WA DELIVERS AERIAL PUNCHES 0, 8obe1 tou ge drop p d 1£n.! hiabove, Seattle, Wash.. egg,-sini his spareý tinie for 'y-on the polished surface irror. This one was kept for 36 hlours whecn photo Three years of air warfare in which1 heavy blows to the enemy, are summar increased 46-fold i four years, U. S. of511. GERIMAN CIVILIAI h a-mis Infantry 1944 'lý d States Armny Air Foirces has de'ivered increasi.ngly his chart. Personnel of the Army Air Forces ha,- es now include 2,359,456 men as against 1940 personnel RRENDER TO NINTH ARMY Armny. 1groiünd of Li defied Nazi FRONT UINE SIGN PAINI Signs off '~orough, e .ýds must be painted to direct traffic alonig a battie front an.d here is L Cpi. N, G. Ros- land, N.B ' f t'he Canadin Provoýst Corps at wiork- at a "indnp in Holland, _ TWO Ai AR. MgGIL GENCY LL S. B. SMITH TwU 4ppoitHex1tsjhave jus beï) n 4IunLU.f y z uung & R±uWca.m Li-mited: A- R. M-ýcGill of Montreal, a newcomer toý the Agency, becomnes Vice-President and Managing Director of a-il operations ini Canada; Stuart B. Smith, Manager of thie Toronto Officeý, becomes a Vice-President anid will continue in his present capacity, Both appolntmnents are effective April 2nd. 4FIGHTING FAMILY 1-lere is Pte, Minnie H-owe, of Colingwood,( son L,/Cpl. James Howe, photographed in En mlother, is a cook with No. 43 Company, Car Corps in London. She came t0 England in 191 on active service. Tragicaily, one of themn, P killed last October in Belgiurn. James, wit] is spending a well-earned 30-day leave with June, Is on duty in Washington, D.C., wci-h 1with' ber fighting id Pte. Ho'we, thie ni Womnen's Army j oin her two sons ,-Irry Howe, was %7' O wond stripes, mother. His sisfer C.W.AC. TRUMAPS TWO ACES -it's good for morale Confrbuted by ~~ BLACK HORSE 1-3 W as veiled t it is pee~d of