TABLE_-TALIS Save Lcde Garden Crop From Frost' Bu1s>' days tss-nsfornmal- lng tie at relisbes to brighitsn wiaiteýr iseals, daýys for stoing a- way tise resainling gardoni produco before the froat arrives, To save tlise ast gm--ea tonsatfoos Frosn froat, tise homie economiats M tise Dominion Departmienb of ,Agricu1lture suggest pulling tise plants iup by tise roots, discarding an>' imlperfeet tomatoes and liang- Jng tluise oot-enid up la the cellar or bacS shodA. If a tetuperaturs_ a- round 50'F cau be maiutainsd, tise tomatoos wiii rip)ea rdulyand provide a suppi>' for sýeveral weeks. For a change frorn raw 31iced -ucumisers try ties u in tiik igesdipped la seasoned flOur and tissa sauteed in 'a lttie bot fat until crisp and brown. Cut haà1f- lacis sUCE>s of gm-son toranto and sauts ties this way aiso, Along witis two excellent reliis recipes, tise Consumer Section gives ;a recipe for Cuicumbers au -Gratin thaï. la reaily wortis trying, Raw Carrot ReIieh 3 cupa chopped carrots.(S large) 2 cups cisoppedl sweet red peppers, (4 sodium) 2 caps eisopped greeni peppers, (3 large) 4 cups rhopped rabisage, (1 snaa i bod) 2 cupa nhopped oflion 1 culp sugar 1 quart vinegar 2 tablespoons sait 2 taisiespoois us tqladssod 2 tablespois elery seed Mxal! veg-etabies. Comrbine re- snaiaing ingredien(s and hieat te boiing point. Pack vegetabies labo hob steriized jarsad cover witb hoqt vînegar mixture. Seai, Yield: about 5 plants. Ripe Cucumber Reli;h 3 large ripc cucumiibers, about 3 qts. cuibed 2 large onions, 1fý cups cisopped 3 tab(sponis sait 1 teaspoon turmerie Scup dry msisard 2 dupa vinegar U cap fleur ~cup sugar Pool, and rernove seeda tres ripe Vccmbers. Qut itu plecos (abb>ut inchci cubes). Feel and chop ouïons and add te cucumbers; eprinikla witli sait, lot stand' oae heur; drain tlîurouighly. Mix bar. serie and nmustard witli 1 cap vinegar, addl dralnied vegetables and couS sbowiy 15 minutes. Com- bineý flous,- and sugar witis resala- ie-g cup of vinegar. Draini vege- tables, combiniug draliued iiquid wltlk fbour and sagar pýaste, Hfeat tuïs sauce siowly te boiling ýpoint and cook, stlr-ring conistaniti>'If) miniutesi. Add vegetablos and ro- b1ent to boiinig poinmt Psek lu lot aýterilized jars, Seai. Yield: about 3plats. Cucuoimers au Gratin 1~cups soft stale bread c-mi ii cupa peeled, diced ripe cucunibers Steaspoon sait, yteaspoon peipcpor 1/ curý grated cieesaý 2 caps tiik cm-sas sauce,er ve ~cap of Cram" n baS. Place .ierat ayers ut cucus- bers sprinkled witbi sait and pep-j p)er auid remainiug bread crumibF Ir, a greaesed aiflg dîsh. Ad(d( ciseese to cm-a sauce and pour1 over tise bast layer, sprinkie witil remaiing bread cruimba. Cover and lbake ln a imoderato oven, 350'F, for SC0 minutes. Removoý cover and continue ibai1g antil craiss are browined, ab'out 10 minutes. Six serviniga. Occupation Forces Re-p&triating Poles .DE CID EDL-T 1MiId( ~LhUSII UM C* U NN a>INGHfl CHAPTER XXI "~I cannot. 1 tell you 1 cannot."1 -She was crying,- a Iittie, but if lie felt any pitv for ber, he shocwed noue. "But in a littie while, in a fewv days, you intend to becomeenîy wife.", "You know that I accepted that, long ago. Wisy do we bave to talk about it now?" "Becaiise it iýý so near the tinie, and 1 have- waited andwaited and You Will Enjoy Staying AI The ST. REGIS HIOTEL TORONTIO * 107 oun witb ih,Shw er arnd iretepbone. *Single. 82.50 up- Donhle, 83.50 ap. 0 Gand Feod, DInIng and »Dune. Sherbourne ai Carlton Tel RA 4115 ASPIRIN EASES NKIRITIC, I EDRALOI PAIN FAST! -Y. ge Pain relief fast çvh~ en usem Aspirin because it %tarts te go te warkt ahmost immediatel>'. To se. tfiat thua is so, just drop an Aspirin table in water. Wbuat you'Ul sec in what happeuz; in your atornaci-the tablet starts disintegrating vwithin t-wo seconds! Tiset's wl>' A.pirin stops neuritic, nieuralgie pain au quicly. Oct Aspiria today. The "Bayer*'- tabiet ia yoar guarautee tint itas AspiJn iVOW-New Low Prices!1 Poclet box of 12s. . only 19c Economy botli of 24.. only 29a Famr.iIy size of 100 . . . only 79e D E F 1 N 1 T E L Y,' SEnjoyablle hoped, constantiy that I would find iu you the answer tomly love. T4e answer basn't corne." "But in finie - oh, Roger, wby must we taiklike Ibis?" ', "We rnust," lie saîd doggediy, "before it is too late. We must bave Ibis tbiug setti 'ed." "I do not see how iL ever can bc settlcd, Wbïat would you have me "M ichel is stilli ini3our. hea rt, is'he? You. haven't given up your dream that you toid' me o long ago?" "I -could nevet- give it ap. 1I tried, Roger, believe me. But there was no use trying, It is part, of me. lb' will be always tbere. Neei it make a difference-for us?" "CuOl> a shadowy tbiug," lie sald. "A lew hours.againstail my loe; a few words-nnd the>' echo for- ever.1 1 " lHe 'will not corne back - net ever now." "Ho dofes not ueed bo, he neyer wenb away. 1ILknow wbat, lovt la, Meridel, because 1 love. i saw yeu cm-y and the bears'feil on your wed-, ding' dress-and I kncw." TIhey h lad conle to the Chamnber- lnd bouse. Foi Mvartin and Ru- sine, itbGerard andf the twro Cbiamiberlandl girls and biny David, carne dowibb yard te seet thesn. Rgrcalied 10 then, "Hola ! It is laie for infanits to be abroad, You must mun aill ue way borne." On the w~ay back, he tried to taik; so did Meridel, but every- tbing bbc>' said fell flat. lb had ne zest, no savor. There was a cold- ness. a heaviness in their hearts. Soînetbing that sbould bave been splendid and shining had failed for thons, and, both feit Ibat lu sorne wvay the' bkmre la>' between thes. Hc thought 1 shouid not Ibavie al- ways been questioning ber love. 1 should not bav-e been so exacbmng,' 80 greedy. I should have taken bbce ivondrous gift sbe offered mre and bhanked God for if. But I could not, I couild not.1 1And Meridel tbought, Wbat' la w~rong 'wibb mne that I' cannot love lui11 Respect, liking, loyaity, ad- mirabtion-all these tbings 1 have for ins, iBuit not love. Perhapa in trit ifllJ corne, but God hebp us if ià does nect. And Roger is wise eullgh bto kow that: lb is a gravýe rik e runi. Why did I shied those foolish lts 'olg'liTe dreba is ,0 ioe1y it is ruade for onie who gives berself to love-Roge,,r. Even tbe chjldrcn, after chatter- ing for, a wbile about tbe ganses tbey hadl played andtbe good binio ofbbc afbernoon, uoticed the silence of their eiders, and graduaI- ly bbc>' ceased'to taik and plodded along with Roger leading the way, Meridel close beside himr. AU aboubtbtern was bbc vast stilinesa of tbe forests. Far off an owil hooted and from a farrnyard over the hiji a, fox barked harply. Agay apron adds glarnour to yo-ur role ashoes.Teeprs takeu itile riateriah C ,L)oorfu l - broidler' that a yugtrwoi love bo do. You man iake these aproj,,ns frorn one ý-pabbern. Patent 94 fbas branslifer pattîern o(f an x1T2 and bwo 34 2x 5-inch momî;.dir- ecbions land Twenty Cnts w-mcoins (stans cannot be acce)pdi for this pabtern a iln '~de craft DepI., 3Aead t.ot Toronto, Piint pail Pa tbe(ru Nunîiber, your Nanie and Addiccss Quality Guaranteed Thoase sounds de and then in that great stillinLess they heard a deep voice sinin-g, coming tow ard- themn arounid a beud in the path. They froze in thecir tak and the littie oneus cluitchied Meridel's hands. "Bonsoir, Niýgauid! Bonisoir, Fri- cot!1" "It is hec!" whispered Pol Mar- tini. "t i, Bonihommrie Fricot!" "Whiat f olly-!" said Meridel, but a strange shiver, flot of fear, mrov- ed over hf rbdy "How could it "Listen! " said Rosine. -Yes, Yes. It la he! Itis be!", "Eh! Bonhomme Fricot!" called Pol Martin, lu his, airili soprano. "Bonhomme Fricot, what are you. doing here?" 11 The sang perished. They saw only a sliadowy figure i the patis before tsern, tise glimmer of whiteý at his throat. A-ýfter a moment hie spoke, reluctantly it seened, yet with laugbter in'bis voice: "Are, you surs, Pot Martin and Rosine, that it, is Bonhomme Fricot you' have bers?" "ýYes, yes, we are sure lndsed!" "It could noý lbe thse laugbing: soldier thien?" "The laughing soldier would flot know our Damnes," pointed ont Ro- 'ine. "Why don you play this farce, Bonhomme Fricot? We k-now you." "i waz tise laughiug soldierý," eaid hie. "1,gave- the real seldier my old clothes and sbiaved off my beard and cut'off rny hair and now yeu know wby 1 laugbd- because the soldier trie-d to 1,1i instead. 'You see, 1 work for thse king of Eugland and I fisust sorne- tirnes do strauge things." .But It la brave!" cried Pol Mar- tin. "It is grand. DUd you coame Isere ta vist us?" ."It"s no use, Mike," said Roger stepping forward, finding bis b'rotber's hand in the starlight. You were, going tise wr ong way. You don't ns.ed tao mn, do you "I talked witli Tante Mimi. - "You were flot going because of- me?" -Msridel came forward p ow' and reached for t'he hand Roger held, se tlat- three isands were ciasped together, bers so samali be- tween the two strong eues ot* those men, who Ioved lier. 'We oan talk when we get home," said Roger, and lie-tisank- ed God for tise darkiiess, for tbe dl", stars that let no ons se, ils face. "F'il go on ahlepad witb t1isse to fellows."> "A moment,Rge" said MUi- "Plsase-" vaîd Meridel. H~e paid no attenjtion to tbsm. Hoe sent Poi -Martin and Rostue, scarn)eriug downi the trail and bhurried after tisem. Tihey beard his voicefaintly, "You cean Pretend it's thle roadl on the mnagie imun- tain, if you need b." But be kniew, noue better, tisai any road la a inagie road if Vou haetbe riis lcarusin your heart. And somewbsire for hlmn there would be suich a road, one that no other foot hart trod before ...................... OOY At tisis minute I am, sitting In a railway coachi waiting for. tise, train to pull ont andtake me back to Ginger Farm-b-Jack te tise great op)en spaces wbsre one can he free of tise suffocating iseat, and close- fl555 of the city. Yes, 1I ehail be glad to hb' back, aithougli aveni travelling bas its interestiuig me-, meuts. For instance acresa tise aisîs fron me there is a weman and a gir-l.Tise woman. la rsad-- 111 tise girl's palmn and apparent- lY thie younig lady bas an.interest- lng fulture alisad of lier.- Thsy don't know men and 1 dont know them but 1 have a hiuncis tiatone, or botby of tises, say be a reader of tisis column, Tisese glimpses of "sliÎps that pass ii lu tenigist" are always In- tsrestig te me. Take tisis rnorn- ing: 1 sat la a restaurant having breakfast when a. young fsllew got uip to9 u1se the, telephone. His con- versation, was free for ail te isear bu,ýt .I wasn't paying mudli atten-t tion uintil ise started telling "Jack" al the other end of tise wlre that lie thoughit a ce3rtain 'writer's magazine was just fine; that lie ha4 lissa pretty busy at tihe writ- ing just iatcsly-and tisat If lie cýould seil tbire's te six thousand words a wesk it -would be a pretty flics way to maSs a 'living. It would indeed, but tisora ia always, that "if" te consi-dee'- Wsll, my goodness, now it sounds as If tise fertune-teliing lady near me In thse trahin ý l5 i a write-r. 1 sh&l soon 1be thinking tisey cone a dîme a dezený Wuuildni't il be tua, toe au acýross tise aisîs and say "Huile, suppose, we get together --I bellere> we butis speak tise sanie languag," Bu"tnmaybe 1 had better attend te my ),,n business and teil yeu ùtht we bia ve survived our tire't week at Ginger Farm w Yitisout Fartner al tlis e bls. Neediese te Say IL basa't been an e-asywekbtt has certaiufly been e-,buay eus what witb putting up taiace pipes, reý-iric1dlng tise ktelien stove, cl1eaniing flues aýnd pipesand speediuig our parting guest whoc lad been witb!Ë us nsearly a -moniti and was sfill so Icath te go t hat, aitbougb isise caine te Toronto witli us last Thursday wlien we- went to ses Fartrer, she aise came baclz witi s usagate te spend ionje miore niigh't at iniger F'arm. But on Priday away she went, She hadl no obiser cisoice because a]ise was, due to be-gin lier studies at me- Gili UniversitY ii n a few days. 1 don'b know why it ie -'- visiters and at tise end Of it 30eer who waited--for onily hlm. Beluid hinmunder tise stars, Meridel and AMichel EPaýIre liad stopped bo gaze at eaciseh tbi in tisaI stranige liglit. I wag vwronig," ise sai You did 1,et forget oDur "You did not nimnuit whsn iyoui sat, as 3-ou1lefb ml, ei, tisat you wnid not returu?" "You kue:w I did niot. It was lwribten, al thisi-lonig age. Notis- iueouid ever chanLe it."1 THE END, -t 't N N -s N N N ISSUE 40-1945 aroiiud bers uearly alw.ays stay longer tisan tisyoiely inteud- ed o-despite tise fact i alwaye look upon mysetlf as tie worid'si worst hses.But ,rnaybe lacS et ceremony on ny 1pair t provides greater freedosi for tbemt - and tisat perliaps la tie best Slnd et holiday te have. Visibors corne down to breakfast any time tise-y teel lIke it. Tbey are ýinad1e n- quaiuted with wisere il tise disises and thinga are l'ept and wliat foed tisere la te sat, sO they get their own breakfast - and mnidniiglit; snacks - and I get on ýwitb in> work, with -man>' offers oft help wissn tisy get around, to IL And you know oas gets a lot et satis- faction from seeing people go away rssted and rsfresbed atter having see>n tises arrive tired and weary fros wisatever arduous dit- ties lad been their lot. Oh-oh, and now tise train hlas stopped. . . I woude-r wisy'ý1Hem-I corne somne"men wlio have lien eut to, investgabe. Apparent>' the train bit a truck. No one, wa% injured -but trorn ail aecounts tisa truck la a wreck. Thse man Jumi- ed clear. I ses' sorne of' tse traini- mens out cutting weire from a feue, 'De they aven fic up trains with, fence ,wire? I tihought it was oui>' tam-mers wlio were guilty of tixing thinigs tisat way. Now we are on our way.. tise train is puiliug out. It wiil cor- taîly be very bats gettiag lu, sud thnt 1 imagine, will sneau tisat Bob is w,.aiting, patientiy or impatienýt- 1>', for siy arrival at tise stati'on. Bc homneagain, .tise tarrù le4 stili bers .tise boys hiave sur- vived twe days of batching but, tise>' boti want te know when Partner la cosiin.- lie-and tisat i% somietislng I can't tell. In tise meantirne F artuer la baving a goeod rest nnd more contente(] tisan 1 expected to find hlmn. N4azis In Norway Go Underground Dýefit!e preef tint Naziora- zations in formner>' German. occu- pied cýount ries are going under- grounid le provided in. a recenit 7r- leaseo from Oslo, Norway. Accord- ing te "Af teuposten", a capital dail>', police rsceutiy uabbed twoD Norwegian nmembers etftise Nazi unidergrýound iaboard su Oslo etreet car, Thieir pocýkets were stuffaite withi clandestine newspanpers, printed Ia tise best uinderground fashion, wisile betis rneu wera armied witbisiddeLn revolvers and belts of ammunilution, Secret Nazi org-anizatiouis have been uncovered fl ober Norwege- ian townis where underground new,,ýspa pers have, beeu confiscated and suispects have bee n imediate- 1>' arrestsd. Tisougis the erganiza- tion is jadcge-d te be vsry samall, and there are no rep)orts et sabo- tage or Nazi "Werse-woif" raids b>' any secret Na-zi group, Norwegian police and mllitary are, losing ne time lu exberrniuatinig tbsse et eroppiug,,s of wliat may be a Eiuro- peau Nazi underground. CHRON ICLES By ndIePClak il .fINGERFARMGeBLIneP ak N N N 3' i. N N 'N N N s- N N N N N N 'N 1~ N. N st N. s' N N s-. -s, s. t s N s. N N N -N 's 3'