ýNVILLE, FER. l5th., 1923. qi fo ETTER RURAL SCHOOLS li Education With Respect to3 Rural Lif.. ýs M. Denyes 1 ' P. S., Milton, to Ontario. efl ýer tnIaL.we 1 it. operatic the achool, t n ment in it, 4 Prov We have cation is a that insuipe your Property, your Lif e and, Farnlly against alli misfortune. We iisure everything. J. J. MASON & S( Real jEstaté and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowim Emergency Ca.ils For the Plumber 'We have the1 largest staff of efficient plumbers' in town a rid are prepared to give hiirry-up calis prompt attention. OUR PHONqE I118 night or day )We are always at your service. Greenaway,& Elliott -Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or qight --Bowmnau a±fmuniry iUtC. upe speak more g-enerally. Ail of t] onal institutions and systeis At. hecomie the subject of fresh read iy and sometimes of savage at- cati( A war sudidenly came abouti bc t .4. This must surely have1 will he resuit of the teaching in our1 orgai sand colle-es. Therefore let man3 ýr our educatinnal systeni to with turn our echools upside down and art over again. Ail'of which Scho y- absurd, but is .at the saine stitui ce at least of some degree of ure iation that the school is an affec ant factor in f ormjng nation- thei ývities. the j Liscussing this subject froi a neet: rtunity sno Scountry ability or with the1 vvny wouici any less coni-1 ision be made for their comifort, for their regular Ual attendance at sChool, benefits to theni of secon- tion ? y to adopt this point of it does flot require any, ýrvation to see thlat this oes not now exist. Ad- rural education have floti pace during the last fifty those made in urban cen-1 school is the one rural in- 'hich has in many respects ing stili. We have grown he sysatem of miany sinalli ricts, with their local iTrustees. And these bo- well served the purpose ýville n-cultivation r- ideals anda al 5 Conservz Id Children. .r, We have in~ Dart of tl F. W. Coý EVERY gent carrnes the the choicest the value 'n the aý Ware itself giuarai purity; ease of Ch wear. Ask thé h, ols shouie o.e evoived tmat1 sary prompta cial way minister to the ilief, always 1< and promotion of rural Dr. Thomias' ani. jexperience ha. is an exceller tiofl of the. Health of the. treatm.emt of ty are wis been criminally neglet-1 ren4der it a va ead*ng Life ompëlany c3 of the l,Dominion ï mi Records in 1922 ý,î THE BEST YEAR IN ITS EIISTORY Resuits fdr 'Year 'Ended ilst Dec ember Assurances in force ' -$63I,404,869.49 Inerease for year, $94,6860,738.96 (Jncluding Reassurancesi UANK Assets shave changed of large attendý er of niaturity le boys from si: large rnumbers, In their place schools with fro: on the roll, wii chargee. In n - o - - - - -'ý - 174,881858.32 Increase for ye'ar' $44, 716,730.99 Cash income n - - - - ,- 36,251,322.13 Increase for year, $5,144-,172.97 Payments to policyholders Surplus over ail liabilities and capital -15,615,505.85 -14,269,420.95 Increase for year, $3,885,51 1,85 make deýin o f the clenr hp ANew asrncsisend paid for in cash AVÉRA( s'Fuel é mable ee ais. - - - -- -90,798,648.79 RATE 0F INTEREST EARNED 6.27% NSSURANCE COMPANY. ýEAL 1By Jarne as an venture ýondary Edlu, en nRural USES 'T