samples for Men's Suite and Light Ove.- coats are now opened ont for' your inspection. We handlé two popular Society Brand Clothes, re(!ognize-d the world over as a leader. Also we have the ever popular Hart Clothes of Montreal. Neyer before have these two Houses shown as l argeP-and beautiful a rangle of samples. We guarantee every measure xWé take and can assure you of sat- isfaction in everSy detail. Whe- ther you buy o. not we woulcl be pleaserl to shiowv you their samiples. Jo hnst on s BOWMANVILLE 2 BLOOMER IRISH SERGE SUIT SPECIAL NO. Il We have a fulli une of Boys' Nav-y Blue Irishi Serge Suits, Pure Wool, fast colors, aIl sizes. Last season this suit would have sold for $16.50, this week we are putting the above line on Sale -with an extra pair of Bloomers, sainiecloth for only FOR ONLY $12.75 It will surprise a-nd please you to cee this Suit Value. CAPS Just arrived, a splendid assoirt- ment of Boys' and Men's Caps, in those nice tweedy effects so very popular this Spring. Quai- ity is the very best and Most of these Caps have the popula. non-brea-kable peak. Phone 271 .OSHIAWA 1' BUS Y