Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1945, p. 2

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OTTAWA REPORTS That Coarse Grainas in Canada This Smnallest Since Carry-Over Vear la 1940 TIùs yea2r, wentle world food sýituation is-iin Peitie coditioni,1 tite c (rop prospects fo)r coarse grains ia Canada are dfecidedly poorer titan11 titey ere a yeai ago*; ant! couplet! with Jo1wer pr1,oductioni ate smllest backlog of grain ear-vrsince 1940. The situation is o)utliined in e report issuet! by thie Domijnion Bureau of Statistica. Ia eastorn Canadaite carry-over la insiJgnificant, and! in the west- ern provinces it is 30% smallei' To alleviebe the western short- ugel, shipments of coarse grains to the east have been suspeudet! until after mid-Sepbenibor. Tite gatdrop in prairie production- emlountlng 10o 100,00,000 busitels of mals and 30,000,000 busitels of býarey-itas been rauseS by drougitt anid cool weathier. inl Maitobaaneu estern Sasit- ajtcitewan&ý crop prospects have: benfavorable, and! in Ontario and Quecbee- berley promrises 10 yielt! -Well, witit average prospects for oats. Tite yield 0of oats and! wheat in Bitisit C olambia ta exp)ectet! te 1)egooci. During 1944-45, expoTý. r., mny te thee Unibed 'States, bave exceed- ed titose of- a year ago. The Feeda Administration bas 110w pleced rlgid vjestrictions oute expe rt of barey ut oats from Canada for tite prese-nb. Titis limie wer mmemials are gigte serve useful and valuable fainetiens. Tite civlc enSCiOusntss developet! by Canedians titreugit iteir war tfforts wilt be ttirnledt building. practical commuiiinibY Pro- jets saucit as recreatlona.t and cul- turel centres dedie-atet!',0 thnsE' who gave titeir lives in titis war. Substantil federal itelp iu botit planning and finencing la prom-; ised. ActuallY il la al part Of te plan for reconstruction and ful emlploymeilt, ent! in order tat titeseý plans cen be made efficient, tte government laya t!owa 01ee conitin-cnStliclU inust be underteken only 'e-len the fadlerai governlment gives te go-aitead signal; otiterwise 9a big pro lec inigitt be commjenýet! wlen te labor situation la tigitt. If, itow- ever, comma-lnities wait until bite emnploymienb grapit beg'ins te S&OP, te worlc offered by te projecta w,ýill fini a vital need. Paper Salvage Stili Necessary P'ape-r saivage- will'continue' dur-, inig te pst-war years, steles the ChtaiNews. In fact, il miaY become apermanent instittioni. Canadaý's woo0d pulp reseurces, fromn which paper is made,- are fest being deplete d, and until te governmeut undertakes a coin- prebensive plan of reforestation te * sapply future needs, te shortage is a pt te becemee-en m1ore acute Paper ta needed for mnany pur- poS.esý in peace as well as in war. Salvjýage collecte-ra are able te niake az nice- profit frem the sale of waste paper, te essiat in PUblic a'nd p- trietic enterprises which wil ai- wvays hbc necessatry, aud te ýpaper thuls conitributed is wvelcomcd aet the mlis wvheýreil is repreced witbsueceasfuiresits. Britain's Clothing Ration Shrinks hie- Staýfford Cripps, pre-side-nI o! te-ý, Board o! Trade, announced a cuii n Britai's alre-ady slimpy letites ration, For the- eigit-months periet frem Sept. i te April 30, 1946 the eliowance- wili be 24 coupoýns, he ai d. From Aug. 1, .1944 uintil the- e-ut of this mionit,ai peried of 13 montha, Britonls wcre- allowe-d 48 coupons.-1 DEVASTATION UNLEIMITED The Plague of Outdoor À'ý'en The outdoor man, whether ho be The treatment suggested is- Dr. farmer, truck, driver, or railway Chase's Xidney ILver Pu'is. By operator, ii oftén subject to backaqhe. reason of their stimulating action on This may be the resuit of exposure both the liver and kidneys, jeu have te cold and dampness or the resut two chances to one of getting!relief frein your backache by using Dr. of strain from the jolting and Chase's iPils. The torpid liver is humping of the vehicle he rides. aroused to action, the lidneys are T6 many veople,- women as weillas stimulated and consequently these mtn, it wouy d be great to ho free of orgalis help te purify the blood of the backache-oône of the, most conimon POsnu impurities1 which bring and annoying of ailments. And here pains and aches and tired feelings.> Ès how you may be relieved of, baek- Kee- regular anid keep well by ache and other symptoms o! poisons tising Dr. Chase's Kidnecy Liver PiUs. ini the blood. 35cts. a box. Conscription Remains In Force lIn Great Britain Prime Minster Says- Germany Defeated But Unrepentant 1 a straight!oe-ward t!aae-ent le te- Bribish pe-ople Prime- Min- ister Atle-e has e xplainet! why conscription mnust rema in ini force in Engiant! ..te me-et the- continu- ing nee-ds of te- service-s and' in particubar le .release titose whbo have bQeen servîng in the war." Germany is defeabet but unre- peutaul: "We 'muet coninue te finS large force-s for tite' occupa- tion of te-British zone." A bard anddangerous wî%nte-r lie-s' aheat! or, the' wioic. Con.-tinent: " We- muet tak-e our sitare in establisit- inig conitionIs which wîll allow o! recnstucton witlitvi viobence-." Then bditei eare- Britain's ob)liga- tionIs la tite East: The occupation o! Japan and te-restration o! bbce territeries etou irsebye-sand eue- ai- lies wil ne-ed subst autiai force-s for somne lime- te come:ý' Velerans who have donc the- actuel figbting overseas, and wbo new want badly te corme home, cen be re-easet! f rom te performance et the-se ne-w Suies onby le te extent tbat, ne-w me-n areý provi!e-d in bbe, necessary numbérs: "Thte- maintenance, of ýd!equate forces by se-a. in bbe air anS on bhe grenuS is vitably ne-ces- sary if we are te fulfibi our obliga- tions te our allie-s anS if we are te sec taI whab bas be-en won in bbc wer is net lest buntte immediate post-war periot." ,As Mr. Attlcee reminds both bis peopi.e- and our own, "Jhose- wbo remember bbc disturbe-d periot! aI te- enSo! the lest-war wili rcmem- ber that eue o! the prime- difficuil- tics o!fite situation was bbe ina- bility eft bbc Powe\rs which bhaS won bbfc wae- te provide te necrs- sery forces fer bbce preve-tien of violent action by secti onai2 inter- cala,;pcnding bbc completion Of,.ine- gotiations fer worlt! pouce." Ttîls lime, "We fmuaI net feu l e world. Wc have fougitî for demnocracy. We muatI maure tat the- condi- tions for its exe-rcîse- exist. Al Ibis - reacts on our situation hiere today." TRULY REMARKABLE is the "Radiant Roast" *used in the manuf acture of Maxwell bouse Coffee. It captures ail the flavor and goodness because it roasta every coffee beau. evendy, ail throu-h~ YOU wilJ Enjoiy stayana At The ST. REGIS HOTEL * Ees R& fijt!bfleî,sew Big Part Played By "Little Shipa" Thc Admiralty has disclosed, the story of the big part piayed by the "littie. 5h P9of the British Navy in the Etiropean sea w ar. The- tiny craf t ef the coastal forces, none of which exceeds 120 tons, sankl more than 500 enemy vcss'els in 780 actions,-for a ls of, 170 of thecir ewn. They shot down 32 encmy aircraft and car- rie-d out- neariy lwîce as many minelaying eperations as ail other minelayers. The-'for-ce consisting of only twc flotilias ai th[le war's oubsîet, ex- panded until il incbude-d 25ý,000 ini- on VE-Day. De-Na zify 225,000 Berlin Students ýAttendanqice at Berlin'-, de-n1azi- fie-d achools haclimb)e t 1a- dailS total o! apprý(oximateby 225,000 p-) puis-abouit une-hiait of the- peace- time average-. The Abied gide rto ýGermian teachiers specifies thiat al traces o! naz-iiam and miiitarism must ha remnovcd from tbe schools, but aside frnm this, teachers'have been given the- widest latitude and there has been no effort 10 impose ideas or philosophie-s upon them. WAINTEpl][,D Agents to sei from door to door. We have four articles that wjil sel! to every famIly. Low prices and big profits. Write ATLAS SUPPLY COMPANY 37 Pearl Street Boston 10, Mass. c rd.inary sort IIere's a SENSIBLE way à. reinee MONTIILY F En m AUM IPPAIN Lydia EPipkhaxn'sVegetable Cominid not oniy helps reieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tiret!, highstruug fecing -whcn due to fimc- tional imonthly disburbanccs. It's one of the most effecive unedïices for this Pu- pose. Pinilharm's Compound! helpsYnfflre! Folow label dlirections. Try itl ~/~4~ VECETL That îs vista presented in this picture of bomb center of Hiros hima, after descent of atomic destruction from U. S. plane. Picture was obtained from Jap Domel News Agency by U. S. Army. 'Note Catholic church ln foreground. Britain Not Giving- Away Hong Kong 1lt is apparent the- Attîle-e Go- vernmnent in Greeýt Britaini bas ne intention, o! iquidating the- Brit- isit Empir-e, commrenta the- Wind- sotr Star, Pronouncemients o! Prime Minîster'Attbee and Foreign Secretary Be-vin intimate tlit Brit- ain is geing right aheat! in as- suming a leadinR rob iiu worlt! .Some pe-ople-tought tie- fiest bing e Labor Governmiielt ini Brit- ainwoult! do woubd le te boss the British Empire- te the wiuds. Even wibh India, Mr. Attlee-bas BABY CHICKS FREE RANGE PULLETS 12 WEEICS op to 26 weeks. Day old chieka hatched to order for Fait dellv- ery. Top Notch Chiekerles, Guelph, Ontario. PREE RANGE PUYLLETS, TWELVE weeks up te laying. Also day-old cbick3 hatched to order for Faîl delivery. Tweddle C-hîck Hatch- eorles Limited, IFergus, Ontario. yoUR AL CICSSHOULD 1BE ordered now. IHave a few starte4 chicksq on hatld. BrnY Hatchery, 130 John N.. Hamilton, On1t. R.C.E. PRESENTATION HOME 2154 Bglinton Avenuoi,, Toronilto, -Ont. BUILT BY VETERAN SAPPER P. Del Greco. An exceptionally beau- tiful modern home, gumwood trim, hardwood floora, electrie refrigerator, range, lighting fix- turcs tiled sink and bathroom, inlaid linoleum in kitchen, Vene- tien blinda, attacýhed garage. Pro- ceeds of shares are to be used to build a 'Momorial Hall as a nationnal tribute to ail Royal Can- adian Engineera. Sharos promptly mailed, $1.00 each. $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS"' ALSO PARTICIPATE IN $&0-00 monthly Bond draw. Other prizes. Details on, receipt. Shaa 8'$1.00 each or 6 for $5.0.Sent! for shares; to St., Catharinea Optimniat Club, Box 445-H., St. Catharines, Ontario. DYEI1NG ANDl CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHINO NEEDS dyeing or rleaning? Write to us for Information. 1VWe are glad t0 answer yuur questions3. Depart- nent HB. PrersDyo Works- Lîmiitot!. 7!91 Vonge Street. To- FARNMACIIERYFOR SALE SAWYERI - M A'sSSE y CLOVER Huiler on rubber, Nvith feeder and blower in good repair. Lorne Kew. R. 1, Thamesford, Ont. NEW BRIGGS, & STRATTON AIR. cooled gasolino engines. Most up- to-date engine made. Low cost. Dealers orders invitod. Scope Sales Co., Box 852, Ottawa, Ont. 25 G ALLON MILKý CHUEN, DE Laval., Sharpies CreamSeparetor complote. Antique Shop, 901 -Pape Avenue. Toronto. 'VIKITNG"' CREAM SEPARATORS and repair, parts are always availeble either et- your local dealer or direct, from. Swedish Soparator Co. Limited, 720 Notre- Dame West., Montroal 3, Que. FOR l:SALE '41 BUICK SEDAN WILL BE'11 SOLD FOR $1.Ü01 TO holder of lucky ticket etPier ing Itotary FPair, October 17. Send $100 for, five tickets to B3ox 00 Pickerinig. Ont. 1942 PONTIAC TORPEDO SEDAN WILL BE SOLD '0IO HOD- er of winning tiecket, to ho drawn InHsplr TekgiigDay. Tickets 25em% 5 for, $îý.0f. Poed X1Kî,nsmnSeicChrte.od for, ti1cets t nmnCu- o 2-CZHespeler, Ont. 25-BOM HOT 01>ORSALE TN Malartic , inQUe)-ec mlnlng die- tri,.lct, not to buls terminal. Chri' otl atie. Queh.)c, ISSUE 31>7-1945 be-en ml te xli that fre-ed- omi willI be gruntet! India, as soon as the- people of 11india are fit lu gove-rn the-mnacîves. Thiat polie-y is along the ine-s et former Gove-rn- ments in' India. To Rebuild Shipsa It wa-q characteristie o! bbe' C.P.R, thai the- war was scarcely over before announceme-nI was made- et plans te rebuildth ie fie-et of slipis Iargely desîroyet! by the, campaigu in vv'ich they se-rve&d 50 gablantby. FOR SALES UP, TO DATE DRUG* STORE equipped with Soda Fountain Service and, Souvenir Shop. Good business aIl year round. Reply to Poitras Pharmacy. 210 Main St., Lachuto, Que., 45 miles from Montreaï. EllEcri'RicIC OTORS, NEW, USED bought, soIt!, rebulît; boîta, pul. la)ys, brushes. Allen Electrie, Comn- pany Ltd., .2G2 Dufferin St., Tc- onte. ELECTRIC MOTORS FZ1EWOUND -AND REIPAýIREý,D. Ex. port workmnanship. Mdrt pricesq. Lloyd M. Be'ttger, Monk- ton, Ontayio. DUN-DAtCH'S KENNýELS, RGS terod, for Dachshund puppies. Write 13f6 Riverside Dr., West- nieunt, Weaton, Ontarlo, FARMIS FIOR SA4LEl 75 -ACR ES FOR SA\LE, GOOD bulildings, 2 miles te Barrie, acýres wheat. 12 acres clover, 25 acres .ploughed.lenity weter; woîl fencod: - hydro available. Possession Octî. 1; $2700) down. Apply Earl Baro ,iBrrie, Ont. NOR1H 1BA Y DISTRICT - 160 acres, free anid clear doot!. Good road to property. Good hIuntlni-g and! fishing. Total price $50. If you want a quiet property In & goot! place to relax, give me a eall. Several mre properties ln sanme district. Gea. Wight, 303 Caad ldg.ý, Windsor, Ont, 21 AC(RES FRUIT FARM, 16 ACRES of fruit trlees, new modemn 5-room dwelling with aaeabove for 3 addfitional oonis: large enclosed veranda, double garage, 2 wells, Ilydro, imodem conveniences, $12,- 600r terms, to suit. AL bargain lot the shrewd buyer. S. Vujkov, R.R. ", Sehool R'd>, Niagar1a-on- the Lake, Ont, IIUDRE ARE OBACOFARm for sale, sixty acre-s Tobacco lanrd. three kilnai, greenhouse 27 x 100 f t., bank barni with implomnents. Apply to Paul Palenkas, R.R. 3, Thameavillo, Ont, FARM, E RIN TOWNSHIP, CLOSE Erin Village and 24 Highwey. Has building, apring creek,,water Wella, amiAl maple bush.,$50 acre, Open for offer. lnterested ln quickç sale. Lot 20, Con. 11, Erin. 150 ACRES 0FGOQOD' LANDl FOR sale on county road, % mile to, highway and village, with good bulig.Apply to Evans Ward. ClareountOnt. II8DICAL GOOD RESULTS - E1VERÏY SUF.. feàrer from Rheumiatic Painis or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rom. edy. Munro's Drug Stiore, 315 El. ginl, Ottaw. nspad 1 1) S;T<>MACH AND rED WORMS oftln are the ceuse or ill-heaith lin humans, ail ages. No one im- mnune! WVhy net find eut if thl, un your trouble? lnteres3tinýg par. ticuira-Fref Write Mlveney'e Iteedis. pecallts.Toronto il. 1HAUàMEElKA FOOIT B3A LM DE 8lro, s offênsîve odor instsn.tiy 15c boUle, Otaa gent. flenmal ru-Store. Ottawa. TRY T!.EER; UFFE RER OF shold tr Dion' R«edv Munros Dr 'ug ioe35Eg. Vali-e-of the P -:3 WE CAN HOPE The latest promise, for the- cw world,. reports an trade j~ni,;t a nylon 'sto ýcking tha-t wili laiit len years. Alwaýya pvidng hattile new wor-ld l isa i 11t:1 e -Torontlo SaturdayNight PROOF OF DEVOTIONý No woman Bs whorliy convincedi, that a man roaIly loves her unles and until lhe baya ler sometbing site doesn'*t need at a price h&e cnn't attord. -Kitchener Record,. MARKS AGAINST CHINA 0f course, we neIk China,-,but vo' could Ioveher more if slip had not invented gun-powder, printing andt civilization. -Brandon Sun,. INSECTS ALL Its been a tougli summer on ha.. sects. Look what DDT dit! to flies, and atomlc bomïbg tbJaps. -ottawa Citizen, Rattilesaqkes addi fromi two îc) three "raitties" annuially, and i e- times 1a nîny sfour. HOTELbM£EROPOLE Ail Beaïtif ully Furnisbed With Runninig Wate;r. Rates: NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION L E -A R N IIAiR.DRESSING TI Robeýrtaon metho!. In formati on on r-equlemt regardýing class8es. flobertson's fHairdressing Acet!. am . 17 Avenue Road. Toropntû. MUSI[CAL INSTRtUMENTS FRED A. BODDINýGTON BUYS, sýe1lla.exebanges musicalintu menta. 111 Church, Toronto 2 OPPORTUNVIE4 )Nt MWte q BE A HAIRDRESSF R lOLN CÂN.ADAS LE'AANO S GreatOprtnyLer 1TaIrdr esng flasntdgpifed professIon, goot 'd , wagesà, thousa"nde s3uccessful mekrvel graduiatea. America'a gretegt sys- lem, 1i,, a 1rat1ed catalo gue Mû re., Write or Cal MARVEL HAIRDRESSIING i 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branchea: 44 Klnig St. HamMio U 74Rideau .Street, Ottawa. TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get btter pIctures eit owest cost. Don't taike chances wlthi your film rolls. You canA't take &napel over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVIýCE Any Size Roll - 6 or i8Epoue DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e A cuatomner ln Cape B1reton &aya, '"I have been sending films to you for 4 o.r 6 years. %Woult! flot sent! ihlena anywhere es. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Albumr With Prinats aizes 16-20-127 If 29e (4c extra) 1,9 sent wïth film roli, SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND- COLORING Enlargemnents e x G" ln beautifel easel mnounta. 3 for 25c. Frpmet! on i%,ory inted imats, 7 X q, in Goît! SlvrCircas,-sian Waleut or Mlach- Ebony finish trames, 59ceteh, If eniargemient colored. 7qc eich. OLO PICTIJRES RESTORE-0 W, caon reatore any old photogiaph or anapahot.. and make anýY nuinber of prints or enlargements de5ired. The process mequires ite work of akillet! ertistï ,obut th ýoat laresonýable.1 Seýntus your picture 4nd, toIt us what you wantoe done and we will telli you the ceaI before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toron(: Pri nI Namne anS Address Plinly on TMME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Ior ilma preperly dovoClopedan -1printod. 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26c, REPRINTS 8 for .25e FINEST ENLARGING SERVICp, You may net get ail the films you want this yeer, but you can get a41 the quality and service you desîre by sendlng your filma te IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVîICEI Stâtion 1. Toronto 1 PATENTSI LrETHERSTONHAUG11 ik&COMPANT Paient Sqolicitorsf. Ea.tabliied 10; 14 Kin,,-West, Toronto. Bokiet orf Informartion on r.- WANTEO WANTEID-1, OR, 2 ACRES GAR- don land with amaalI dwellinrg anSil grecenhouise and! water. Nia- gaira district proforred; ust- b-ýi asih. Write T- C. Fishier. ,3i Hertford AeTeron2to. WA'TI D TC) 1,;UR & IASE PKL1,U G lois, al breeda from B 8wels uop te ain.OSpiica mpaiS Arpty tc :I' l., 7: dild e

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