Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Oct 1945, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TMES THURSDAY, SEPTEMER~4 vi I Ex perience Th'le fitting inanner in which Morris Co. funer- ais, are conducted; the' ease of arrangemnents for- thase concerned; the llnesness of Morris equipnent and facilities - these have flot corne by accident. They are the resuit out mnany yeair' experience during wil~ih we have cons-,tanitly improved upon the best existing aL the time. Yet- there is no justification for chuosing a Funeral on Price ALON E when actually you pay nu more for the THOUGHT- FUL, COMPLETE and DIGNIFIED ATTEN- TION we pr6vide. F. F. MORRIS C0, Bowmanvilie 480 "50 YEARS OF THOUGHTFUL SERVICE' Orono 27-1 RED & WIIITE STORES Order Early fou yoar Thanksgiving FowI Metal Jar Rings, 2 dozen 29c Aylmer Soups, assorted, tin lOc -Kippered Snacks, 2 tins 25c Chicken Haddie, tin 32c Miracle Sandwich Spread, 21 Cherrin Pumnki*n, 2 1tins bi e 9C Robi'n Hood Fine Ôats, 5 lb pks Coarse Oatmeal, 5 lb Wheat Germ', 5 lb Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, tin Vigor 8, new malted D'rink, tin g 25c 25c 25c 15c 58C Cabbage, lb 4c LCelery, large bunches 15c ï,We expect more Grapes for Saturday Prime Commercial Beef any eut desired Veal, boned and rolled, lb2 We will be unable to make our regular clelivery this Saturday 29c J. J. CORNISH WATSON'S GARAGE - phone 42 rl1l ORONO, Ont, j "ýBob." Cooper is helping out in Mr. J.J onish's store. Mr. C. F. Awde ceiebrated his biîNhday while there. Mrs. James Moffat spent the week- end in Toronto, visiting her neice, Mrs. George Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Gray and daughter, of Toronto, spent Surday wlth their daughter, Miss Florence Gray. Mr. Hlarold Hooey is gradualhy showing some improvement from bis recent severe attack of Asthma. Miss Ethel Rutherford, is speading a feiw days- in Toronto this iweek visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. ibwde spent the rweek-end in 'Tororto visiting with their son fHarold, and Mrs, Awde. Mr. and *Mrs. Arthur Chlemence, of Seaforth, are visiting wlth the for- mer's sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Powers. Mrs. J. C. iGamey, accompanîed by lier brother.from Toronto, are spend- mng a -couple of weeks' holidays w.th their sister in ýNew York. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagles on spent the week-end in Peterboro and visited his brother George Eagieson, 'who is quite iii in Civic 'Hospital there. Anniversary services of Park St. United Chureh rwviil be heid on Sun- day, Octoiber 2lst. Rev. W. iS. Smith, of Port Perry, will be the preacher. We wondet, if the new employee at the Metallile Art Products ever fourd the triarýgular square that hie was sent after. It wouid take some time te fird one. ,Mrs. 'tom Lewis went to Toronto or Tiiesday to meet hier hushand who arrived et Halifax or the lie de Franýce. They returned to Orono on Wednes'day evenrng. The Y.P.U. will hoid their opening meeting Thursday evening, October 4th, et 8.00 p.m. Good'prograni and games are being arranged. Ahi young people cordially invited. ~Mrs. Lena Greenaway, of Port Hope, Miss Mabel'Thompson, R.N., of California, Mr. Arthur, Thonipsori ard their mother, 1Mrs. Elle Thonipson, of Kendel, visited recertly with Mr. and Mrs. J. Eegheson, Calvin Dura,, who ieftCanada over two years ago as an anti aircraft gunrer, f or overseas, returned home or the Ile de France and was expeet- ed to arrive at the home of Mrs, Wm. Cowan or Wedresdey niglit lest. Mrs. Milton Cornisb took four 'Hereford cajitie to Port Hlope Fair- and came home vith sever frsýts. It just goes to show that the ladies car do as rwel, ifflot better, than th men, when it comes to showing ive- .stock. Visitors at the home of Mr. and MVrs. H. Welsh lest Sunday were, Lieutenant Ray Stevenson, ýMrs. Ste- versor (Beetrice Welsh) and yeung son, Tororto, Mrs. Brernan Firley (Margaret Walsh) and ltle daugh- ter, Montreal, Miss M. Gardiner, of Wehcome. P. O. Finley is Overseeas. J. J. Meihor leeve s or October 15th to speak in the Georgian Bey district in cornection with the comîng Vic- tory Loan. He will speek in the Counties of Sbncoe, Dufferin, Grey and Bruce ard the Muskoka district. Ir the ast -Victory Loan he spolce in the Port Arthur district, and did such a good job of it that hie was given a hearty in vitatior to return again for the campaign. At the Scout meeting or Friday evening of astweek two ful patrois wvere organized. Any boys -rho be- came mombersof the Scouts now vvilh make the fourdetion for the 3rd Pa- trol. Meetings will be hiehd every Pridey evening at 7.80 p.mi. Last Fridey eveniag there were 23ý boys la attendarce. J. J. Mldelor, Scout Master, had ore helper for the *even- ing and expects more in the futurýe. The commuaity spirit of Orono vil- lage is one that earnas the regard of this whole district and sometimes the attention of the province. In times of trouble and dire necessity, it is mnost marked ard to-day the editor of the Tmes is moved Iby the mnary expres- sions of sympathy of the citizers of the conimunity regerding the serious accident which resulted in serious in- juries to -one of our citizers, Jack Cornish. IMary citizens of the dis- Orono Tinshop Ail kinds of P lumbing and Heating R-4 E. LOGAN Main St. Orono P>hone, sorl wais requested to sing a nàumber on the porgramme which was ably pre- sented lby Bill Riddelir the chil- drer's programme. Hie attended the church service et Bowmiarvilihe on Surday night. On Monday he weiit to, Oshiawa and atterded the, Rotairy huncheon Club luncheon, aiso the fu- neral of Eric Leach, finely finishing up as a guest at a banquet tendereil to Mr. W. H. Moe who has retired from active service after 115 years as M.P.i, etwbich the following speak-. ers were presenit Host, President AI- lin F. Annis, of the Oshawa Chamber oif Commerce, under which organiza- tion the banquet was heid, Hlon. or don Conant, the ilonourable Aiberýt Matthews, LL.D., Leonard W. Bok ingbon, K.C., Ottawa, the guest speak- er; T. K. Creighton, K.C., in iber Legisiative Assembly foi South On-- tario. Orme saYs he is noiw ready to takec Dr. McKenzie's advice and sit on the. verandah. It w:ouiýd seem that ini a very short time ail the boys whio went overseas, fromn thts districit will have relturned, A BtYSY MAN AT Â,GE 0F EiiGHTY-TWO YEARS Oriie Guan Py, one of the busiest mien in ýconnecetion with our fair, al- thougi'h rot even a miewhber and.cer- tainly one without remiuneration, ceon- ducted tivo representatives of a farmn organization, a rwrter and a photo- grapher, shuowîng them the highlights for reproduction. He -was requested to play the "3Swan Dive for our band during their program~me. Again he RO 'YAL <THEATRE BOW.1MANVJLLE Phone 589 A WEEK 0F DOUBLE-BILLS Thursday and Friday OCTOBER 4-5 "THE VEIRZ THOUGIIt 0F YOU"y xvýith DENNIS MORGAN ELEANOR PARKER and DÀANE CLARK SECOND RIB TIGKLING BIT "TOP MAN" DONALD OCONNOR PEGGY RYAN and uther weII-known Laugh Stars Saturday. FALCON IN. HOLLYWOOD zind KING 0F THE SIERRAS SPECIAL DOUBLE BILL Progrnm for Sunday Midnight OnIy OCTOBER 7th LOUISIANA HAYRIDE with JUDY CANOVA and TIIREE GIRLS ABOUT TOWN JOAN BLONDELL <ROBERT BE-NCH-LEY Corne and- enjoy yuurself at this Harvest Festival Mon.-Tues..-Wed. OCTOBER 8-10 "B1rewster's Millions', Starring Dennis OWKeefe and Helen Walker ADDED BIT LAUGH "NOTHING BUT TR1OUBLE"e Stan, Laurel, Oliver 'Hardy PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH 1 ' Rever.nd ~, S. Littlewood 4 Mînister SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7th Wurld Communion Sunday and- Thanksgiving 11.00 a.m.-4Worship HuRly Cummunion 2.30 p.m-iChurchSchooi. 7.30 pn4osi "Thanksgiving" forget not ahll is benefits" BOYS' BREECHES 0f Grey Whipcord. sizes 24 to 34 ........ .......... . .$2,00 SHOES For Girls, ini neariy alI sizes, reg. to $2.95, for......, $1.56 WINDBREAKERS Leather W"indb reakers of good quality pony leather, green, brown and grey colors, price .............$14.50 WIIEAT GERM 5 lb ROSE BAKING POWDER lb. tUn BENSON'S CORN STARCH 2 for 32c. Canipbel's TOMIIATO SOUTP 2 tins :19e OLD CHEESE lb. 35c RUBBER BOOTS Knee Length, of good qui- ity ruhber with extra henavy Soles ............. $3.75 CAPS New Fail Caps, in brown, grey and green, ahl wool tweed, sizes 6%y to 7 V2, for .................. BEDSPREADS New Chinelle Bedspreads, of extra heavy quality, in ail colors, priced...$17,50 LARGE PALMOLIVE SOAP 2 Ige bars 117c. STANDARD PEAS 2 tins 25e 5 LB. BAGS 0F SALT Each 12c CIIICKEN DINNER 15 0oZ. t in d42eç MUFFETS 2 pkgs IL9c SOS PADS pkg RINGS 4 do-,zen 25e. ZINC RINGS dozen ,2 5c. QUAKER PUFFED WJIEAT pkg, 20 e CIIICKEN STEW 15 oz in 27e.t WANTED AT ONCE! FOR NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTIES HEALTH UNIT A, Nu mbe r of, Nurses AIl nurses must have a certificate, in Public Heglth, Nursing and qualifications must meet with the appruvai of the Ontario Department uf Health, Nursesý must suppiy their own car. A Secretary (experienced) Two Stenographers Ail applications should be sent to the SECRETARY, COUNTIES' HEALTil UNIT Cobourg, Ontario ARMSTRONG'Sý BARGAINS IN DRESSES A f ew Dresses left at Bargain Prices. Regular to $8S.QoOfor..$3.. .... N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N "N N N N N N N "N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N

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