Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Nov 1945, p. 3

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Poitkcal Future 0f ]Newl4fonld SeWf cvernkment Or Political Illion With Canada? brougit jute tise Dominion te make Steu1tis province,assgetd y ~ ~ naerA, .. eaof New 's. Bruswikha", freqnileliî)l beenl iiloted in the United Kingdom and iias more than onlce bceen debatedl In the Houe()f Lords. A fere LJ ominin haviug now olY tje bStatut nf acoon peaesneceue, epiasi a Britain lias to, calrry b hé fiUanlcial e nsblty asthe Six imenl, imemlbers orfiagover1l- nient commïission, hlav-e trled thle Islanld silice 193 wheu the or llinucial crisis reduced hilte ita ankii!ruptlcy. These mlei, ai(ded by the xceptional econieýlt conidi- tions due te thie war, blave ruh back rltv roprt.Net o Newfuudaudrs avebeen Llhe teO lend Get rti ten illion doi- lasfor war uress Cos.nltry Not Wealthy Th'le demand lL1for an early returu1-1 teself-governmenl(-"t appears te Ccone o(11y fronv a sm1all iueirity. Thse biulk ef the populationi, f l ri a'il accounits, is ne(t cager for h. Peperenber wt iua h scandels lss0ciated wif!tb te ()ld- ilepoliticiens and vwaut ne1 ecur reuc. Futilermo -re, heyar'e not sure thait their pseseut prospen-ity, bujîlt eptirey on war dlemlaud, wl Newfundentl wih apoplation Of 290MOO aud an economY basedl largely on Aih, bas neyer been a wealthy conusy On the centrary. PThe fisbcrma-n bas t t rlY on thie m-erchiant whjo net only mnarkeýts the fjsh littsts-sbanker, e"ntfstter sud toreeep r.or im. O ften this Sysýtem ,leads te econom)Ilie ab uses . The fisherfelk, toc,, live isolated 1lives, becanise comnnlication,ý largelyIby,-sea, is iniadequate suld SlOw and labo)r for îjudustrial sceees is net esyte get1. Hesiti eervices suld edlcation in, sncb emnail aud scattered comu-lunPities are cotL]y sud isard te miaîn1tain. Peopleý Very Patriotîc Some by itso eauvs 'syptht icoberen ay ta nesNe- ~ounlanersare given far- betteýr edusiu~zl.eailities t il liapby inow pos s tbey canlot li e expectedÀ te uts-dletaIle e'of e-gv eriumenit again. Tewn coune ibave,4 beset ni), but muc mreisre qurd te e a system Of 1local gov)\emumiieut su1cfisas, 1!n Canada and Hrtiprepares mien andwoe fo)r lanrger pelitical res'ponsibîlities. Necwfoundlatlert are hjghl1y pa- trei.Pre-pertion.ately mers of tbýem lunerdfer the1, war ftan frm any otser Britsh cdoon. Yet the islaid b las net roucis teo ffen iýts retiired m le,,n sud if anlother eco- nemiiic bueakd1oxn occîsrs. self-gov- ýt-iermet vill remain ai-tisr off than ever, Pelitical Iuinin wîâtb Canlada wonld ndeubedly elp tbie N the beulefht of tbe Domninion's Social Services and the7 advanitage of Ccan- adian capital fer die developmlent of tbç.ir raw mtril,spart romn thbose in wbich 'United Kingdom cemaiiels are aIreadyiteeed But, for a t'ime at làt Newfolnnd- land wounLld be ratlier a ljability thlan an asset. Canadians Have $6,763 Millions More In Savings With mele meuy tissu they evr ad bfrCanladianis, 'if, tbey vill lookr et theirsang e- lite their streuigtb suid imove wt c-onfidenice, theýir futuire prespe)rity upon a sonind aud ordclred basi s lies in their own bud,"Stanlley M%. WeddJ, presidient of tbeCnai an B1aujkers' Association, stated at the receut aniual mneetinig. Pictured above ;i, fus new Frank- lin D. Rooseveit Memno-ial ed niow for sale th-rough ttise Treasury Department, Des;ined by Chief Engraver john R. Sinnok, it je three juches hi diameter -;wtih a portrait of tise late Presîdent on ouene . Outhse other Side je a feaefigure, Sitting wih head boe, syrnbolizing a sorrowiîng nation. For quici, relief from 'itcbiing Causesi by cz7-ens athlete,'s foot, scaies, pimles sud othleritching conditions, , ue pore, cooiing,mdcaeiud D. D. . REC RPTO .reeLes andi stainiese.Sootheifs, cofots dquïckiy calma neseithiiug Dontile,,ir. Agiryour dmggist today for D P. , RSRPIN Arouund 40 our energy lessens. Uti, es- perience bas taught us te do Our -work w.tli less effort. Thse yezrs shnead s'heudd yield tie greatest accomaplisinuets, thse ost enjoynert and happiness. They cau, toe, ii we aveid the Iidney and biadder disurders such aïsBacis- ache, Headache, Rheumpic Pbjus, Lassitude, L-oaSý of Sleep sud EneRegywhlich s-;aoflen attacis those *ueund 40. Fer cover fhall a century Doddes Kiney Pflla have been heIpiag men ad ilwouî-ne, keep Iidueys and bladder ini god order. if you are.-ueaug 40, or pastil, for tbe sake of yeur heaîth and -a happier fwure use Dodd'a Kiýdney Pillatday! 125 CET AFTER HEADACHE PAIN THSWAY- ~'IInstentine Tublet brlings FAST RELIEF! NEXT TIllE you sufer f'rom a sî,imple headache, try tise Inistantine 1-1(ablpt- way to prompt relief, You may 1)e surpnisýed at tie speed wýithL which 1 I'nstantine table, canb? ingyOufast relief, tablet te stant binginig wlorrelief from headache pain. 'You sec, these fast-acting, prescrip)tion.-type tabl ets go to work al1mest immedistely easiig pain, lesseningdliscomfort. Instantine'si scientifiecoýmbination of three proven niedicinal ingredients workr, lu these waste bing relief: 1. Speedily case tisepau 2. Prolong relief from pain. 3. Reduce "depession." Givt mild, stlmulaing et"li, Tny Instantine- chances are you will neyer againi resont te slower-actng preparatiens for relief of simplife pain Rememiber Instantiîe, tee, whenever you sufer fromi pains of neuralgia endf neurilis. Your dnu'ggist bas instantine. 121id~Iets 25~~-i4set 2~ i. du. ft4 EIer.iive Rebf fie~u 3~qJ, Pals Can'adian Will Be A Canadian Citizenk TIse Can-adien citizen-1sisip PBi inrdcdby Scrtay fStaite Peul Mertin in t -ise 1Housýe of Ceorn- mious see(ms te,)lie a long stride in tise righit dirction.-, s s ise Winà nipeg Tribuine. Thle ne of tise bill, Mr. aÀrtini, says it mnay be best deofined a a meaisure wbiclI will give a Cnde a legal rigist te sey: "I arn a Cenadianct.ize. The meesure wiilP begred witb cheers1by ; a large unumber of Canadiens vshese fôrebears were borui in Canada sud wbo upte now bave beenl driven te the verge of mayhem by official censuis-takers- sud immiiigraýtioni off'iciels wbo insisted onhpen ated citizenship-. Ass;urance by M.Mertin that the new bill syjil inet disturli a Canadien cîtizen's statut as a Britishs subjecet, mekes the ulew-blI even more.welcomne. Certainlyýtt wes neyer intendedI that clearer definition of Canadien citizenisip should carry with it any looseniug of thse ties binding Canadians te the Commonwealth and Empire. BABY CHICKS CCKDAYOL1)4S, FOR nimME- diteshipmient and ev've afew 2-3 week oid.Wrt for list. And order c h1iks for Decemnber,-Janu.. ary delivery Schbreeds as Ligýht SuseNe1ampe)ýhirePBa r re d etc. ad rsss Ba Hthey 13 onN. Hamilton ont. poutiy rlsrswhio wanit to In- crease theiirprofits. Tweddfles Governmient Aprve -hicks4 grow fast. Theae chicksý cone fromi bloodtested breeder, oe, known livabiiity and productivity - each chlck is carefuliy slce for shipment and anyweklg aire quickly culled fromr the lot thm'asur lng YOof 0.A lve deli- very of heath hsky chicks. Wbn buyîng iitchicks vrienmber - Eurtope is in uirgent need of eggs an pulrymeat. lPrepa-re now> for fa hard"y profitable stock. Buy (Iovernrret oAvprocid chicks. Book your order nownd be sure of Ethe breled and shlppng adte you desire. WVrite t-a for our Jnterest-inig and informantive freçs caaou.Alsofrue, range pullets for- meitedivrywdl ChickHatchries iLlmite,Ferus BEIIEý'1S REAL NEWS FOR Pou- try ra'isers. A large and profit- aible lake n eggs and poufltry mseat aai your )produCe 1n Europe. Start to-day tfo cash ln with Top1) Noltch 4Governmnent Approved chcs, A shipmnent of healthy-, husky, Top Nütch chlcks wili assure yoý,u of a high degree of productivity ln the near future. A chick ls only as good as Ifs breeding, strain. Top) Notch chicks corne from bioodtested breeders of known livabillty and producti- vity. Remember for 'lop 'Notch productivlty ifs Top Notchchks Book your order early so you wil be sure of receiving tihe breed you desire on the date you desire. Write to-day -for our free cata- logue - you'Il be, glad that you did. Also free range pîesfor îmrnediateý deiivery. Top Nýotch Chiekerles, Guelph, Otro SPECIAL SALE 0F WITE LEG- horn, Barred Rock anjd New Hamnpshire pullets 14, 1G and 18 weeks of agec, al! free range healthy stock, oniy a limited number so write at once for pri- ces. Aiso lay ing2 and rea.dy to iay pullets. Frees catalogue. Also day old faîl hatched chicks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries 'Lirnited, Fer- gus. Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CHICCS ARr -JE progfeny of Founidation and Re- gistered Birds. Ah1 B reeders blodtete.Prices fon cto 25 c. -Ail gurateed Pxýcellen1t Go1ddard CiciatheisB- IT 'WILL PAY TO) F T LL YOUR pens vwitb pullets this yer. e Cen1,give imedia1te eiveyon 14, 16 iend 18 we od White Leghrns.Barrd Roks nd New Hamnpshires. Aýso leying aid AIe, Fhl atheddayold ,shicks bookd t orer. Top Notch WIN BRAND NEW 1942 DE ,,LUXE Plymrouth Sedan. 6 other- prizesIn Victory Bonds. Armny and Navy Veterans, Unit 257. DrawIng Dec. 21, 1945. Subseription $1,00 - 6 for 3.0 P. O. Box 21, Fort Wil- liam. ,N,_gntsWatd 140W WOULD F-) OU ITRE TO OWN a $10000 H'fome,,bUilît to your own speifiatins, wherever yo)u wish? ,If you prefer wve wiligive Fou$1000 inVctoy ond1s. Op- pruiyto $n 10,Ü000 mlonthly draw. AIl prorceeds fo3r un-derpr- -vlleged .eh1lldren and pagons Drwdate - D)ecember st 1945l. Don' t (el'ay. 1,efceipts mailled promptly. Sen d 31.00 for on e tickeêt, 6 for $5.00, right iaow to Kiwals lubof SuCburv, Box 52Sudbuiry, Ont. DYEING AND CLEIANING HAlýVE FOU AYRIGNj1ElDS 4Yelng9 or 0deanlng1 Write to uis for informnation. We ara glad tc anwer your Questions. Depart- 'lne-n t H. Pisrker',s Dye -Workn Llited,,c, 791 Yonge Street, Te- ronïto. POW's In Canada Harvest Sugar Thousands-l(,- of acre-s of sugar beet ,S aebeinig iavetdthis Fal by prisoniers of war frem Cau-adiaîî camps. Thesegroups wrealto a grat aid thîis Sping when 'iel.d labeuir vwas scarce ïand lblocked -1and th'innied a good (1 portion cf tise beet creps of Alierte, Maitobs sund Ontario. Every m dringte prisouers are transportcd by t otehie fields where tbey ,vor1k in! greups of 10 or more undeýrarincd gujard. For tise pest month thc have been working in Albienta endé quartered in camps loceted throug1hou thtie beet-growing district. Iu Ontario- tbey hvebeentop- ping beets for threce we ansd are located in Chiathiam Centýra]ia, Glencoeesud Fingej. It is expected their full number wil le required for another three weekýs, possîbly four. The value 'of Caiiada's food ex- perts> in 1944 wes approximately four times thet of tise 1938 e.x- perts. I - F011 SALE HONEY FOR. SALE fýor immeQdiats sipmnt t$9.00 per" as of 12 for pond ns yo Ur neare titon cffice wl1ll exchangeiLý 24 preserve or iuga Coupons for a spch ouc-her good 48 pounds 1ýof hney, Maifl this Ùto us withyurcheque and we Vw111 ship at one ig Rock Farm, Mill Roches, nt. Now is thse time to, buyv a enie-mian lgtweighitpral "PRECISION" POWER CHAIN SAW to feil or crsseu imber pulp- wood or frwo.Twvo Étypesma nufectured. Btý,h $400 f.o. Montrea 1. Peiinparts Ld 2023 Ale St., Montreal, vaabefor, immiiediate del('ivery. This niacinre is rmade in Canada. Ortiers ïbeinig iacctd inew for Spring elieryWrite for PriCe and prtculrs Grden Tractor adEouip)ment C.,Limoited, 1160 AlberttRoa Windor, rterlo GASOINE ENCIES. NEW Brigs ad Sijra'ton aieoed Mot odem ngis uil. ow ctWrite fordecrptvefold- ergandpries.Sco.pe Saleîs Co., Bo 82,Otawa O'nt. FORSON ,T TRA_,CTOR. N1-E Us any paefree of chanrge (, 16661 Danfrti AveueToronito. HURON COUNTI, COPIGMLL. good mixed farming rea Diesel engine,.bal beapring g_ýrinder rol- lers 'with elevators, g2oing con- cern 5qnick possession. Wm. Pýearce. Reaitor Exeter, Ont. BEAUTIFUL SHOPPING BAGS Make parcei-carrylng easy. You will love these' strong shopping bags of colorful flowered, creton- ne materfal or solid, shade leath - erette. Sturdy, wooden handies. soft flannelýf-fid lining. Size 15 x 16 rnhe. lwered crýeton- ne in blue, rose, natutrai. Solid leatherette ini brown. -)sars of weer. $2.49 eac. Fu will, be proud toca rry onùie ev n uyour nicest street coths.Senld31.00, balance coll-,,t plus postage. Ar- rowýsmithjjs D-ept. 4, Box 19, Sf. tans ente,~i~est rices, good homes. Dxns 81St. Anitoine, Montresi. FOR SI.E EGIýTERED DR set -e aCrai nrite.V Bartiett, 1R. Noý. 2, Csnfieidý, Ont. ATTENTIN. FARMRS-. FOR Sl:Treetor Tires, madeofri rub- ber, suitable for bo t!ing on steel -wheeis, $10.00ertchl, When orde;.r- lng stete diameter and wldtb of wheel. National Rihenr Co. Ltd,, 5 Wiltshire Ave., Tomonto. Onit. ELECTRIC MOTORS NW USED bought, sold, rebuliit: beits pu7- leys, brushes-. Allen Eleýctrie Com- pany Ltd-. 23,26 Du4fferin St. Tor- onto, stock -zduckçs $80, d rakes 34.00. Archie Bagg, i, mespeler. On- STEERING WHE El SNNRS speciai heavy duty for tractors, $1.25 postpaid. ivan. Martin,ý St. Jacob',9,, Ontario. ACOM7ýPIETE S'RV0F 50 ASSORT- ed files; from 6-1";incluïdlng fiat, bal! rounid, rounmd, square, etc,.; rougis sud smyocth; at B. clearing pries of $8 delivered. Re- cupetools sud 'Meý'ta 1s 3Llmlted, 1212ý Aldired Bildinï,g, Montr-eai, STORE WINDOW PRICE TICKETSj rfleady for your "Individuail prices., WArite foir saimples. KelyPrint- in.124 WiingonStee est, F'Alïms FoRtSAUFE 50 ACRE FARM, 6 BOOM BPRICK House, go00deut buildings, 12 mlssoutis of Windsor Onut, . HTalrR 1, Auld. Out. 180 ACRES, OOOU MAPLE BUSH, wlth or wlthout machiniery, viseap Box 474, SlbFail, Ont. 10~-CBE ABMLOT 10, CON. 7, PElues, Goed buildings9, wella, hy- dro, weil dralned, 24, îzile fross 19 Hlgy. Cee. Duutey, Il. lt. 1. ebrinýgville, Ont. 'They're Changing The Guard' Again One enf Louldou-'s mlost popullar peac tie "jghs" amebacis te ths C a-saredUerools e long alge thec-,emenia baginig of tise guard aLt the Herse Guards. A~~~~j cnienefthe Lfe Guards FARMS FOR SýALE 100) ACRE AIR FARM WELL, sýitust1ed wýith rver running threugh 11- In Lanark Co., FilUes West of Amote6 are iable, sou deay omge7sgrbuSh1, neyer failiug driiled weila'phis farm is exceptiýonily weili bulit, wîtbgoodbrik boselarge bn banand othe(r ncsaybid HsvyPatersonûi, Almionte-,Ot R. .No, 1. god besring orhrd, otr bossfor -2,000 bi1rds, barns, sýilo, price $7500. Tra more land fuuchy-dro, 10 mileýs froir Oshaýwa, psesonMrne , M Ontario. HATUR-IlESSING LEARN 'rRRESI H EE Robertson mtbd. Iformaution on request regardr(ing ,cla iss ýesý. Robertsou's "drsîn cnad- emy, 137 Aene oa. oronto. 11ELP WANTED1Ur BOOREEER WITR SAW I, exeiec referred, capable of and paro tuacustomed te type- writiiu nd gnrloffice iworkc for ,inali Nort1hern town. Per- manent psto. Salary 330 to $40 per e to cýommence, d7e- The Oakq1Vile Bas'ket Co>. 1Ltd. LINO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED COMPE.TENT 1LINO ( O ýP8IRAT0OES and floor men wntdfori, ws paper printingz fie emnn position, jpjC1 hiieiwgS, ilsonîr Publishing Ce., 7,. Adelalde W., apply nearest Emîny1ment and Selective -Servi(ce Office. Order No i MEICIAL BAUMEERA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor instantly. 45c. hottus, Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. AZO TABLETS GIVE IMMEDIJkTE relief to Asthma sufferers. Take teblets as directeif and ses how quickly your, brestising becomes normal and distress cesses. Mo- ney refunded if improvement not evident' sfter 7 -days. 31.00 post- paid. John Campbsell, 131 Keewatin Toronto 12. TBF -iT! EVERF SUFFERER 0F Rheumatic Pains or Neurîtis should, try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Otta- wa. Postpaid 31.00. GET READY FOR WINTER B3ulld upryorp.resîtance wlthi Merrilîs ysemTonic abe. Canadian favorit e tfr frty yearLIs. From) your druggl.si or postpald 3.0,from Merrili Pro,- duets, 98 Silverbircis Ave. Toron- S2?dAC ND )TBR-EADWOM often are tise cause ofli-ets lu hmnal aes No one imi- mune! 'Why not find out If thi-ýiýs ou7r trouleGiWC etigpat'icul- lars - Frée! Wiîte M ulv e T (, y's Bemedies,, Specia1!iatýs, Toronto 3. GOOD RESULTS - EVERY SUF- ferer from hemai Pains or Neuritis 5should try Dixon's Be- ed.Munro's Du Store, 335' OPPIORTÏUIIErs 1FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER Pleasatnt dignifled pofsso ,moo wýajges, thocusands sýilucessful lMarvel gradates Ameicasgreatest sys- tem. llustrated ca t alog-ue0 free, WVýrite or eaul MARVEL HIDESN Bace:44 Ring St. H.amilton & 74 Rda tet tea TIME TESTED QUALITY SER~VICE and SATISFACTION l'Our Aîlmns propeliy developed and pnintled. 6 R8ExrPOSýuBROILS 25e ItEPRtINTs 8 for 235e FI)NEST ENlAýiRGlNG SERItYCE Fopu may Dnet get m.1 tihe flimàzo want tisis year, but yen can geail tise quaiity and service, yen dtare by sendiuxg 1osr films 2to IME -LPMOOTO SRVWM wih a trumpeipter 0ou' a whiters r epresenteud theý old guard and the ulew guardt-c was fulrulihed by tise Royal Herse, Gards. Tfiseccere- mlony Mwill be, repeated dîy The Granld Canlal of \i enlice a prbbya'tune time aà riverfI- juýg juitelageensi,. CHRSTASCARDS FROM YOUR OWN SINAPSHOTS Yournegeutives make tise mosi dis-_ ielrrs that yourfred sl treaýsure- r ti cu1Lar'ly'Vfi e ills on active srsice(. Slc u ao I n)egetives uand send bcus.l Wei ing" car ds with pcues prntd n -and envelops for ilu ll for 6,)e.Oreeai.2Phtso Ca:ienr.s 1for-25c.) STAR- SNAPSH.OT SERVICzEý Bor 1-20,lotlTmiaAroe uls'I ecivd ie 1besutiifflu hit maus icards VwThich you rini-ted fromi my wnngeies ndIwatyou 10 know 1bow pe fed i ma v',it yorwoniderfuli work su'dpop service. I wili be sieua utm er of trSasotSriefo now on" Any Size 11- or8xosr. DEVF.LOPEDi]iA 1V D 5ITE121Z Il MOIJNTED L AGMET 5 Sîze 4 x G" iiieutfl ne You cen have elreet oor eid by baud for a small aàdditionali chiarge, lFramedElremns4"x",o ivory tint mounts, lu f<trames ,7" >x 9". Bu1znisheýd Cold orSler ircassian Walnut or lack Eonyfiish 5i9e, Print your n,1ee sud address plain,- iy )on ail orders.; If ageetcoord715c. seils, excisenges uia-ntu FET1JERSTONHAUGB Z t'M181 5 Patenit solicitors. tblsd 18 90 ; 14 King Westi, Torontb. Bookiel et Informartio-,nion ne. WINNER 0FOPLYMOUT1E7! M CARP drawn et Port Coiboruec Octdber 31, Ivy Beechierý, Reilogg Ce., London, Ontario. Ticket No.4902 TAXIDEEC41 DEER HEADS MOUNTED), blER Rides tanied itogioveleaher we aise buy Deer Ridecs. Sheep skiis tnndfor for us.iear Rlides tanuiied sird ud madeinto rugs. Foxes sud Fuirs dreed su ýd made bute scarfs. 26j Elm tret Toron- te, Oliver Spaniner Co, Ltd. ,AiNTED 'IHEATRE IN SMALL TOWN ORI- a suitabie building that ucan b1)e rebuiit 'into a theatre. Box 6,4, 72 Aead W. Torontio. WARTED TO IR EN'T, r>,LACE jý- mith aho nsd aaidwelilng, in geod frigcomntBox 63, 72Adelaýide W, T!orouto. WA_,NT BOUSE IN VLAGTOWN or hiighiwey, .Prefer with littie land, $700 te $17(,C. Give dAerip- tion, prie tc. GePorge Drummond, Oweu So0uud(. HIGHEST PRICES PAID Fer!al nin ' 0fdrecssed Pol'try, Ctour prices beore' you seli. Writ, phneorwr JO NC. COUPER '2304 I*fL-OOR 'I' .. '1ORONýTO P1101rONE 31. 9139 BUFER', MB. TED BWE stfate stock, tunvrmny neces- sa1ry particulirs, cLnfidentiajl. Box 51, 7' Adeiside W. Teronite. WANTEDTO PURHASE PLL- e-ts ail agLZP3sud hreeds. Higli rriccs Paîd. Appi ly Bx No. El, 73 Adelelide W,, Torante-. MATCHING GS ATE rOR 1946 haýtchlng season, Flocks cUli- ed andi bloositestecifrto cag Une oeriment suýpêrvîsicii. Gurates remium, plus batoli- ability Pretnium iPaïd. For fuit 1eal,Wrîite Box 39. 71 Adelaide EBE TWVE EN No W ANO A Sprin, Whte Brcis Boita, 7 log,7"sd ip top. MÙsut bj, fresis cut, fres 0f doze a-i!iarge 11b knots. .Ailse lpteresjtcd ira Poplar and Baqswood Bia and up top, 4891on. IyFu can suply) in canlots, wnlta afo ur Eiuoti-,ons. Reenan Wodenwarb bO(GS: BASSýWOOD EB41E BC and Whlte BirçlI BoIts goe PrIces. Write If) The Gaïrvjjje Co. LMe~14.. cOakYi1liý <Ort. ISSUE 4-4~ N N N s' N 'N N. N N. '4, s' 'N N N N. s' 4' N. N N 's N N N .4 .4.. N 's '4. N 's N N. N N N N N N 4, ieýý

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