Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 22 Mar 1945, p. 3

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More lian 100 stranded fliers ýý,ind civilians lost in - icy Arctic wastes owe their live tei Lt.-Col. Normanl D. Vaughian, above, of Hamailton, Mass, whio heads the Arcetic Searchi and' Rescue section of the Air TransportCo an' North Atlantic Division. He lias received a special Congressional Medal and Legion of Menit citatîin for his work. TWO 'FULL' HANUS T okyo. wlien coUSUSs srile, IIiust io LIUULW j use Vcics VapoRub. I I U-BOAT PRISONERS A1RIVE liN BRITAMIN Picture taken at a British Port when ti-boat survivors arrivedl on their way to a prisonezr -of-wear camp shows the U-boat prîsontrs on the2ir way ashore. judging by their expee-sionrs as they marched away they ail seemed quite glad to be out of the light. NAZI BIG MAOUTH Looks more like somiething that mixes ceracent than what it is-a 380-mm. mortar mounted ona modified Mark VI German tank, cap-. tured by the Allies in Obereimbt, Germnany. The miortar baryel' is seven feet long, an-d fires a five-foot sheil weighing 770 pounde. Five-mran tank crew protected by 5-inch armeor in ,front. NEW APPOINTMENT M ajor-General Guy Rodlerick Tur- ner, C.B., M.C., M.M., 55, of Frederictioni, N.B,, and Ottawa weho bas beeni appointed InIspeçtor Gieneral, Western Canada suc- ceedin Mjor-General R. O. Alexc- ander, C.B., D.S.O., who lias re- j tired due to iii bealth. HeC is a veteran of the lest wa.r and went Ï overseas in the present confict wvith the First Division. For several monIths past he has been "seuond- ed" to thre Department of Veýterans Affaire as a Special Assistant to theý Deputy Min ster of that depart- enA son, Major Malcolm T ur- ner, lias becen overseas sinc-e 1940 it th Ce Royal Canadian Engineers. BRIDGE Nice evidence of buall's-eye bombh- inig is this Burma--Siamn railroald bridge at Kanchanaburi, wýest cf 13angkok, blasted by low level B-24 bombers. Two spans are smown in the rive-r. Relieve New'itis.., Neuralgia Pagi, Aspirin Euss Pain Wby Aspfrmnworks so taie Instantly I Yes, the moment you drop aen S Aspirlu Tablet inan glass of water it býegina ste di- 1integrate. An-d that sai-ne quick actioi takes place ini yours- tomach. Thus, you get relief zlmost inistan tly. Aspirin ba3 proved itsecIf'ths-ough generations to be quic, effect!ves above aIl, depenidable. That's why Canadians have corae te rely on thiz famous analgesic foir relief frem pain due te headache, neuralgia or neuritis. Se protect You-aself fro-m nedéie5e mieery. just get at box cf genuine Aspirin et your druggist's today and follow simple directions. NEW REDUCED PR1ES Pocket Box of 12.. _ýý.....now 13g Eoenomy sBall, of 2,4,.tnow 29g Eemlly ,lze of 100 ..... 1, OW 9* ThetBayer Cross on egtli wablo.î Sm your guamniufir lbat IfAspg.rlu HowYou Con Cet Guick Rielief ý-1From 1Sors, Poinfl piles Most people seernito tl'nk the con- jpiflpile tumorLý1s so Iover Ir way to gai relieffNom Mai sore, leain- the sensitive rectal mainn- painful piles lei by local treatet ,-nsda and healthy Local treatinent iniay ive tmo-W ntee you to 0try e-Ri anrv rlie Nomi the itchlng butand let iU pove itselfYou "caj you can Meascee pacc Qu % wAY such tre- à . ~e rîey o nment Nwil flot ucor- - ,- yorowIsme Popî Care fdotonn'iilëe oIastigfre- ' - tatthis te ant dobfon pl , lýt' mzln-giy eas y can b badunles 'and surprstngly tMe cause of the LMAw effective method troule s crret- 4cf treatlng your en. Plsaede'sore, painful pile's, causes so the !)es* '-~ theixn interi~lly UV ~e, ~ ~ - dy fon wlhaihdc nkc i-, --~druK store and likeHemRot. ~ se asditYcted ee-Rod ts er~ 1een used forouer a Of that time If :iaJ> oear by hnu-.. * ý uou are not ab- sanda 0ftpisuf co~. 0lutely sure( ierere, it isa ..é 11He-Raid le the centrated tablet, ~ nc1 st Ceý.frics easy and leas-...................p l m tic eu en ah11 to use. Tihe iss yaIrfssea oe o rtiect, re-f cleverîy c oini- ttll'fl Li Unuset Undmedialtnformula direts portinon f the Pàck age ta y oui lis ~ ~ ~ t nidcAacin1 rle the drurg-îîund ne will proiptly re- conges'Ànonna the wrea Cause offund your niuny. your Piles. HmRi poits NOTE: ThJia generoum ofer Im fr easy and c0nitortab!' bowel biseked hy e reliabe fis- dolNg hum- niovenennes, uckyrelieves îtchîng uesin Gonladufor sa good 1znany irritation and Soreness and siîniu yenss, te-Roià mansi Iiel yens- latesbettr bWood cirulatio in Sle plie coition iquieuîy, easlljy and lower bowel. With good blood cîr- pleasnîly o.,ttinlple, easy tesýt culation in the lOwer bowei tihe cest wu notlîlg ry 1H tuday. ot4IE! ~ NOW you THOu.RN, HILL GOLD MINES LIMITED owns 450 acres irnmediately adjoining ELDEW GOLD MAINES LEITED on the North. Diamond Drîllinig on the Eider property bas already in- dicated an ore zone containing $4,500,000.00. Thse Eider orebody bas been traced to within 300 feet of thse Thorn PHili property. It is beliýeved that the extensive Eider deposit sweeps diag- onaliy across thse entire Thorn Hil acreage. Thse sanie imining interests responsibie for Eider Goid MWisses are behind Thiorn HEli Goid Mines. Thorn Hili shares at 20c per share appear to off er more than ordinary speculative possibilities. K.V. GAMBLE & COMP'fVljrANY, INVESTPMENTS Telephone WA. 4706 K. V. GAMVBLE & COMPANY, 74 King St. E., Toropto,Cnaa Thiorn Hilli oll Mines t L20C persar.Ienls rmt ta'ince for thata ont INameý.. . ..ý. ................... 74 Kipg St. E., Tcronto, Caliada

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