Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Nov 1945, p. 1

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ORONO, ONT. THUSDA, NV. 2nd,1945 Subscription $ 1.25 per 'ear Orono Amateur Athletic Dane Town Hall, Orono, Nov. 23rd Warden C. R. Carveth Presented With Watch Reeve C. R. Cai-veth, of Newcastle, Warden of the Uihed Qounies of ~Nrtunbela'd and Iunha, as hpresented with a wrist wýatch at the ainnual warens aniquet held on Ti iir s d, N -ovem-ber 8,th, tit tLhe ~Britî,h Hotel, Cnbnr. e prenen- t-ati'on -f the w atcnnd the recading 1A. tbhe addes ws donebyeveW iSdLiittle f R ia'nville.W.A land adRei. RP. L.Saha of COI lbourg spoîke ait the banquet. The session o£ council on Thur-sday 'was devOted miainly tO comm-11-ittee re- Inc'iudad in The- report eof ,the Legis- lative and By laws Coenittae is the rceo-mmrenidation that a by-la beZ M-passed, appoistiag an assistant ceun- ties clar'k and treasurer. *ris is to epierWilliamn Barr, whlo is eml- pdydin the clerk and( treasureec office ta sign i qe ndtasc otar cbues i the absence of the sclerk and treasurer. In ýthe suininer w'heu the iýlm-k ari'I treaýsure- -was ili, Vhere was ndbody to sigi clhequas: and carry on1 the faniladminis- ltra4on' of the ofie. 'The, report of the sungeon of the 4 ~cOunties HBOnI-, r'e-vaaed that fo)ur iniates diad during th~e periodl June 1 to N"ov'amlber 1, thîsïý ye-ar. There %Vwas an veaeof 18 p)atients week- ly. The repoert expressedapri- tion wiitb the wvork Of thep staff. TI-e Rond Gopnnusion' reconi- -mendatieni that n 'power shovel b)e ~puodciised, mvas Picifsedl by cucl k Iii -hat c'eunetion ït. was ffoiinted out tthere- 'wee stock~ piles of gravai Parions eato the Coîuuties Mvhieh -ragrowing up- w'lU<,edýs aud even 3ntnauli treea éh2p tO~ "the fae-t that thec Plies had piot 'b"au touched. It was Ma1d ta get mueu who 'vwAod sh'"vl gravel by liand and a power shevel to Imd trucs rwould maIe these stocki pilas of asne use The power sh'ovel -cnl h uîsed- in ma-ny Pther conveni- lent w'ays, t1he counil "was t«ld Pur- Chase of a -paer mwet was Ïeferred to -i J'nuaîry session. There was eonisideralile disaeson lu regard to the recojmmndation ofý 4" ,the Ro'ad 'Co-missiou that the twS gravai crshers o'wnad by the Coun- lVes be instnled o-n oue case and ùsed as a co'mlbined criasher. Ths was endor-sed. Whîle agreeing Vint i-t would ha a giood ides Vo iit loads ta '50 per cent nonxn-a capacity on trucks dur- ing the spring on the Counîties roacd ~ssacounir~l f'oun'd no way in ývwhich Va enfonce it, and niothîng de- finite --ans decidied iu that -regard. 'Counili passed a resolution that thé- -imoue for Vhe hcnith unit offices ba pnrchased and the IP'necsary by-law ~broug-ht in at Vhis session. a- Turlkey Prices For That Christmas Dinner -witi Sanua Clans on the ratdie 1111d ar ding dvuVie stelt, Vlob viens teueanud ail tint Cnsia will ra iehawiti us. Peo(ple begin ihiuking ilu termas cf big Christmais maia ep te mih ilumothomâes Se tiare -vii be ne confusion about h-av muci siould be paid for tint Cuiistmns t heeiraare Vhe maxi- mnum wholasale and retil prices as listad b Wartimie Pnicsasnud Trade Board: Maximum 'ciomaslepnicas for penn-glhans and tomis ('ývli is wb-nt moat Chnis' tmt ea are) dlia- ed Vo the buyar's place cf business are: Special Grade,'38Sýîeenta spern lb; A. Grade, 3711 cents; B. Grade, 353 cenits; C. Grade, S2/ cents. Tbiese prices are for oos-pncked birds. For oaid hans, tha price la 3 cents laýsa per 1lb; for old t'omns, 4 cen1ts lass. If box-packed, Vie vwheles'alen may adI "4 cf a cent per lb. te bis price. Thezse are tae top prices stores wili pay whlesalers. The paxmu )rpicc the iousaw-,ife wHI pay Mfer artukey c's eeulh ier il ents for Special Gradle; 45 cents -for1 A 'Grade;-13 Cents for, B Grade ori 39cets for C. Grade.These prices ana for loose-paeked. If aie1 hupsa n iex-pked turkey, Vtheil- ing pri(ce wul-d 'ha atier 47 fer Via Speial; 46 for B; 43 fanr'C. or 40 for C.Grade. Thesýe pnices ara ftor youing hanisand toins, 'viici ara Vie ayai on itp- of birds offect (71fursae O0rono Police Trustees NoinationFriday Nigli The Orono Police Trusteas nmat in rag-ular mi-eetinig on Thursday aven- inig, Nýove1m.banri15A. A ltter from i e Orono Wo'ma's linstitute, ask1ing for n ligihV ou Park street wns neceved, and Vie saecre- tary -Vas inistnuctad Vo rapiy tint tiare is rne supplias ara ilable ati prasent for Vie installing of mue streat lights. Planning for tiae nomàination mYeeting, it was dacided Vo liold it ia the Orngýe Hall on Fîridey, No- "nbn23ýrd, commanincing at 7.30 p.mi., and if an election is naces-snny voting 'vilîl take place in Via Pire Hall, CharlesFP. -Afda Vo ha Deputy -eturning Offienr, and Mrs. Evelyn Hall, Poil ielr; Via electio n te take place on Deebe rd. The follomin'ig bilîs vere ordared paid : Orono -oal and Lumbar,_ for lumn afel, $16.20; J. Middleton, 'fixing fire hail vira, $,00, Counties Health Unit To Purchase House The Novemaber sessýion o)f the Unit- the local Boaýrd's hand, 6,00 -ed Ioniso Notuu 'an n After a somiewhat lengthydsc- Duh',openied at 'Cobourg on1 Tues,- sion on the p'olicy of Ipurýchiasinig a Novemhier 6thi. 'Most of th-, session huseà for, headouarters of thie Boarýd,- 'vins taiken up re.garding the prpsdit was d"ecidied that thehle Couni- puchas.e of a hotvs'e on George Street 1cil should inspect the house after ,for 'headquariters for the new Un'iteid adjour-nmen't on, Tuesday ýnýd then 'Counties Health Board. -continue thLe dicsinat the Wed- Mr. Coe, a riamber cf the Board, said Vie Board lid decidied te pur- dhase Vhe house, but had found tit iV couid noV legally dIo se wiVi-outi the consent of tie whiole Counieil. A lettar frein the i}ep'artmren't cf LUcalth stated that Viah local Boartid shoulid g-thVe sanmtioni of Vie Couni- cil rearding Vhe proposed purciase te) maie tie transaction egli Lh price nskad by Mrs. 'Crozier was -$, 500, plus' $'1'00 for painting. S-i- .St Mn. Cola stnted Vint die purchbase )monay wvu1d 'haae n ein th Vi $0- 00!0 alread-y; set aide by Viie Coun1- Lilas for Vie Roalcd nnid thar1efore wojuld net add ny adi1)nIl Cx- pense to Via Ceunities In ndditiente ia $30,000 výOtedý Hyie Counties, Vlie provincial goerarnmen~ iv a sîmii- lar, am-iount, Vinus m tknie totial lui nesday mioruiuig session. At Wa-dn-sday meruing's session Vihe Couties Coinuci passad a r~esolu- tien authorizîug 'Vie purchase for $4500 plus $100 for, pain'ting on tie dwaelling o ha 'uses fer offices by Vie CoLntias Heati Unit, a by4-av Vo Vils effect o ha 'hrougt in before VieA cloe of Vie session. This is te correct Vie eýrrer mada bytVia b oard cf hlealti lu attam-lpting Vo acquire VBe house on its own autharity. The board had souglit te purchase tie bouse, upen Vie advie of Vie Outaro Deparitinient of Filelti but Vie legal Deparmïlent of the Pro-vinlcial II"part- mient of Hlealti lbad nuled int-i the board bad ne autiolty te buy real estate, zand- tiat it mou-Id have Vo lha ncquired by ie CGunVies-Council and tinnturned over te -ie usacf Vile Bear fHat. BITISIINEW'S BROAýDCAS'IING VANS IN RANGOONý Pîcture taken JTune l4th hw a New-s odatn Van gîving th-ý hiberated! people of PRangoon thleir first opportunity of heaingetrt aftcri years of AnisPrpgn. Mrs. D. Robb Presented With Bonds After Retirementl 'On Frida!ýy eeiuNovmba),, 16,ý teacherýs, pupils and frienids of Mrs. D. A. Robh met tog-ethier at the town ihall, Oreno, te o ýboueur ta han on: the occasion of han îretirement as Mjusic Sperviser Cf Durhnm IICouinty. Mlr. Ruisseil Osborna' as chairin, called Mn. and Mrs. Rob!,b to the plat-I ýfùrn) aid Mrs. W, E. Armtistrong ,,read tha foilowing address "It w-as iwith raep regýret tînt we, youir friands of Orco and the ig1-h- boriug schoal sectionI-' eanue of youir purpose te neyver ,yotir-connectien v-iti the scheels hera where youi hava doue suich efflicient w,,ork ever an axtended period cftimie. 1Duiring thd years of service in ouir sehools you have dis'piayaýd grant 'faitfifuluess, and censcieutions'ness ln the discharge cif peur dtias. . Yours has beau the diFiclt tn sk of lnyin'g the foundation in vocal music, folk dancing and dramaotices. As taîl oaks frem littla acoruls grow, se, from a relatively simaîl be- ginning lu the 0rono Publie ehooýl,] where peu first tranud p-upils for a 'Ghristmas concert, peur 'werk was e- tended te Supervisor ef M'i.sic for Clarlie and DarlingltoiuTewnships. No-n did youir services stop there. Yeuir classes viere invited te the Eas- tan mneeting of the 'Otanie Educa- tional Asseciation te prove what could ba doue ini rural commnities, untder capa-ble leaders-up. This dem- oustratien se impiiressed the Directer ef Miusie tînt the Department ef Educati-on asked yen te iaistruct tan- chers from n al ový,er Vhe Province cf Ontario, by grigsummer courses in musie lun Ternot. Your work tee, as copsrf suitagble action songs, epeQrettas anfil pageants for 'childranba met -iti> n lrge mensura of success. You have laid suýci a foundaàtion la dramiaties aud ,misie amioug -your pupils tint you hava seen maniy of them vin higi aw-mards in Terontfo and fill respousible p)os;ions lu seaut- tered fields. Aý,jltiugi ili healihas cnnised you aarly retirement fnomn active dluty as a teacier, vie continue 'te hope tint, as youn healthi inpreves after a short period of Tes't, you wilîl keep lu touch 'witi uis througih youn composing of sehool inusie. You wene a pioneer lui enganizingz the well-ku'owu Durham Music Fesýti- val and saw iV devalep from a,,huinile baginning at Vie Beys' Trainin-g School te a-n eutstauding f estival which surpaýssed! any' vf its size lu tia province. Your excellent training made it possible fer-ileusimaîl core- mu,-nities ta cempilete suecaessfuly v ith larger oees. You-\r or was ani in- spirationi and youIr judgmant lu se- lecting sýuitable "tes-t" places raised thestnad of that yean!ly avent. Your kefforts wera noV cconflned Vo zcolsaone. Thieco unts as triigfor iIé,difficui]t pînys, epr- etsand pageants for varnu(-or-1 ganzaies IIcI *cntrbutd 13 Milion Dozen Eggs Beingg Shipped Overseas More thani 13, 4 9 10 dozen eggs will have been shippd*oes )sb thle time Ithe Lalu movemîent ends on Novem'bier 3ý, à.J.-1. Townisliend,ý, gen- erl sper-visor ùF peiishable trameî, Canadiarn Na«tionaïl Railways, esti- miates. To date, 347 C.N.R. refriger- ator cars have been required] and '200 more will 'hbe'ee in the nex.t three weeks. Eggs froma the prairies, cen- tral Ontario, Quebec and the Mari- tiescare to Eastern Canladian ports dIuring theh three months will i total 10,434,'600 dozenl. In addlitioni to this, 3,062,5,35 dlozen egsfrom poultry farmis ini Brrtish Columibia have alre-ady been shippedi from the Pacifie coast ta) Great Bni- tain via the Panamma Canal. This is the equivalent of 15-1 carloads. mlu'ch to the social life of the ýom1- On behialf of 'the pupils, ex-pupils, teachers, ex-tendhers, organizatons and citizenis of the co'mnunities of Clarke and Dnrliington, 'we ask you to accep't this g-ift as' a tolken of our appreciation for your inspîri.ng and enîthusinstîc efforts in mi-usie and clramatics". Mliss Kate Foster presented 'Mrs. Ro'hb with a ift of VictoryBod andi -Mr. Lawrelice .Savery gave Mr. Robli a bi]llfold. In Mrs. Royb:l's reply, thanikîngiý her maniy fruiands, she recalled miany bu11- anorous aiid pleasant remini-censesý of heur work ini conneetion with the scol.Mr. iob lso ex.pressýed his Six litile girls from 'Miss Tennant's clnss of Orono Sehool, Mar[jlene Can- treil, Anna Marie Sherwin1, Lorna Lewis, Adele Cooper, Posemary Bos tock and Carolyn Jonesý, sanig one of Mrs. Robb's own compositions, "Six Little Milkmiaidls". Inspector T. R. MiýcEîwveu broughti greetings 1rom Inspector, Carlton and pnid fitting tritbute to Mrs. Robb. Durin'g the' programnie, the follow- ing speakers broughlt greetin'gs andm appreciation: Major A. R. Vri rom the Dùrhýat-m Music Fesýtival As sociation, Misa M. Archer fr-om th e teachers, Mr. M. H. Stapfles fr0111the Durham Agricultural Society, Mr. W. J. S. 'Riekard from th[le trustees. Miss 'Elearior Cronký, a for'mer tedï cher of Sha-tw's Sehiool, gave two1 reaings whie'h were ~greatly enjoyed.1 Ail the imusïil numnberswreen d.ered by former pupils of MsRob Mrjs. WV. J. Lynulh plaYed apio solo MiaesLe-ioore Collacutt,Gwe Brooks <and ElanrWighit sn vocal solos. Thesýe numibers nrea tangibl1e evidencý,e of thle qaiyOf mune hih r. rob il ilnspîred .5 Robb receit ed her any friend(s, af'- ter wichl lunich was served.ý Rev. W. B. Tucker, Former Orono Minister, Given Presentation In Toronto Durham Counity 500 Bushel Potato Club To Hbld Special Banquet, Tire Duriai County 500 Busial Potata lu w'as org-auized for Vie second yeair Vils spring 'viti sixteen PoetatO grevers cnompetiug. The clinuax of tis couteat will taka plaice ait Bethany on Frlday, Novemiben 0 ait 6.30 p.m., with a fosel dinnen baing servad. Tlie aunouucent af Vie stanIIding and Vie presantatian- cf pnizes ,-ÀJlI lapart cd the pregrani. n. E. K. Hlainpson, Manager fer Canadla cf -Via Amarican Poa Inl- stituta,lue, FHamilton, Winl net as guast speaker. -Mr. Hanmpson la very miri intenestued in Vie potato g-no-w-- ers aud asp)ecially wiV tiosýe -cf Dur- i-a-mi Couuty as 'ha vý.as Ag,;iuturall Ra-prcenLative in Durhiam Cournty fer aIhr periol about 20 pana ago SotThre Womien's Association f the Uuitad Churci, BatLhany, la serving a Le-wl.. diuen.The general commuent last pen as tint lis vas oea(-Jf Vieafiuestd inuers tia neecould visli fo. The ladies have stipulaed Vils penn tlinthVey cain-t accomurmedate muea Vin 125. -'Tiose mishiig tVo 'a- ain tickets iay d'o Sn by contaetinig anycue cf the fl-elowing wio ao :re mlembIers of the 500 Busi-el Club f'Gem- mIitte : A. Jo Es., Hvn , H Bney'C. iHudalon, Pntypo;D. 01a,1 Mi11, rok;M. Du ,;or H-opa; and F. Dorlaud, BUrkatauI Tie Club is ve-ry 'muci indlebted 'Vo those w'io lve dOnated cshor ,pecial pri*zes, for tuis project. Tiase1 énludie Vhe Tavnsiip Councîla cf G,avan- and -Manvens; tie Niagara P3rand Sýpray, Companuy; UaiVad Fan-l nIm ara' Co-aparativa, Peterboro; -Cana-1 San Industries limiVted Toronto;' Aicultural Chamnicals -Ltd., -Prt Hope; 'Canada Pachens, Peterbono; T'. Enton Company, Tomateý; and Vie DurhanmCoeunVy Crop Inaprovemient - --- 0 - Clarke P.-C. Meeting larke Towrzship Progresýsive-Con'- s Lvaiv As.sociation held their an- nual meeting lu Vie Orange Hall, 01rono, on Stnn eveuing, NaVeinc- 17ti, foV r ansactio f- general business an-d fer Vie elaction cf offli- Despite Via ble'akneLss ýof Via aveu- ing ag-ced tannnttwas prenant from Vroagheut Vie Tovwnghip). Tie mi bu'sines's w-as Vie -eetian o4 officera for Via1 eusuiug penn, viici rasulVed asfolv 'Presidaut -f T. A. Raid. Vice-Pl>(asidleut - HIarVwoll Lo'waryý. Treauna -CordonMat. A de ie business va-s coneidad th Ho . D. Vivi, j Mý ýjjilnisýten cr f 1401hi Mudielfnre was called upon Vo tdr h'sVe gatlharîng, after1bic Vie ret -f Viteniwgvas i e ovar te-n -sociahcat,.fllou d-by lnci poviad y ie ladies. Ajax War Plant Was Made Up 0f 2,505 Acres Among tVeia many row-ît-cau-ba- tc1ld atoniesOcf 'Canada"s supl)er",> a production efforet, tire is none" or inte'resting than in-t eL Defaince In- dustries L'imiitad, martilie sbiî of Candianu indusnies Limiitedi. IV la a story cf ind-1(ustriafl ac!iievemauQt tint ',vig'bad lhavily lu dia scales cof victery, yet eule viici ecould noV) ba teld in detail until Vhe last abat of Wéod War IL hmd beeAuird Defeuica Industries Li'miited ete îmaya nas "IL. o tha in'any thons- aud oCna inmen and 'oe vie b1ave beau n lits paprolis nt oen tima Or aeir ltViepat sx par H~ ie kyao , ftie -eiie' exloiesad 'chiniicals proga. Its plants, ranlging foi.iycie'M'- cadl unit in a Queice t-o t a gbiant1 siell filig vonka pawig vnan arear cf aine squarenme, w-ena scat- te-ed acro)s Cainada from iShawinil- gan PIlis, . bete Winnipeg. Put togethier, Vhe plantùs vwoLld have ne- praSanted a Icîty about the size of WestmuntQue., comiplete wilii pub- 1c buildings, watr, sewaga, po'wer and transýportationi services, streats, r-ailwaiys, aen ti heat-es, sclhools and churcies. The plant at P"%aîn asco- pletad ilu Apri al , at au appxi-ï malte ceat cf$1200, 'll ie site c«eso f 2,505 acrs purse"d by the Dominion Goveament.The peal muploymnt t'eined 70,Y uwti labo-, tawns as weill fîin ie rire blp maitlioda. ha- o On Sundcay afterinon, Nov. 4, the Ma1*n's Brotherhlood Clnss ofrlil Park lýAre. United Church ,nUre pi- vil edt expressý to Rer, Mr. Wý Benjnini Tucker thUîr deup regard andafectonfor]. iupon bhis reVtire- Iment aftr six years of ourtstndig service n, their leader.The folloing-- addreses on bebaîf of the class were rend Vo him by Mr. J, T. Nûrris, First 1Vice President. Mru. Norris, the, wrît- er- anreder cof this adres athe lVfathecmaties teacher in Hmesd Collegiate Ins3titute, which p)osition he has hel& for te past 22 yean. â1r. Ttucker : "This aftersninit is toeha 'ny pff- vî,lege to net as a spoI)kesmiani for the Brotherhood Cîas of fHigh Park Churech, iin directing these few re- marks Vo yeu upon your retcirement. -as class t iaahar. "Dn ingsx long andi difficuit yea.rs Yeu have been our' faithfuil ConnseIîff-r and e;uide, i'thceaseless derotiex through Vtie long eciemenit winter mioaths you have Ibeen fouud anrong us. Coiniuouis-y fthough tlhe long' stiummer season, while w.e ecame and wecit on hoLiday, or othenwise, yoti hav ebeau fond at the pos.t of duty. Even during thie warmier mnths CiL sunmnr you fai thtinthVe forces of atnwere neyer inclin'ed te t.ake a., holiday, nd herefore, faItit your d1uty ta be here. You have diligantly soughit eeray mopprtuity 'to bring ta usni theacig of tue Word of God. Un1stiingl_,y, y.on have guiea us the ienaýFit cf your long and fait]iful years in Christian sevc-i ene- fit of yaur wvidaexprec as a de- voted minister of Our churci-the benefit of ymur daanliugs wi'tb varier! daficencies in the spiritual'ty oft m enslves. "Uncxxipom~scigl, pu have stood for the right. Fearlessly, pair have discountenancdi the evil thiug wich songht, no unsuspeeingly, A mnake is aIL apprently 'respectale A Men's lires. "IS-Lnday by Sunday, amnid dia:cour- agement Wn seamingly baMling di= cuites you have lairoured mninà your self scfcigwork of lova for i, e men of thîs clas. No doubt, pout have cMetn mwerad 'whthter thie ceeds of pour eforts mare falling upen story ground. But, with a con- stant Yesort ta prayer, wit an un- ceasina' dediention of y(oor timle aind efforts to Vie furthlerauce of God'sý k ingdomi, pou placad your confidence iin 'God, your Msefeeling int an all-seinîg ýGod mou-ld discover the re- ceptive 1henrt a1d the yieldugsoul. "You hnd haped, M.TÙicker, upoi completiug pou-r active miinistry, 'ta dlevota 'muelh tiîme te itihe fnl-filmtent of certain plans yen lad made, ta tihe com~le4tngof certain cou templa ted projechts t nt d long beau next ta you-r heart. Yet, vh e i this classi cnd upon you ta be it teacharpon u-nsedfish-ly gave u'p al the plans VintL had been d oema f, and iinstead of enjoyîng a îwell 'enred rest and a ogedfrprut yenu Sacrifleed youiii-s1rsafw h oee-h1eart tedly ý-and i'un.- salfishly ýto Via hitlier3to nxpie w o f tiniefss. Tint, lu itselIf, speas Volumes in regard teyour de- rotion [tefie causýe cfChrist. Wa, ns a clasa, mu-at net fil tepeeiv flint clearly. Wemust net Laiu ' bnftof your ehutr study and (Cot in1ulad on l'Paý1g eFour) s t. N N -t 'N N N N N N N s N N N N h 's h t. N 4' h h 'N N N N N N 't t' N s N N t' N 'N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N 'N Q t' "N N 'N t' N N N 't N -'t -'4'- -' 't N 't N t' s N 't N N N -t'

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