Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Apr 1945, p. 1

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ES- ýVol. 9. No. 13 ORONO. ONT., TF'HISDAY, APR. l9th, 1945 Subscription $ 1.25 Per Yea. Durham Co. Jr. Farmers' Dan.,ce, Nèewcastle, Friday, Apr 20, W6 . ickard Nominated Liberal Staindard Beareri The Dnii iea soito faldteir anual 1meting anl con- venQticon in the Town Hal at Oroýno on T.edyeveniing, A 1i 7tJ,for thBe purpoef tasatnWIeorlbs nseleoýtion o o fcesuadtPei Fediral èlecion n Jne il l 1 waspresenit ndmcl etuss was siownthrougl')lat the meig The presýideniti,M Cant Shields. ealled on tihe secretaryý,- Mn i. P. 1. Eetiy te rend Be minue of the astiaima îmeting rwhîch wer-e dop'ed. The secxoetry Ptho read ËIlorews a halance on -ihandff of $312. The pr-esidenit Bthn said a fen' Modsaylingthat lie wa',glad toete ne m'aniy out and was of the bel ief tl aiitay mere p vce wre takinýg a grae nterest in politics than for- arme yesa back.He1ensad some peope Cod not give theiloCnaien goveament 'nycredit for thle treend u wa ef- fo t e isbeenrniedon thiiouiý,,- eut ' the wari- ye(ars, but ithat people freiîîn cutside counties prase th jgoveriimenit for- their work. 11ewa ofte opinion -btat te ma.jotyo fie peple wuld ne forg t ht the "'gdernmnt las donc in is war. An nmina,itinigcontew-sp pitte liring Î i lat o officers- ýCLPresiet -CretIlds.n Sec-Treas.-- PI.BE ntley. Directors -- TheChire of thei .in wanapeg,. lie saî aarnaon 'eiig te join the 'youing"ibeas Clbcould do se, nd tînt, theae liaitmasfrin18 te ý5 yers iH gave a linif outilne of tHc policis .pf ille younIgLbeaPry.wdli- iç'ddemiobilization ni rehabilita- 'i an, social security and Ipublic hIenîli, ffome' a memliber of tue Pan-Ameni- -~ ntionsaise k e onpla!ce la tlie imm)igration, Our owa odir cm -,ira thn ellow only toseinto He ',--l'y çwho I hoaveagodbakro bannera sould ie rmvei lesaýid thtif 1D1urlam wnte efornia-a Y ngLibLial Clubetha tho Youa IrirlFede(ratien nf Cnaawould, get ehini tile niove andsi lep folnia a o iathle eouny. " Mn. M. Hl. Staples was thon QceU- adi Lpon fora few words. lie told lis, Hitnr iiat in semei( constituLencies ' was lard te geti cndiates te tiake clfine. Tley are ca'led upon te do a lot ýýJ work ans i that they are net 11g- lry 'paid. We are n'ow 'about te fae two elections, and have to get behind thein itlal we have and te give ouisuppor.t. Theliextinimpor.tanït busineso h eeigWas 'heca!iingforfunomina-1l tions for. a cniae t ersn Dulanin th1e ceminigFeleaeec tedf Mr. _W. F. Rcad uil a nhiosenl te again be a cniae r ikard lias represented Duainin teFeideral lieuse sînce 19i15. The pesdntthnred nofica telegrini e liad juast receiv,l in- forming theme titat'aI l nom iin- ations mstbe imade byMonday, May 144h], te ebnoosýe a candidate. Mr. Riekaird, tbe 'uces'u andi- date %was fthen called upon te a-,ddress thgth)ering. 11le told the audience tuiat lbe a rcitdthe cniec th'at hyplaced ini lin. That -[thisl is the thrlime lie lias been nomin- ated, and tatb li e awy tid te represenit the County te thbý,est of is abiity 1 1 satitalie lisn' aways fallen in vili lis' pnrty in -ome nmatters. and tl)ia te lie oldi- waSspeak up1)1for is osttens 11 blive1'hat the eetinon jnev llth wast'ne nmoat imp!otant aýnd c ýitca ne btatwill hveben everp ,!ell in Cain:da, i1nd ta it wil1 e termiiine te fture of aaa.Mn thnail this cecio 'il! lie talked obouit foýrtfl ic-twa peioýd. The C G F stads ounîgit fo state se- ~ilim.Wehave ne wlnin tli e a ~ ~ ~ ~ - gpa riuet h men of the srm, nvy ndairforce. Tbey have ma:de itposibletat we enjoy freeý- dmof sec and fr-eedonm ofase iy nd flint lits syna4y oes eut teý the parentfs wlioh1ave etsn lai the cause ('f freýedoin. lie extendedI bis thanks te the a ar workers in war, 1lats te iworkers inindl ra latst the farmners. mm rf omtees andal1 others who help-l ,-,, witli Cndastreimendous war ef- Mn. iokrdthon l ved lite4,0the covrnents an work ,in the past ixýyeairS. Thait t the egnungof tearCanada l 1ad a sýtandingarmyv ef aon 70,000. Since tonthere !as been from between 7900,0)0te 800,000enlistments.There are over 250000nor srving o)versea, iand 2,00in ihe hmear , thcs u )te f from 8,00te 70,000.The f efabout 41,000 imen Ca1nad a inedl( 13,0 ir crew, being 55% Cana- Canadian. Tbe narvy led lip a thelieinnng and 1,700J men, lo xv hve37 figliting slipsz, F50 patrol ships. The rnavy niow blas P95,000Ù tlie Atani tonnage to te ita ao-a o-f '200 mnillion tons. 20 Canadien sAps havp e benpsti by enemy arcon and 12 by natural canses. The cas- ulrity list stanlds ait 1,500 killed andi (00 miissing. Ile said the cot of liv ing lias risen 18% Ince tde beginning of the war, and since flocoer 1 1941, the rise bas been only 3l', Tre Planting Week April 23 to April 281 yext weerk aiRI le 'tee plaaing week andi it is gratiying to know liait tene lias been 'sucli a ide aprasirespono.Thle Orono Piroviný- <--ilForestry Station haec neceived se raaý,ny app'licýation-s fO'r trocs t4at, on1 acurînt of tile labor shortage, it lias oiybeen able to suipply pairt of the trecsappied-for. Lbasit Sund-ay mor101iiag il, nas broad- cetover GBrC' radfio station about tIc ýOrono Cianaber of (Commerce tre panngcamiqaignt. Nobýody lbec ,si,;tlh Qem te broadeast buit there isi ,Lt-- ,n a tiagreat ntrsi iii tile necesstty fo4w e ecywleethat it nias br udas>it as newOVýs tthec genieral.ï obi.At lest lniowvners la tila n n growing a reac ofs ndh en bae ro net ae an ýiiare o -fllae .hrue pr- - - oteislsand o>wner aind that one ient -Lag five or ten - acres of trocs. Buit ',tare are always tboise wlo lag ho-, lind because tlley jusýti ea't or wMon't bolievo nilat trees mean to them- and theirs. A 'Claistimas troothat takoýs 'about 'five yab teo'w Mlllnet the grower aIent une tlousarnd dollars an acre. Standing pine tinalbor is wor'th $275.(W per thousa-nsi feeit and n trc a foot an(] a ifin iameter at 'tee luttiis Munth atout five dollars, ansi in adi- ,dituîon tihe igowrlas a vmooilot that will furniali îeanrd lis 'itli fuel for al tUne,end on top of tlais, lie Mîl have an ample s"ply of geosi wnter for tuanaandi beast, ansi t4Ictiestf bis lanid M-HIlproduce bttercrpso aml kindis, Be Sure andi ecthee Ioaingý picture, "Treesý for TomiorroMn"' in the ToMna fLIa11,tonigliti, The Trees are FREE - thie PRO- FITS are Al yours. O0rono I.O.O.F. Lodge 1 ~Holds Op en Night ('anada bfor the va as the f fifthi trading natiion aIlid iwshe j isIIac onid plac re. The goverinmient lias paid eut $25O0,iOinlouss l the ~ al pro0duction has reaeied th11e sUm lof $12,210,00'OOand$200.00 00 war0 supplies b !ymuali. ~Mr. icka , saidthatthegvr- pots t ivepspnmntt olir prce o cntacwill %be kept on dting 19 tbad 146 n befpor Candare l have t ekatrle iantfif Q e p1ice isir1gittabutjio the Cana(dian ibe is tee high then Bn-Act tin wil buy other placies. Thý1e gev soidies founsome teyet et hlp te tarer. liei.then told what thice govt intends doing in thebbehat. tto perid aofth tileraýlns's )( fLact, in xvhich(th govraentwill lena solder n 't $6.00Do get establishe oni the iand.'li)' l si tatMcknie lutK fing s eil sicabnetw hîch isý second te oe iliS in te o ltda ion Uafterthewa. oilue want ing r, JonBace. emsbeenfof fe1ed a seat inte oinion lies buit has efue t n orte s 2-i/i yesiiatbeÏ en trel b rl i up an ifwntheoounry lafitying oL e[lie ý1I Ohink the people pwi trst en tion fo-agan neiatng lm a s 1 teir cadidate. i Tii Mr. BruceMidtlN i t pmembri for Vtora ndHaibute sthe n speaer. esaid that or ear i neIst hae eogliarmer ersna tiens inf Sthe ienmten utta h prent Kýig gvernenthas Pto mer gyroup.11e sal id tmat arid o ivintattepeoi are en- ti te 11 si tat hi CC iltnds fîior ialie m tathehioeref i a Your Cnadaad the itemscy tne ma be eat an Misthe capesti Th1,eegutins peke ofth ving.: wase Homn. Nrnd Miss Lrty, sec- retaryofi1t ate n tNew Kingovern-Ti menot. osaid tha aknada Msufered a eatýu losinteadeath ofvFrankija scrptseveit, tha te swoald ladosu- fered a r teat o. Te clis geat 1 Te Wcandman's risnt iancTempr-I i ance Unionmee at te leeofMiss 1the presen,dirs, H.rWary'h, as unablethebeFres nt, Miss heMisin hse eeing poenedoi ith singfrit several hmnsland issSlewi ra a short articleon tNew Viin." 3he11 dnevotoawstken by rsed Lit- ma entis, thiswaveoed i th r(a y- wase t.eniup and ,orend ythe dife- enit memhers, the subeet cin fe- te and ufe rm a ent ai2e. he rîl olwAs anawiteed by apitweve em- bers. d M s t-Iiloit rili la ;latter ef thans and app eation ndThe iFrueit an'osd oe iso Jue listi.iiT en foloed heap J. D. Brewn wl Mas called 0tehile plat- form e reading, tie audIience cerdin ntcpaio.Solmeof J. D.s pttuefor' com4edy was douIbt- bas jviuai izesdin 1aIthe renowne "Ctch", sermlonl. oweve, a fur- the tak ita mulre serýio[S vl hw cd John e le ad o f part' coliwell be uedon Vîcory La vieof Miss AreeNrh Ottf BwmIanville, was greatly ppecat cd( in lier two vocal selections, and t hen came thle plîay by theLskd Conert Coh,"Un Doubt AboutDaisy"c Mosas, Harry Davey, Rob)eit Chater atnd ialnd Baîl comaprcisedi the gen- tlemen ef the casthle Ildes beingi Mrs. L. Boumne, Miss Pauline Hobbins ani iss Beýtty Ann Bourne. Specil tribuesîliould be giventhese fok for a fine Production, 11ndltbits incluides Mbe directress, Mrs. SheldonMfft Ums. R. H. BrM n aoted as pianstifo tce evening. Speechies ivere dc'livered bly Boi or-s W.Rsd Orno; Ross Hny Colirg; Edi. YouIlnîlmn otye BJi] Corden ansi Joe FIett, Wman- ville; Dillon Witeyof Enterpnrise Losie, Prt ope. ndRe. . it tlexo oi, Oono Wan initains U1 chiurcli parades. ,A well planned and tasty repast xvas ser-ved ini the Counceil Chamiber aý,t thle close of the prgrmm,,'n dancingwa,ýs thoen enjoyed in) th c audtorumte the nusýic poiddby Mrs. Richardson, Ca.Tay'lor and- 1 Lloy Ranbenr, with the "aln of"for thie squLare danceýS in the- ca-p- abl hadsof'M. . Ruthflerford, Wr Ted iWoodyard's amiplfera were uses, andthe Lodgo exprerssgrat- tude e this latter gentlemnan, ln iisedin making the eeigsucliP. be riii md fte (date of theirnet meetngWedesda, Aril2,5th, the- chucl prae t Cbugon r na ~ovnin, Aril22nd,,; Florence Niglitr- ingae parade at B'owmanville on Sunay oring15, April 2Oth Osaw onSundayternoon upon tl-e saie dtand Port Hope in the( eveinrg. Orono Lod'ge 4M6willatend even.- song at St. Saviours Churcli Orone,. on tihe afternoon ofSudy May tili. Ration ,Tinie Table Butter te l0s; April 26th, coupons geod frei 90 te 104. Sugar O felip again ssrted Iit'Ls p~rnensiiesfor nilbrieawe tIc -ornoLdgNo46enetid bour, Bomenille, Port Hp andl Penypol, iel asitws in th'e owii Hall., the afai ofrded opr tuiyfor viszitationI on 'the parit of wive seetients nd fri enda inl geneal, nd Wdnesay, prîl l8tli, gadnof Ii mooniesý. Re-ferencewsnadie Iby the cair jaa .J. Rid]d'ei, te thle close ties betweiaCandiaýn and Anieni-in Oisi- felo ugouIps nd qu(iet hmg e paîiI the bretluen acrosathe linoe, parioularly in view ef t he ir gpr1e at loain Hie tragrie passing of the late PrealdeistiRoosovelt. Mes. Donald Hlamm anld C e Tapihlyn openled the prognain wtli1 contduet, tile numlajer 'beigtille Amorican, National Antn.Là Twv vessof "O Ced 'Our J1011p in Ages Paýsti" were tonSung, folewed La minute of silence, and aftei-\rer pryrly Rev. 'S. Littlewood. An- othepr cornet dýuet by Msr.Hm a niTablyn ixasnmet by ke e mansI for an encore.Mr. lioward Laton favouvesi witbie vocal solo Ilduse] theeoe opportundty iýy ptigthe adenetewr i ponl1 'mm cmmuit sigig.Wlien Vr l9th, coupons goosi frein 46 Pres~rves l9tli, coupons good frein 33 HYDRO RIURALA WARTIME EXTENSIONS avoidablelit is pacdon henmbrof nwmural Hydo Srviesthat can ibe iitiin _15. eyr thýelesýs, yvour ilydro is extending essential rural set'- vcsto the asluelimit of-labou nfmtlil avala1e A'bout 8000 apiton ade and approwved dur ing 1944, stili1 await ser-vice, and manyhv since been aidded. These w-ill be connected as soon1 as psil.It will 1 take all the rnan-pow'er, materials and effort thati Hydro can commii,-and( to bring service to these appli- cants in 1945. Those requesting service along existing power lines may, in sonne cases, be connected before prior applicants who require lengthy extensions. We regret that many approved applications may not be completed before 1946. In 1944 your Hydro constructed about 400 miles of new rural lines, and added 97 76 new customers. _With som-re 1200 H.ydro employees in the armied ser- vices or on loayi to the government for teclinical work, along with the shortage of mnany materials critical to war needs, your Hydro bas dlone and is doing every- thing possible to extend electricify to essent 'ial ser- vices. If your turn seemns slow in comjing, please conl- sider the wartime conditions under wjch yýour Comn- mission labours, and be assured that it is doing every- thing possible to serve you with the utmnost speed. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIO POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Apr-l U teý 57. A1pni.l te 46.

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