Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Nov 1945, p. 5

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WEEKLY The oun t ~ples Uio fPr day vennNvme 9h 'i tlie itzshp onneGlenl Mln- wiha 1igs],(dj Dc Mu)ron lnd the g-olen vocso Joyce Corjn- îsh and -Wilda llooeyý. Af er se,ýval song'11s the convenor calte(d oni the' pr-esident to- take chaýrg-e of thebui Ilt was movedi and secon'ded thait thle younlg people puit on a un*e-act play on Deemhïýer 2 raid ai the youiig people are asked to eo-operate withi our diamnatic ûon'venor, Anna ~tpeto help make it a sýuccesaý. - After dts a lively dis;cussion1 follovw- edl under the he'adingl, "Let's Get l'o- gýether", led by thie convenor, It dleýait with the probtems of th(- urban pe'p1fe and the rural peýople, in su far as, ouir yung- people are concerit- e*d, and other itemas of initeres;t. _Many interestingl points were brougbjt out for both sides, buit i-, cocuso :t wans p-oinlted out quite clear-ly that inr order Vo glet along- and succeed, they muiist wokllehe iad pla-tm ehe for the lu+~an people .old( nuot g-e± alngwithiont the hielp of the rural1 peupleandte rurial peo i ldkwis-e ould( noV -et alog ithout thle hel'p of the Urbanm peuple. FollaowinLg- the discnssioni the con- venor,. in the ablsence of the- recrea- tionl cnçenr conduicted a few gamies wvhich 'were, enijoyed by ail. Recreation over, we entered into a very Irsieworshnip servic-e'or cmndie ligýht service comncted by the convenor, assisted 'by Ruth HIlan- cuock. 'This operied with the playîng o0f soft nusictb the pianîst, Arlene SBoyd, followd by a biblical reding by the convenor. 1-Hyi 3i6ý was thien read in uniiis on as, a prayer. lynr 380 -was thien sung and the re- peatin.g of the benediction) brortght a ve ryN interestig and edticatio-nai meetingl Voc a close. Listenl younig people! Your1 presence iseeded, 1 Alsu yo.ur ideas too. ,so corne along néet Munday night, To boosi, the, Y.P.U. Themeig are muicsV helpful and edu-Lcationiai too, So 'won't youï corne and juin us at you loal Y.P.U? TAXI DA'Y AIND NIGHT SERVICE Reasonable Rates UP-TO-D.ATE CAR Gov-eritmeat License STAIN ]PAYNE'S TAXI p re sen rýt, The fol1lwing bills were orderpd ORONO mYDRlo 11 C MIS SION paid -E . Dent, salary, $ý30.0J0; Bw The Orono R3ydro Commissioni Me ~aille public Utilities, $494.05; li regular ssinon 'Thu-dy No- esu~e' Bond, $5.00, leaving a Sveiiiber 15Vh, with a"l the mnel-lbers batlk baliance otf $1.,41.88. Bovril Cubes, large pkg 27c Borden's Malted Milk, large tin 45C Ovaltine, largre tin 98C Aylmer Vegetable Juices, 2 tins 33c Quaker Oats, pkg 22C Wheat Flakes, 5 lb bag 22c Sherriff's True Almond, bottle 25c Christmas C'akes, order early $1 .00 Aunt Jemima Paneake Flour, pkg 15C Bee Hive Syrup, 5 lb pails 57c LocalNewsTHE I-NDUSTRýY 0F TIE FUTURE Mr. ule, fBeleîle i îst Mink and Fox- Ls0un. MUTATIONS Mr.Wm, Yeo aù tknt th Buy a Trie - We Ranch Theni B'owmanvil0hsptat on Stra evenng lst.WILLOW CREEK FUR FARI, ilir.Cecil,)ones> oheofAMur- i'sh, is pay-ing a vis V thMr. and C. R. KNOX Mrs. Jonles and amly ORONO, PHONE 42 r 2 MvlHarry Baiîley has, movedi into ___ his ne home ini Orono, the Geo. Mitchell home, Church street suuth. Agam - - nom Mr. Ailan Brooks,' Picton, spenit the week-end at !Mr. Chas., Wood"s and ýalso visàted ýwith bis cousin, Carl Onice again the Popp Fud Gom- muittee says "Thankýs" for 'thegnr ous response Vo their Pýoppy Days, whien $50.10 was realîzed., Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Oloye penit the week-end in'Toronto an atended the 25tb edn annivers-ýary of Mr. and 31irs. 'Norman Tuppen1i. onVforget Vo tak in tý-he Athbletic Daiein the Town Hlall at Orono on Frdyevening. A go ieis as- srdanid lunlch wiîî be serVed. Mr. -Ilal, manger f te Royal B-ank *o-)"Conimerce, Oo~,i en taken Vo thie bospý,ital (oda)Thurs- day, suff'ring from lcers of the stomacb anld interrnaleeig Mr. Percy COhapman bas started work of the buiild-iing of Mr. -Paneý Cuund's new hom o Cenitre streceti and exp)ects to have i1V ready forl ,.ucc'upancy -by April Ws of niext year. lMr. and Mrs. Pane Fund baveret ed Miss Flora Cofliedicks'shwme on Park Street for the winter-, wbile Miss Cobbledick Will make bher humie, for the winter with Mr. and L\rs. Howard Walsh. Misses Shirley Porter and friendi Betty Bray, of Toronto, both nurses- in-Vra'iniing at Oshawa General H-os- pital, spenlt Saturday at the home of the formier's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Neil F. Porter-. Mr. and Mrs. R. ýC. Rosborougbi and daugbter iMarilyni, of Niagarra Faulîls, spent the wee-ndwtb Mr, and Mrs. Wmi.)S. O bedcand at- tended thepvresenta tion for ýMris. Robb on Friday evening lýst. Mr. Harry ýMercer's Ford V-8 auto whlch vwas stolen a couple uf weeks ago, was discovered near But- onville, near Unionville, and return- ed Vo its rightful owner this week, sVilfl in good runnlng order, MWessrs. W. E. Armstrong, George- Laing, J. C. Tamiblyrn and Sid. Hughes returned home last week fromn the Minden district mîtVh two deer; George LaIng and Sid Hughes THEATRE BOWMANV1LLE Phone 589 Thursday and Friday INOVEMBER 23, 24 ROBEItT YOUNG and DozoRTHY m MURE in "TilE ENCHANTED COTTAGE" They dared to love, and youi will love them for it Aise R.K.O. Conedy "ALIBI BABY" and Cartoon Saturday Only NOYEMUBER 24 "«THOIUROUGIIBREDS;" The story of a horse and his pal. SECOND FEATURE "'TWO LATINS FROM1 MANHATTAN" Added Cartoon : Song of Victory Mon.-Tues.-Wed. NOVEMBER 26-28 "àSINCE YOU WENT AWAY» C,ýLAýUDErrE COLRERT JENNIFER JONES JOSEPH COTTEN SHIRRLEY TEMPLE and maay ether favorites, Patrons please note: Owing te the extreme length of this pic- ture, we will not be able te rua two çomplete shows, se pieuse corne early. Doors uûpeai at 6.34) p.rn. Attend tie Orono Amatur theiconF-dyNvenhr23d.Tckt Club danceein the Town al, rouio oisle I~~ DICNTY. ad.RVERECE. I 4' In our modern funeral chapel the services .may be conducted with ail the dignity and reverence that would obtain in a church or private home. In addition, the Chapel pro- vides extra conveniences and f aciliies flot possible anywhere else. Fa F. MORPRIS00 DURHAM'S LARGEST FUNERAL DIRECTORS Bowmanville .:Orono 490 - 734 27-1 DANCE TOWN HALL, ORONO S ATURDAY, NOV. 24th SKIP VAUGHAN AND lIS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION: - 50 Cents AR MSTRO NG'S WINTER RATS Balance of Winter flats on sale, clearig kat $1.98, $2.98 SKIR TS Misses' and Ladies' Skirts. in Mcol andAlie pleat- ed and gored. Priced from $3.00 te.... ..... -$5.001 PULLO VERS AIl Wool Pulflovers, la red and bIne. Priced .----$3.00 Alse Children's Pullovers, ini yellow, red, blue, sizes 2 te 6 years. Priced ut $2M25and, ............ $2.50 .5 UVi&g tALC MAa, AAPAAAVA.- - 'Dr. MeKeizie. Wmx. Watson, Gordl. PARK ST. 1Watso)n, Van Wyiaigaarden, and Wai. Fails district w.here they spent a their full qujota, une dcer apiece. & S.Littlewood LjBdr. Elmer ¶Middleton, sun, of Mr. o and Mrs. J. ýMiddleton, arrived in1 Milisiter Canada on Monday on t1i4e Queen Elizalbeth. îlie will be met iat LI nd -_____________ say by his parents and is exppected Sunday, Nov. 25th to arrive rii Orono to-day. Elmer -ij .m_-IWurshîp. sLerved overseas with the 54th Bat-L Temperance Fedieration Sun- tery from Lindsay. p day. 2.0-Churiich Scheol, The Omono Fish a,ýnd Hunt Cu 7.3g17o-i shp. are lhelding a banquet in the Jk>wn" "The Principle of the Re- Hall on Tuesday evenjinig, Noveni.ber beund» 2t.The mneat Vo be used for thre 'Wo person of J,panese raeI banquet will ho eniison, supplied by born in Clanada has 'been char- Dr. MeKenzie. Thre ladfies ofSt. ged w4th any act of sabotage or I Pau!% Anglican 'Church -wyill lire ii isloyallty." Iommnt charg-e of the bnut esCmet Sither Tuesduy nighit or' eailyr_____________- WeLdnesday norningi thieves enteredi Gordon Watsuis Service Station and stole thre cigarettes, smoking0«n l* sh v bace, razor bMaldes and o ther ajj ron Ti sho d'sfromu the she1výes. Th 11aso stole a headqlight beonging Vo -a car. Entranerwas nmade by sahn the. glass in the fr-ont door. In th-eir Il ,C rush Vo) get away, a fwof the arti- ~A i i.IIUO lJIf cles werei- dropped bet'ween tire ga- age anid their wating ear. Mr. 'Orme Gamisby lay,,s c aV Sauraylatattie oe of ir sis lum bing jbavingj a very pleasant birthduy on ter, lMys. Normran R'ckard anid Mrs. Ken. Werry. Aniong the get was and an old tfhne ba'sdball player of the noted club of Courtice, whio pitched for thei for tun yeaiis, tire catchers ieing CameýroniTruil and Russ Gay, H Hatlig Ar-t Werry by niarye, wsho wil' be S2 years of a.ge niext mioati, There wasi't a sin.gle hng iïssed i n the general desýciptioni of theirmayE gaines, but Ormie finall1y wound Up'aby R. E.LO-GAN cliin hat be,-was Viere most hon-est player on that teami as be neyer stole POREO 'a sigebase, 1Main st. Orono Phone 20r1g OHEESE 2 lb. box 75c 5 lb. box $ 1.85 RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE TEA 1-2 l"b. Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 2 tins .19C ROMAN MEAL pkig 31ce, EWING'S PUDDING POWDERS pkg 10e BLOUSES -Newý Blouses, la Taffeta Fea- ther Flaýnnel, Crepe andt Sheer, la white, printed and plain colors. Priced at $2.75 and........ --4.5( HOU SE COATS In Chenille Printed PopLi, Crýepes andc Feather Flannel. BRUNCE ICOA,)TS Ia Print. sizes, 14 te 20. CIJRRANTS lb. 15e. RAISINS lb COOKING ONION\S lb WAX TURNIPS 4co 2 lb PEAS M 2 tins 25c. TOIMATO JUICE 28 oz tins 2 for 25wc ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb bag LIPTON'S NOODLE SOUP 2 pkgs. 23c QgUICK QUAKER OATS pkg 21C N Y mm Il 1 h N t y k N 4>. I b ~ [s r N N-s v., -s N N a N -I N s-, ~x. N. -a 1

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