Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Oct 1945, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1945. ~rize inners. For The First Day of Fair <Contiuued from last week) Fine Art Ouï- Paintîing -Portrait, Agues WadlMiss E. Waddelli; figure, MNiss E. Waddleil, Ag'nes Waddell; q.ialiss E. Waddell, Agnes Wa uil;maine, AMiss E. Waddelh, gnsWaddell; landscape, Miss Nel- Ilie Kiîng, Agnes WaddelI; fruit, Ag- ies 'Waddell, Miss E. Waddell; flow- 'ers, OMiss Neilie Kin,-, Agres Wad- %eL ater Colours - Figurie, Agues W e1,Miss E. Waddell; portiait,l ~A.ges addllMi5Ss E. Waddell; arnmsl Agnies Wuddell, 'Miss E. Wad- vJe-L iî marine, Mi-ssE. Waddelh, Agnes 'Wadjdell; lundscape, Mges Waddell, ýMiss E. Waddell; floweis, Mis. G. R. ana.Miss E. Waddell; fruit,,Aig- ulee W,,addell, Mfs. ýL. E. Bryant. Sea ay subject, Agnes Wuddehl, MisE. Waddell. 'Crayon drawýing. Ages Waddelh,, (Miss E. Waddell. Pastel drawiug,- Miss INellie King, Miss E. Waddell. Pencih diu'wing- Figure, Agnes Waddelh; animal,,Mis. G. R. Pu tuam, Miss E. Waddell; iuandscape, Miss Nellie king, Agnes Waddell; pýeu and ink sketch, Miss E. Waddelh, Agnes Waddell; collection china paiing, Orono Woanen's Iu- stitute. Domnestic Science One loaf hememade bread, Carlos TanmIlyn, Mis. D. G. Jfooper; one loaf whole 'wheat bread, hiomeanade, Carlos Taaâbh'yn, Mis. Reg., Sutton; raisin loaf, iCaîlos !Tamblyn, Mis. D. G. Hlooper; cheese loaf bread, Mis. Eeg. Sutton, Mary Bowen; one dozen buns, Mis. Pd. Dean, Mis. Eeg. Sut- ton; haîf dozea tea biscuits, Mis, R. G. IMoffat, O-rono Womieu's Insti- tute; 'orange cake, -Carlos Tamblyn, Mrs, D. . Hooper; lemon spouge, Mary Bowen; haîf dozen scones, Car- los Taniblyu, Orono Women's Insti- tute, haîf dozen bread rolîs, Mrs. Ed. Dean, ýMrs. Reg. Suttou; whole wheut mufiins, haîf dozen, 'Mrs. Reg. Sut- ton, Mis. R. G. Moffat; asngel'cake, Carlos Tumnblyn, Orono Women'sIn- stitute; dark layer cake, Orono Wo- meu's Institute;. lig'ht layer cake, Mrs. R. G. Moffat; apiple sauce cake,ý Mary Bowen, Orono Women's Insti-, tute; apple pie, Mrs. R. G. Mofat, Carlos Tlaxnblyu; pumpkin pie, Mris. W. W. Sheinwin, 'Mis. Reg. Sutton; lemon pie, Mrs. Reg. 'Sutton, Orono Wome's Institute; raisin pie, ýMrs. R. GP. 'offat, 'Carlos TambJYyn; tarts, 3 vurieties, Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Yrs. R. G. Moffat; co'okies, 3 vurieties, Orono5Woinen's Institute, Mrs. R. G. 'Moffat; jellied vegetbable s'alad, Mrs. Ed. Dean, Orono Women's Institute; six varietiesesandwicbes, Mrs. L. E. Bryant, iMrs. G. R. Putnam; four practical 'ways of serving apples, Mrs. Ed. Dean; chili sauce, :Mrs., Reg. Sutton, Mrs. 'Glenn. Pickeil; eu- cumiber pickles, Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Orono Womnins Institute; niustard pickçles, ;Mis. Reg. Sutton; meut re- lish, Mrs. Reg. Sutton; collection of cauned fruit, 4 varieties, Mrs. Reg. Sutton; four varieties canned vege- tables, Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Mrs. W. W. SI.erwin; fruit cake, Carlos Tam- blyn, IMrs. Reg. Sutton. Bowman- ville Electriciaus Special-for girls under 16, best haif dozen oatmeal cookies, Mrs. R. G. Moffat, Mrs. Reg. Sutton. Robinhood Flour Specal- ilomemade bread, Mrs. 'Carlos Tam- blyn; homemade sponge cake, Mrs. R. G. Moffat; homemade apple pie, Mrs. R. G. Mofl'ât;. honiemade, oat cookies, Mrs. D. G. Hooper; home- nfade tea biscuits, Mrs. R. G. Moffat. Orono Womeuk Institute Special - Souvenir made from local material suitable for sale, Mrs. D. G. Hooper, Mrs. Ira Lo.we, JMrs. H. Rowe. Junior Department Writing - Grade 1, "'Little Tom Tucker," Cl1are iChapman, Eleanor Davies, Bessie- Morris; Grade 2, "A Ohilfls Grace", Gilbert All1dread, Marioiq Barralbal, Leonard Hoy; Grade 3, "The IMagic Vine", Betty Gibson, Ruth Carr, Adele Cooper; Grade 4, "SepteWber Days", Harold Moffat, Marion Wriglht, Kenneth Moore; Grade ý5, "Ingratàtude", Helen Ward, Gwen Ransiierry, Francis ______________________ i ______________________ M ______________________ M GOOD management'. . ., essential to successful farming, as to any business enteprise ... is largely a inatter of timely marketing and caref ul spend- ing, . . waiting for the tirne when it is most favourable to buy. WVe ail want things now ..,. things we have flot been able to get for the past several years. Some of these things are necessities ... so me are things that will contribute to our comforts and pleasures. Eventually,, these things will be more plentiful. By waiting a lîttie longer we will help to keep prices of things we needat îower levels and we will buy at better advantage when we do buy. Meantime vwe can invest our savings in the safest securities obtainable .. Victory Bonds* More Victory Bonds will be off ered this Faili They pay 3% interest ... double bank interest. and they are "liquid capital". If we need cash in aný emergency any bank will buy Victory Bonds at any time. And any ban-k will boan money on Victory Bonds. The Ninth Victory Loan willbe our last opportunity to buy Victory Bonds for a whole year, so buy double this time-the samne rate of savings as in previous loans will pay for twice as many bonds ýover the 12 month period. / FARMERS CAN BUY VICTORY BONDS ON4 CONVENIENT D EFERRED PAYMENTS THROUGH ANY BANK I .. . just sign a short form letter which Victory Loan Salesmen carry Iî\ anks have copies) ordering the barnk to buy Victory Bonds for you. months, The interest the bonds earn pays the interest on the bank ban. NA T 1 NA L WR c O M M I T T E E Johnsrton; Grade 6, "Amnong the Mil- let", Shirley Moore, June Neilson, Willie Roy; Grade 7, "Santa Filo- mena", Patsy Moiffat, Lois Dean, Jean Wilson; Grade 8, "The Lamb", Ernest Ransberry, Ruth Gordon, Madel'ine O)sIborlîe; Juivenile (open) 't) Canada", Patsy M1offat, Ronald Middleton, IMuriel Gibson. Art - Grades 1 an~d 2, crayon drawing, ac- tion, June Tennt, Marline Bedwin, Lilltan Chewerda; Grades 3 and 4, group of fruit iu crayon, Oarolyu Jones, Audrey Martin, Harold Moffat; Grades 5 and 6, Galendar, J-une Gor- don, Lois Parneli, Kay McXenna; Grades 7 and 8, landscape in water color, Doreen Pýowell, Billy Wade, Gordon Cowlard; puiblic school, col- lection of 4 pieces of art, -nounited, Patsy Moffat, Keith Fee, H. Boyd; Juvenille (open), poster ýon bristol board, H. Boyd, Patsy Moffat, David Fee; Juvenile (open), painting on glass, Ruth Gordon', Jean W:ilson, Joyce Sutton; illustrated noted book in one school subject, Patsy. Moffat, June Neilson,,Jean ýWilson. Collec- tion of 15 noxiýous weeds, Ray Bur- gess; collection of 15 decidulous tree leuveis, Hlarold ;Coppin-g; collection of at least 8 kuots, , Gordon, Cowlard; Junior scrapbook of useful informa- tion, Dauviýd Fee, Donald McLaren, Betty Cooper; senior scriapfook of useful information, No. 9 Clarke, Ruth Gordon, iMorley Tennant. Jun- ior, tea bi'scuits, Velena Copping, Harold Moffat, BettyCooper; senior, whole wheuat muffins, half dozen, Putsy Moffat, Velena Coppiug, June Gordon. Fret staw work, Gordon Cowlurd, Keith Aiken. Wall sheif, made of xvood. Bob Goode. George Joues. Model aircraft, Don McLaren, George Joues; sample of any other craft, Hazel May Fisher, Norma AI- lin. Costumne jewellery, Velenu Cop- piug. Stuiff d toy, June Neilson,1 Patsy Moffat. apron style clothes 'pin bag, Patsy Moffat; embroidered ar- ticle, Joan Neilson, Christine Ail-, dread, Juue Neilson; grades 1 and 21 plusticine model, animal, iRobert Cop- ping, Donald Gordon; Grades 3 and 4, plusticine model, any other toipie, Lloyd Lowery, Lionel 'Teunant, John Gordon; Grades 7 and S, child's work apron, Patsy Moffat, Joyce Sutton; Grades 7 and 8, one sample each of buttorihole, darning, patching, Patsy Moffut, Joyce Sutton; pair of pot-' holders, quiited, Muriel Austin, Dol- ores Diekerson, Iriez Gordon,,,tlhree knritted blocks, Joyce Sutton: coping saur work. Neul Nichols, Billy Fish- er, Leýo Parnell; soap carving, Verra Ber'ry, Harold Moffat. Shirley Flin- toif: birdhouse made of wood, Harold Moif ut. Tiqev ~ne 'sof he 'seond day of the, Fa' wll e1pbl'hi nur next SsuC NE WTON VILLE MisOlive Biown spent Sunday atf Port H'iope. Miss !,'e- Joues has been home foi! chol on uccont of illness. Mr. id rs.Waltr Cucýh, of Oro , "~a.Sunay wth r~.J. A. i\r.aÀ ù-ir. ,Jas. Stark, Donna and jWC1 sert the weeý,k-end aut Mi. r~d rs. elanid Lune and Clouaxiiredl Toronto .over theý Mi. nd Ms. ios Newon,'L'or- Sid'ney Hthsn Mr. aud Mrls. Chalton rou Marie und Margaret werýe Sunday g'u;,,ests of Mr. and 2IrBerý. Jaynecs, Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Loui Truscott and three grandc hildre n, Toronto, wvere Suudlay guests of Mr. and Ms S. R.1 Jouies. Conigratulations Vo Mr. Bob. Wil- lims and bride. They wýill reside lu Mr% Wm. Staipletoni's house south of ithe 'highiway. No. service in the United Church next Sunday owing to the Presbyter- ýian Anniversary. Beginnling Qictob)er 14Vh the United Churcli will beg-in at 7 p.m. (tnadtimte). ýOn Suuday evening, Rev. L. B. Smith, paýstor, condu.ctedI the service 1in the United Churichi and took for isý text, "Lord what will thon have, mie Vo do"? 'Plie choir reuder-ed an anithemi. Mýfr. and. Mrs. Bert Stapleton visited her pa-rnts, -Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Gil- mer at the farm, Starkville, where they were loigaftler tlhings ýwhile M.r. and Mrs. Clarence Glmer were visited with Mrs. Vannatto's mather ut Victoria Harbour ou Suuday, ,Mr. and Mrs. Gould and son and Mr. and Mrs. D. Low and family, of Toronto, vis.ite'd with Mr. and lMis. A. Lour on;Sunduy. Mr. Gudis b'ýa(k from fiveand. a halif rsOverSeSaSi Mis. AM. Soper rtrndhompeon Suuday eveuîng froan the Toronto General Hospital and is looking bet.. ter after hier operation and we arc pleused to heur she is now fiee froau pain. We lhope she willcontinue to inipreve. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doyle and Mi. and Mrs. ' Wm. Colin visited with, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson one day hast week. Mrs. Wilson received word fromn her son Victor who is lu Europe that he expeeots to be bacek lu Canada lu the next month or two. The W. A. meeting took the f6rm- of- a quilting on Wednesday last-Y September 26th. ýMis. Chas. Thonp- son iuvited the, meaubers Vo her home for this occasion. The~ quilt looked lovely, when finished and tÎhe Pro- cee'ds go towards the buzaur which is Vo be.held about the second week la Novemnber. A lovely lunch w'.as ser- ved by Mrs, Thonipson, aided by hier daugbter, Miss Mable Thonipson, R. N. of Los Angeles. Everyoue re- ported a veîy enjoyable time. Sound motion pictures produced by the National Film Board wereý sho'wn in the Orange Hall on Fîday evcniung lust and were very,, muelh ap- preciated. Mr. Te'Wdad oper- ated the projector ijnd Mr. Arthur Th-onipson spokea fu hiodsluexý- planation of the, pictures. At the end of the 5lhowi-vg Mi. ~opo said that the pic.ture -Just Weeds îemninded hîlm cf the boýusewjifewh lnmented that "fher life seensed Vo býý just one long, stru d e aguinstdst and remu-rked th-ýthe farmners' hife seemed to ho -jus- one long stru- gle against weedý's. COWANIVILLE Mrs. Chas. Cowau iiene daughters, of Whitby, ýover -e ee_ end. Miss Phyllis Hliguoto Oshawa, risited with hetr parets- over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. B, Clark, ofBo2 xn ville,' visited ut Mr. and Mrs. M.Ilton.' ~Edwards on ýSuturday. -Rer. and Mlrs. Patterson,ofN - castle, had tea with Mr. ani MrsAn- drew Bandy ou Th>Iursd,(ay eeng The iClurke W. A. u-,îvte o Mis. Patterson's-, of NewcastLe, on Wednesdaiy for tieîr 0Octob;er eet meetinàg. Rr. Mi-A. CuieofWeoeht (Jutended fIr last xreek vi. anitd Mis. Chs. Coan visited Sundy.soc Mr. andis. E. au, eo Ehue, qMd3c..aertngnlXM.ni Vud. Wm.Lyon. u. 1-ad Ms.R.Aidîa, ose ad whM'iHumilton vitd wt i o un Mi.Ws trne n udy ville ieti u M . and M-,ýa's AndirPew Body's rer the veekedWýhaý- rioi.de Mý i. E. arro-id r-ý thr, und Mi.itandeyMus. T heore tephoensundfuîn nil , astd tMn. Ar ers' our.Sunduye. poite Mi. h anad Mis. Ae.wM.MarkieTof Pofret hron, Mich., ud Mi ofdfis enied ,r wi i ad 'is. SIith i. HaIo.eA týo -e ofthnday.ah ii fon Monhd ayening a arg h ecw guted -ausitt Mi.w Chehus u' oner o chiar he the newlyuedsofe aell !athe oen, an on po, Antvioclhand F 1 N A N C E i l'- - ;:

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