Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Nov 1945, p. 4

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NOVEINBER 22, 19415 Established Jt anuary, 193,7. Pubiished e-very Thursday morni-ng at the Timies Offlice Advertising Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Orono, Ontario Make Provision For Fuel Eeetreports from Europe prelict a difficit vwintr for the people of nimy lands over there. Thiere is a 1--cided sho.,tage of, fue, prtculrl col.Oiily a fraction of the normial fuel require- Pienlts of some of these' counitries c be et, we are told. 'Germa-<-ny aiýd G-eat Britain have 'been _heavy, exporters of coal, but the inies in these counitries have 'been bereft of labour duirinig the wartinie years. The resuit is a natur-ai curtailmnent of Siupplies both for local and foreiga u Lse. In order to encourage pro- duction in the German coal ines, thie British authorities have g-reatly incereased fond rations to mniners witini the British zýones ,cf eütitol. 'So seriouis is the view taken of thlis imipenldingl condi- tion t'hat a proiinenit B'itisýh Governament ofca states the en- tire econiomlic tructure of Euirope coul'dbe wrecked sýhouild the prob- lomn grow beyond control. Now thiere has bee-n ne definite mention ef anliy possible effect Ith-lt the Euiropeani criszis inight have upon our fuel suplply at home. W'e knowoe, our position in regard to the meat and butter shortage. A share of Our logical need is destined for overspas. Should thle samne policy be followed with fuel wcmighlt easily lind orelves scratching the 'bottom of the coal 1)ln premnatuirely niext sprinig. -At present in Oronio hard coal- is a:ý a preminin and hard to get, but there i stili a supply Of No. 1. grade coke and substituite coke on Land. Compared Vo the folk over- sous, we are m-i-ity lucky in gettiag fu,-el cf any kind, suppoing a su iueother than bard coal ;s included. 1V 'will alil help stave off jack Frost, and Jack cani be výicious euoughi once he starts in e-arnest. If we alre-ady boast a fuel supply, let us le thankful. Shoujd ld Ve supply be inadlequate or nil, letVus get busy and phone 1 that, dealer, Tomlorrow niay not bc as opportune as to-day. 4 An Un.ipopular Ediet Froin imeic to timje the various centres throughout the coun- try are isite'd by inispectors vwhose duity iV is Vo see that people have pviide hoselves %vith radio licenses. Discussing, the mlatter with the public reveals a dissatisfactîon wit'h a mieasure -wich apparenVly compels folk Vo pay for something w4ich insti.nct says ought o be free. No 'hinding person wîfll lose~ sight oet he expense attendling,; the 1upkeep cfrdio, service, br>oaca-stiig stati ons, trained commea- týtors and so on. AVý, the sae ime, if thle license fee could ýbecol- lected il, the foin cif a ax along with al he other nominal taxes perhaps we would feel happier about the ýwhole thing, and the 'work cDf gat1ioring the ax xould be more effect;vely dloue. When he sssrcallis, for inistalnce, lie ascertains wýhther a household keeps a djog. If , adoginhabitýs the hiomieIthe owners are expected Vo pay ,îhe le tiaV ax. ou,,ld noV the radio businecss hI hnle>n h saine m.anner? Many readcrs feel that fiwo dolarsan a haff is a goodly sum tVo pay for the animal Ilicensing of eaclh radio set. It is quite conceilvulhat a smaller amiounit paid by everyib'odyý would prove Diore acceptable and helipful o the authorities thanï the larger amnount pa,î i ore or less at randon by the minority. ýScme oCher countries pay a good deal more for the use ýof the radio than Canada does. We sho-id inoV feel ourselves too il-u'sîed la the light 'of oomparison, and y etwe have ouir own destiny 'o further and radio broadcast'ing is One tbï:ing that, offers opportunity for impvrovemoent andi change. Our Aserîcan fiends and curselves !are ail subject o he rcosadvertlisiing whdich takes place over the air-waves, and here again is one of Vhe sources of revenue wvhich we cannot afford Vo diisregard. Soime frls presenit tVs advertising lu sudh a unebtru- sWve nurer that wP raVIer enrjoy i. No doubt the problem cf road4-astirng expense -will soilve itself ultimately, and law-abiding Citiz7ens will xish to pay t1heir way. Peuhaps suggestions' made ln this article eoold prove helpful. 6 0 0s0 Crimie On The Increase lu V tIls day sudr( age, with e,,verything movlng faster Vlaun ever 1Defejre, even crime, we sit aud ponder wIhatv wlli Canada be like lu t1ve VoIonr.ycars hence. One cfY the most important Items on the lEst le-dlay is crme which le forevoer gettig Nvorse as tiue goes ci, witb msaay cf the youtb of our country, froa 15 te) 20 years, takiug a lead- lnjg noIe. Years age rim nas .geuerally asseciated w:Vb eIder peo- pe, but noVte-day. Bank roUbbers are geuerally feun)d o be lu. their wetesor early thirties, nhile he yoaýtb lu the)ir 'eenîs are con- ffiiiang their activities o house4breaking, car stealing, nhe is grad- 'Ualiy gvn thein an îiusight iraVe crimre wbich wll lead lu latter ýcars ïuto banik robbiu. ThIe gneatest question Vtod-Ty eeinfs tO e le hat <eoU1d sud sbýhould be douce o extermiinate VIe rave of crime that is gainiung in illnieatuin hrughoat car ceuntry. an ideas lave been breaugît forth, but o ine avail. People lave dfferent adeas Ivhy the yaot cf Carý celutry are tuing iil ot rille. Soe av Ie blime on 'tecbarch. o!thers place the laine onir e parenits, others say iV is the eoripany thiat the youth keeps nwheu eut. But ne myatter whot tVIe cause, secthirng wil1have Vo be iùiue sud d0ý one eOi.IV nt inlyl thc larnger cen1-tres Wbere crim--e is pcrp)etrated. YVou eau alSec t-ind itV lu the smiyali ýcwussuld villages, frein brnedoubt, tVhley laVer goV he larger 1places wlcre he pic.kingýs are greater sud tirere arc )nre op)porturinties. Tir-e e ch Idees goeod qorkameig tVIee hilden, but does the ed-ure1 reco(,ive Vie support frei-in car overamiierits that iV should? Drninkbig wVil led Vl o m1aly crimies, sud iVt a saî,iid that Vhe beý-ver-age romascttrd hoglu te e -ty are abýasys a bedn place Sor. crim-e. iP00olreoins il the citios are cnsd redaothier, asud -se on. NoC parents svat te sec Vlceir chirldren enter cimbuV wben a bey gens eut for an eveniug, how ancVIe parent oke ua ei do '? Theparenits eau, advise their beys agiainst crime iren V CI p 1o Vhe bey o tny asud live dccntily, hIe e can, do if1 le puts bis~~~~~~~~~ :m oI.TeDmno oenlu s briuging out legisiation fer V'ne rszei-iong of 11a1i ineains agaîn. This le a star , but if there nUýias 0eu-1sone way ii whieh o teach the boy righît f7rein o miglltao s Ip. But IVIe 1boy redoives VMis w1 he le jegoiag te ~nolti i1uîg riaySho u Chùrchi. Probably if thc oinvernureut 'ýC1 set uiore severe pcii5oncmesd atI (CoutnuedfromPage One) your tide tavel, Vhiat you hal-ve sPenlt, in a-dditioný, long, long periodsý iin study ani contempla9tion fer'Colunt- iess lessonts you have give us ou Suni- dlay atIernioonis. 'We eau noV fail te he awvare cf Vhe nmany wearing heurs youi have spent, 4uring the rweek, visiting the sick and sad, whether uit homne, in the hlospital, or ou the death- bed, those infrm ori physically handi- capped eues whoe were direetly or often indiredtly assoeïated in111'1y way with your cla-,ss. We usth noV forget the words (fi comnfort y-ou have given the lonely cnes in their eheer- less roins, the constant conitact you' have contiuuousl1y estiblisied,' asý an uns'eifisiy devoted mnesseuger of this- eiass, wIth those who had met ms fortune la life. Thieir troutbles! be- came your troubles, a subject for your- prayers and intercessions te God onl their behaîf. You so>ýught te comfort hem and eheer them, othtler- wis.e, they mighit have been Ïiclie Io think that ail was lest. You did al this withiu the sphere ýof our o-wn class, lu spite of the ftaet that ther-e was aise a much sider fleld ef your contacts and acquaintauces whîch was, as wýell, constautly exating your attention and yeur effort, Your uuceasing lb1ours, Mr. Tuck- er, as a thoroughly devoted represen- btive and teacher ef this class biave put a ýgreat mauy of us,rghfi, Vo shamne. W'e, as frail and imiper- fet hurnans-4Ve a great extent pur- suïng the thiings we thoughit n-ceýs- sary tole VIe comiplis'hm'ent of our îewu seifish roesc. V beglu Voa realize tihe fuli siglicanice cffoail you have ýdoue, but, tlie all-seeing eye of Ged eau, twîthout za doubt, appraise, lu full, VIe imagnii(eu-t service yeu have reudered te this class, whether Vo the members themis (ves or tel others assocciated tbiroughl the Mem- bers. "Mr. Tucker weean'tbeglu tInca ure your work, your deeds of love, your muany acots et kindness and self- forgetfulness, yeur ihita contacts with 'us. iMay our appreciattion for your great woiîk ansong us k1now ne beunds whatsoever. May ýwe say 'thank -ýye' frein thle toin tour heurts. May ýit te car heartfelt wish that you may stili have many happy years cf stendying Ch;ristianinii- fluence- amlong miauy with w'holr you may be assoo-iated." Many funther tributes Vo Mr, Tuc- er's miagnificeut services and chlris- ian devotien ite duty were paid hy varions meuiers et1 the eiass, as ýin- dividuals, oue touchiug expression cf gratitude in particular bebing Vite fol- lowing by R. Topping, science teacher feor yeurs "I ain iglad te havetVIls qpportunity Vo express my deep thanks and g-rati- tude te our dear eacher, Rev. W. B. Tucker, fer hie untiring effort Vo help me on the heaveuliy patir since 1 joined, at lis request, the Brother- 'h'od Clasî. 1I would aise remind the Bretîren of lis great services lu visiting the sick sud lenely, day by day, week iby week. He irasgree from homes Vo lospitals Vo other les- pitals, nigît after night, -and bas noV wearied in ýwe'i-doing a'lhough lisý body ofýten called eut. Wedon't otea meet a man cf 'bis age, se enduring se kiad andso, wishful Vo expend Iimseif lu sucb' wcrïk for bIe Master, sud it is with great respect 1 off er my humble thanks Vo hlm, sud iu se doiug, feel sure, I ain only the echo of Vhe wishes cf Vhe îBrotlerhod. 'îMay his.preseuce sud intere-st le stili witli us for imany years, as our friend and counseller"ý. The gift cf a Victo'ry Bond wVas presented on behaîf cf the class. Mr. Tueker replied very fittingly, expressig the satisfaction ,iV hsd been to hlm Vo serve the men of- the class. He iuv'ýoked upon them God'g blessing aud expressed Ilbe hope hst ail 'the memnbers twealdmntain tlhelr attendance aud raly flnd in God the way of 1f e. The Rev. W. Benjamin Tucker was the MethodistV minis er at Park Streef (now United) frein 1902 te 19&5, end bis îbrother, Rev. S., T. Tucker waý, aise a minister lu the isaine chuncIl Ifrein 1924 Vto 1927. Bob Gainsby, Hamilton 1 Accidentally Shot lu Hi1 Word was received lu Oneno Wcduesday imering lest, that Bîeb. ramisby, cf Van WýNagner's B3e near i.amilten, was acidentally in VIe hp while îuntiug deer Parry iSouud district. Thc hua' had retaruled frein ic fiehutsud w back at tie liodge wihen thle accic ,bar)pepcd. Onle et the hunters fai te uniload lis rifle apeni entelnIng lodge, sud duriag Vhe eveu-iag -ia l e w a s d i g'-ne î î o i s r iV tichre, ie ballet travel] Vruba partition, stniking Uam,-ssby lu the nhp ilutibe ext rne Hie was taken Vo Parry Souid hoc Vtal akhere heienias put la a cast fr his hip Vo bis ankle. VWanting Vto Vu) a Hiamiilten bosýpital le was gni ed cibi-s-i nd us nown lutire IH Mn. acb lhot, Clarkîýe Township Counicil L'he C11laeTw4p(eui e wec re rad a2nd applovcd as ead. A d1legat- 1i o jf 1o 11-,B,)wmnvi nýe help in butildting the ew hos1pital. 1Oing te thie latence2s lunt1ie year, it rva's dccided kte reter ,tac usatter Vo the 1946 eunclil. Severai matters cf eorrespondenicé ,as ýdeai,1t ih Iu answer Vo a rcquest froin S. S. o. 10 for wanniug signes at shool, the clerir was instraicted te ncply that cunci1 had neyer suppicd ese sigus but huad neo)bjecýtion Vo sehoo boards ýrec-t;ing thein. A letten nas read statiug that VI te Tewuvship Board eft Health wý,as noni- exlistent afttr Septemben lst, 1945, but that Dr. ýMeKeiuzue was te be cou- tluýued lu office until tbie end of tins year. Mn. C. T. iMiller addresscd Council ne Vthe filîl ecessany in he west side -ot Tauunery MIL11. Te Rond Superin- endent sated that the work wuld. ire started as ceeun as poszsible._ Tire By-4Luaw for nin,)iitationi meet- ings and election were pse.No- ination will be heId ou Satur-day, l Novemnber,24t1, 19475, at eue p.m., auid if necessary, anl lection for Reeve, Deputy Reeve sud thîrce onilr wiil ibe ireld on 'Mouday, Decemb,ýer 13rd. Veting heurs 9.0sm o50 TIrefollo win1g resolutionis wcre passed : 2>44: I- etig $2,000 l te gth Victery beaut. 24(5 :'Rbayingiovei B Vma1 ile Hoptlreqaest Vo thie 1946 Council. 247-1 rniugpermission Vo ine- move sulon frein 1roade at cowu cx- pens,ýe. Tire Road Suponiunteadent was or- dered te punchaseoncaotruiezload cf suonw fence. The foleowig bill-, were ordered pald: J. C. Gamcy, ax collecto's bond -.---..---.. --...----. ---.-..--$ 22.50 b. MaciNtehan, Ihspitaliza- tien......................- ---------81.00 bawrce l Hooey, 1 shep k1,ilI- e'd by doge................10.0---- 0 Clarence J., Allia, 2 tripe as valuer............-------- -- ......0 F.,Awde, ax acounit........40.02 Onono Weekly 'Times, voters'1 1listri and mi-nut'es... _....... 02.50 W. E. Davey, B.O.H..........---- 13.00 J. J. Meilor, salary, postage, etc.................. Mrs. 1HL Morris...............5.00 Mrs. E. J. Randali, PR vs F..3.00 R.-T. Woed, towui hall care. . 14.60 RodVouicher No. 9........----176.88 Receiver Generall, Vie tory Bonad... ......- ..-- ..----2-- 00--0- After care ...-.----- .----.-.--10.00 Whillier & Ce., office supiplies 23.71 L. MacNach an, hospitaliza- tien .-. .. ............. ------ ---- - 2.25 George ButVers, Weed Inspec- ter's sala'y...............----- 50.00 Col. Payne, 1 slec-p killed by doga...............------ 1.00 Cilarence Turner, 1 sheep 1111- ed iby dogs .............. ---- 15.00 E. Reid, 1 sireep kîlled by degs .................... .... 13.00 W. !Stephenson, 1 shieep killed by dogs............------ ..... 1000 Olarence J. 'Aflla 5 trips as vaihuer .......... --.... ........ 1150 W. W. iLord, relief charge back )58.47 O0. W. Rolph, 1 iock and 3 ex- tra keys fer tewn hall .... 3.75 Road VmOacer No. 1U0... 122375 W. I. MEETING The regular inenthly meeting cf Vhe Oreïno Wome's Iust itute was Ield -lu the cauneil eohamýber ".ith Mrs. ~E. Hamin presidiufg, IV WaS deerlded te bild 'nu evening- of bU«igo 5u the rnear future witl thie net procee'ds te be used Vto send ocrange juice Voý the hblîdrea 'cf Bri- tawin. IV ls hcped that his worthy cause 'vlilbc well sappeorted. :A gif t te Vhe Girl Guide-s wns alse decided uponi. It will ho a desk chair te) loup furuislh their club recuis. enbesremiuded ef the Rally ou "Progranmme Planinrg" beiung held at Keudal ou Tlhurscïlay, Nov. 29'Vh, frein 10 am. te 4 p.m, A geeld representa tien frein the Oroie braneh was requested. I wats "War Worýk" atternioon suad qâiltiug %1as iu pregress dui-iug the ODDFELLOWS' SERVICE CLUB DRAW tors 1 Tickýets are noýw be 01gsol4,nder. erelauspIces cof Orono Oddfellews' Ser- nleiîce Club. At the dance ou. Weduýes- Lilcd day, Decemrben î2flh, there wivil hbe the twlveieCl7s g1Ien Waty te VIe lueky hile ticket hoiders, fiv e tarkeys, Dive 'ffle, ýgeese suîd 2 oie bsllampers ef lin-, No. 1 Maclnteel uppies. The wiuniers Mnr. cf the fowl wPIi redoive saine ou Sat- oui. urday, December 22ud. TickýetLs are spi- a],sie beiug sold on i"ý.ss Betty, a very roinic aledoul iudeed, -and on Vire dqese arc g-o attacled ton eu.e dollar ibilis, Vo ïm-ake ant- Vhe prize m'est valuable. TIc draw acmr- for the dolI null aise c armade aÉt Vhe ess dIance ou Deceurber l2Vhi. Don't fail Thie next me(eting cf thie Orn Horticltural Society ,vl\beleiii St.l S a Vio0ur's ýýPariýish , Iý'R 4.e 11Tmurs - dayjX ev1,enin,i Nove2mber -2'1 at 8.00 p..A goodj attendance is iàeques[(,d. Tyipist, lcadesires wor-k "todo athoe Apply o Ithe Times office, O on..C-45-p. Part 'or fuil time experieiàced stenpographlie services offe2redi. Tele- phoneê 79 r16,C3 or Bo)x 10, Oronlo ,P.O, W AN TED Live Pol't.ry and Feathers. Good pricesi paid. We have no, agents. M. Flett,EtayR R. -No, 1; Teleiphoncie '7 r 13, Bethan-y. 50-P. FOR SALE Roasting Chickens and oo- ing turnips. Apply to Kenneth His, R.R. Noe. 1,Orno Pone 5 r 3, TENDERS WANTED Applications for rentai of thie1 Oronoý Rink for the w-in'ter of 19-15-461 will be received b'y the Scretary of Durhamn Central Agriculturai Societyi J. C. Gau-mey, until Novemiber 30Vh.' FOR SALE Seven roomned bouse, double bik ed, hot water heating- and bathroom, pieasantly located, Main Street, Oron'o. Appiy te Mlrs. W. S. Ro 0y. c-43-p. The Ooo I1,are goin teol bingo in the Council CharPber, 01ron1 in .he'near future. Niàj 1oceeds are Vo, be used te seud oag c to the chjlidren of Bn in.W' S orlthe date. GOD EDAL CONTEST The Orono T.îC.T.U. will hold 'their Goid 'Modal Conitest iiu the Sund1(ay scl-oo3l roniom f Park St. Uni ted Chur-ch on Friday, Nove-- bel 30th. There are a num-fber cf contestants taking- part. Adm-iission, 15c and 25'c. Lunch served. FOR SALE NwEquipmient : 14inc ammner Miii, Autoi-atic Drinkîng Bowis,21a inch runner Toboggan Sleig-hs -Wlth '5-foot bunks, Steel Whbeeis with 600 x 16 rims vith skeinîs or made- o- measre, Fleury Griniders, Que- bec Heater, ceai or wood, large size, used. Phone 'CarI. Todd, Impflement Dealer, Clarke 15-20. c- 44-p. ATTENTION Meat Pie Supper, Apron Bazaar and Guide Hall Op'ening Decemiber lst. Suipper and Bazaar froin '5.00 to 8.00f p.n'. in the Orange Hall. Guide-s andi Brownîes, 25e. P'roceeds to equip Gide Hall. Cimie and la- speet 'the new, Guide Hall ýand att,-end the opening at 8.30 o'clock, FREE. We hope VIe public 'wfil suhow theïr~ inte-rest in young, pea-pie by attend- iig VhIle eveiug. NOTICE TO W. I. MEMBERS The rally on Adiistr.atýive Lea- dership wii'l ho heid in Kendal1 on Thnursday, Noveniber 29tb, fen10 a.im. Vo 4.00 p.m., when IMrs. Zeta Hlayes wiil talik on "Programmie Planin"'.Ail meibers cf staning ePonwirýittees are. urged tco attend. Transportation rnay be arranged throughi Mrs. Ed. Dean. Aniycue bav- ing- room lin thecir car fer extra pas- sengers please idvise as soon as pos- sible, W.C.T.U,_Meetîng The Noveinber meeting fthL o mi-au,'s Christian Temîperance Union wva,, hed on Truesday, Novemnber 2O'th, at the home of the poiet r.H. Walsh. The meeting opened wîth singiug a hysun and the devotienel was taken l'y Mrs. LiVtLlewvood, waho ýread the 27Vh P salin, 'David sustain'eth hbis faith", and g-ave suitable com-im-ents. This svas followed wvith prýayer by Mrs. LiVlewod.The roll ilwas answer,- ed by the different eme. Mrs, Fralick was ap)ýpoiuted Voc judge VIth lrue lessons itn te Suinday Schooi. The correspondîngI secrel.aiv rad a card of tàhinks ud MIEDICAL PHYSICIAN andl SURGEON Office Hours: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.,; 6.,10 to 8.00 p.M. PIIONE 47r! ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mlason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, 0ONT. Phone:ý W. F. WARD NOTARY Phones : - Office 825 Residence 40 9 HOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETEIMARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN I VETERI-NARY SURGEON office Main st Orono j Phone 63 r 7, Oroino, J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automoble and Liabiiîty DANE FOUND District Re-presentative for the Manufacturers' Life Insurance Consuit me for your future IncSme Plans Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE coMNPANY Phone 501 - Pi). Box 622 Plort Hope, tario Monumients, Gravem-arkers, E-ngraving, Goldleafinï-g TED JACKSON Auctioneer and -Valiiator CondeLats Auction Sales of ail ïm and at reasoinable rates. Communlee with him at Peot Perry, Ontarie, or sueo h 1dmClek,'. E. Morton, kt Orono, for daete. JACK 1.ýREID Licensed AuctLioneer and Valuat6r Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke Township of Clarke VOTERS' LIST, 1946 IJN1ICIPÂLITY 0F CLAý'RKE- COPNTY 0F DURSAM Notice is lIereby gvnthýat 1 have coplied wivth Secion 7 nif t Vo,'ters' -List AcV,' and 'that 1 hv posted up linruy office et Oronoý on thle l6tb day of Oetober, 1945, the l-ist cyf al persons eutenitled Vo vote in VIeý parliameut, or. as the case m'yG, at Municipal Elections su ad tha t suchi list rmisteefispec. uom 'sq or riw,--Vhe iset CIErTk Home553 Office 688- SOLICITOR BARRISTER ORONO . < 1 ONTAMO lmonumeni's

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