Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Oct 1945, p. 1

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T' lES VOl. 9» NO, 56. QIONQ, ONT., THUPSDA) )CT. 4th, 1945 Subscription $1.25 per Year Large Congregations Attend. Church Services Uniy ted Church W.M.S. The Orono Hydro 'Commission miet oDn Wednesday, !Septemhi,ýer 26tb, with altbe gnembers presenit, The ini- ues ofthe previous imeeting. wýere 2-rad and iePupýoved. Mr. C. T, Miller was appointer! to <go <o thbe Eistern Ontario Hydecn ventJin to be bieid inBrcvleo October 4b T'he olltnbhisweeoeet pnýid: E. Denit, aay$0.;Wrk mnsComipensation, $ 5. 00) N . F. Porteri, E. Denlt's Bonid, $5,)0; Bow - inanilie ulic Utilitieqa, $15215; Oni- lt was decided to0 geit ready te take over thýe office wrkfrom thle ilw aville IPubllic UtýIî-Lîes atthe iirs,t cd the ye-r i C.Tiii(rwas equipment anild thýe Seear n Ytructed te wite te v . .Nt trs sigfor an udiorle b4sn te ep e up the books. Orono Amateur Athletic News At a rcent m-ceeting- of the execu- tive Mlr. Mc(Ginniis was, added tco the offiiais w'ho are, the hlsmnof the y-outh activities of our communiiiity. At the same mIneeting a dlance -was ar- ranged for sürîitime in Noverber, and] Messrs. Cornish and TyýrreIl are in chang-e of his evenit. 'On Tuesday evening' October 2n.d, forty boys tLurned out to get placed on teamis, and mentors WJ'st and Winters linped up sorne very enter- taining ggnes for the period uintil hockey starts. Basketbnil and other developing- games are bein:g arranged.' Starting Tuesday, October 9th, the Club wili meet twice a week on Tues- day anýd Thiursdncly evenings and boys in the foilowing ag-e groups are want- ed to report on tune as foii-ows 12 yearsý and under atl ocick I2 to 15 years, 7.45) o'clock. 15 and over at 8.3>0 clock, Boys, yoeu rill boe giveni training adit is essential th-at you get there on timie as slacknes-s on your part rnligha lose your 0op'portunlity to get placed on a teami. A word to, parent., Let your boy be there on timie. It requires three- quairters of an houïr for exer-cises,. and he should be homre and Ieadiy to, go to beýd wîi'ti n hour and a haîf fromi the timie he is listedi to report. Officers Capture Leaside ISuspects Near Bowinanville Chief Constable Sidney Venton of Bcewin-anville and Provincial1 Con- stabli)e Gordon Br-oui-.ton on N o. 2 l -ighjway on Saturday night, cap'tuLred and disarnmed three nien after a] 75- ýîjechase. The men bJad in their possession 'a sb-acin un, an autom-atic and a .38 calibre revolver. They are charg-ed wvith the$~0G Leaside bank rotbbery. 1Brouglhton and Chef Veiitco . ere prollk-,g N 29Shihwy ear the eastern boundary of Bowi-anville ,wben an easltbouind auto ne-arly sie- swiped the poica police cruiser. Broughton h'ad to pull over to avoid being hit. He turn.ed' around and saw a man leaning out of the rear windeýw of the fa'st dis,ýappearing auto. The poglice g-ave chase. They were travelling bet-ween 75 and 80 miles an hboui v when Vhey overbauled - the puirsugd auto three miles east of Bo~ïauvlleand forced it to pull up. Broing'-hton started to questioni the driver, and jwhen the ansavers were unsatisfactor7y lie ordered iy to get out of the car. As the driver was getting out the nian in Lhe batik seat n ad a ove tsswards a bundle of clothes. The tommiy gun rolled to the floor. Thie provincial1 officer drew bis gun and ordered botb thbe man la the batik seat and the driver to get oul in a hurry. Weaniwhile Chief Venton had gone around to the other side of the auto and ordered a man in the front seat te get out. He opened the door to get at the man andi foundf a loaded automnatic pointet at his face. Venton grabbed the gunmian's armi andi started flgbting for thbe wao At tis ,juncture one of the offpr susp-ecets, according to plcstarted slgoutî'ing, "plutg thIe cop andi plug hlmn Broughton camie to Ventonsas- tanýce and thlesupc rened wenhe saiw the office,'s gun. Te automaitie- was ae ih1 at The mien gaýve thieir namnes as Wal- ter Mfis'ko,-Buffalo; Johni Liddle, of onraand Victor Wazny, Bramcp- ton, when they appeared in county miai-strate's court on a charge of armied rci-bery. They rwere remnandeti to Oct. 9 xithout ýbid. All three gave their a-.ges as 20. CLARKE UNION Mrs. DlaniFraser returned home from Bowianvile hospital where she hiat an eye removed. IMr. and Mrs. Jinm Patterson, Toronto, visiteti 'with bis parents, Mr. and (lMrs. J'obn Patterson. Mv. Jin, iMrsll, wbo lbas been on the Forestry this sunrmer, hias g-one to work at the Fittimgs -at Oshawa. An executive meeting of our H-ome -'nd School Club was held at the home of the presi dent, Miýjs. Harold Allun. Mv. anM rs(1 , . EarlPFoggAd4tw To- Start illing West Side 0f Tannery Bridge The Oreno Police Trusztees met on Septemiber 26th 'witb ail memýbers present. Th'le followýing bills were ordered paid Worken'sCompensation, $5; A, T. Allun, sprea1ding calcium, $41.- 60;ClîtonFarowspreadjing cala cium, $MO0; A. Lang-staff, sp)readinig calcium, $2.00; D. Myles, r-epaiingi, tanik topsý, $8.00, total, $59.60. It wais decided te spend onie hun- dred and flfty dollars on fil for» the west sîde of Tanner'y Bridge.. Owing te thbe change of date for Municipal elections, it was decided by resolution te hold the Annual meet- ing and Nominations for Police Trus- tees on the Friday evening preceding the last Monday in Novemiber in each year. Prier te, Mutual Aidi, the Canadianl wi a credit of -$i0,000,00;0 in Sep- tember, 1942, for purchaýse of Cana- d4ianr wvhat and fleur. Total Mutuai Aid to Russiamounteti te $120,914,- o(0,000 John Cornish Seriously 1 Injured In Auto Crash A moc;t uinortunate accident oe- curreti at the wýest end of Newcastle vilgetis M'Aonday aftern-oon. Mr. J. J.Consh our local grocer, when rtnigfromi Bownianville acconi- panied by Mrs, Cornisb, lhat certain tire trouble at the top of "Rickard's"' il.In order to take his car-fron-, a dang-er point ini the road, Mr. Corn- ish con)tînued it a fiat tire to the 'bottom of the'hill. He hati summoneti .Mr. Carl Fergu-. son, to change the tire and iwas stand- ing at the rear of his car when it came into collision With one driven by a Mr. Scarrow, of Bowmanville, Dr. McKenzie, of Orono, was calletd ~Wben b-e was inamediately removed by' Morris ambulance to Oshawa Geen- eral Hlospital wbere it was founti that lie bad suffetit multiple fractures to, one leg a.nd fracture to tbie other, and also sufl'ered fromi a severe shock. Early on Tu--es'day onn it was neceessary that bis condition necessi- tateti blootitasuin and during Tuesdý(ay several iblood donations ~were given Mïm by -men of this lis.- trict. Suclb an unfortunate accident to a, good citizen bas' caused deep re- gret and conceran to bhis ýmanr fr-ientis. At the timie that a need for biood transfusion -,vais expressed, many offeredti teir services tub-rougli Mr. Tyrreil, and at 1tbe present tiime there is a goodly list prepared for future donations. The edtitor, of t'he Timies sincerely hopes tht thfis lista %will be aug-mented ini a few bours aï.- ter preýssin hepesý that any effort of ours will bave some good iýnfluence la bis early recover-y. The fact that immxediate-ly beforp- the collision of the Scarrow anU C'ornish ýcars, a trans<port apparently trying to pasýs thbe Scarrow car, ramoe in collision mith it furtber cmpi cates this unfortunate and g-rievous At the hour of g-oing to press wc. were unable to get tbe latest report of Mlr. Cornis's condition. THISVERY MINUTE* IF the needy and destitute of war-torn lands could stand at ypur side in their rags and poverty-and look in youir clothes closet with you.. . tI hat could happen, and- you saw the -plea In their sunken, death-hounided eyes, youL would give haif of youir clothing to warm thcen, *THIS VERY MINUTE, i will go and look. They won't be at my side., but their voice of thanks will be, Sponsored b)y THE BLt1EWING INTYIJTRY (ONTARIO) iiiaïi of NATIONAL CLOTHIRO GCOLLECTINLOtu b20 O N E Y N N. N N N N N N 55 s s 55 s N

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