Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 29 Nov 1945, p. 4

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THTJR ~si. but ný uSay put tLaxes duw,v I an fyou wat)t nhtit over, and de-iiýdd ilection, and if ciected, thi-e people to the b)est asý taxes, of his abýIitity. 3%to the Hiarry Davey, who -wss also nm ,,emiaii-iig inste-d for counlcil, said thut he badà( iship wýor-k, heard the oid counjicl] itcsebut ùur r-oadsz was 0of the. opinion that a council nipensation, should not be criticse-d unlem swe- ha- different hiavese thg better te off er. WNi Last Feb- the perm-îissioni of his mever and sc Iighl-waýs onde-r he asketd that hie be ailowed to kepnnmo'the vthdrw. figure oi c ias 175 me-s or roaus anu ndcost $50.00 a mile teoOpen a whIcbM would cost a lot of nroney ut ke-epinug tire roads upn. Mn ir e-n tbaulkýIed tretaxcolte is splendid work in tbie collection xes sud arre-ars, and ase tauk- e othier different Qffcbiisof the ilip for tire-m faîthiful woik per- ed CL Mr. Laing id tbat hle was nated for Reeve andCocilr tibat if t1ir-news ail electinis , wXould irec'un tic ballot audi w your mouie-y fer yen, I11e -aso cdl te se-e- ail thre vters 1turu eu1-t dFnnT,r Depler 3nd. ielecti-o es, Couincilion, was 1. 11e said he wne tre experie-uce he e counceil last year, dictn.Ai! dur- has been 1005 at- ounciliut all nmet- d in leaviuig lthe- 1,'s level and u Lse1 reads truhthc 1pretty gon)d shap1ýe Ivrbly with tice Mr. A MXay, nminated f or conne il, saitat hie hud lots of wurk at houme, buit thought thuatlie Couid find, tim--e to, serve on the council. H1e did ifot thiink thaIt this wýas the time- te huy igh prie-d .aeinry tat lhe wýas lu theconcil during ýthe last (le-- pr-ession wb-Iiich ws-s very bad indecd. If the-re is an election in, the townipýii I will aliow miy nam-fe to stand. Hartwe-il Lower-y, an ex,-Counici- 1r, and who wa-snoniite-d for the- ce-uiiî, ai(I tbat if there is aneec tien hie would allow bisý naine to go befor'e tire electors. 11e said ie- budn't tmade- any promise-s, and bis biands wejent tied, and that lie- -ouid sere s e awfit.I hve scrvcdbin Cak-Tûowînshi-p council for igbt yeans and if eicctcd tbiis year wlldo tbe ibest I can. I thauk youi. Mn. F. B. Liove-k, noinated for reeve and deputy ineeve-, was abIsent owýing te the funerl aI a relative of which hei wa a pa-lIbearer, and was unctle to be poresent. -Mr. R. Laverne - HJy, another nomr- lces for- Council, ,aid that bie was approacbed! by seime of the ratepay- rsin tire noth east secýtion cof the townip ï)te -run for, -)Icnc til ad had consented to dIo so. There is no ne- plresentaLtioni- from our distr-ict andC thme sould de. H1e was of the opin- ion tuat this ,was not thhe time to buy ne-w machine-ny, as yen dont ko wh0at imaýy turn n) up in te future. Now is the- tisuetase -a littie economy. Tu I touc'hbing on thre question wetr CIanke Towuship should give a granit te go toward theic building of the, ne-w 1hospipîtal ut Bowmv-yan-vilhie, Mn. IHoy Ums f tihe opinion that it sbouid have be-en put on thre ballot, He wîsbed thýat 90%' of thre vute-s %wouLIid turu' ont and casIth-ein ballot ont Monday, B"e-comibei -r 3rd, and if y011se-e fit to elet nme 1rul serve you weil. Thre folofwing wili ib- tre une-up on tihe ba!llt for _Mondlay,Dce en3d Re-eve--;W-,. Laing, Pdad R sy, and thre gev- Deputy Reev-e-C. Melville- Joues, Mt thre- cst of ail FednekB. Lv-m t keep tlhe- taxes, For Cuci-n-.ife akR tnd do more nuad Lavenne Hoy, J. Hartwc lowery, that tns Wouod A14hur ?McKay. T.hreeConcllrste away in de-ht, but peîected). the taxes tire- ___ __ .Lt to 12 able te doi where the Y 4 -1,he e If auiy-one is ilu ni-ee-4 ef a goed suc- oneer tes'e-l pie-, just cal il enlcc untu. At oruno Fisbir n Uunit CIlub anquet Perc. sidall thelefvr les, ald inet tire 1la di es of St. a,,vien'sChrh a neat $25.00. Piesi skI for $1.00 a thvo'w, anid you hald o navliether you wvauted it or net. W , M, MEET1iN G mas caroisowcr suing.Mr.Tit- suce sectons wnJe-sus and the lit ticchidreansd follovwed with pr-!1Y Prootinsof svnlof telçili- dren fromi the Baoy Bu othe, Missýion! Bamd was ceari-d on by Mrs, Lîittiewood, and Miss Myrtie Tm bl-)yn. Mrs. -M. IH. Stapies poe fe-w (orsif we-kome and this .wa& f olio cd y a well rendered plant duLet by MrP,. Brown and Mrls. M H. Stapes. l'he guest speaiken, âMrs.Mciy Pres1býterna Ba-by Band secretary -ivss thien itroduced. She gave an in tersting tslk to bath the mothers and the- chidren. Mrsý.-M. H. Stapflescisd ib prayer, after whiieh lunchb was served Oroo erchants are be,,ginnjing to hink iablout Cristmas. They are hriniging out their stock, and ar msking plans for decorating their respective stores. VTý ýtem--grup hic serv houe,79 r 1,,or S10, Or for JAO.LO WERY for Councillor 1946 To the Lectors of C larke Township: When 1 started in-to Counctil work last year 1 hoped to spend three years before as-king for ad- vancernent. H1owever, with the question of tax adl- justmnents coming up and differing with the okier mnembers of thie Council on this point, 1 believe that it is better to seek your judgmnent and abide by your J arn certain that they were wrong and that if we accept their dlecision without question we will be slipping back years in mnatters re any imnprove- ments. Therefore with that thought in mmiid i wish- to have you considler the 4iolowing points: 1 I3ELIEV E: That Clarke Township should stili continue the "6pay as you go" policy. That we maintain our tax income at last year's leveL. Tlhat wve budget our, expenditures to keep within that amount. That I amn against raising the tax rate. That we should have a dçfinite ai-m or purpose in view on road maintenance and construction. That a start shoufld he made to rebuild f rom two to five miles of road each year. 1That w accept our responsibility and in the end aimi to keep the main roads open twelve months of the year. Alil, that the people not living on the County or Pro- vincial Ilighways may en'joy some of the ben- efits of their.rmore fortunate neighbors. Candidate for f C. MELVILLE. T7othe Electors of the Township -of Clarke: Ladies and Gentlemuen: J respectfully solicit your Vote and nfluence in my hehaîf for the ofifice of Deputy Reeve for the year 1946 -At no time in the history of this Municipaity has experie.nce in Municipal Af airs meant so much and wiIl be .of so mauch value as niow. Many important urs r A lady boarder ei/ om--fortable honie; P-lhone 65 r 12y oo.~ -5 FOR SALE Two Wag-onis h<it good Rubber. Tiresv Apply t *1ftC!ooPer, Kei!- daý-I, Ont.; Phono 2'3 r 1. c -4 6-P. WANTED Live~ Poutry and F'eathers. Go Od prices paid. We hiave no agents. M. Flett, -Bethamy R. R. Noý , ;T,ýeli~one 7 r 13, Bethamy. 9p FYOR SALEF inlur'nips. Apply to Kenneth HilS, R.R. No. 1, Orono; Phone 5 r 3. TENDERS WANTED Applications ýô/ enitai of the OroRblnk for evwinter of 19-5-46 \\ill be received )yt, e Secretar-y of Durýham Cenral ricuItural Soetdy, J.C. Ganiey, untiA ýnvemir-er 30thi. Tii 0rnoNOTICE bingu in the C 14ni- ~~rOo mthe near f.uture e cqýeeds are tç) be useýd to send ag lý ~ t h cidren of Eti.Wailch fr thie dcate. FOR SALE' S4orm oor, ~eetA ees by 6 feet 8 inchles. ýi4o a s wjth te hlang., Enquire at the T 1es Dffieýé L7-44-<p-.i NOTICE 'Cummi-ieneing Thursday, Novemuber 29th, th- e Oroo 0Flour Mil ii *ll9go on an S -boum irday, from ri8.00 ai.to 5.00 P.1m11 in conifliance with the ont- tanlo Departiment of Labour regula- cins. b-45-p. GOLD 3MEDAL CONTEST The Orc-no W.C.T.U. will be-id their Gold Medail Contest in the Sunday SheIromn of Patrki St. United Chutrch un Friday, Nove-rn- ber, 30t.h. There are a nuinber of ucontestan(ts taking piart. Admyission,ý 15e and 25c. Lunch served. FOR SALE New vEquipment: -141-inch 1H-ammer M1iii, Autoimatic Drinkiing Bowis, 2'/2- inchi ruinner Tub oggan S1eighis itb, .5-foot bunks, Ste-el Wheels with 600 m 163 rims with skeins or rmade- to-mesu, Fle-ury Grinders, Quie- bec He-aten, coal or wood, large size, u.sed. Phone Carl Todd, imiplement De-aie-r, Clarke 15-20. C-44-p.ý ATTENTION ,and Guie Hallpening Deceme--iaI 1s'rt Guper -a n aha rro5O it .0 Sp.ni. lu Vhe Orange Hal. utts 8,(10e Ciln î nde rn12 yHar" Gdud e , n Brw n d2e. roceea tues aqipGd Bo,es ac. boes - sto e ne Guide Hall oeand attnd stth rip atG8.0ide lockd atend the ope i.the publi0 c illow thPeEr interest in young pe-aple by attend- ing thi., eng Letters tb the Edio Dear Sir I wisli to express iuy indignatioa at the sta-nd taken by the retiring- reove and the eider niemnbers of the couneil ta, the effect that the younger ime-n would oniiy -aise cour taxes. TUIIs, te me, is nothing more than the re- actiostary dctiine th-at dollars are more imîportant than people, Lct them ne-ver forget that it was ory SICIN and SUM Office Hours: 4.00 p.m.,; 6.30 o o E 47r1 LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. I3arrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLES, ONT. Phone. W. F. WARD BOWMANVILLE, ONT. DR, W. W. SHERWIN JVET ERINARY SURGEON Ofe Main St. Oronee JC. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Autombile and Liability ORONO - ONTARIO DANT FOUND District Representative for the. Manuf acturers' Life Consult xme f or your future InoePlans Monuments The RUTTER GRA NITR COMPANY Phoýne eM1 - P.O. Box 622 Port Uope. Ontairlo Mon-imentl--s, Grave-markers,. Engraving, Goldleafinrg EDJACKSON 'Auctioneer and Valuator canductsAueition salesef 1aill ef and at reasonable rates. Perry, Ontario,. or se hîs Clrk A E. Morton, at Ooo for dt. ;JACK REIDE Licensed Auctione-er and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuljt nme for termes and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke TAXI STAN PAXI and prco- tig it l13 ïg a, inew D-da VoteS PLE T 1E iSý& y 1 - Home 553 SOLICIT« 1 ý BARRISTER SERVICE

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