Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Oct 1945, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURS DAY, OCTOBER 4, 1945. IINERS AT PORT HOPE RACEI Despita thea un-ifa-vorial wveatheý -,uite ai large numiber attlended Por ùIope Pir oni Saturdaiy last. Theri ý.vas oaa classified rcwith the fol JunmBrs omived hyH an aItetone, port HopJe........ 1 1 " Cassie Lee, o-wned hy A Pacey, Rosenentli............... 2 2 Ruth Harvester, owýnad hy H. Ingles, Brightoa- .... ........ 3 3 ýGiy Worithy, owned by H. ln,-les,, Brightoa ..............4 4 Jiudg;es - W. Prouse, M. J. Ellioti 1-es. Raid, T er-Geo. Caldwell. Starýter - T. A. Raid. Mr,. Orme CGamsJby was la' Toront eri fn onday te attend thea funeralc thw, late Dr~. W. -H. Herriman. Th -ider reeldents of Orono wilIl ramair tfer thait his father practised medicir lii 0rono years ago. The late Di lierrimail, wa-s ciaiet physiciano OÛrillia, Côcbourg and Toroato Asyluey ffiave yûtur boys join the Oron A-mateur Athietie Club, a good" physi IUIlder. S BIRTHS HAWKE -Inla owrnvïle Hospi- rt-ti, on Tuesday, October 2, 1945, to e Mr and iMrs. Wifred Hawke, a DEATHIS 1AiNDRUiS -- Iiinvii Hs piti, on Tue(sdiy, October 2nd, 21.5, Ma ry Hamaah Andruis, wvidow' of Wesley Andrus, .inlher 8th year. SRestiag at the Mïvorris Funeral Ch1apel, Bowxmanvilie. Service in 4 the Chapel -on Friday, October th, t at 2.00 p.m. Intermeat Orono C0emetery. MoKIEILVEY - In laCarke, on Wed- nesday,,Ootober 3rd, 1945, llugh H. o iMdKlvey, aged 75 yea--rs. The fu. fneral frùm the %aaiiy residenlce, e Lot 2û, Conicession 7, Carke, on a- ýSaturday, Octoiber 6th. SerVice at e 2.30 p.m. Interment Orono Coema- ýr tery. n. Thé Newcastle Bail Club are hold- .ing a social evening and presentation o !for theisraturned men on Thursday, [c October llth. Free concert, Dance afýterwards. Admission 50c. SALE REGISTERS Friday, Octoherth -the property j of Milton Robiason, Lot 8, Concession 8, ýClarke Township, 1 Concession riorth of Kendal.. TIsera will be of- fered for sale, Horses, Cattie, iSwine, F'ed, Imfplemnets and Furniture. Sala to commence at oaa o'cioch. Tarins CasI.-Jack -Reid, Auctioneer.i Wednesday, Otober 11,Oh- the. property ýof Henry Rusk, Lots 18 and 19, Con, 2, Hope Towaýship, oaa and a. haif miles wast of Welcome and oae mile south. Thera wili be off ered for sale, Horses, CaIlle, Swiae, Fowi, Feed, Harness, ImpIeenets, and a quantity of Furniture. Sale bo com- mence ,at 12.30 o'ciock sharp. Terms Cash.-Jack Reid, Auctionear. Saturday, Octeher 13-tIse prop- erty of Mrs. Fred Falls, ýLot 9, Con- cession 6, Carke Tow-rship, haif mile sou(Wh of Kandal. There wili ha offered for sale, Horsas, Cattie, Sheep Paad, IHarness, Implomants and Tim- bar. îSale 10 commesnce at 1 o'clock. Terme jCash. iPositively no Resarve. -JackRaid, Auctioneer., _ Wadnasday, October 17th - the propertY, of W. E. Lewis, Lots il and 12Z, ýCîn. 2, Houpe 'TownÊhip, at Wel- coma on No. -2-Highway. There wili be ýoflfered for sale, Horses, Cattie, Pouitry, Grain and Feed, Harness and Implements. Sale to commence at one o'clock sharp. Term.ns Cash. Parm 'od.-ac Raid, Auctioneeri. Thursday, Octobar 18th - the property of-Chris. Peter-son, Lot 15,1 Con. 3, Manvers Townshbip, oaa ile aast of -Pontypoýol. There wil h of- fered for sale, 'Ho rses, Cattie, Swiaie, Pouitry, Gain, Harness, hupioments and a quaatity of Furaiture. Sale to commence at oaa o'ciock sharp. Terms ýCash.-ýJack ,Raid, Auctioneer. Friday, October l9th -tihe prop- erty of George Langstaff, Lot 3, Con- cession 7, Clarke To)wnslhip, 1/sýý- miles ýeast of, Kendal and one miile northi, there will ba offered for sale, Horses, Cattle, iSrwne, Shaep, Grain, and Implemeints. ýSale tb commence at oaa oklock sharp., Farm soid. Terms Oash, Postively,,neoReserve- Jack Raid, Auctionear. BUY A VICTORY BOND For the Immediate Attention. of FARMERS FISH ERMEN -GUIDES, TOURIST O'UTFITTERS!; Who have been using, MARKED GASOLINE 'IOn and after October 1, 1945, gasoine will no longer be marked for special Uses. 2.Marking of gasoline for special uses under the jurisdiction of the,0O1 Controller for Canada having been discontinued, the tax exemption purchase permit systemn is thereby ended. 3Farmecrs, fishermen, guides and tourist outfitters wi11 be> entîled to dlaim refun-d of the Provincial Gasoline Tax where applicable. Claims, accompanied by receipted invoices, must. be submitted to the Gasoline Tax Branci, Department of Highways, Parliament Buildings, Toronto withint six months from date of payment of invoices. 40A simplified method of assuring prompt payment of-refunds, eiinating affidavits for each dlaim, lias been worked out. As there is rio rationlingof gasoline in Canada, marked gasoline, under the Jurisdiction of the 011 Controller for, Canada, lias been eliminated, thereby ending the tax exemption purchase permit system. To meet the desire of ever yone to be relieved of wartime restrictions, the Provincial Giovernmnent lias developed a new system as free from controls and difficulties as possible. A simpiified refund form lias been prepared, which eliminates the necessity of an affida-vit being taken for each refund cdaima. This form may be obtained on application to the Gasolîine Tax Brandi, Department of Highways, Toronto, Ontario, * Tlie ending of marked gasoli ne sale remnoves difficulties made necessary by this wartime control. * Complaints were made that miarked gasoline was detrimental to the equipment, in which à was being used. * Records and reports necessary under the marked gasoline syst em will no longer be required. * Extra storage facilities will be unnecessary for the separate storage of graded and mrarked gasoline witli consequent saving to the consumer. GASOLINE TA%'X BRANCH- Departient of I-Ighways, Province of Ontiario GEO, K. DOUCETT Mnkatr of Highwclyu J. H. ROBINSON Chief Intipecfor Gaîsoline Telx Classified COMINýG EVENTS' Clarke Union Home and Sehool Association are holding their meeting on Tu-esdaýy, October 9th. Dr. Devitt, .of Bovwmanville, -will be there 'wîth moin ictureCý. 'There 'xviii also be Children Fr'ee. FOR SALI ý Twenty-two Pig-s, 7 D.l( S, Mýoffat, Phone I4 r 6 à oV 36-c FOR SALE ýFifty 1-year-old Hens. Apply to Russell Besit; Phone 5-1 r 10, Orono. a-36-c. FOR, SALE Linxited n Unilr r b its for mat. iMrs. J. ýRichardn,c ono. FOR SALE Soine Corn, ale some growing tur- nips, Apply te George Butters, Orono. FOR SALE' ýCraib Apples; a few hand picked Wealthies, and somne windlfalls. J. W. Boyd, Orono; Phone 51 r 12. a36-c. FOR SALE Light Buick !Sedan, '29 Se i No. 25125666; actual mile'age ý0 good, 'tires. Cheap for quick s Phone ;Carl Todd, Clarke 15r20. c-38-p. WANTED ïMan for Diaîry FâIbu. Good milker and feeder. Married. Position open November lst. Milton Tamblyn, Orono, Ontario. c-37-4p. STRAYED Onto the premises of Mr. Howxard, Boyd, Kendal, one Red Pol Bull. Own- ner fiay have same by proving prop- erity and payîing expenses. FOR SALE Conipanion Cook Sriove, 6 lid1swithý reservoir and war-ming- closet, burus éýoal or, wvood; ;a1so Oak Treasure £oal Stuve, ýboth in g-ood ôrder, Apply Kenneth HuIs, R. R. 1, Orono; Phone 5 r 3. STRAYED ,One Heifer CaTI', briýndie color with mxvhitefaice, straya- rm o 5,Cn 9, Clarke, on or arou-id Sept. 21st. Anyone ko' of ils xvbereabouts kindly inforniMrHnr Susie, phone, 57 r 17, Orono. c-"7-1). FOR SALE New,àMowýer-s, RakýeHlanier Milîs, three-furrow Pony D)ise Plow,,; Steel Wheels, aliso used Ste--',Wheel Wagon igood); nexv - machiines to a--rrive in carload lots,' Order aarl1y. J. E. Case, denier, Cr Todd; Phono CIarke 15 r 20.c--p HARVEST TAKGVN SERVICES 'The Annual Harvest ThankLsgiving- Service of St. Saviour's Church will ffa field on Sunday, October l4th, at 7.00 p.m. The !Revarend J. M. Crisail, Rural Dean, wili ha the special pre-acher and the Rector and congre- gation of ýSt. Saviour's Churdh axtend a cordial invitation tIo ail to join in tbis 'service. THE INDUSTRY 0F THE FUTU RE Pro fessional Directory MEDIC Ail A. F, McKENZIE, M.D. PH1YSICIAN and SIJRGEON Office -lure 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.;, .30 to 8.00 p.m:1 PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister an d Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phone : Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones:- Office 825 Residence 409 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. W. SHIERWIN VETERINARY qSURCGEON Office Main St. Orone Phone 63 r 7, Orono. J. C. GAMEY INSURAINCE Fire, Casualty, Automobile and Liability SORONO ONTARIO, 'DANE FOIJND District Representative for the Insurane Consuit me for your future Income plans monuments The RUTTER GRANITE COMP>ANY phone bol - P.O. Box, 622 Port H9ope, Onitarlo, Monuments, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing AUÇTiONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ali lzmse and at reasonable rates. Communicate with hlm at Porg Perry, Ontario, or'see his Clerk, A. E. Morton, at Orono, for date. JACK RI FUR FARMING ILcneAcine Mink and Fox MUTATIONS Buy a Trio - We Ranch Thom WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO, PHONE -42 r 2 WAP&NTED) for FOX MEATr -Phone- Orono 42 r 2 or Orono 77 r 4 Apple pickding is noxv tIse order of1 tIday but tIse crop is var igh Specialize ini Farm and Furniture Sales, Consuit me for terme and dates Phone 1620 Clarke TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Reasonable Rates UP-TO-DATE CAR Goverument License STAN PAYNE'S TAXI. Phono 97 r 16, Orono APPLE TREE IN BLOSSOM ON OCTOBER lst On Sat1urday afternioon-, Mr. John Stone, cf Lot 22uocsin 5, Clarke Towns;hîp, br' ought into this office a sprig fre n aso apple ýtree in bis orchard. The tree is over hal2 ont în blossom, and oni a Grýeeninig trce there ave a c.-ouple of limbs ccv- ered wivth blossoms, thesa trees baiing inq blossoi for over two rweaks and were stili la bloom ion. October IsI, Sonie of the aider residents of the conrmunity car.i neyer reumembar ever seing apple trees out la ioso at 'his t;me of the y'ear. '-c lu i 1; Ig li , 11

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