Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Apr 1945, p. 1

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'Vo.9.No. 12 ORONO. ONT., T AY, APR. l2th, 1945 subscription :No. 9 H,,& S. Club Dance, TOM .Essay Winners 0f Oro:o te111ficialL!Iil" C ont'nu tîo Sc oolthese places, and as rintothelr take thleir pflaces. Here is onie --for- the Goýveramlent toLürehili Eahyear the Bowmanilleda- rout es .of the ftr" Thus we see somlc.elc at thle close of thlew dlin Club offers two pnýizes, one for ouraiciarf avetised to-d(ay. But Durinug thle warl one lllporI 3fs-n,,or pupil, the othI-er for a, jun-iol wat f the ftiewl that adver- r'oute luas been 'openedI. Tis r1, piipil, whlo su'bit the bestesasis en be f ulfilled!? Wýill i Cana da will be ravelled ila!otwrdy deling iwith pecrbdtcpics ;n cr-becomie a majrcuutrýy lapost warboh passeniger aad lfreLiglit planIe "ent Ca-nolain hstr This year a. viation, flot o I InIrde utasoi lkonas th'e North-W"estSa Jea Tunerwassuces~ul~ \ù-~ pasen ,r7eri c e? Rou1ýe or as he Scy R'oad Vo Ru. ninug the junlior a l1rdaldAnnia Duiug WorldWaU 1, vwhenlth1.de 'AîIl Ae1rianplaes Oing Vo Rut Sitaples file senior award.ln-rne sbmrns eaea 1und(er Lend Lense, have goiie mecnae V o s1pp 1g ear Canadfa\v.They land lon aada TheRol 0fCaadas Nvy iithle Brita;inasked the Canadlian gver- ields ruiýn by Aeia ad (Cana Present War mnLoogaiea i ptoTf tepron l Ie fields h ýave 'beei (By Ja unr Atlantic coast. At: that timie, Cani- nncd i ;Ity by United States The mieni of thie -Royal Canadian adab had no slu adronllS of airpîn'nes. panlltly yCnd.Cndhw Nav rle the restless waves of thec But the Uniitedl States had entered is gilen the inial say ineerý'rtl Aatî.lit is by their patience, de- tuewar lan] a they hbad developed a 'Alie teriinnation of the war tl teantoandi th- way they sh ow big inaval air service, hey volun-teer- fields wýill be)( entîrly pidfo lortitude'e het provides our for-ces ed to send aquadi(rou)s of planIes Vo Caniada andi sh'e will have full 0wi (Werseas with fo(, od andammiiunitioIl Halifax and Syduiey. Thlus Cnaaslip ,of them.Ti s ingîeh tekeep the attaicks of the enemly up was launched on hier aer-onauticaI llchain 0f ails eayfrue ;and als'o thie eridlýs's battie vwith the career. Wlhen the arm-iistice Was, the Uniited '(lStates to Alaska. Ano, ~'ete.Now I amn goiag o express si nitanAir Board was appoiittedirouite whIich in lhe aews re ! ew of th~e most outstanding fea- U11d1gradually Canada's aLir Iînes have i h Vacouver, Victoria, Seai turý,es of the RoylandnNvy been buil't up. LaVer dlefeace andL Portlandi Air Line. At present( t th e th, ywhen ime Mia aister civil aviatijon w-ýere separated. With ada has ail riglits for the linie- '~ Cercilideclared war on Gerin'any the Uniited,( States beginrinlg Votnp the Ame ensar ag ing ePC thr were exceedingly few wvho wore inito Cnda'cÎties, the neeti for. a i ~th ieir opinion Éthat Canada t.,e TKipgs naval unifornm. To be trns-Cantada airwa1ys wýas seen, and fi e bette-i deal, sinc-e theyWi ~e~ thre-ere onfly sixt shp n19,3,Generni McNaug'hiton otinjp i asseagers and ecargoes ro more than one thousand seven cd autlotty from the ý,Civil Aia Io oded lainVancouver aitdVictoria fraî-dand sityfor en in, the Braujch V uialdo mesand ra-dio ifly them V" o Portlnnd n nd Seattle. ItylCaiadiali Navy. Fr'om ithis sttos. lu1 6 financial support Unîted States 'wats these rights, LVoue on Élie iaavy imanipower grewV'o cmefor thle finst timue adi 97 Imoved la iIorder tliat her planesr g reat extenit. GOur navk ,y is noý thie Tan-IndaAc as passed. enter Caad. owever Canaticl moethani fortLy-ifive Vîmes thie size The yeaýr 19t8ehadal.ray seen he 1noV lily tVogive up 1her righits un vr as ina199 when Canada eatered op)eiutg of thec Trans-Canada AiU for'cedti t. Thierc-is also a r( t hs War1 Out of thiese mien over six Lines weSt of Winulipeg. fr'om Unitedl States trough arl un:dred 'are belevcd- to have given C-ý1aaahas used aircraft exVeia- o Newfoutidland. This is the s'b tirlives -whist serviiig in Cna ively for jIrryin rihtbsce esote rm e ol rkto Engi- dan ierchiants ships. Just fifty mailan11ti Inenes.T recenit sdtherefore will be us-ed extens, ,,'nad1an ofý,ie iav hae allthe al te fr nI-ýî1hasbeel sp-ly. An'other trade route vlich C- naans of he uavy aeh h er altefrart a en~ been aeveloped before, but - hIich p'eaur f eignwrddwitb ýspe- pied largely by this mlenuls. But ini ci imedls'for allan try. On the pre-war :days, Canada imported near- lkl oue oentrth a - oeC'arada~s rnavy hýolds a very ly ail lier aircraft and thus slhe dîi the route g-oiaig in th I-e far- norti) p tiCU record, noV develop this type of freight and ti ii beconie a passengler uin e C1araaa'!s iaavy wa', chiefly deýsigned asene service as she mlig.ht have MedlIcal supplies; are talkea Vo ou 1-iird he, orla AlanLc (oi-voy bee alie t oterwse, y Jilc ing districts by lair doctors andil -Vo uar th Norh Alanic ofv'y- en 1 V thw s.ByJue ses ý1are alo lown in; supplies Vo fein.No -m-eu havi ruagreater l1944, -owvewith her huge pordu mIso dn ire to nriake ce iHthn n? . nllvlnpIlndusry and -- mines wil1 Hall, Orono, Thursday, Apr rke Towniship NýominatÎins St. Andrew's Entertaion ' B' e LAeluInNovember Ohw rsyeij0 aýike Towinýhip Cou icilillet in O h w r s y e ilO bl, ç4pqgsinn i jr, th c p lic lnpl 4,, thaiîr case ing. onvîlle SVr vwer u'til f be secured orresponIei rond supei la these na ~ouncil, luIttonis w ,, 'C. F. A'ý iacludingi-M V, o the Pl le aids-upP who aipplyv Such Vto o oe p. 3rd, ochat an opportuity la The One hundred and forty rgître Is tVo malke ore reP al jýere at the 17th annual meetig of Osh- ica'ce of these uh-iliren awa Pr-esbyterial 0f the WM..whlicbhoo0d Of God;ti, li broÊlhc ýet- 'was held la St. Andre'w's lJnited Vo show Ùhàrough 'piture uh, Oshawa, on T'hursday, Murch progress of imankind; ti Pe- soid. Mrs. S. Littlwoo, Or )jonio, denice 0f pepleVat Wns presient, residdAtbothmorniag part orsharesin te vr re- 1at afternoon- sessions. iing to-day. _With the, tof IV uns annouaced *tat dhe confer \Ye Presidet for YL ence Branch.eli will b lie hld in St. být US begin Vo0 build '- re- -James' United Ch"irc, Peterborougb, nijtIîes rather tha 'riite A-ýpriI 2-1-27. Dr. Sisncoe will be the zcks. the specini speaker. it wns niso an- Mrs. Hl. C. Iulut ase. aiounced that Misis Jean Souimerville "Tla Him" was will 'be in Oshew.a nPresliytery tMay lIn MVey, Greemý mru- 8-45 hea&ing up a deputation re the dictory prayer at "Chrisian Hmes'. .iag. CoubsAuxiliary coaducteti a MIrs. G. Aunis, court 'the very fine 'worship service based on theý the nominating report red theme "Pn.enlaOur H'earts". Telford conduoteti thec M m. G. Telford on behaif of ail th e ficëlrs as folleis :- meet groups hia St. Andrew's Churcli ex- Fast President -MrI f ur- teaded a very hearty 'welcomje Vo tVIre;ýwcetIe. l. ladies., President - _Mrs. ence Miss May Brûwa reported an in- Orono), flin-crsel menbrsila Mission cir-~'s;t Vice-Preidut- nat- dles. ton, Locuisst 1h11. MsW.P. Rogers ivho gave 'lhe 2ad(ý Vice-President- vere Mission Band report lormrs. I. un- Rogers, Bowýmanvil'le. d ay reported that there were 25 mis- PeCord ing ecrtr wdle sionilbands, one aew isonba Kou 'hty tIay formed at Fafielti and an interdenoni- Correspouiding 'Secrc inational one at Ajax. Thýee vere Elton A-. Werrvy, B1owm-I' ur- 12 certificates of recognithn won by Trensurer -. Mrs, A. I1y- biande which wns an ince"s. lie St, Osijan. be- MiéssEuan Green, Greewwn"ood,' re- Secretary 0fChs be POrSedan increasýe ia both membr-shIp, MrS. j. V. MN Al-Si and socieies of the C.GI.T. Shie St. E. Oshinwa. chnallenged tlie mca11 of0j h e w. ý.s0. Secretarly of îANSo ar o give- mor-e lenders'ipi andi show Mrs. P. L.Jil, Brooklb m.more inerst in the ýwrAo the C. Secretary for Afiliý1 cet. GLT Groups,MiUss Rina fG ýne tirs. J-. MIeKnney, Brooklin. re- Wodi. , - - ila the e thýe Fna rhbood of ead stor c'hiildreai elief of si hieli>o .nld see o f or the Vice, pres tand Re' election c S. Geo, il S. Little, M\,rs. T, ainville R. .R.Wls _i-gev s at vevy l1îgaorcier. l'h-ey maîntain e nîga tevel or production v_,2eve ail he tiibute thieir counitry ia pence tiime. Then she can de- Ipay to theinf<or bei;ng the men 7eI;op bie- freiglit anti passetiger ser- - have geste down under the w'aves' vice tG the fulles',t exmtent. breiA lantie a ighni u shp. nQe reason \Iy 'Canada 111 figure semecii i the ,navy MbIe have lie- poninnl laost-war 'aviation is onýe the vwardens of the ocean ii g- thatost Éof tie e get t ies f the1 ny.Through their \a>tchifulaess; worl1d are ila the alorth temiperate p-celons cargoca of mca ant ',i uplies nojje, 'wHlclie in a blgý circie arounid '0boneV the fi.lgtiaig fot. the( Arctîc. The( direct air lines lie- There iarealso won'en srvng la ee ts te SCý, th-enj, lie across thCoallCandianŽM ve Ser>viccu th Arc!tic,. Thie argumen1-ts niow a rise ayhonever expeete lthiat there that it is too cold anito(ojy oid be woinen ilu thenvy aie nw tha tere are nian'iding fels.Tura, -prodly rering iform)iiis beside to a geography ati y Ou wilfd .he*rbrothers. lmstfour thous-- Itati Ë has , egisýtered !loveir la the anianti sevea hLunidred " es Uiet tes thu la Ile inorthlerni ievenisted. Thiey serveatmore i, s tpf -A!-s-1, Pesýýides, whyv i anthirty rna val1 bases. 11a 19412 wrry abou't1tie Cco'dlti IV is elly a theewere no m'orc lan fiv,,e Ihua- b1, t op peshipn by :ai. The -cti omea eni1VI ayui-lfigpouer 0f anaipnesl- 11,m layour praise 'on'tfret icreasýet(I twentty-two per cent in coider rh "Weus" foriteyare ais 0drngn'eVIe, wic igtofe ma ther .bit o bring his ,fr-ighl-tful arthIdl' recebwenprofit anti loss ci n n, l comrilYfilng. TLbasbeen -The ,Royal 'aainNavy hns proved that fiylng condihions are bet- fegl a evpiral waters, ut it is iu ferila coltiy\-ether lan la interme- 'tle reat storm's f the Atlantic Vînt d riate temperatures. Tara Vo na report xc>i ha its nmbst cai'alizianame oI (f a-trArctic explorer at you will tu Iis wvar. 'lbx4 resu1t bas been that (itritthth)ere is fog for onlly Vwo vhnour ships go inito actJin, ube- r tbree o'f ie twelve moatbis of a ite Ible in the old i Ihe of baitIe or yeýar. Also enquire about lnnýd'iug]- -htIe more . miodem i'task force, eachi fieltis antivyou wi11 finti 11mt an ar -vesl is an exacL imission Vto per- nlanie can lanti on anl aeil g of ;oùa. Whea thre ihat -sot bas beenevy five mlsanti n-,eyer more thn fîrti a Iiswar 4ti't frgto gvete-yfi some (f tlie credit o "The koyal Lokaantyurmp Youwl Candin nv" orthy av e- 111(nt 'it Canadla borders m11ucli Of the cnea Major force in the critical Artc.')PIrefore al great maaly air- badtle f e sealaýnes. We c'aui ha-ve joies, wainig Vo cover the distance no arer shielti than a sound at el ot&nteegreat itILies ia tho tr'n-ed raavy. -soteVpssbeVme, wl mv, over 'Canada. Tbey will býe lauding Caniada's Place In Post-War for gaýsoline ani for- repairs. Siae Aviation V1ie Commo,1hýwea1lh Air Training Plan (By AuaStaples) -"as startet inlaCanada, we have muny ~'nthe attackt-dyo the trade of Vtheuesaraipt. Andt tose Tree P rlant'ing ,rrWeek Ap 3Apripril à 128 Ca Tir eration '< moriag hall eau tirere wii il 19thl Vo kio'w tint a nmber of? fiers of Vie Orono Ciarber erce ownr lati anti are nmai- n-gements Vo plant sulistan-1 tities or? 'froces. Tiey baven't' o tree pIalrming11,withou1t a lie PRO- patrollg of Woest areas. Canada, to-day, is one of theire met air-nnldtinations la the mworld. Look at young Canada lu the Air 'Cadets. Wirat ocf he-the future citizens of ourl contrhy? We hear of Vhe 'non- dIerful ativances nmade in ircraft de- signing, anti we dreamn of the fuitureý whien perhaps we will enter ourii owa plane anti fiy Vo Paris for tbee weelk- somie Cannadian~s have ",their feet on Vie gouti. wo Ireeartcof- onces prove dis. First, here mns a gathering (if re-presuntatives of maaiy oif the nations inlaCicaola"- f Noveml-1 b)er o rt'bicb Canada sent Vreer- presentatives. Tbesc threi m, weto the coaýfeînene wt ame fuily prepareti Plan 'anti1asw kow n iow, they were the only, ones h titi The oue realthngMVit uns tie- c-iid at the couference 'ýwns an air code. Houmever, laDeemernuother connfmeece lie'wecn Cainada a nti Unitedi States was hel(] at New York. Tihis meceting assuvLieti tihe opeaiag of n1 nuLmber o7f new entries for T. C. A. into Uniteti States. cfiofly a lin'e Vo Chicago. The-re is nlreatiy a snigle seýrvice betwýeen Toronto anti New>, York. Vith lanes becomiîng safer and faste, more people w&Hitravel by ait' than ever before, anti mo1re freigliýt wiIl lie sbip!peti by air. This is when CanadIian -,aviation wili rea,,lly imakc, self know. TROUT SEA\SON NOW OPENS ON API14th Hon. Georg-oe Duabar miniser of gamie anti fisheries, bas announceti haithVie trout season will open on Sa turday, Apnil 14nh, ius'ed of SVryApril l8h as previçiusly ".nnouneed. Themid 'weather anti 'he adivancedi serson Vils year has 1 nought abou thVe chinge lantinte. The trout seasion uulyopens on Ma'y Isit, anti lots of years l"t tinat time dciee woufld forni on the lire at ,lie dew ,wormi'would freezeVo Ithej block, anti the trout rwold bie so nutmb tMat tiey coul'dn't open thieir suws to Vake a nibbl. This in greait neis Vo Vire ardent -angler wbo has 'beennarki ime ,hle past couple of weeks waiin'g for tire oeigday, andtilire aras putt Vo asevere test Vo keep riisi away froni dethe,trnus on some of the ulce tinys sve have enjoyeti. Eveî-yoae nwho cares for fisbine aili no doubt take atvautagen of Vhe opeuin'g day n ardy' ni 1Itti. aInti 'o we ciose nhs article wdvtb the follIowivng Ma.Harry 'Morris....... ...........5.00 t Jack 'Stale on, kiliing- dog worrying sieep...... ..............50 Orono W'eekly Timnes, 50 min- utes;................. .......2.- .. ........ . 50 Raym'ond Bruce, suipplies .75 WV. E. Dav e v, B.O.H. . 7 -.00 T. A. Reii. xuass o Tor- anu' c ore( he was mlv icch la the 1) sc imprjiîeýsc 1 wcc-'s. 1 iie ý MIe il rs UUUL(iu n 1 (, 1- - 'onto convention..... ........ 15.0san eema ote ia h on ao R. H. Wood, care 0f hall..... 11I.20 her for, tlrey r Xnfee pre-Krua E. l. aNctn optli infrtrfih.yThea sudenly Secr zationl......... . ........... .......... . 18 Pcv lindesny bal Vo returaVi o Japan j r . LJin Duplicat-or, office Su-1 an nýi a on.lthi's tune pacvk na mae Nemio plies ......... . .....>...... . .......... 30.50 lns - for, thc Japaniese dhisiiteins Vo Mss-M. Nattional- 1SVtioners, office sup- cryon. S*eelad îay oc Pu . H plie.s ....3...7..0.......... -e oionilces la bidding arwel o dns fi W. C. Lanle, supiplies. -Vrs irsia.Wib Oronio IHy dro Comin ssinlaJnur,î92,se 0s sigou1la toun h aill... ............... .11.02 Vo the FrsrVleyisinCt,'Ms Dr. W. H-. SVnniley 13-0.H1 6.....C. 00B.C., Vo bho pastor ofIrle ac Jaun-on(ob R es.- 1217 --La-,iag-WUoot(iard: esc durcý h i, a his ciiurclish lad ils.J Tbat thiî ounildo now adjoura V1 o aLaesi riggopo 7rsn moot agnia la intire Counicil hmevugmuat oninih e o bs O)rono, on Ma Vie first, 194, a h husieii nd'woe. Wbet vfuao Ver hionr os onue tViirty nu ie nfevoo toncae in JuneViiese youang peupfle N for VIe transaction of generai huai- mvei V ierne oeCs irs e i 0055 Vinasanti are nmeasuring u tp lutIreors B lommnitliies Vo wihthey hluive gone. mtt 1 Sgt. Normnan K. Bruton After 'lip Pvcuation I'c Lr!indýsay Named lu Battieg Jltlseselar t ohrr'rfoprynsfTr ______ commu'nities. Tire other co fuiie, sat An official releaseofor? March 29, wr s-deRie.McGilvvyFis os a nammes 46;7 officers ani 'other ranks of Minito ani Taylor Pak-.vReT.litIl- eut. the 'Canadina Armi-y Overseas wiro sayv feels thai[thVeJaneecirsis Fnin have been decoraVed for gla irnl ee i stronger bee 1caulse of VIe be MV s ac(tioný. Tire IisVwas app )rovetli Iby opposition they bavefceint beo- r.Jal [lis UMajesty ieKig antii athiz eti i n histinn.'Puvs by- ýthe DepV. of, National De f"uc. Port PerryAuiircoutela shiv A11101- VIrose honoreti is tins br.ief Vovybutfu uMnomsrc.Ne" menion: "muonNorauKenneth, AV the ver-y tiaicieus mlunireoner, anoSe Sergan, 1,Royal Candian Artil- yod b ireJi Pno uxla Delegi ley.(Dieti 0f Wîs.W ifMrs vreetne woesbreli rmPo-Iut Joa-n N. E. Bruto,0t Hospitail Villas, 1,T ery b Pclv '. .Prikanti iv to M! Colueil Rd.l, Hewards HTeatili, Sus,- IVbominliaVer of St. Andrew's, Rev. ville. fr. sEngIai. Motirer-, \1rs. LiillanG.Tefod Bruton, Oronlo, Ontario." The oaftemiocon sssin oentwitir TNo Neiitir eita-tion, nr i-fecoration iS man organ 1mcital iý'bM. T"vlor. MyP metoeinlutbiiý posthumeos nward Ms N. J. WiV' PrOok.9ul nN forgllur i, action. St.Brton Se-,etary, reportetthtlstyr2 Nei "rswont-ned in'A us after "D" bajl-iiesmmd at $416.56 'wrvpcp t Da . le e fm-h os'vlitnl 'Vo mc- -i lsent Vto VI)e Moose Wooý iDs o iolu -ic unit, uns wountied aanant i everiNel-son ieuetetr - Movýi- 'lied 'of fbis wounids as re-porItet inl 'r.e1-ieP rn.M.sMF iml NovembeC.-uîr1,ar, Canirlidte Secr&'4 -j, Tw nsbote.O.Cocil Brution: o0 f1jer ie yneoti folrit)e' "~"" vern ~h~ .CA..,amsrenorteti urnIssilQn a Tal 1944 Cire otaI l sumof .1'1 -) ' ()00p. ~cniii air operýiatimonsovor o nemiy wî vle1 uOssnPesbvVer.i.l Driraroiýi errLitory in Ags,194'. Tic svmn- Ms lv Sal'wl,o hais woirII tulu1e. aabyai lprîide of ie communiit ai for-C)6 výsenu t Vie Cnîrclir Altc n b'opVotlhe relatives o ( roe raon aton. o'0Ven. as irea1t h o lVicioaii the srieof thil rusfi 'eDmiinBat as Ths country. fi). spcikpi- of iVie aft voo HrVbou- su'hect "'Ms-sonav 'Fiu'tlo l eo A. mrrîge o? lcal nteestavIi 'n-~idrerant v'otiris eVvfitvTo-eout ary or? A. Pin a Vine' w". anc avilie. I auxiliary onbumous; airs. tî. n. (Treasu~'ei'; Mrs J iriaVian Stewîrrtiship ~ro'tamy. Vrs to Bîaiach are Breoklin freai wlcsVf W P' Pogers. B iii caVera se~Vion 'lai Mrs. T McKinuî a, Miss Etina Green va altemnute, liVra. K Whitc altemnate, Mr ýVTNCl. O r l9Mh, c~

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