Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1945, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIES TPIIC'RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1945 iLocal News Goron eamnof the R.C.. Ai Ecr. E. Neilso iad usns tnp te Toronto on Menday. lMssEhva TuckeTmre, is hehidajJýyning et hr ome in twn Mis KeteMca has reuredt i mr o s i tion in i ir' .e C. G. A-r iisitriong store. iDr. and Mrs. A. F. cKnzeand suue away enijoyin-g a threks holiday. iM-rs. Frnkllowse,, of Toronito àpn awe bwt er aunit, Mrs. m.Stutt. Mliss Agnes Waddleil hes aecceptedl e osition onr the Bank cf ComerDi(ce outaet Orono. Mlrs. Nerton Cobbledlick is îin tIreý 0Oý-haw-a hospital aifter havinig under- gene ani operaton. Mvr. eýndJ Wyven Reid an.d daughter, BEowiuernvile, speut Sunday wvith Mrs.-ý WatrCobhedick. Mr.R. Reiney and Miss M. Taylor-!)i we-re visitLors hStiSndiay et tlie-home of Iss Ida Tayor, AlMiss Mary Sis, .N wili'h frierds in town.i Torno nteu, Mr-s. Rose Bowveturned hom'le has wek atera coupfle weeks' hoi- days inl Gralvcnhurst. Mifr. M. A. Carleton has the con- tract of pam 'nting thé waten tewer at týhe Forestry tation. Mn. Robenit 1Lunn lias pir'chascd a race herse ndu is gettîng rcady for the acsat Orone Fair. 1Mr. Al I Hall is enectimg a barn up- o n bis preperty in the vmcnity cf the fermer canninig factory. Mýr. MJiton Morris lias returned bone after spendiig a week at the sumjmn cottiage atJaevh. mrs. (Col.) Grah-ani, ocf .innipcg, Ma9nitibat, is sedn a few weeks visit wthMrs.GereBtns Mr. and Mers. Drumjmeud and sezýn have rcturned hoGme after an, extend- cd hiidaby iii Halihurton district. Mr. and _Mrs. Ernie Hill, cf43Smnith Falîs, Ont., sýpeut the past weck with Mnr. efd Mns. Percy Morgan, Sixth Lille. Cpl. Art Wliite, cf the 48th High- lander i:Band, Camip Borden, spent thY'eek-endc,.wth Mrs. White and famit>'. M.aud Mrs. Garnet Gohneen and aniyed --Il-. Tomn og) Bwmn ville, visite'd with fieuds in Orone -sunday ,le,-ist. Wagstaff's Marmialade, large jar Large bag Vita B Cereal 35c 24c 1The, Oronio 1Bake Shýop 0opened for bsin hess on .Moniiday aftcr beinig los- ed( for a week to gýive blhe ecmployces a weck's h.lidays. Messrs. "ýBiillV' Robinson, Jîimý Little, Bill Beyd, and Bill Berry left on Sait- .urday ast for Western Canada te help with the harvest. Mrs, J. Wesl ey Roc, ULodo,Mr and Mrs. S. Keat, Chatramý, _Mris. E. 1Keat, Toronto, were recent visitorýs ,wth Mr. and Mrs. Jim Richards. Mrs. Elia -Tbompson and Arthur, and *Miss, Mabel Thompson, R. N., of LesAngeles, Cal., spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Jas. Tamblyn, Sr. SWe are pleaýsedl to sec that Mr. J. E. Richards is ablhe te be out and sround again after bis si'ckness. Youi just 'can't keep a good man down. Mr. Harol'd Ikeey anas brought hoîme from thCe reron'to Geucral H ospital one day ast rweck and is -iow convalescing from a bad attack f asthmia. *iMr. and Mrs.*E. G. Stickells, whe have been visiting with the latter's broth er, Mr. J. F. Lorriman, fer the past month, returned te their home lu Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNair and sons Donaid and Fraser, cf Torento, were visitiu g witih Mrs. Breckon and ber brothfer, Mr. J. F. Lerriman over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Froste, Man- ager cf the Bank cf Commerce at Tanrworth, spent Labor Day week- end with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. C. H1. Froste. A nuumier cf members and friends of the Orono Borticultural Society ut- tended a cern roast at the home cf Mr. and Mrs, M. H1. Staples on Tues- day evcning of this week, Misses Gwenu Tennant, Ruth Goode and Mrgaret Flintoff attended the wedding cf 'Miss Kâthleen Simpson and Ehwood Gray in Bowmanvilhe ou Saturday. September 7th. .Mr. W. E. Davcy, who spent a few days in Os'hawa hospital, returned on ýSaturday lest and i, recuperating at the home of his daughter, Mrs., Dane Found. near Leskard. Mr. and Mrs. Clayike Stanley and threc childrcn, and Mrs. R. B. 'Stan- ley, cf Metealfe, Ont., and Mrs, or man Stanley, cf VriloA!iberta, were week-end vstosat Mrs. WU. *Mr. Walter Canleton hef't est wee for Iroquois Fahis te accept a positio with the .Ahbitti PuL p wand(jPape r Co.1 Mrs. Alf. Pigott and daughtcr1 Gery have retuarnýed om te Bran1ît- ford after spending thesumeiwt ber parents, Mr. Pad Ms .A Orone Fair dates ths ear are Friday and S1aturda,Speme 2lst and 22nd, The d*irectcers are endeaveuring te mîakýe this er' Fair the best cli recordý, T-iere -wilh be lots cf etranct hc will help greathy in ýbiinginýg enijoy- ment te the crowdý that attîend1s. The electrical storin ofletMn day night set numiereus heiusehelder-u, tthmniking that tiheir home huad bceen ; truck by liglitnd-ng. 01ne ecpin aihly isha-rp flash "set everythîugc szig te use te~ ord f eue genlemn.Howeve-,,we hav hardi e f ne h1-arm doue zahl.ough ,thýe sreet 1 ights were extinguished i] n thie uh eaend cf the town wiethe prower- 1 emained on in the (houses. Tihe exact rever-Tse n.as the case in the orti Dr. nd rs.Lang, cf Cicage, are jýro-wn trout are stli in the s 1ream near n Onuif uordy youkowh:ow te cththem, Ces, Bowen ovr th weken aught thie icest catch seen here this year. Nine 1býrown beauties was his cach 'ith toth-i ing under a faut iin deýigth, aind rang- ming up te sixteen incJlms. ROYAL Phone 589 Motion P1ictures At Their Best Thursday and Friday SEPT. 13, 14 Another Double Bill Presentation ""SWEET AND LOW DOWN" With Bennïy Goodman and orchestra and Aarring Linda Darneil, Jack Oakie, Lynn Bari, and a Great Cast ADDED FEATURE '41NTME MEANTIME DARLINGe" Army Wives and Their Troubles Saturday SEPTEMBER lt 'BLOCK BUSTERS With Harry Langdon and the East Side Kids and JOHNNY MACK BROWN, in LAW MEN Mon.-Tues.-Wed. SEPT. 17-19 GANGWAY FOR GLORY! Wýhen FIly ing Tigers bare thieir lasand rip the Riýsinig Suniý Thril Filmi of the Year! ~GOD ISMY CO ý10-PlLOT A Warner Ilit! Starring Dennis -Morg-ai, Dane Clark, lRaymnond lMýasse>', Alah Hale, Andrea King anfud John Ridgfpely. CMN&SOON NATIONAL VELVET PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH lMiqister SUNDAIY, SEPT,. l6th 2,-30-hurch S&heo. "lWe are in danger of losing the freedom te 'worship when we confuse -ILt with the freedom net te worship." Sehected. Orono Tinshop1 Ail kinds of Plumbing and Heating IR. E. LOGAN AL,. Ait eaih svstig wt lIier ndMiss PeaI -Pik, of Oý)s- Dedicatdt Bettr ervc In choosii g your funeral director, decide on onewo has a proven reputation for conscienfi us service and a reg-ard fur the dignity o his profession. To anýticil ate your needs-to inake the iast service a> perfect and impressive as pos- sibie-is- (ur priviiege anfl sacred trust. Long ex 'Prience aind ý-,refui training make it possibi for us't i ve you theutstn service and qa at prices that are most moderate,- Every convenience connected with an up- to-date funeral establishment, in qui-'et, hoine-like, restfui surroundings is at youir disposai at nu extra cost. F,.F. MORRIS 00, ORONO 27 -1lOMNIL 480 or 734 ARMSTRONG'S. SUMMERESSE (;Ieýaraiwce of il or ur Summer Dresses, s:izes 12, 14, 15 ad18, regulýarpie 5,5 o. ... ............ .... ....... $3,»0 Al o (ur $6,5 te$1150, inneaily ail sizces, fon$,5to S$6,75 These are ail diean, niew stocký OVRLLSBOT Sanfoxzedshrun-k, ii n al Ssa rmUotwt size-s,sze frn34t 44,.oni Sole, All Leather, 2for...........$250 P-ce ........... $57 ChldsBleOveralîs, siezes SILK ROSE 2 te 4 years, for _ .,, ,00 Prce, t 1,0,$,25 nd 15 Sizes 6 to; 8 years for,.,.. 125N...Arie Fancy Keta SAL-MON I lb tin S.-aturda,-y niy Soap 2bars JliC. DURHAMN CORN $STARCII 2 pkgs ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb bag M4ACARONI 2;Ïlb 1t5e. AYLMIER SOUP 3 tins 25e 329c RED RO SE TEA 1-2 lb. Many Fiowers SOAP bar Çc SPRIT fory cieaing fine fabrics 39c CABBAGE 5c COOKING 25e.ý ROLLED WERAT 5 lb 23c. Coffee 45c. M ALTED1 large jar, RED & WHJTE STORES Quick Quaker Qats, fine, large pkg 21c Quaker Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs 23e Seeded Raisins, just in, lb > 19C Work Mitts, pair 25c Wheat Flakes, 5 lb bag 22c Goýld Medal Floor Wax, our new low price, lb tin 25c Apple and Raspberry Jam, 24 fluid ounces 29c Apple and Strawberry Janm, 24 fluid ounces29 Kraft Dinner, 2 pkgs 35c Quix, Wheat Flakes., 2 pkgs 25c Glass Jar Tops, dozen 25c Catsup Flavour, bottie 35c- Robinhood Fine RolIed Oats, 5 lb bag 25c Prime Commerci Beef' J. J. CORNISH

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