v. m âgu Feed. Thaý o popular w Iliek Start( lieeded', sot of f reshniý ,IN Chieik S rieans a lot a f eed theýy ýto sud 0 PER BAI tarter YMael L0014 You've( your che every bai the war through Deposit - active thi flects the life anid and payrc Inadti men and' get theirj allowanct The handý cheques special s( undertake Victory B War Saviý banking;1 foreign ex Yet al thi out at a- tir. trained to S,500 baný REUNION S RGSTRSTARKVILE 4rs.Fre BlckbrpvLit Thu-,rsdauy, March 2_2nd, 1.945, the M 'reI Issi rc siser, Yîs Etehan fa soc ,,plemiits, ce., 'the oictte as1wek ÇecslonSndy property of S, L. Berry, Lot 2,3, Con- Miss eln eeh-rtandMIss ac Mrs.~ I (eIeh iisan 'csion 7. Clarke Town-ishîp, three Sotsen hfek-n tù :e it er iparents, Mr. mlsnrt-atof Orfoo,1/2 mIl omeshi onoto RiiamRiter, o uy ronieo.l5'ighwy. ernis as onl Sauinders and son A-N eev as the farn has been sold.IwlJc o Visited it ispa--Ted Jacksoni, Acine;Albert Mr. d. hao,i, iabhilevit iMs.ArthunSaner, otoClenk. iet Sid 'Hallowell's. IrJh atno eei- Tedy, -March 27th, 19415, the and M-Ar. Wmý1,. Hemr , New-Uaa m thait thein son iHarry, ae sok ielmet, e., the spent thÉ eke ndatMs. S. d1 Focs Iwswune nproperty of Fred BakbrLot3,Haoels o 'nmanyl . Concession -1, Cîarke Townsýhip. Sale The cardaynd dnce in ti eand 'School Club muet on1 to commloence at 1 o'cîock,. Termiis('choo1 on Thusdy ght w s w inth frmofa ocalCashi.-Elmer Wîlbun Auctioneer. tene. aywene thleefroi it in'the orni ,r _tsocia 1distance, and thfie prizes for ii ýads anri lokiniole were Wedlnesday, March 2h, 194-5, the scorýe in eurbre wvere wonl by Mr 'wichlch was senved. faýjns stoek, imiplemnents, furniture, LIew Hlloellani , L1oloydClyý n-etc., the property of Cai Quantrili, dele Lake'shioe Miss MahleI Throî11 ieinning of the war to Lot 3,Concessioni 8, H-ope Twsier Ivoi-,thie rpize for thielckha «94 over a hunmdred esil- 2-,iile:, east of Kendal and on-~Ar-usic mýas providied by Oharie Cw ere t'elled ini Britaini.- tel- mile northi. Sale at 1,00 p.m iad 7Mrs. Llew Hlalîowell. sharp. Ternis cas-h, Jiack Reid, Auc-- tioneer; Ruseil White, Cek (Too late for lest week)j Thuirsday, March 29, under in-~ Mrs.' G. Silver I. 1a goi ne hoe %wil strucionsfromRob1ert G. MoffaIt 1 her father toUxide ,~~ ~ ~ wilI sel] b bý tlic auiction at Lot 28, IlisNom ail xclv;Iiteda N Con. 3, Cl'rke Township, 1I/i, miles, ir.J .Mell(iofs, rn.1 /~Z,\ ~southif Oona fi A eofipi- MnBert TinmDiaio m' hei ~ riments, includingl a Ford Tracto on vstdin Osaw reenly. ruirwith Fer-guson Plcmw and Cul- Ilis Fned F:eus,, îX-ndalJ e ~~ tivaton; Ihons-esý, cetý tie, sheep an1tna tLenr al' swvine. Sale a_ t 1 p.m.-Ted Jackon. is eu1' liHIowlTo ronit Aucioeer A E Moto, ~lek. spent ie week-endait home. Friday, Apriil 6ith, 1945, the fares r.and MrA Prcl'rowvst tock of the Estarte of thre late Char- ini Bowmantivilie onStrdy les Emiertoni, Lot 15, Concession 6, Mn. John Stark vstdhismoh CartwmghtTownship, also imiple~et M ýl- n.i stStank, N nvle mients. Sale Ui,4 ile wvest of Nestie- Mliss Betty Scott anid MsaHele n0_ Station on 7A Hgwy Terms Dchert were inOsw on Siain Ras J ckReid, Auctonee. da -y. Saturday, Melrch 31ist, 1945, the ily, Tornto->, visiited lier paentiM t's why SlUR - furnituire of the Estate of the Late and îâns. Frankc Stoine. Mrs. A. E. Chapinan, Main Street, MsCarneAllibiansi son, Kînh3v viJth poultrymen Oronjo. Sale at elle &cloc«. Terris ,spent a few days with hber parenit' ýer is mnade up as.Jack!I Reid,Autoer Mr. and MrIis. Victor Farrow. Moiiday April , 1945 the1Flm h funeral1.of the lete lMrs. VWni that no feeding naArl2 14.teFniSavery mas,1,1held in Newtonvili: Stock, Impiflanients, etc,, the property (Church I on Manch 9th. Symipatiyiý of J. Kratz andI F. Rowicki, Lot 26, exýtenjdadtotiCfrnly Concesson 5, Ilope Townishiip. Sale iMr. anid Mrs.Hgl Steple-aton un Starter for pala- ut 1.00 o'clock ýsharp. Ternis Cash.,son, Oshaw, visited utý W. A. Hal- tobb eik, Positivelyv no reserve. Jack Raid, low'vel's, 'Kennleth nmenig ith hhý like, ty h fase tinen;W. Lord, Clerk. gad'nnsfor andnile. the fastr wednasdaytv, April 41th, 15, th e Urs. Warrenî Carson liead a irthi yon id. Far'ni Stock, Iniplemlents, etc., thie day prt for 1!l iag4ter Amy' la-st piroperty of Tom PeanN i/ Lot 10, ededanfternloon. Al the littiý G C~~~oncession 1, IinesTowýnsiiipl.chirn dane.oaetm. Sale to commnenlce at L' 1.20111,Terris Smpa'yisl d Mrsý [eFrshByCah acRedAutionieer; Ed. Ornme Falls oef itfier pase ______ Falls and Mr. T!iomes A. Falis, at- O tended thie funenal oin Thursday. <W O O D taben in toubt on imatter.,glir- "coL Ontario tio1ýnnCeta Otai region of CI /.ANV\IL 'the Boaird, appyl at your nearest Mn&. K. PrestËon and son diii viý We"Mweammn m WPTiB office. ed in 'Toronlito oven tlie week-end. Xrs. AIf. Pennin, B ow iïnv ile, viste iher father, Mn. T. Siip- _Mn. lnd Mrs. A. T. Perrin, of Ton- onto, visited aýt'Mn. W. A. Reid's re- ently. Mn. and Mns. Sid. Hfallowell and femiily visited at Mnr. L. Fanrow's on suinday. rq 1 1 a M . and M s. C hia. Cowanl, 2M. by n u iiio o s' amiMrs. Wes. Snngrattendced thle M 1 1 on showler for Wilinea Krrow, biridle-to- 1)e. Mr s. E. Tigg,-s and gnaiidsýon ,Tack Barken,of Dtoivisited uat 'Mn. Claîrence Buriiiey,'s and Mnr. Wes. Stringen's. ~ftn wtchd te tlle stmpA numiber froni here aitteifded tie Oftt' watced th teiler stnipcard pnty and dane e a t Strkvi1le que. Every day, in every brandi of last wveek, anid 'oavleschool teucher i. ooîn for rard to havmngl tnk iin Canada, cheques are being agodcodahepatts'F- day lnig'ht. :ed, stamiped and recorded. During (Too late for hast week) years, this daily flow of cheques Mn.rLesý. and W. A. Reid miotored to Toronito on Sundfay. your batik has swollen to a torrent.,'Mn. Arnmond Holnsot visitadl his two sistensý at G'aehrtov'an accounts are more numerous and tie week-end. Mrs. Ch-as. 'Cowan visited with .an ever before. TI-ls increase re- lier daug'hten, 'Mns. Johni Lowery, of Orono, for. a fewdys tremendous activity of Canadian Mrs. Sde HJloMlad h'd visitetd athen parents, M.and :Mrs. busin1ess. Production, purchases Rusk, Port Hope, oven tice week-end. Mn.,and Ms. Wîl. Layton visited rAis have ail reached record levels. e't Mn. Leland Payne'sý, Newtonvill,. - on Satunday, Ms.Layton staying- for a few dlays. Onî three-quarters of a million ' Mr and MUrs. Chas. Cowan, Mr, N1ormian Andnewns, Býerniec!e and women in the armed services must brother Nornian Andrews, Anniie, Rosie ansi Paul Getlický and Aresond pay, and their dependents receive 'Hli'gwrh attanded the e-a rdI paýrty and lance ut Crooked Cneek es regularly. sholansId ailPgoosI tune. Iin1g of this wartime volume of 'KEN DA L is quite apart fro)m fnuMýeros n.Wm un1nm1om fr1h Iti For theEtie Imimunizing of C attie againust Biackle2g before pasturing tteof 10 oids.............10 e as stocikblackleg aggress (il-n th-,e iquid form) for- Lise in the vete-rinary hpdri syringe )IN T11E FARM flic Syrinlge, 10 mc ýeedles, outfit .. . - $2S250 Mloth Elkay ýMeth Fume Crystals, eg;gs and larvae, staîiess for .........9c. It'-, Time to Buy C EASTER GREET], Ilere is a large display of bez at......... ..........5 ries, 1 lb. ach COMING ! APRIL 18, 19, 20 and 21 REXALL ONE CENT SALE A dependable Paint Pecito B-Hl ENGLISU PAINT Cals Quarts at $1,15 each AetfrJ Other sizes accordingly I Poe6 EASTER POLDERS, BASKI-ETS AND TOYS Baby's Rubber Pants, taped wýTaiS t and iknee, sizes medium and large, each...........9 Baby's Rubher Pants, sherredwat and knee, sizes mediumi and large, palir.......33e Linen-like Blinds, size 3 ft x 6 ft, colors creair or green, complete with brackets ......85e Cheese Cloth, yaridce, 5 yard rfs......35e WaTýxec1 Paper "food saver", 100 Ltros .,.25 Staon Sink Stoppers, make yojur sink alag dish pan by using a rubber sink stopper . -10 Mken's Work Soclis, red heel and te pair .. 25c Stick-Fast Dry Paste for wýallJpaper,, olffice, sehooli and homie, Ï lb pkg .............19C Plastic 2-celi Flaslïights, complete wvithotut bat- teries ........ ......... .....$14 Diamiond S r-egular- size Batteries, each.....10 Chore Girl Copper Cleaning BaIls, for ICle an1 ing pots and pans, each............... ,,.10e Aliiiuminum Sauce Pans, m--edliiium si ze, sturdly han- diles, each .......... ............37c GR,'OCERY FELATURES Nabob Coffee, Week-end Special, 1 lb,. .....,, -45c' Libby's Sauerkraut, large 28 -ozl is 2 for, ..... 27e Apple and Stra-wberry Jam, 241 oz. jars, 2 cou- polis.......... ............. Red Plumi Jam, 24 oz. jars, 2 coupons ,.. . Baker's Unsweetened Premium Coolt,1-2 lb. bars, Week-end Special, 2 bars.....35c Tiger Catsup, giant 26 oz. botties......19e Post's Brani Flakes, 1-2 lb pkgs, 2 for , ......... 2 3e Peartut Butter, 9 oz jars, no coupons ...... 16e Vita-B Wheat Germ Cereal, 1. lb pkg.....lot 3 pounds for, .... ...........25e UROri0 5c. TO $1.0u STORE Northcutt and Smilth Funeral Directors and Furnitâure Deaîerg KINDNESS C0lURTESY SERVICE EýquiPPed te take care of the monjdest funeral 1e h i re-asonlable charge as well a's the largzeet and îuost exacting TeI.ephioae:- Office 668 Residenlce 52M and 7M. LChicks Chick miuIpI ,,l