Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1945, p. 3

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z ~Canadin Hoase nientIs ofl cr horseý moesa ind *wiîhC the f na botla 1mae a i Me îra on a- contrac. t men daclsdIo i. has al con-v hor'se shimn 0 France have ) u I be aedon anc mein Li- aerýty o h ip i atMnra N ther isLdý e etd to loa w îfhîAl a) fort-ie ather li'e uýcntacd 10l1 slpi iorse !' F rance c m ay i b foth- *oenung.4) laIes.1 iig iBecaase où fh adifk it il- or'vlFfs befor r)ouhwethr et i ïfo ofe Atintofcis sat ,n aat etli ohhe000-hs Netr- ladan ionrc wo-ld abut 4,0Wie Thei- larget salte SofCaadia Ihores I aboa asiI 151Ewe ËtGen. oh R Hdg, bove, la ~ cmmadercl the U. S. 24Jh Arm-y Corps whlch 1ta.kes over the south- Crn haUi cKrea on the ACi a Mnlaànd, lncludlng iKeppotht capital ThIL Ca, d Van artime shîï,p- the miestne. Deiivery fr om Caainyardls Ldurinig the war bas amou te 0 more than 1,100 paval and mercant shipstoýtallig 5,000,000 ton - 10 limes,ý the ton- nage ouli)tputin, rld ar 1. Now revealed officiPly are the MeAi of the!.ST type of trans- port fery, from ctm 10 steru Canan-cuSnnb-ned, fuat- bottom11ed anid uaesrnd th 150 -foot ferry canl take the jarg(est xiilitar-iy vehiýce iliiuse tda.It taks ecndplace onily to the Tribal Classa destroyýers as thie j- oatcomle type, of sip Cainada L1as anduedsd Caniadiani yards, Lave the distinction of beng te liraI to lauch one of this improved eype of Ianding crafLt The, 114 tels'ipyardsnin pr ation at the ouitbreak of hlosýtiities have iincreaised 10I 22 major yards and in-(aditïin there are 65 )smnai- ler bators hîch turned u aml buýnt vitaliy imlportant craf t. The total cosýt of thie program has beeu ore thian 1,5,000l and 5,00,000 has been ment 10 con- cý,rt: passenger linecrs !G armned niierchantcroiera G.L,' Plan To Help BriishFarmiers troops have volunteiered 10 work in lharveat campjs diuring Sep)temberC and Octbr b hlp galber Great BEritain's cropsa on fans d esp)e r-« WIoy short of mnanpower. Mvanly accounits report the troops action as "A lend(-iease schieme of their Cown tb help Blriîaiin's foodl prolkms." Amierican Army auithioîties, a- ~,greeing ib the troops' riequest- cail the -hem a friendly gestuire" tIa Slight rcturul for allil kîd- \. Wss hon 1by the British people tio Amnican forces duniing thleir fouir years' occuipation." B EDICI b WOODWARD Four !days befoI,(,Je theLoarashire Hand1iap, Si Icat bary James, of the vorods amie home for a spot1(t oave snd îoundl his fathe hppngm afieLr awrs roig. "ie gone bc . o~ "MAy liveor la ailight, Larry,- said old Sam JameS, of 1h"e Coli- naugit Ldgestabes."Il's these darne youg jokeys we're 1,avinig t10 use thseays. They ,will talk. 've ha1ýd 1 take yoning 1,olbiins off Smal Changein the Loasahire. The yungchiump has g(1owng bis tougne." Wbat's Te d been tang about?"-skdLatrry, lightiing Lis pipe. I cuh hm lest nighit gasý- E.tng away l some sWell loafei abottis> chance in the Loami- s 1ie.I ick-dbu off, and as he wvas inclinied Io lie cbeeky I told Linm lie sholdn't ha ve t7!(,rie." "You ,tinkiI the lad mligt lie got ai, e?"smulscd Lar-ry, Th t'sil" nodded bis father. 'T'hesp' lads hsve'ltihe balance of oldr 2monl." "Fred Crsy." "That s a (Iueer choice, is't it, dadunsiled Larrýy. "~Cray lias rid- donýj notling butL second strings "I knlow that," growled old, Sam. "But ies a good horsemnan 'if hes kept off tlie drink. 1, had 10 do something quick lu the circuni- Étances,, and se, to have bum under my oye, I got hlm downi here and put hlm up at *The Crowa., He's had a couple etc gailops on Small Change', and tbe'y -went sweetby enough." Giveri A Free Hand Lsrry's expression was wornied. "I'm sorry about young Robi- bins," lie said. "Ho struick me as beng a fiiee kid, I don)i't like Iliat chapCra. Ie herdremarlis "Thiýee are rumiiours abottevery jockey" uneld Sam. "Come along d,,wn to the stvables and bavé a look aroundjç." That saine aft-ltroo3N r. lzzy Pentus', owner of HrePwer, the fa-vonr-ite,,had, aprivaite chat ,ith AIbL-rt 'Tofi' Ganter - te "swolles r," who Imldgtyeung Ted Rlbn to tabk. "«So the kid rcosSmïal Change asito;Lr heLoani- shire,do(W o? si d Fanion derisiveiy. "Says lho can'iCI 1ose, and lihe knows bis stutff," snswo(Ired Toff. "«Woll, it's yonr job t0 ee hat haý dloos ose," snppd anton. "Moe and mny pals baýve put o)ur sirtIs ou Horse- Power. you',ve got get hold of' this kid Robbinas and buy hini, see?" "F'Il bave tb dazzle hlm," sÀiiirked Toff. "He's young at the game and is full of honoar and fi-lyand ahl that sort of popycok.It'hl take money tO "Wel, o dwnt(->Stenburu and geLi)l inias heaqasyou cen," said It-zy Pan11on. "I give you a fr(ee "Juii as you say," said Toff. "And if 1 brtng Il off I lake il lnionHors,,e Power for a hundred al starting price ?" "That's il,", said Izzy. "And see thaI you do brling il off." The New Jockey BEut arriving, at Stonhurn the folloaving morning, Toff Gunter learned from a lean-facod young man in shab by tweeds, la the bar of "The Crown,' 511 about Smil Chanige's-new jockey. Ho roceived the informiation with a show of only mild aitoresL, but deciding fIat Ibis mighit complicate things a bit, hanng arouind lui the hope of aword withi Cray. Cray should ho WHERE WILL HE PUT IT? With tive rowa et- o cam.paign bars and miedal ribbons.already crowd- ed on hinbtle jacket; Lt.-Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.,,famed Third Armny comn.,,nder,wI have difficulty crewding in the ribbon for his latenst ewar d - Czechoslevakia's Order et the White Lion and the Milit ary Crocs. Above President Benes, left, makes the prese nt- ation durinà the lQenera's recent visit te Prague. WAR AFTERMATH: PARESLNS GIO IN SEINE Because meny of France's moat pepular seeside r esort beaches stili conceai deadly, mines, and beceuse prices ha ve skyrocketed, thousends of Parisiens, are forced to take "stay--at-home" vacations, Thley get in-their suLmmerbime babhing at a number of new ly developed "Lidos" along the Seine River, in the heart of-the city. One of theni is pictured above,-w îth swimmiers, sun bathers aud non-bathing kdb- itzers, who flock te the riverside "'beaches" te, wat ch the fun. essier te0 bandle than the h06, but miglit le a lot more exponsive. LaIe in the aflernoon-, lie ssw Cray go off for bis conditioning walk on the Downs, and sauntored ln the -skate direction. There was ro need for hlm tb hurry; lie 'woufld moet Fred Cray on his way. But Crsy did not returu n b is owu fooet.,Ëe waa found late lu the evening, lying, only hiaîf consolons behind a gorse bush, and wss car- ried back 10 "The Crown" by the stable-hands wbo lisd beon sient out to look for hlm. Another Chance OId Sami was furious, and learniing Ihat Cray would not ho anything fit 10 ride S-iali Change, sîrode off 10 Interview ,young Robbins. j You've got another' chance, Rbns"ho said. "'See that yon, ïakLe the most of il, and Jeeep yormouth.i shut in fuiture." '..,perfhing dam oa'*t have suiyting,, on mne from now on, sir," griuned yungTed. Wen Hl obbins rode Srmail Chiange don he cours"e t 1 îl ýslart ing point li, e f011ho ad the oidaI bis !foot. As hoieturned tface the tapes his imout was badly bumpod by H-orseý Power, ridden, by Mike Trent-, wlio had jeceived soý(me very diînite in- structions-, tram Mr.,Izzy FanIon. "Trying 10 win thle r;ae before thie s tart?" flasheod Roblbins, wbo was more than aý bit shaýken. Mike Trentlgowerd at the "Dosa p," ý ho said. '"You ;want 10 !u- lear 11 rie bofore you come ashlongs-ýt rosi boýrsomien la a rosI rae, 1semybe 'Yo11'11 gel your peck boe. Aw, gel bfac1k 10 youlr each okys"grinnied Rolibins, Mnd eased Sniall Change mb bIis berîli. On His Guar-d 11ut0 Mike Trent',a action ha,,d pt hlJm on ha uadand, ddcidfng to keep ',OuI of trouible if possible, hc piisieýd Sniail Change 1u the front ove)r the liraI two furlong11s, whIls thIe othei' more expei- TWO IN A BERTH HLge B3-29's look like fr-agile toys as they are based in p' sa e lfel n Sia.Ama micro~cep ktru and teta D ive relative aizieof plane&. enre"d, jockeîs iuursod theoir Itounts, bidling tlheir lime. Tliey r-clioned old Sam iiJamies' horse ýwould. crack iniïde tLe distance, and thon would lie the lime for them te try. But whon balf-way was r eacbed %tand Snisîl Change showed no aigus of fading, Trent decided thal thîngs weren't, working ont accord- ing 10 plan, so, using bis whip, lie weat after Rcpbbins. l-He managed 10 gel alongaide Smsll, Change, end wtl a qulck wrèeh te the noar-sido, and s squeeze oft he off-aide, bored labo Sinal Change, lhrowing hbu lied- îY off bis balance. Il was the old br ick, but so well done that il Sp. pearod 10 lie nolhing more tban an unfortunale sway, under pressure. Smail Change bat sa couple of leugths, and Stop Dightly sud Faitbful, Friend lollowe'd Horse Power mbt the lead. Up on the stand, old Sam ciuira e6. "Thalf young footlibs vrua Smal Change off bis 1legsiý ho gnowled. -I bold hlm 10 ride awiigrc ,ip 1e balf-wsy, sud then coýrne 10 the front, and- 1"H-e's al right, a, said Larýry. "Mi keTrenl bmpd imr, but the kid has gol moi niely again."ý Past The Poat Ia another parlt-Iof the stand Izzy PanIonw as It,ýsmýiimg. Tof CGunler had kd bis job, but Muke bad puit Iig lt ,His salistaqction ws short lived, howêver, ïor wilith lb roiigh trol voice eho knew so "wel urging hlm forwardl, Smii IChange hadreov ered, and tdidnj't so mmci 'ga1ilop as fly. Young -Ted, bis face set, oyos gbeamijin, suP)d with the b)resîLi squeozeýd out of bis nostrils by the wind of bis speed, gased ffc- hionnie Ibreats into 1ihe a-ac ears cf is ,3moual.ý 1A furlong Irom iIlie !post lhohad passed Stop ightlysd FaithfîI Friend and was aloigaiide Horse Power. 1lie gave Trealt a wide berîli, and drivlng Smaldl Change iiro lte lead, hadthe crowd yelîlnig thefaure' namie. Ho saw Ibe fash etwhîte as lho aw),epl pthIe poat liia asort cf Irance, an, knowing Ibat lho lisd lwon, alowed dwa sloanedforward on SmnallChg's wo-sde Commnande Tactios "Woll donie, Ted(!" cbuckled old Sain at tbe unsaýddlinig. "I Ibouglt you'd ceoo10fasat, but you ovi- deatly knew the hiorse botter than me.' , "Know 'lm? 'B's part of, me, guv'nor," gninned youpg Ted, sud coilecting bï i tacIle 'e1oll to scale. And wlien the "AIl RýighL"ý flag wenl Uýp old Sain was alibi cbluckling. "I doa't expeet even Cray, witb ,ail bis akill, would have rîddena botterrace, L.arry," liesaaid. Dsrry ighted s cigarette belore lie replied. "If Cray lied been la the saddle, dad, S'mabl Change wonld have been unplaced. "When 1 hoard Ihal Cray was going 10 ride Smalb Change b. de. cided 10o walcb ont. Downata 'The Crown' I f011 la wilh a swelb tout who seemed so interested lunyoung Rolibins and our horse that I bold lui of the change of jockey. Dater, whea Cray went:off for bis walk on the Downs, Mr. Nosey Pre went foi' a sîrol la the sanie dir- ection. 1 lagged aller tbem,kep ing ont 0f sigît. "Iltwan'î ,long be fore llie'y gol logýeth1er for aher-olattak flot k1wngIwas ýon l te other1 'ide of Illebuh Cray agrueed te huld hauk SmlliCaneini r(turu for ia( (linardqid 10 o epsid by Mi'. z zy Psnmtoa., "was lipigaway 10 put yon wise. wben itbey sptted e. Tlie Ihut made ,as for il, but Cray came aI me wit a tick"Lar paused and cnkld-Weler a -lhing or two ifa the Cmano, lie went on, "so I madme suire thal, Cray slouldn't ride anytbing 1(- day, and tha tyog Hbbn ,sboculd bave ha hnc. C Z-Ec h Sabtage Hýaits Atom Testa; A shattcring, Anacnicanair raidl Czech sabotage, anid anl accidentii frustrated Genman epnmnsin seeking 10 develop an aloie bomb, newspaper eccounts S a i d i n Prague. A German enginer namcd FEu- enback worked with4 the pnoblcm of releasin1g atonaic enecrgy i0) a radicio planit et 'Vysocanly, bbc ac- counlts satid A blat anld fine Itthle panit in, ý143 folowe byanlAmer- icanl raid hialted work soon a) ftenr theý plant resumedopraios Somle ImiystenUions apartu ias- dispebtcheýd 10 the imperial Resýearc1i Linstiute iii Berilin, butCec wo)rkeýrs believed they managed te damage the delicate miechanismi before it was shipped, thie stonicaý said. Manila hemp actually is flota truc hcnp. and is not grown in thie immediate vicînity of Mne THE CONQUERORS COME N N N s N N N N N N C N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -s N N N N -'s -s N N N -'.5 N N N N N N y N N N N N

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