Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 May 1945, p. 1

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o Vol. 9.N. . E ORO NO, ONT-., TH-UpsDAY, MAY l7th, 1945 Subscription $1.25 per Ye Over 400 Attend Dedication Services In New Masonic Temp .Bracken Candidate For Durham Progressivre Conservative candidate kfor Durbant iCennty ln the Dominion election of Juse il, the masn whose plwo appeans henewith is knowu as j.st plais Ohanie Stephensoni, Mte informai first-name hiandie lie bas ac- qusred lu busi-ness, c.bunch, fraternal surd social cincles in Port Hope sud ubaiCounity dning tire past two dec-ades cf a veny active if e, Elected MIayor cf Pont Hope ýby thse largest mrajeity on record, followed by tweo aclamatioins, bis popular brisiness amnsrainhis Wnnrtîme 'wefare poet for soldions, bis son- vice on Che Gananaska Scbeme sud -xenabenship on its eofficial Comnittee -iuid other publc oudeavors, relled -up a public sentiment that issisted ho enter the, wider a- phone aud become kh(-,ecandidate unden the BraclSen ban- seon. Stephenson, like bis, leader, Bnack- li, as nover sought public office, but wb.ni trust inte public duty bchoahs acquitted himiself with hoesysil- ,Ity sud unrtinîng energy. Iu these cmr- cnumstaîrces, people want te know ieestbinmg cf thse personlal stery cf a ma wbo bas made geod iu every- "niug ho bas undertaken. So bore ar-e Oas f the igbigts. Chanlie Stephenson was hors at ljniviile, Ont., 47 yeans agye ifh in a f1mlo f eight. 0f 'British, Md ,flesex, stock, is fathen became a mil- ber sud farter at Unioniville sud -lied wxheu Chan11lie was but 1.3 yearIs Ao age. Front thon onwand the youug lad ttn-urred te belp the fam-iily suid xuake bis way threngh schoels, the principal oeeof wbich wns "tré, vehool of bard kuocks." While ateuing Iligh Scbeel sud -ýé Intrl the insurauco, businiess, Char- lejoined the Irish Regiment (ii liaý) andai ase studied music. We *ýold Wan I breke eut hoe was 16 sud« enlisted wthtie 127th Battalien, Tunned down, hoe went west te fart wi,,tb bis ro(ther in Saskatchewan. 1-1t enlisted again st Regina, waLis t ians ere l estto as Muïter M-Nachine -15a age fwith the Ghryler--iPlyioth and Shell ageuci'es. île bas beesi con- timienslly lu that business since 19.26) uit Port Hlope. In131 undauunted by -,he- depressien, lie bought the old Capi -tel Theatre and turued ;t inte a buiesbleck, ilniulg a bowling -aiey, aIl of -which he stili oW-is. His euitry into public atFfiris came thhis election as President cf the B(oard cf Trade. As a -bu-sineýss booster his services wvere recognized with a life llenorary Presdideacy. Onle oýf the first to take steps in Ganiar- asiva flood control, he was narned to act on the Gormuittee a yeaqr ago. C1har1iie is a Past President, Rotary CluXb, Past MseOtai Lodge, maisonic Order; Past ]St, Principal, Royal Arch Ohliater and a Grand( Lodgl,,e Officer. A meýniber of the United Chiurch, 'he has for years boeen a meiîiber in its 0choir. Wihutfrmier experience in- the Towýn Council, a dielegation waited On hlm r'ýhile he was ii! in bed and Swvept him into office ais-Mayor, Out- s4taing i,-a(ciievemienits hie spionsored were th'e lst War SaIvingsomite the Dîmies for Victory Drive which netted over $14,00, liter merg-ed in- to the Active Service Fund, backed joiutly by managemenit and laber, through which niore than a m-illion cig-arettes have been sent to boys overseas. ~As a youth in Toronto, Ch-aeiie played junor 0. H. A. hoc4-key and baseflba1l and was a soloist in church choirs. In chuareh work he met Miss llazeîl Anguish, daughter of a U.E.L. fa rniy of Caledonia, Ont; She was a school teacher and a church soloist. They were married and camiie to Port Hcope te Ijive and takie an outst'andin.g, part -int he commruity.. They have two da.ughfters, the ýeder at 18, wý,inner o)f fouir scýhlars4ips, is an Arts stui- dent at Victoria College, Uiest of Toronto, the ,riluger, 13, isý at sccoolhin Port Hope. flore h-riefly is the s<try cf Charlie Stephensmn, aiman of mediumhighlt and trim figure, who lhehspks looks you straighit in the eye h has health, vgrand hghexecutive 'Ja)b1iity. Staunchffy behlind the lracken pelilcies, Charie Sehno bel!ievers they ibe acclaimed on June '-i, te sabii in C'anadfa for- 'Îhe lpost-wia-r yoarS, tticsound, ýSanle, ýoogreýSsive and responsible g-overni- ment so necessary for cdntînuiing p)eace andprosperity. 1IIANKYOI Yen have said thauks %vitb bonds. Yenl have m-ade the Sth Victony Loanl a- mark- of youn bonoun fer those whe paid dearly for vic-tery and the sigu cf your respect for those who will returu vitorieus. And you have made thiis boan, proof cf your deter- iInatien tihat the pence te cont-e will be wo-Lliby of their triumphi. We, of the National War Finance ComittLee,-*re indeed -grateful to thec people' of Newcastle' and Clarke Townsffip, and the people cf Dunharit Oeýunty for their magnificent support in this, oun largest !ban te date. We are aise indelyted te the m-tana- gens cof the banks and trust compani- tes, and their hnrd-werking staffs for the ýce-cpe-aion whieh 'they have g;iveni us, anndaise te the heads cf in- diustry fer the leader'shi~p which they have siupplied. To the mnen cf the sales force, -who vekdse diflgently in the werst pos- sbewether, we ai-se extend cur thi anks uo ountlaethem on thepir acievemneut, We have estabidshed a record cf whichl we can all be prend, but let us, keep in mmnd t'e reaýiza;tieni that thlere will he other loans, and ithiat we wýill be called on ag-ain for fut-er proof of tlihe fact blhat our Cnda hieitage dmnsthe Ibest iniail cf US. W. Ro"s strike W. E. Hfenderscin Chiairmian Vice-Chaii:irmn J. J. M1ellor harnTownship cf Clarke C. W. McBnride R. E. Gardiner Organizer Organizer To the Ciizens of Durhaml County: j; is with deep satisfaction that avwe neeo!ýived the neave that tii tes-ible anr as been brongbt to a successf ni ncùZlus;ien. 'M-ay ave at tii tinte tiiank Ged that Gos-i-an Nsazisnt baiS hencrushed bDyitise for-ces cf ight sdroason. it bas been a tes-ible struggie in a~hbundIreds cf theusands lhave letthir livos, net alene on tise field c atle u in tise bonsbed areas of Eur,-ope. Prticuian-ily de ave thlink of tiebravo e mon sud tointnon land, aud il, tise air 1hohave givon ýI In sîllihat o~ugtenjey thie pr-ovidIence sueýtais tisent, sud nay tisey realize that after aIl it is well worth \wbîle. To) these cf us wbo) are left te curry ou they Élbr ise tes-chi." M'ay ave bh oi-ûetisj, cf 1ihein sacrifice, and psay tibat we, lutise yeans te conte, see teo it that nover again aili dictatonship hy lman ni, nation bho ai- lowed te caiuse suchi unteld ageonay sud suIffo'ing. T'ise ye rot contle aili ho difficult. Str-enueu-,s tintes lie aisead, J)uit Iby coura-lge, decteminstior sud co-epes--1 aion aveeau ura-ike a wold cf peacel il] whIich t elejo vbatGod! bas 50 gaou L given te us]ý. Lot u's al givo oun hr fest that tiis may ho Se. Yensssncenely, W. F. Rikard. KRfE NDA L Mnrs. M. Luxen visited Mn. andMr Roy AMercen on S-uucay. ,Mr. Robert Hîlditcb visited bis parents, 'Mr. sud Mrs. T. Hlildîitch for the week-enid. M/r. aud "Mns. Mlontgomery and Mr. and:3Mrs. J. Glove-r visited Mnrs, A_ G. Dnringtosi for the wee2k-end, M.Win. Pýtterson visited Mn. and] Mrs. F. Stokýen on Sunday and listeu1ed w\ith thlete Prim-e Min1istef Wýins5ton hrcil"radio talk. Pte. Glen Thenteil, cf Jingston, viited bhis brother, Mn. and Mrs. Clarence TherteIl ou. Susday and also visitedi Mr. and MArs. Gondon Mur- tinell. Mfr. Wm, Mercen, -Mr. Ait _Mercen aud --\r. Vauce Allen went on a fish- iug trip for the week-end, but owýiug te the wet weather the trip wasn't veny succesefui. Mrs. Mfilton Robinson and Mns. J.. Hoskiun motored te Toronto on vMon-. day. Mrs. Hloshis bad ber muhex- aiued by tihe specialist and was ini- fornted it was cured. Mvr. and Mrs. 1lerb. ]Mercer weat te Toronto last 4F'iday and Mr. Hlerb, Mercer went iisto hospital for an openation. Wa isope this will ho sue- cessful and thlat ho aili soon be re- stored te full bealth again.ý Mn\I. and Mrs. Normani Thertel ut ffheir summer 'home.. Therteil retun-ned te Toronto Suuduy nigbt sud MNrs. Thertoll is stayiug for ýa few weeks sud is buiisy gettiug -the bouse sund garders into sbip-shape. Mn. and mns. Georg-e Clarke ut their summuer home. Mv., Clark rp- turnied te Toronto Suuday. rs Clrk emaîned te de sýoeesrg coinbut dloesi't tfjink much of1 the aeathen for sncb dJuties -Sunduy Ser-vice On Sundlay mern.in'g the Ghurchi service was one of prayen snd thanks- giviug for vîctory aud peace inlU ru- ope, anid aIse houloured Mlothers' Day. The preacher wsMr, Edlwin iIaucock whe said bow g1lad 'le vwas toýe he witb us ýonce agai-n and boped he sbouid have a bappy time together dluriug the seven sveeks hoe wouId be wlitb us. 1others ef the m&i1reg- tien1 formed thse choir led bhy Mrs. A. Reugbley at tihe organ. MUr. flancoeck sudmemensof the cngegation ex- pressed tlie hope that thîs choir wvonld contiue te rendeir their servi- ce. he prowcber chose fer lus text 1'T'hou tiherefore endurýe harduiess, as ai .gý-oed noldier cf Jesus Christ". The NhatiouaI Anthem anas suug diugn the service sud the choir reudlered 'the anthent 'NM & dber'ýs Prayers Iliave V ýiwdMe". 'The cuircb avnas %ell filed %with ntany visiters present Pictures Shown 0On Eresion A meeting cf special intenest tei locaul folks on tib e subjeet Of the Ganaraska. Waten Preject was beld iii the Orange Hall ou Saturday mihtlast mhen One people turued Ont iu force, The firstL pictune te be flashed out the sene'en dlealt -with the esýcaades cf Mickey Meue whichi appe-aled te-yeuug and oid alikýe sud was muicb ýeujoyed.1 Mr. T. A. Reid spoke -i7n1explanation cf the prejoect after wich isldes wene showrcf the surroundiug couutry whene biand enro- si was, evident teo a great exteut .1ud the ueed for reforostaticu was exlainedl by Mn. Lucas -avitli the hnelp) nf Mis. Luicias at tbe lanteru. Inter- es;ttiug moving ýpictures xitlisonnd4 e'ffeCtas ;howed the outliue "cf the uew Fype of frigwhich is being used te id lu sioilconsýervation.ÀAn o thenr liictune cf itres rveabled tlhe train- iug- of bey. scouts on the oicii f fonre st managemient. Otliher speakers wene MI1. E. A. Su111mens, Mn., M. Linticu sud Mn. F.Bo-weu. (Tee late for last wýeek) M, . sud TMrsý. Her'. Heaizd visited Mrs. J. Hshnon Iliday, Mn. sud Mrs. Ayiward Little visited with bis ni-other, -Mns. N. Little on V. E. Day. Mn1s. Nra Pattes visited in Petorborougeh for a couple of days laýst week-end,, Mn.ad Mrs. Jacks Gleven sud Mrs. A. G. Darlington epeuit part of V. E. day in pont Hope. Mr. and Mlrs. Percy Patton sud I Ross called ou bisý mothen, M rs E. Patton on Sunday. Mn. sud Mrs. Vance Allen sud c [iilý dren spet Moudlay with ýhon parents, Mi n sudIs. Wn. Mercer. MisBetty Wters, cf Peterbon- ough, visited witlh Mns. M. Luxon sud ýMn. John Thompacun on V. E. mr1%sun,! s.Cla rnce lTh-erte-il To The Electors of' Durham: Mr. C, G Mercer havîing resigneiýd as Liberal Candidate for the Couinty cf Duirhami, 1Iha,.ve ceniseiited te ac- cept tlie niominiationt as Liberal Can- didate for tbe Riding- in the forth- conming Provincia Ï Electien. iiivîi3giad considerable experience n.s ReeveL in Township and County Couincil wor, pnrticullarly pertain- ing,, te agriculture, andi having- served on thle exýecuitive cf the Ontarie Agri- cýuturaI Couincil for the past twelIve years, 1-iJsnmit nmy nme tethe Pelec- tors cf thlis Counity to- be your repre- sentajtive tu't Queen's Park. If yeo ol]-n e W-ith yolir confi- dlence, I will do nmy best te represýent yenU in a way thiat will de bioouur t this hîsitoric old Coupnty of Durhami. Respecitully yours, George F. Apnis liorticultural Society To Hbld Carden. Contest The Directers of tthe Hort-iultuiral Society met on Saturday eveing a- t the home of tlhe secretariy te mnake plans for a Victory Garden Coàtest. The followiug- rules wýere agreed lupon. 1. Ail nmenbers of the Society are elgbete enter, but aIl contestants must register. witih the Secrtary be- fore June lst. 2.Ec -arden snust contain at leaýst six varieties of vegetables. 3. Judging 'will be done b[Y toimn- partial1 persons and will be accordîng tejLj pensa lows :For General -,i) peatra nc(, 70 peints; for, qunlity, 50 points. 1. There must be at Lextfouir gar- dens entered ilu Cfhî etet. The following pizes vwil be awasrl- ed- 1st prize, $1.00 nd prize,$3O. 3rd prize, $.0 Thie first inspection wiII be mide about thie end of Junie and the pro- (Ince judiged later, MaeImpressive Skowing Orono Continuation School grounds were the scenie of the annual Cale.t Inpcinheld on Friday, MUay lîth. The local corps was under the cou- miand cf'Garmnan Cornish with Mont Richardeson as 2 L. C. rThe parade, oalled at 10.0 a.m., ;onsistted o(,f two platoo'ns, euie the regular cadets, the ether a platoonl cf girls. MXajor T. C. Holmies, D.C.O. cf M.D. No. 3, took the salute aud was aecompanîed at the saiuting base by S. M. Kent, Mrn J. T. Mellor, thie Riev, ýS. Littlewood, iMr. A. J. Tamtr- blyn, adndinbers of the teachinbg staff. Following the muarch pastis and the tak'ing cf the salutes, the beyýs' pla- teen was putthog drill manoeu- vers. A gymnastic display oloe aud thie corps \vas dsm oed t the schiool where tests inre >pew\orkI. small arms training, andfudmna rilitairyknweg were ceniducted. MaLjor Holmies expressýed bis sati- factioni with the inspý)Eecton and de- clared a holidayv. Thle after-non wa< spent in a softball tourinent, fol- Iowed in the eveuinig by a weiuer 1roast. Mvr. and MIrs. M.L Soper sud Mrs. Patf- ton, and aisoe calld on Mrs. Hosýkin. Mr, and Mrs. Ro.y Kean and -Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson took a tnpr te Coiboune an(d visited Mr. aud Mýrs. Jack Haucock, and ethier peints east and lad a lovely trip. .Flight Sgt. Wm--. Low suffered se- vere injury te his ankle when stand- ing near the herise whîe ich ho d been driviug. The horse sfiied and caught Bill on th e ankle with its hocof, bekiga one sud onusiug severe swelling. Bill, %who 7was imn- miediately ruslied te hospital, had been spending a wý%eek wi th 'Mr. and Mcrs. D. Low, bis grandparents, and lI.and Mrs. A. Low, uncle and aunt, after bis discharge f cent the R.C.A.F. On Snnday merninug the Rev. lirwin of the Ontario TempIer-auce Federa- tien was tihe preacher and g-ave a very euighItening,- disceurse on the evil effecta cf alcohlol. NeoM Sunlday and uintil the new mlinister, thle Rev. L. B. Smith, B.A., B.D., takes charge, the filrst Suuducly lu July, Mr. Edwin Haccof Newc-astIe, wl preach. A, service of praver and thankalý- l' y Ms-s. nR, cf tis'e congre ilud bitter con at ,omete theoe tihat nover -again nw seounge tise ea M. Wor. Bro. T. C. Wardley Offici*ally Dedicates New Temple May 104th, 1945, wavas a big sig-ht as fiar as MaL'sonny in 0ono is concernied. Aften menthe cf caneful planning andt badwonk tise formen Presbytonian Church bidn on Centre Street hiad been tnauîsfornted jute a beaquti- fnilMsoc Temple. The nieW build- ing is composed clf a Ledge nont-, a lang>"e auti-reent, a District Deputy's s-cent a re-galia rooni, a banquet hall su a k Ilches. It is spleudidly f uns- isbead11th ohut sud the ]Musons can be baqppy sud should do goodwok iu tibeir new.vhomoe.. On the a-bove date the Tempfle was officialiy opened sud properiy dedi- cated iby the M. Wor. Bre. T. C. Wýardiey, Grand Master,, assisted by Rt. Wor. Bro. E. G. Dixes, Grand Secrétary sud about twen,ýýty Grand Lodîge offlicen.e During this solentn service Bro. Darling cf Port Hope sang, "God Bless tisis House" aud Wor. Bs-o. Don Gibsonl made forniai recogniti'on of the splendid g-ifts maete Oreno Lodge Iby the othen twmelve lodges iii Ontario District. One veny p(leasing feature was the duCdîcatitng c f tise Altar front the Presbytes-ian Chus-ch te the service cf Masonny. The crowd avas se groat that only abouit bâlf were e te see bhis veny unique service. Aften the Dedication service uns over about four hundnled jeunnleyed te tise Town Hiall whene tables weve set hn'th 4p an sd dewnsttains. The ladies had prýepared a spleindid meal te, wbIih every(body did justice. Tses-e woe eseveri intenestu faursa thýepogatwih followed. Thie bilight ns h respouise te thle toast te Gnand Lde proposed by Wor. Bre. F. ColwîIll, cf Dtiuham Ledge, sud nespouded te by M. Wor. B-e. W'ardley, the Grand Master. Hoe slbewed wliat it would mean if the teachiugs cfMaenr aeno appflied te eus- modes-n way cf hf e. The mi-uat have been beiefi.ttoct ny wflat ne heard.1 Several othen toasts were pnopesed and mentiesntmust bo made cf tise eu-e te tise visitons, pnoposeed by Bno. Dr. MeýIKeuizie. Tise replies wero nut- eros-enud could have bees mucis mono 50o because tise hall was allmoat cnew'd- edl witb ru!iiug Masteýrs front sîal tise Logsin this District sud aise promlinent Msosfront lToron to, Ni-agara Fa)lîs, Lindsay, Peterbonongis sud ntauicy oüher places. Tise siugimg c-f "Open tise bates cf thse Tem-iple-" was s splendid contri- bution te tise veuing sud a presentu- tien Of a aao colons- Painting te Rt. M'or. Bine. O. W. RoLpis for bis untin- Durham COURnty Goes Over the Top la Lona The gnýeatest Vroteny Loan in bis- tony closed Saiturdlay niigbt last sud-, Dusbant Cuuty camie thirougfh ina gner-at style ait the fiish, Cmplote figures are sot yet aat able but, sales lu, the count 'y willex ceed $1,900,00 agaiust aun betv cf $t6000 iFollowing is tie list of the differ- euit districts with tJhe amoiuns s'uib- scsibed: Hope Townsffiip boudu tise listi, ît-, objective -was $1S,000 sud t)he sur of $221,4S0 avas nealized fer a total percentage cf 1710; Port Hope, objecý- tive $48S0t000, nealized $587,150, or 122%.'; Beam-anville, objective $350, 000, neulîzed $433,150 on 124% l J)arlissgton Towusiip, objective $200.- 000, reaized $194,0.59, for 97%,; Mas - vers, objective $85,000, realized $82,- 450, on 97%; Cavan, objective $125,.. 000, realized $131,700, or 10fi5%,* Cartwi-ighIt, objective $615 ,f),0, real-. ized $52,250, or 80%'. Clarke Townshiîp in this lounis-en oven itis objective by $31,000, Fol- Ioing is a Suntany of how% th«ý mlonley aas nmade up : Mellor-, 114 applications...... $ 51; Daivey, 95 applications ..........3'4,t,5 e' Wad(ie, 82 applications . 25,.3...... Payune, -46 applicatio(ns .......... C ,3 Cnvýeth,1 241 applications . 8,Ï5c0 Baniks, 94 aýpplica1tions......7, 5 0 r E11ploy-ees, GO applications -4,750 Objective ....................... $215,000 RaiSýed ............> ........... 245,650 PluIs $550 funthen emiployees, ntakin- a total of $246,20ý0 for Clarke Toavu- ship sud Newncastle. On1ce again it bias bpenu sho-\s ntha-t Clarlie Townsldp and Noaeas-tie-.can ttsrn out 'the dollars when they are ueeded. Thougb tise war la over i - Europe there are Stubl great dlesslandaî for ntoney te meot the rnuning ex- penses sud otiben euns aill bave >te felw. iSe once again ave sav,"Wl doue Clus-ke andNe ase" ing offerts in getting the ne, Lodge Hall1 rcady fer thse epening added up to rnaking tise ovening eue the Musons cf this part o)f the wonid wili noverfrgt Altogother it was a ilestone in tiseP histeny cf Oî-uno Mas onny. AIl thfa,t la left Âta for tise bsetbren of- On-ono Lodge No. 327)te !ive up toits neputatien asud ho s acredit te its sùUr- reu)IndCiings in thse beautiful Temple. GEORGE DREW Mondav, Mav 2lst. S.30 P-NM. oven a special uetwork eof Ontario Stations inctudlug CKO%%C HAMILATON and Wednesday, MVay 23rd, 9,930 PAM. CF RB TORONTO and on Saturday, May 26th, 10.30 P.M. Over a special network of Ontario Stations including, Over the Ointas-io Reýionail Nettes-k of tise Canadian Broaideastias, Corporation and e -Affillated Stations iacliudingm, C BL TORONTO Pulsie y PorsieCousers-native Partir oýfOt .......... 2iAiffl lt9ý

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