Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jan 1945, p. 6

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tii,0 U hem Ido Ille false der tbieir turcs we mian i s duced onl reaction.i ilcr canuo11t aio is ecuimbe2red wtbuse- rees tbat are rotten) re seesexcept for waits fcuno ilI ekoinnot oiy" cacorrulpt fru1it, but bo ea n frulit wili tbeu Lake of fire. By tbesprit fi i il last daysmay b I to b1ave acmlse fo God , !!il nt gi Artificial Moon Lights Baflefield mnoolgbt mas used to faciltatt Amnericaui operation in tbeArden essector last ïweek. ec riî :rstrictionls preenIt de- taiIiIuý tbe action:, but tbe ý,Americ- anis have ed 10 adantage ede- výice fir-st tried onlt by tbie British at CâeIu in Nrmnd lSt sumier. Tble arifical nmoonligbt wAS caton tbebi fe l by directing ba,ýtteries of 0,iO-açi-o wýer sear1cbligbîs againist tbie clouds wblicb banLIg over tbe iarea mictof dibe wînter. Tbie ligbit raysareie- flected downl, brjinging a ýtdim ligbit to '~ ra Ifyucan boldyor tnu w bel ail creationAs bwling at tbe Mbid FighCornmand; ifpyonca cnrb vour ciiidignattinaa can l být' hd inew and Ikeep 11ron1 I)Iliig wit l îkdMr bfr m-Wtit nld sec, anld do -o11e trsf1sting, youll e adaiî oodciien Young NAzi Soldier SpankedBy Briton b)lfreported recenilvtl tt a loue Gem nMliur wbo atake I Britsh ïMtank aed iy witb a ri- fle wasspakedby (o;e of the tn cr-ew wcn ie Bitoin disý(cvred Ibe Grîu isa L yarodboy. Tbien thle tulIk crwld tbe prisoni- b tan in a;ornr.Tbis wstoo muitcb for 0teyounLg \Nazi wbo Ide- wetto a pri's'on camp. urDple tlkIling vo, aid îay bieed lu 1.Speil ipain. The Jade GOU BY MARY IMILAY TAYLOR CHAPTER VI Tbhier noddeld cllrtly, but b-e tundin bis cbair ndfoliowýed dbe young noan itbhis eyesFr in bun. Pienuy of îincîtpo sufere--btpsbaw! Tblis biy lbad been fir trîed. it mwas a plain muurer jfor moniey. ie was ibard up at tbe tintc, and be1, was bis unl- cle's bi.Fo)sdick pursed bis lips. lie had niot tried to daim th"e for- tule Yet; it was rolbg up; but lie wol-fcourse be v uDlFe nodded 10 bimseif and wenb bacli to bis wrk Fe bad always beiev- edl Mark guilty. Mark»Ibad ,set bis ,face et ad It seemed tbe natural desétny of men sucb as lie. Fie went steadi1y ab)out it; he hald long aýgo haif sae his prob.- able course. Now lie looked up localities, recalIed the advice that b,,-, is fiend, tlie wardeni, had giïveCn blim, and evenl went SO lfar as to0 inquire thie price of railvay fares. Yet le did niot go. Days hladpas ed and he had beid to bis resolsi- ton. Fe had never rturned to the Burlesoin houseu. Better thati Paml shlould tink im uniiicou, un "lcivil- .ied, thian th!at lie sboeuld trans;- grcss again. Tbe thouglit of his reckless enitranice there, is iolr tiou ofi il the -anlnitieý 'of soCà! hife, imade bis cheCekýs buýn. Fie l ed tegil; ilt 11as no romanýýceof a da d bcuse it a real, ibe- cause itwas a tbing above aind apan rtanomthe resy of hi hle, li would cher o no-l'lThesue- inig and iaî;noyanice migilt be her-S, btshle %would soonfret To go av~a~fur thel twre sble dxei xoudbe eil, Phrews alwaysý a cbiance here o t agims of ý ber, ibimlf unslllCeji. Onice he swPila] onbr ack ili Itbe park. Screned y te trees ýlie ,watCced ber in tbe sunine and tbougbt bier tbemt e autciful tbi ite wvord! Tbat day be nenryly boke bisreoltin.It seemed as if be mus spakto bler. Tbat n1igbt bhe sumne imlf Uto île bar -of' bis own judgment ,anld onldemnlled im)l- self. Nobonest lman wouild Ibave gonle iinto aniber bo ( udera false naline aýl n adelove cto ail innrocent gil1.lFie wudgoWe Tue . n1.~rpiliboxliiîsofiat- tering so tensters aîd 11il-rmob you'lilbe proud la'oIn. Fia t aud ba are nîttedin easyv- fto)-d[ocable sit t1 qicl okn kmuilig wrtdi sd Patterui (stampsi' canuot dbe, accepted) f or t1lis patteru t o Wikloi edcri De'pI., Rooni41,7 Adelaide St. West Toout. Fuitplaînlly pal- teru nnmberl)ul, tour lname -and 'ad- ie was on Ilis wa-y 10 buy Jb1is ticket wben be rame suddeny uponl her. Lt was fate, in tbougbet, tat ,sbe cbncd beotlat tble tlime. Sbie ws' n, onlly su1rpr-isýed Sbe blu1Ibd frosy Wbre ave oubenWe've wodee ! Se eld ont her]baud snmiling, ber sot t eyes kind. oue treated us shbbl,"se cbiirIec bîns lgntly. Mark did not go to buy biistik. 11 akdat bier side. The city street 1becane an ncanedpatIl. All bis rsltosmelrd; bis ba sanlg in bis breast. ie 1bad seenl joy flash into ber face wxvbe-n sesa,, bini. Tbey wie a lonig way to- gether; wblat was saîd did rot ymat- ter - thieir- eyes spoke. Tben tbeiy camne to a corner wberetbere was a cock and sbe looked up atiti, cauigbt by tbe admon)lisýinýg bauds, "Good gracions; it's quar'ter to two;" sbe ga'sped. "Wbat arn I tiinjg of? 1 was to meet Aunt Lyini at onie, sharp, for luncli! It's down "a', Monstresi's' qshe-" Panl lauigbied ne-rvoulsly - "she runistbe fa-ýng! I'll have b gettbr- "Noyou on'," aid Mar-k, fin- !y, yur going to lunicb will] Ime. I've always knlown lt, ocîly ve delayed, but you cani't break Itll engagement witb me?' Her face was l igab ove ljir. fursI, seholibr lea,ibt ber -ý eeS lauigbed. -jcn'!"sle ro tsd,"îlot toda." ed. Fie was-, lou , hbr Irul airol anid abe coild not1escap eail liTbree iever aiy o- meMe. !)blibt 1I nîustPgo; 1I must 1m1et Aunt yîîn" tu girl protesteýd, the sbcluglc, fr be hd ber ýiide thedor n wssletn a table,. inig frdasw i e lbad descrted'; now she saw it did isot altr;b lîa1d bcs nuigava afo ien 1lejlcaned toward ber aud shelc sawbbcfilme tbt îeaed ino is eyes "I vas oingaway today xxbmnI me ton goig asfar aa as Icould. She w~sstartld. ' lYere yon? trifUn.g iber glass o-fnwater. "Y.'reîlt goinig btay 1 lu N\Cw 5h" lifted ber csanid imet hjic. A sofb flusb crept Iup,1 hler lbair. Shiookd adorale, and lie groian- cd unlder is hreat "I eau imaillginle tbat a nîan l]ikec you wýoldui't care b stay bereui- lo !,lhesadunex,ýpectelyv. "Wbb ind lof a iman do you tblink m li e demlanided, "toounl- civilized fo(r lurbanlif" She smuled, bereyes sinling. " baps1 I uant iY!Youkow yoIN'r wevrenI sbýouîId Le ldown lat Mon!- strei'snowwitb Autiii Lnu "\'Vuldyourater? lbe ch1ai- 1lg"I wnIrlf(o!-spa.10m if I toic l i.yute tuirlie said. -T wodrif aicy wonîian on caý rtli knms sitbe mn ds cop s tlngwb" bi, suddcfi l grave. (ll doiy unhappy." "Good heiavelIS am in 1as cbieap as thlat? Appealing iû, yonr sympa- tby -yupiy lib'ecIaiimed. ,"Yen lknow I1 didnl't mean thaî!" Hle was enraged arIibunself. Fad e~ beenplyig1onthis younIg giri's sympathIy? 'Pit'ain to,0ove dithgt furiiously, and, reddenied to bis hair Iegot to go Ws,"lesai bluinty, Inot lookîng at lber;:"Tve got to lake ulp a llnew lii e Ont fibere. I wýan-ted Lto tel you aboni m1Y corn- ingý tu your unicle's bIouse; it v s- lie broýe cof(jfor shie inîe--rruplted bui! softy "Oh,M.Fodc! sb sad iooking around at lIbe oldmabe side bier dchi, MWark w'us as pkenabatck.T'lelit aw- yer bad risen f'romi a table in tbe fartbiest corner. It -%as eiet1itha bie bad been wtbîgthien. I come bere for tea: it's tise 0o11 inig im nov ed( drly crus(b of breact aI. es for gettiuýg driv ing to an 11or a dc CIV;îig1 vile' o roibibed. th te f tbe id glu1- hlsec- C are, Tbri are Ba bic Ili 1. S( BE of rare by die -Itoast'" get extra and Vigo shuuv.

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