Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Oct 1945, p. 7

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OTTAWA REPORTS swape te Departiment of A.'gri- atres plan t proýtection branch ýxîi souvenir parcels cautaiaing a ilinflowering 'bufibs fronu west. erm Eutrope. îlhe brenich staff hed te inapeet them ail for inseetsq and plantI disease's. Greetest con.ges5tioný at en)y Canadian enre is in OtI- awa where more thn 1,00sav cmxii p-rels air-ive an one weeýk.ý JIowe'ver armny reinforcemients were 'called mi te hielp open and wvrap the packaýges and the- situaition is pow well il iid. ýA miould of thie penicillin family ias been puit te, work te make a ICàlaai bine chieesc ivithl a dlis, tinjctive flevcor of its owa- whichi is said to rival an1Y of its frinmd prC]eeCeCs'sors. Four yeaýre of experiments et thec Ontafýrie Agricullturet Coliege at Guelh h-caprodlued tblis chçese sîmnilar se the imported Racquefort,. Thie firsi task wats te preduce froin cow's anilk a type c'f cheese ,as close as possible ta thie ,sbleep's milk Frenich product, end secoladly te simulate thie hum[11idîty aad tam- Ilelature ot the Rocquefort caIves.; An orieyloaf of 7whîte breed is thie sýeed bed for developing the tasteý-miniig mlotild. Wh' iean the plant blas grown, il and the bread are grouind ir-te a finle powder -whichi is s"pm'iled imbe the cees cidWhenl blCý seveni-incb checeses ire foýrmed, eacbi oaa is punjchled -withi 40 holeýs. These are filled witls _thý' miould and the green liant eads ils tenta-cs, througb the rest ()f thke cheese, A"s wi s providling cannoieseurs -with) a, supariar produet, this necw liec for- surp)lus mlilk will puit mlany thusnd)f dollars ïmbc thie hands Sepýarate from thie uiiiversity itsehî -whîcb gi-cs 0.aly courses in first ead scond 3(ear subjects, twý niew branchies h3ave been added ta the MiàXhki Uniiversit; of - Caniada--theý InIversity extenision" branicb and thec voctina taiing branich. This alcademxc reaiiainsystem aln- ables army sde t t takecore in theu United Kýingdlomr 1-p ta thieir repariaiobdate. Britisih inistitutions haive biCe1- ,wunuievflly coaea ili phacin1g teLIbis. Thie extension buaachi is 'Cnsinig the' facilities tsf S'ncbi famled Ls aLnduni, O0 odCm 'ri.dge, Enhugand efatUnl- ~vrixs.Techical(ýt and vocational schiools- -KhlakýI U st uises tenidon Counitry Counrcil ich!ools finainily--procidle cl as se s in a rt, architecure, hedicrefis ad virlu- nlly v'ery hrenlch of science and krad(e. Prirat.e firmis have made ar- ranigemençits for army personneal ta 110,, dows a long bbic lina ini whlich thecy aire interested.L Sanie 200 Can- açlieni soldiers are availiag themi- selves of these upportunities. As ill marks oA army ranks are teken dewn thie stuldenits et Khaki Coîl- ege are on ain e-cen basis. * irmen of one of the mast un- esual -air force- vnits are now as- samibling et bbce R. C.A. F, repet- m-ation. depot et Torquey, Enig- ]and.I They are memnbers of the AIir Observation Poest, and tbley w'ear Xiiaki unifarms -wîth armiy shiould- tî pïaches anid air farce caps, Tbice A. O. 1'. squadcans wercr foied lest _year te act as the 'eyes of Canadlianý ar;Illery nuits." .Artiliery officers w%ýere put i> thae air te spot enemîy artillery and de- feiices and direct Curna(dian fire wheraý it would be mestf effectivýe, IZ ura-s lait that air forc,-e pilotsý lacktd tise needled artillery kýnew- IegaanaJ accordingly' army men ,were traincd as pilots.' Thie sqarn'aircraf t were the aiawflyngalmosl ncete seater Anistarsý--called "flyîng jeeps" becauise they wera Se mranieniver- able. As a mtie ilie crutisiiîg, poo gm-aphîing A. O. P. craft met ne0 \.~opposition Th e Germani fighiters FR EE Roherts's Dictionary of Mining Ternis Tifi w4eii weard Itatg dictt(Ios.ary ln bookiet fersa la a',n nubl id te, li la- VeNtorN f nml»lag mýhre»., it <'larifle.s rminlag terms, eXssreaslons and teehalcal Phr'asea ns 1141uhould be ex- tremely helptul tu laventors. We havýe a limited mumberý maalabl'e and wll be. gladt t Nend oee teyouFRE CLIVE-ROSE & CON Inve.atmteait Securttea .ute', 9T-ront, SIl ToRONTI%,O,, CANADA Clive-Rose and Co., Suite 30, 9 Toronto St, Toronto, Canada. Please se.nd nie a free eePY of ROBERTS'S DICTIONARY of MINING TERMS. ASE MUSCULAR PAIN' IF you sufer from 1)muclgr aches or pains, and hav-e been reying on slow- acting, somectimes ineffective remedies to bring yott a measurecof relief, ]earn ail about the Instantine,1-frblet-way to fast relief from simple pain. You sec, fast-acting Instantine tablets are a skillful combination of threproven anedicinal ingredient sscientificaily com- pounded te relieva pain promptly. Chances are you may ha surprised at the speed with which 1 Inst«ntine tablet can brin g you fwelcote relief! Yoi aua count on 1Instantine's, triple-aiction te work in these 'atgi-ce you Ifast relief framx pain: 1. Speedily ease pain. 2. Prolong relief from pcin. 3. Reduce "tlepressed feeling." Give nild, stiraulaing 'ift."1 Instantine neyerr painipers pain, but works fast te biring nmeeded comnfort. Re- mnemilber Instaitnt-e, Ina, whenever yen sufer from lmJeaderhe our the djiscomnfort (cf a cold Or sexe llzrosz. You ana get Inistantinle zt an-y drugstore-. 12 Tablets 25ý-"ont 2e a dose FeuEffetiveReDafSrmplea>I Poin JIOTEL METRUPOLE AUl Beautifully Furnisbed With Running Water. Rates: NIAGARA FALLS, OPPOSITE C...STATION, Poultices of Mêccclekvc pel, baling ut corex, heals qulckly, no sMar. 25c, 35c, 50t, 11.00. wiîh its %weok, tired feeing? If finctionai periedic disturbatnces malce yau feel nerrous, tireal, restless -atL ulcl times - try Lydia E. Pinkhama's Vege.. table Compoand. te relie-ce aucb aymn- taoins. Pinkhamn's Compound la one eftgt; most effective niedicines for thise Follow label directions. Bay ito'Y., Restore Singapore Plans for restoriag Britaiu's, great naval base at Singapore, ,wbieh fell te tle Japaneso Febru- ary 15, 1942, are la operatlon, 'ac- cordinrg te the Admlralty, Trhe plans were begua ,immedlately after the city's surrender. P eak production of synthetk rubbe>r is expected to bc rcehed in 1946, with an output o ,0, 000 tons, We recommend: FORBES GOLD MINES, LTD, (No Personal Llability) Bid 40, Ask 45 Circular on requeat Alliance Securitie8 Telephone ELgin 4104-4105 Four Coiborne Street, Toronto 1, Ont. AGENTS WANTED AGENTvS -TERRITORIES 1STILL Opea. Sali $5 gasolina sa-carand superý charger: 100% profit. 5 minutes to mastai, Write ,"Gas- Oline Saver", Box 52, 73 Adelaide West_ Toontq SONG WRITERS SONG POEMS WRITERS., RECOG- nized mhusie writar, whose songa are publisheal by iaading U.S.A. publilaers, coasat-to-coast, wiii write music e tayoompoama. Frea copies, nfow publisbing in Canada. Write Soogmaster Studios, Sussex, N.B. BABY CHicKs FREE RANGE PIULLETS PURE breeda and hybmid crosses 12 waeks aid Up ta inying. Aiea Fali hatcheal day aid chicks, Free ca- talogue. Tweddla Chick Hateher- ies Limniteal, Fergus, Ontario, CATCH, THEE GOO BROILER markets. W'ii have astaady weekiy Supply a-ailable é Order naw, aisa your faîl and winter abicks, Sec you bava a copy af Our valuabia Faîl Service Bl letin. Free. Bmay ]Raýtchery, 130 John N. Hfamilton, Ontario, weaks ta 2 weeits. Pre bed aa bbralcrsss.Aiaday oaid chili htcedtaordrfor. fa daivr.Top I',otchChekri BUSINESS AND- IROPERTY IF ÏOU ARE THINKING 0F SEL- liag your Business or ]Property, large or amali and want good re- cuits, coosuit ibis office, 30 Fears exparielnce in' selling ail kiads of praperty, for furiber information Write. George Lawton, 709 Quel- lette Ave., Windsor, Ont. BI'SINES'4 OPP[OltTINIT5ES '41 BUICK SEDAN WSLL B3E SOLOD FOR, $1.001 TO holder of lucky, ticket ai Picker- ing Rotary Fair, Otober 17. Senal $1,00 for riveý tickets to Boz 200, Pickering, Onit. 'IT COULD BE YOURS" A BEAUTiFUL MODERN 5-ROOM Bungalow, aow1 under construc- tion, or choice of $10,000 in Vie- tory Banda, situated at the corn- er et Lawrence Ave.- anal Scarlet Rd., laI Westoa., This beautiful homoe or the bonds will go ta some lueky licrebolder. itla 3notû neceaeatry for tha wianjjer- to bha prea.ent at the draw. 'Tickets $1 eacb or 6 for $5., ai your erder for 1 or more tickets ta Trcs. Westaa Lionsý Clurb, Toronto 15. Gai 'youre aw $1 FOR RQTARY HOUSE SHlARE TICKETGVE YOU 01,- partuniity of awning this beau- tiful home or $4500 cash wben luckY ticket ia drawa, Proceedi, for Crippleal Childraa anal Com- munlty Service, Send, today for o or more sharea ta Rotary Club, Box 428. Basez, Ontario. '41 PLYMOUERU CAR, EXCELLENT condition iacludlng rubbera. Senal dollar for fi-ce dmnw tickets ta J. Shedalen, Halowe'en ODraw Chair- alan. Refiaery Warkers', Union, 'aort Coiborne. Winnar purebases car for ana dollar, $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE -YOURS" ALSO PARTICIPATE IN $50.001 moathly Bond ýdraw, Other, prises, Ijetails an receipt. Shares $1,00 eaeh or 6 for $5.00. feend for shares ta St, Catharines Optimigt Club, Box 445-H., St. Caiharlnes, Ontario. 1942 PONTIAC TORPEDO SEDAN WILL BE SOLO 10 HOLD- ér of wlnning ticket, ta b,3 drawn Ja Hespeler, Thanksglvlng Day. 'Tickets 25c, 5 for $1.00. Proceods lXinsmen Service Charities. Seid tor tickets ta Kiasmen club. Box 428-C.Z., Heapeler, Ont. $ 10,000'. HOME BUILT ANYWHiEItE IN >CANADA tea winaer's sPeclfieatlons, or f10.000 Ia cash will ho awartied ..ulcky wlaner. Aise chance on $100 Cmaathly tiraw, Wlnner ls GUI! Pelîgible tar bouse dcaw. Ail Ëroceeds ftac hiitren'a wIf r Tckets $1eah-12 focr . ai î t1tteo , a 8ihar3y Klwanto L. K. Jet Plane One of Fastest The Vampire, Briteia's new jet- propelled- fi ghter, plane, cen do weillever 500 miles an heur in levai fiight, making ilrire of the fastest-jet planes in the wemld, of- ficiels reported lest waek. . Although the plane still, is on the Air'Miniistry's secret list, lim- ted details just relaased disclosed thet, its )perational ceilinjg was bebween 45,000 and 50,000 feet. Limited iiifo-rmation about the De Hlax'ilandl( Hornet long range fighter aIse was Ycelese-d. Poer- cd by bwe o 70hrspw r-lîs- Reyce Merlin enigines, it has a top speed of more than 470 miles an heur and a r-ange of more than, 2,500 miles. Like bbc, Mosquito light bomber, whicb il resembles in general eppea rance, the Hornet bas an ellwooi fuselage. Trots Mile In 1:58 After tratting a mile in 1:58 te set a aaw record for 3-year-olds,, Titan Hanover, wna of this year's, Hembietoniaal, would be justified in giving tie lhorsa laugh, te aIl cempetitors, bt hal( is now s0 gaod that bis, enly ctptte is a stop wtch.-Naw Yack Suan. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTIIING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write te us for Information. We are gIad to: answer your qluestions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto., FAUXI MACHINER-- FOR SALE 10--20 INTERNATIONAýL TRACTOR rubber on front, 2 furr-ow Piaw. Lloyd Aicockrsi, Ont. NEW BRIGGS & STRATTON AIR- cooled gasoiine angines. Mostup- to-data angine madle. Low cost. Deniers orders invited. Scope, Sales Co., Box 852, Ottawa, Ont, "VIKING" CREAM SEPA.RATO.RS and repair parts are aiways available -ither at your local dealer or direct from Swýýedjsh Sapa rator Co., Limited, 720 N'otre- Dame West, Montreai 3, Que. FOR SALE QUANVITY 0F LARGE WILLOW tracs. Hangar Limb Conmpany, 811 lOng Street West, Toronto, Ont. PIANOS,, OURI SMALL- NEW PIAýNOS uinla design afnd tn.Crcular mailed Jprompi1tly, Fac"jtyMa aa d Risch Lmte,642 Kîng GErNERAL IREO IGWY Hamilton vc nit, aieahome sur- roundings; $9,500 compiete, $6,008 cash required; owner ratiring. Ask ýWorthington, 21 Main E., Haemilit on. MU SCO V YDUCKS,, WRiýE, drakes $3.00, dueks $2.00 F.O.B. Paniin Farm, P.O. Box 101, Aider- abat, Ont. 20,Û00 IREEDING EWES. 50,000 Feeder ,Lambs. Rambouillet- Merino Corridale, Cross, Southera Sas1k.,WooI Growers' Association, Map]e Creek, Saskatlhewan. G. S. Herringer, Secretary, PRODUC(ER-ItETAIL 1 A-I R, farm, modemn equpmientý ,(I00 qts. daiy,- fine buildings. ,good loca-. tion, profitable. Fruit, dairy aind general fnrms. Groeery nnd gan- tata, Hagersvjlle,, ont. FOR SALE IN CARLOAD LOTS, good, heaithy range ewes, Ram- bouille t-Corriedal e Cross. John Nimber, '1'ompkins, Sask. I{ARDWAItE BUSINESýS; CO)UNTY towa; goýod farm traýde; fixturets $780.; Stock (eatlmaýted $.0. ai rosi: lsnd and buiilding witb, living quarters for sl;renited premnises carry land charges. Owaciir givin g Il rrýtzkI business. selliig (l orbying constit us. The aainC redit Mea'is T rust As- a1citionLmted (-',r. Wialton). 137 Welilngton Street West, TJo- GRIGOS FOXHIOUNIO PUPS AND young dogs for sale from import- ed and reglstered stock. Stans- bury Kennela, Bronte, Ontario. ANGORA' RABBIV BREEDING Stock. Apply Moaareh Angoras, Walter Shannon, 3 Glynu Ave., .kJax. SURPLUS ARMY STORES Army Petrol Cana, cpciy2 tmp. galions; with crrin anie and heavy brasa cap. Juat the thing for carrying extra gasoline, water, anti- freeze or any liquid. Price 79c each. Used Land Mine Boxes, 8% z 8% x 28" long. Price $1,19 eacb. Used Ammunition Boxas, 13 x lilx 18" high, doubla hinged caver, 18 ga. steel., Twa heavy carrying handies. Price $1.711 each. AII-purpose matsl containers, 17" high x 10% zx1%,with slip,-on caver and canvas carrying strap). Price .79c each. 6' Foling Mess Tables, price $5.911 eaeh. 6' Foldiag Banches, $2,.20 each. tra. Witï'e The Alison Machiaery Com - ikany Llmited, 208 SirQcoe St.. To- renta 2B, Ontario. UP TO DATE DRUG 2- r, VOE êquipped with Soda Founitain ~ rie and Souvenir Sbop. Good gusînees ,,,,ail year round. Repfly ta ]Poitras Pharxtacy, 210 Main St., I~c.tQue., 45 mlles erain Moatrea. 31,.EC11MIC MOTOIIS, NEW, (I8ED bougibt,, aold. rehut; boîtï, pul- leya, buaes. Allen Electrie Coni panLtd., 2326 Dufferîn st., To- As They Were Manlchuria is agai Manchurila, Tho. barbarie Japanese perveri-;onB î"Manchuuto" goes into limbo. We live 111 hopc, that Iran will a- gain tie Persia and Iraq wîll bi'- tome MNesopotanujia, as the worýld staggers back ta ilssas. RELIEVES MISERIES 0F-, . .. .. ..... /Nnetrates /Stianulat.. deep lnt bronchial tue cbest end b=cr tubes with its sooth- surfaces like a goeO& ing medicinal vapors.à Warmiiig poulticeï Warming, soothing relief-grand relief-cornes when you rub good old 'sliks VapoRub on the throat, chest anid back at bedtime. Its penetrating-ýstîimulating action keeps on working for heurs In- vites restful sleepi And often by snornîng rnost misewy of the oeld Ia'gone. No wonder most inothers use VapoRlub. u ~K Try it tonilght-V I K FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS REWOUND AND REPÀIRED. EX- part workmansip. Moderato prices. Lloyd M. Bettger. Moak- ton, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE 75 ACRES FOR SALE, GOO buildings, 2mlles ta Barrie, 8 acres wheat, 12 acres lo-car, 25 acres ploughced. Plenty water-, wall fenced; hydro availablo. Possession Oct. 1; $2700 down. Apply Enri Barron, Barrie, Ont. VALUABLE FRUIT FARM, 33 acres of exceptionaiiy weii cul- tivated orchards, iacludiag pears, peaches, cherries, pluma, prunes, grapes and aliplea; attractive 10- room brick home, lectricity, bath, bont and cold ruaningr water, beautiful surroundînga; tenant bous, barn, packing sbaed, 2 gar- ages, chieken pan; ail in splendid' repair; haIt mile from sebool'on good rond. Price $25,000; must sali. Owner living on farm. D. E. Ligbtla, Ridgevilo P.O., Welland vicinity. 104 ACRES FRRICE LO',AM sou. ew sateai bar1n in 1937, nlear-, lynw 8 roomed tra1me bous"e. bous andbara 8 aresbush', dlr ivin)g sabad anMd ban coap, )'goad 1ance, 5 c reshaýy andpasur thie reaýt ploughled, drilled weli -$8,000, nt lenat 14,000 in cash, 10 miles from Guelph.,3 miles from Rockwoud, a miles tro m Acton, 1 mile tae cal Mrs. T. Halcovitcb, R.R. 4, - Roc2kwoad, Ont. 200-ACRE FARM, LOT 18, CON. il. Enniakillen Township, one mile off No. 21 Higbway. Eight-raom 'brick bouse. full baseena. Barn 40 fi. by 60 ft., fiaisbed off with cament mangersan steel stanch- ions, 12x40 concrete silo. God manchine sbed and gaar.<oed clay loam, wall tiled, 25 acres hardwood bush. Apply Walter Clr.Wyoming, Ontaria. FARM, 200 ACRES, 2% 'MILES from town, on h ig hwa y, con- venient taachol. Mr-s.-Arthur Rochon Matitawa, Ont. A 1BEAUTilýFL, WL-MPO 178 acres, one mile soutb et 'lilý- huiry-, Ont., on Uidie Road. Chas. Ca1se, flleaheimr, ont. 285 ACRES FOR SLE,12MIE soutb of fHaliburton,aprxnte ly 100 acres good workable liand, remainder pasturo and bush, pleaty of xwod, timber for lu-m- ber anl maple syrup bush, tair bouse and bara, %well watered and tfenceal. Railway and river ruai througb propai'ty, Hydre power availabie, 2 miles tram stattion. generai Lnto re," church, and sebool. Owýner retiri-ig.- rice $.0.Apply, NMeivïlle MKigl Box 14, Hjali'burton, Ont, }IELI, WANTED tOUPLE FOR O AIHY FARM. SE- parate bouse phone, gardea, milk, fuel andal eectricity. furnished. Stage wsgea. John Sely ,R. l. Prescott, Ontario. LINO OPERATORS AND FLOOR MEN WANTED COMPETENT LINO OPERATORS and floor men wantad for news- paper printing office, permanent position, bighest wages. Wilson Pubiishing Co., 73 Adalaide W.. apply nearest Employment andl Selectiva Service Office, Order No. 1. MEDICAL IT'S IMPORTANT- EVERF ,YSU1,- ferer of Rbeumnatic Paiins or Neu- ritshbaulaltruy 1Oixoi's Rmd Munros Orug S1tore. 3'5 ELgia, Ottawa. Pspi.$,0 STIIMACIIAO HED OM atten are "to caus,ýe of lll-health la humai-ns, ail ages. No one ýim. munet Wby not final-out if thîs Is your trouble? 1nteresýtîng par- ticulars-Freel Write NMulvenýey', teedsSp)ecialiats. Toronto S ~, AUMEEKA FOOT BAL?1 DE. atrays offenjsive odor i nstantly. 45c bottle, Oitawa agent. Deonrrý Dr'ug toe.Ottaîwa. 000 AUIC VERY SUFFE- er ofRbmacPanorNrts shouicity irns emdy Ma io's ODrug Stre,335Elgin, Otta- wa. P~tad$,0 World Record The British liner Aquitenia bas achieved another warld record for Britain by travelling, 2,660,3911 miles (4,185,258 kilometres) dur- ing her 3'l years' service et sa. She b as carried 1,000,000 broupe ir- two rs HAIRDRESSING L E A R N HAIRDRESSING THE Roberisqon metbod. Information an requeet regarding classes. Robertsoa's Hlrdressing Acad- omny. 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGT ON- BUYS, sella,, exehanges musical Instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPORTUNiTIES FO1U WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADINO SOHOOII Great Opportuniiy, Leara HairdressIng Pleasant dignifieal profession, good wvages, thousandasoccesaful-Marvel graduates. America'a greatesi sys- te»n. lllustrated catalogue free. Write or eaul MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCIIOOLS 3581 BLOOII W., TORONTO Branches: 44 KinÉ St. Hlamilton &74 Rideau Street Ottawa. PHOTOGRAPHIC g;îv e yo u better pictuirea. Try r lo-txfinish an.ril ethle dif- texece; tx ad eghtexposura, roua evio dand prîntedl3e P hoto Finisher, Box 490, Wind- sor, Ont. PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS' 12 FOR 69c Select your favourite negatives and sead ta us. We'il retara 12 prints mounteal on atfractive, embossed graeting carda, with envelopes for mailiing for 69e. Tha mnoat original greetiag cards you can gt-the kind your friands wiii keep - carda that men on active service at home aad overseas, iike ta get.. Order early. (2 Photographe on, Calendars for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT- SERVICE Box 12o, Postal Terminai A, Terento -Your quaility in colouring agnd de- veIoplng is excellent," writea a. eus- tomer at Peterborouigh, Ont. "n Four s3ervice Is prompt and guarani- teed.ý I am partieularly fascinateal wltb the coloureal eniargemeats and Christmas carda. Four pricea for such dualty work are reaiiy, econ- omicai andl I appreciata yaur prompt reliablo service." Aay Sizo Roii-6 or 8 'Exposuresq, DEVELOPED71 ANOD PRIN'TED 25c .1 MOUNTED ENLARGE11ENTS 25e xie4"z6" la Beautiful Easel Foýýu can have enlairgemnents colour- ed b3y banalfor na amal a-dd!itional charge,, Frasacti Enlargemieatme 4"xr'6", Ivor-yint s»ounts, ln framnes 7" y 9". BurnîshealGoa or Silver, Circasslay, Wai1nut or Biack Fboay finish SIc; if enlargemeat coloured 79c. Print Four namne and addreas plain- iy on ail orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE andc SATISFACTION Your films properiy developod, andi printeti. 6 OR 8 EXPOSIJRE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25a FINESU tENLARGING SERVICE You may not gel ail the films you want tis year, but you ea get al the quaiity and service you dsr by sendlng, Four filma ta IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto PATENTS F'ETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPýANY Patent Slilcitors. Establishiet 1890; l4 King West, Toronto. Btookîci of Informalion on e- q oas.F tk Ll" prmsidec p1T1nplyBou, 51, 73Adenda ,,Trno 14haeIngUEasan0 Fieka9 ol N N N s-,. N N N N N y s' 'I., N -s- N N -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N 1' N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N y. N N N N N y N N N N N -s N N N N 'N -'t.,. N N N N N N., N N N 'N

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