Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Apr 1945, p. 6

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With~ for priorrit-y indlivary nsi to Mae a pooto of suibstitte fuel with ail pu oae f 1high _gî ada coal, Ccomîs earnigof fuehvood short- aigr s naxt witier. . C. D. Hw lias urged municipalitis 1o take the malter inî hanS now and 10 rrrange Y have mas mch wood as posbecliin the spr-ing nd c - oar1y summnler in wod-urin rasof Ontairio, Quabec andNe ~runsvick where the hrtg thireat is greeateeýt. Operators of jutybroodars, imust place orders for ncxt yeaes brooder col as soon as posèibl afler Jun 1. E-x-. capt i)y Brmit, Ibis mintb-e bouight irom the ýoperator's regullar deeler. The Prics Board chirman bas warned cf contIiinlg shoritages in fond, and textiles. Pint Scalars 3re rraniginig isftribultion lCf',stockýs to et shorlages calused by lc of basic Pinit and v-arnish com01-1 pnanits. Conitrol ofaninyse, lifleSl lasI Jluiy, have been restoredý by the mtalocontroller., Militer. rýequiramnts tc;f hydrogen per7oide' haebecoma so-,0 urgent ithat qoa for- dealers bave leen rsically curlailes 'ie hachenicalds conitroller saiS that as ag rnsuIit certaýiletie wiIlack ihae cstirywita.- aes nd otharcs will nIla, ye inC cors a s pale a s previoaisily ntilitheavar> demand (llessens . T\o, sur,-; n liemuennts whoIl 111 s. ilnighit 10 savae eliva ,S ýýf the voillded on HMC..Al- l ntai in a recenit batle with"an neysilbiRiarîne have uirgeS thlat ail possile credilbe given te bcocS pla-smaiý. The gunnery ofnficar, sî ruick un iithe abdomen fotan ýeamy 1(' ht alexp!lClesiagainsî a, gnIejý1Ild, requiiresi Ibhrce anid a AUfpintaof he pigutpis ntmsS TIhis wýas te permit an-, immesii4e Ibe-oropecation. Three cf tha cre-w were seriouly injttred. Fouir we regadeias minci' Cases. Thec sub wsank afrlatough beÏýtîle. I Ith lefit camlpa te opan- hotMay 1, a hlmiteS ume c)f war prisoner- will bec made available for work i n we ternl Ontario .The mmier inrnmeat ramp wîll be reopenied at Chiatbami, and hostels sîill be opEnes i Ilte - éountivs of Misidiasax, Hulroll, - crlo ad posaibly Kenit. Thec tacuir anS National Defenea D- ilaqrntiiis arec, o-opratiýg in thIle 'Tweu1d Be A Veryj Tragie Awa-kening If tEanadians i gnd founsi the te up1)sema da 1eïr veas worthl d been goLty cf 0 Debt t- \-cilvenîng ItincoveC1 té,ort 111 first ime a-,story -eotthenin- -iegnity cf thie Soviet Gvrmn !nil its foraÏi n commii mns ays tl-c SIt. Ca thaitr inies Standai iïr d. in ithe dairk deys of 1941, whan RuaS- -sîa neeudesifocd nSd othar ship.- n enta bady frein lhe 1Unili teCd StatesalIantI,1 >tt hvinig any estab- issicrasit in [lhe UnitesiSats Mocoisked for inelty daýys ini whieh 1-C) sbip gpld le lthe value of $60000.in [the matmtheý U.S. Goermat rdares i theship- mits io1w aeeaeifor Rusýsian- p)orts. Built durinig thonsa t1brCea AotlsIe golsi wa lotIby, ~Iiey aciona Britislh croiser on1 ivhieh the yellow mnte! bad beau loaded unwa iuk, cmng cnuion Ire Arctie toute from ~4rass u mA disi ccl hedga over 09isset ,vs imace. trnsiýportf ,Waýs tranisi pilnes, me: a biard( Trecas- avanIeSý - hacavy WANTED MOTOR MECHANIC APPRENTICE 1to 17 Years of Age oy w0o vans e lurs it lor eqnipent repa4Ir. 1i.11b ieeagg for fu as inskeeson Ent~to and 1rapiN d ffl- ent PAR-TEX FOUNIDATION CO. LIMITED, SA FES Cabinet, for ay puerpoe. %VIit , r rit tsr piers. etc. te Â145 Front st. E. jrns !~~EATSLEU tOO~s 'j.bc o r ,e T eIf ACO r wïth Lemon iuice eoand women w vho suýfler naggînig aches aàpd paint, causeLi byRheomnati5m, Neurmtîs.,z Lunîbailgo wa, t relass snb yîpîmspromptlv To (ýgt sc relief . . .topALLeNRU! ixn2 tbe SPons o(A thiçfinýe medcin ih one tablePmof l mon juine iua gla' waîeýr. ljsnod îh<usandS 'A foika use ALLENRU. Get ALLENRU coday . 35 ag at anydrug Store. Wr'lite for iin formativ booke 'aesGoosnd lt 0Yo'1 Staffod-Millr (ofCanaa)LI). Dpen, 9-J172 John S. oot.Ont. HeesaSENSIBLE way trelieve MONTI4LY FEMALE UmISERY Szynthetic Tires eds Withsta.nd $peed U.S. G:OV by the A Syntheie tures made in, the Fir-e- sociation. stoe Tire & Rubber Company of dianapolis CAnada Linîitd have succesbfuly prewar ai comnpleted àa most gruming sped bur Shaw. test made te asertasn pst homw ner of the soich tires sta-nd op under high1 uteered to ACCOUNTAN'rS & AUDITORS 11'COIII TAN REPOReTS COMV- Dice BookkeebngServicesmai orLag sness Travel any- wbere. A1-bejrt IBre ti & Co., 9 'Welltngzton S-t, X.Toronto. Ont. BEACHES MODEL HOME Youmy %Vin tbiis$10,6U)0 model borne for $1,00ù. IWrite ftor your shares îtoday. (51.00 eacb) Io rBeaches Business Men's Associa- tion, Torontýo 8. Your, recclpt vwllTI be mailed promptly, Draw b oh% madle bay 24h.uroceedsfor wair ORDER YOUB 1 945 CHMiCR.S NOjW. a i nolutbe dtsappointed. Aýil chlcks are froi garianteed test- ed stoc, and from 25 o)z. eggs or better. Earred Rocks mixed 411.00per I0Q, Wbîte Leghorn mixed $11,00 par ,1011 iB arr e a Rock PIllets 111.fl0 e r l10, wlteMeLeghorn Pailet $22M00per 100. whit Rocks nitxed s515.00 Par 100 white Rock Paullets $241.00 par 10. Weguanea102f% !iv-e delivery, ibalance paid C.D Ample Caty Hetchwry.cbatbam, Ontarlo. BRUN-TON "Bredl-to-Pay" C HIC KS PIIODE l iI'AND, REDS, II R'ockIs , arred RokGle Ilepahres GoeraentApprov- ed, loodtested. IlsrtdCt Ioermm {acer 52 Wnet Trno(ention paper). 500BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUB 1949 rmsNOw and gel your chicsCHI,9KS t -wanit lhem.r Orders arIe pouIIIIng in. Breeder Htbetsare awy sold ouI ealy. Dotlakecane ordeýr SOW Pure Bled usx Large Type Legbornes usexX New Hamm-pa., ussx XLegorns. Rock X Lagbornrs, BckXNae Ramnpa., - Berred BecFks. ,end frc large ilsrtr aaou n Far. ein Bras.. Fixet:er. Ont. succesf M po ltrlen-aelau ed fro k expoien, as bt Tme bverond i te rir 1yaifhy,hIg rd-es. SOl right Iis er) bTo Ntc Ctk.ritefr h TpNoe cataogu, asi picest.rigl Inw-o4-a7,LiiesiY-)umber I, fi elh, Oni alo.H trp1 h>C!I sBARREDfROCKS,1 lEGHORkNieS, New i Hampl1a1bIrs-etl'fo immeiat shimen. nn arit- lied q 8aniy tared oïb-odCs 100 CICSFR1E - -WIT EVISyl)lrt1iCr2 101 PUIL. let cika agie110(ese hioka (our cci.Lehro plieiF 522.111 par 1«0. baras) R'ck puT- Follts $495par ï100. AI l cie sols) beeka Ilh igli ggpedgres balnceC sl ý G arant- d 100, ]ive depli Pvry e Irut Rnley SPECIAL PULLET SALE STARTED BREIRC UR-_ Jets, 1 we i 2,2weaos Canton Hatber, rianiia POULTRY KEEPERS beeity, viorouschick. Bo an yu il leceti of success inpetl- ladeiand Cr'-tsld our Goverinmant .dproved hlks MONKTON POULTRY FARMS chiiek. livc a. l ana Pas.They are thI e rs-àtteahi nneeen year's Of caratul selection and breeding in O.B.S. They havtýe Ic Lie goosi becaUse we ivant lie -,y b,.s 1kiîid cf chLcks for aur Dvur fags ImDoe brepg.Big, vigorous àand early1 t'Ern~ ~,L agg size ans) uniforimî1ty, Write for' our freea ldar. Barres) Rocks, White Legborns, un-mexed Clilik-, Plillels ans) Cockerein The iOx-,ford Faer Mera" C-rrtie ro0sdU Ce Co., Lts). 434 Main St.. Woodatock, 0%t aulthorized' by the nt and conidlcted in Automobile As- gýuaran1teed Pmarket re-xt fa;lifor il the cIks you cao brood this prn.The US. Arany will take 000,00ibs. land CGreatBrti the psstblityof rtiontng -,our djefinlitely and thie Old Counitry wll tke our eg'surplus. «So this SprjIng. Thant la if you buyý gOoodc tk and 100k affer themii. Flaszh-Herre ee loprices you caocourt Ion nelxt PaîT for dea ed nÇoultr, F1.O.B. CutyPro- eessng lant. GadeA Milk :Fed Do wattanother idayv: order yourchika t onwce. Fre ca :t- 23 l91111E A1C1çKS OUR1 O TI'TCN ST1(.t 'U- ;S regtsýtered ad pedlgreed birds. Noýthirl- better ii, Canada. COrder now. _Prir~es for in:xc d ba by chok.nra.lcsand fmle:Bar- red fRockzs. 512.00 rper hunrdred: Whli te Lehrî 1.ü0: \White Rock, $1.00 . ~ownLe.ghorns, .13.00Ù. PolaIt pri!ces: ,,,îrred Rocks, j 10: Whi Ie Lc 'ghoîrna.ý 422. (lci; White RockS, $2,00l; prown , eghorrIs, $2.00. 25 f ree ch1cksî, our choice, wiîî lie given for eacb 200 miýxed chieka order- ed end 21 free chilis fntr eaci 100Odc. d pu0 l Cr ie1ts o rdered. ,o ddaird Cbhic-k 1latpch e r y, 3r1- tannis Hleights. nero AND1) OU A R EGUAA N TEE, 'D y01r clcks for nexti spi ng wheni, yýou ,vanti tbf1)em. Pa r r ed ockc Jixa>ýd 512.00 uer l100, vw'ite le.g- borna lmi-ed ll$l.00 per 100ff. Bar- rePock Pullets 519.ù0 [per 1 C00 whiteleghrnIIllets e-200 par Al iekahatched fro m 26 o7 cgs r b1Ieer nd from sp"e-cia*l jmated Rck.Gualranïceed 100%c 1ý livedel-ver. $,00hook yu flathrChta.Onlar. ercîs, Ap11 4cLe lor Coke-. $700- 101acr s, i .w orkab ei, good la Id, 8 Ihead caie 4 florac, 1 ',pTg,nw Iaciner, 21 oe Chu2,70mlelfo house vîc n ty1Nw Tronýto or niy 22 7 itb S,ïiew Toroto L V IPNCfI AND Cl N TL" hAVE YOt ANYHîN NEDS dyigorcengW r tiu ornfrion W SMeargld0 Robe rtil HAiROgNaich, t si niehod infrmion on eona rgadig lase ,e,.C rI shC, A len lectw i Co1, nr ):l t po FARWBFRY LAT, ASAS- apple1a. pLIraThc lmialheris shade tre~ e xi re I c g a d Flag -Se-d-lo GIlE0._1 .V f LK1 NS NLTDf. 0 15 ua.ETT A VE.. W 1 IDSORP m 'ape 60 eareslnew ick, ! squae pan ousecare barnI garge, lectatyÈ$,15spring Water0. W. vejrl aon C$1ara5, SOntarlo. 50ACEel $395FAsl forSTCLASSue upto-date,1 Wrte for partcula, BerI H agadýorBureavl n up,, dicheys mntrel colla1)rs,cle, Costume e pI, - Second FWloor, a racinlg car equippe)d far tires laken fro-h s drove e500 miles aI speed of 100 m--iles per Il the tuirîs a a l0 ifles ping tip 1o imore Ihan 1i hour eon the straihtawa a single skid or blcs enginlears say il is equ;i miles -of ordinary Osui rFR SALE CG.E.MOR,3hp10rm Gie1s1Agoas i, New Zsien, DreemwoldCI Farm, 'Box , Cl gar, la.Himjt, to cioer. 8r11m, rick louse ti1e1 ria he)A ns),1 C. oery, Ten fIr,4 crsin chrdýt gilI( , 2 luas"from'I IITorofiL'n to Hamiton on paves higliwy. J. R .Smith R.R. 1 Horniy, Ot LEFT AND,3 SQEDRAW WLER hasi12 mLs1fomI Trontlans modistepossesion. Rith owes R.R 2 Hon-, tOnt, )1 l i 1OTH AMEICNNHICUL Betc' il Inle 05,10 rie is-. Rolier Gro, 1o6Snnley.- oîtrei t La Tournesu erpr D8wt natioal wtli1buldor (icripe F.pTini)F(TDO wîihbullozer RD4O intrnatýiovýna(l ,(47fis tP) hny ighfl tift BuekIent asitr 115 vlts.Sens)for 1olie fi110 HP. OJIer cai pmentý fI- avir l ien p0, I wr!li tLe or p n Agntfiipog. ofac ,Leon are 11 cue of [IL-halîlci ýlu43himtn- . am il a,g e N o- im un e! Why corni e il fis) ouiifIbis c- Isyor trole5 trs'gpr ticuars-'ree WrTO Mulvaney' Remeie~.Speccîtta latone . DO"IlTRdA"I'f eVEF UER TIME TESTED QUALIT SER VICE and SATISFACTION 17uir rîf is or operly de veoped sund 8 RS XOIUEROLL-S 25c RE,1TS f ot 2!5c Von May 10t1gel aIlli he films -,yot want Ibis year.ý but you can gel all tii-e qualllY ands) srvtce you desire bysndn your films tca Station J.1Toroubo CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Saaca'lit e teke'n over ean Baud your -fi1im roua 1r0 Cn 'as largeat adfinest studlioGel baller pictuiras i iower cost. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE ÂnySiz Rol-6or 8 Exposures DEVEOFEDAND FRINTED 2,5c 9cf gelhst resuils from Star Sa sho(t Sevic" rites acustoýmer in N1ova cliwbo adlthat sheba tra)many pae SPECIAL ALBUM OFI7ER ",-WStleAlbum WHibPit sizes 1-012 f29. (4e extra) la sent wlth film roli. EN\LA RGFMfENTS-- l sloe* PIANOS ARE YOD 1, -NTERE1STED IN TI new mel PiaosIf SOWrite 42in-St. West, Torolo. Patent Soiicîtoi-s. sabih 189; 1l Kiýng Wcs t, Toronte, BGookiet 'of Info?0rmaýtion onre- quest. StBIfAfROETIS M'AN T ED1 WITHIN -25 MIES-F) OROT' wit li0or wilhutarage We hae teady demand for proper- throughout Ibijaes ilYoniga St,, Toronito AD., 3457 TOrMATOES FROM SEED! GRW OUR MOWN ST1JRD£ TO- me 'to plants Ibis year.i t*s easy., hpt 1Py il eults planilt Master Mer- gloeAmeic'smoat perfeel îy ,o]id, -The Tomarto wth theEx taSie Send lIc for eca F t;or uniy 2'c fori' oz, x.FiT- IIEVA1afND IOmEN WANVVL 0F ARV ULRINTEUEST TOý ('etran so) frmea! ell Faim- lrdctimeties tok inld other farm poroduet 's and succee). Mnlyfrocofrw oeevr worer. reaPln n atlge WANT E cash Regîister ane 1 Cet U. MaISe Cbeap. 311 Oelletite Ave., Wido SADDLES WNE RIDNG OOTS AND) GEýA-R WIE PAF AS GEORGE 1, I il. wILr fAn1'ttls N Invalid GhauisWne WIll nay 2ý,cash or swnp for wa we have Swap Del) ~ Geo.C),H. [AknonLd, 53,3)3 Qellette Ave, Wforsor W.ANTED! WiTT pey Cah or Swý,t GrO-. 21. 7liNSON 'o)',, G. A Hog, Thaeafod, Ot.u ç- a1 e1horeowr rSat onito ans) rîce Box21, NoAdcaid West, Toronto. F 21MAHlVE c" . i' u'ýpCrEAM 1,PA qAilr ed Madcrepar pars areOnta, Mea with om xpneneon stayrelieb c. 4-hé ee).Apl nacralBmpoy mnt &slotive Sev ieOfie FIE S.. 219.(lL , ' ' alr] o rans)iflor ' ma avntsi ., oe, stdoarps miti. (44-bou lquki, Adpy.nerAt Empoareu FIL-C. P25201. AMR. WSINGECWELARE stVead afrgnrlf Licrlisond aîry fvarm. -1jExpaýd rîca ISSUE - e 'Pe cýe'

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