Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jan 1945, p. 4

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Office $12 Publisher ie brought adeigtfl essage the meý,-ssa.ge (and card) were ,ailod by us a year aga. ,Our laat yeaf's clleetioii of cards, >light. L.t as f1elt that a reply adapprei:ciate this ýrepl-, eve ýqult, ,>ve feit- that an admInonition. Christmzis cards mghtProve s :of a hast of cards at Christ- -an make up eur mnds te, write s. A îtl or eiuehe meof this porresponidence pos- lst ofna s and addresses of Wonitailhhle friendships mnay be a widening circle of flosi * I» * ü ,eth The d in turnîugl 7.Still thie answer '? nsand ideas eof on Ptteui1,pting tOarrive peer -Into the, future years miay have lu discilples as being the Religion ini its mi-ý 1that a main or w- ear to w1hat religion tty question persists, eenougli te state that you nvu' oast sufflciert faith in the wisdaoi F jus of an niihteed peoploto fe trniinray, talke years,, and it Wsby the greatesýt sourc e Of îfrt .nowedge that it Willcoae.Apart than tO keep tuuled lun, so Vospak as, offor ,a fewOf' our3-owu, ïandeszec s 5* Always may 1101no Wins kb 1.o * ýoing aiwny an( erhoetoi sereveîltuia place resolve it Ls invaîiabl«y wich "n- IN '~e il 0,rly ied out lýater inl lay in- the fnct vxn homne tffwn., jale ties that Is native instinct n on the homeý C' Ànes ourselv;es. Or-ùn OthraitIthe ci stnyluig away wn"~~C isaote vpry tume. You ýay dvidle tbteta "7twoioe tow ns. dlagrtownis makinga r,e village orf haml"et. Lt la yr say. L n hlity, it is the roWn wn.people do ïnet lty That inherent féai in r ge harted fumiedsl g hnihm ta h see e a love for toeso meepWen '1ANdy» men fee that you are stnding ht, lu ve-y truthl , You Carnival ikatiug il, )oro peopleý nd, fofnoue lufth distrilct. nty )f 'Wilessinlg 1numyer- e rmnk hllas ,prolven itself a likje.Moevr those foi'k rriuk> fro*ni 'season to season ijd of the AgicultuLral Sa'- c,-f Mr. RPoy Wnethie nival la beîng p'flanný e fo rialljjy ta oiceur esupport )r together ïlu-timakiiug theL val, it i5 il effort t Vethat sponlsored hày Onltaria Healath Min- istr Dr. R. P, Vivian,,Cainadas first interprovi cial caferen)ce anhealtÏ, und welfare endedi last week in gen- ernal agreemient in a wide field of siiri- jects and laid the ground work f(or t onr-wd ba-,ttle against ven-,er- eal disease, tbruo is, eiital di- sase and cancer. Representattives froYn i haltham welaredeartenî,sfromi the sevent provinces attended and iah weie of the unainimous opinion that siimilar conf[recesshauld be hield nmore af- ton. Thoy lauded the lodrhp - Î*ordJed by Dr. Vivianm and,) his aýsso- ceates. A major reconmmaio adop e; by tho conferonce was thiat the War- time Prices and Trade Board lbe re- ç,usted ta reduLce th price e)f penii- cýi.lin so thait itcul -lemare etn sively used ln the treatmlent of yen- erepal disease. t was agreed that tho Federal Government should heair tho cost of troatmient of dischnrgeci menthors of thie armed forces whu- havie venereal d qie annd those vet- WE,'DNES1)ý i ryPerel IBlack Perîi Iý' Baý Mre, t.NZIE, NM.D. antdSUGO Ho,0te .00 .sn FOR SALE Nine oi~khirePIgs, se ars; ~ tc H,. ppytaA.WKea ars 1 r 3, oro0no0.. du( meu B.A. ,ONT. 157,ton nf of Oats; 251 s,, as erans who acquliro it w,îilun onelea 2set of Team lHarni of their- dischargement. Tt Palso f oIt condition. tlihat should mIvedical cr be p--ovîfded Me e- by any agoucy other than a Fesderl 1 CojrsbtJtQlt institution the provine to which the nw: i1IMassey-larris veten reteins 0n his 'diischarge wag, neryow fram ethe services shollld paýy teHy Rc new; 1i costs and Inter recelve rombremutseighs ith fiat botton from! the Domyinion anàd that thle Do- iFrost & Wood B3indl mtiiàn and Provinces should estab- i ngo condition; 1 Cih a schedloof' fees for -V. 1)- Deeiug Seed Dr11, 1,2 treatment. condition; i Mec-orim-le t also recommended rciprocal ar- cut; 1 Ma saeY-Harris rangements covering the cases of non hn;ilIHaY Rk 1 residonTs requiring treatmoent for '17winPluh i Single tabercuinsis, mnental dsae and of 4-section iod canec e ase-Harrs Ray MI Another n,,dopted rocofmmondationiMeotCea Sp ail l-OVlice wîl Co ip ii)Pullper; i Chevrole trol asquky as possible infestation idl teNýlenco ûf uiteïi ithi thlibouindaries ped with al newtires: land adopt standards which will be mn ton. tcls uniforni for flh us o fo exporit andj Sl ocmec domesic makets ERM S CA1SU. Psitv, As prvenivemenureaganat The road will hopo ty-phoid iît was recommti i edodthat al1.0. 1o (Contiuud o pag six Clr(u ARD swiner Cal- WNE k. Lîve Pouiltry and Feathaer. 500 bus-hels We have noagents. rurnips, ANUAL ETN less, in gond The ýAinual eein fa Hotclual Societ-y will be [tor 13ohSt, Saviour's Ilali ou Wed atoJanuarytoothat 8 lp.m. Ek ait 1 T p ely ne - NT. 'E itorno» Ontariê Iim t Poe*r and Winter Clothing aaiashave nat been .ujc to rtianing- insofar as Ccloth- ingl is Concerned, and cons equently we m,-ay be just a littie inclined ta pi.Urchase ànew Clothes Vw.heire atder garn1t's ighit fhave done. No deut mrcata weeoan b Lness, and lthis ila u'drstndiable becmuse these flkare1 l ne inte ina'! Ilof th SaeseP osible. However, there is that trait in hiunan natuire that has an eye ta business aiso, and sie nhjusewiÏves In. particul-ar are adept at re- making ean appýare1 so thiat ît looks 1likec new. Inu fact, it is new foi. the ver- esnta it fhaniges its style and apjpearan.ce, and a braind new garment cannýot offer imueli more ,in1ess it w'ould be the wivantage of nepwer and stronger good, Our newspapiers a dvo,)c a te the oleqning anrA Encivat,ing (of aitig nd .numerous womainýs oranizationis give leadership) in the ways and m-teans bywic the family -ward1robe uuiy ho rendered more attractive, and mt theý same tune imade to last a littie longer. Before the war. imported cloýthÎng svas favored by mnny folk, Pos- sibly importedcl othing was a little more destintctive. Cnaadoe-s posse'ss a huge textile îindustry, and vwe have the ability toL produce smart styling at, the consutmer's very dùoer In 93 okdout con a per capita basis, clothing w Vas poue top the value e f $36Âff0 for very man, wonian and ch.ld ini the CountrY. 118,000 mnen and Vj0ne1n *ere P".ovided with eniployment through the clo1thing industry, and these .people were paid an average, of $9&82.0 ini salaries and wages d1uring thbe year,' During fthle pre-.Christinas shopping season, we found fta oearticle -were beeoam ing quli seareee ia town., Socks particularly -were ameong the goo 11o the "sold onut" !,,#. Whatever niay be oJur inidividclaal trend'.S inthe mater o' cloth-ing, the fact remiains thiat 014 Man WNinter <erands thbat a loc t of warni "dJuds" h'Deovrn. It is a difficuit thie of year, fue mat ho purchased, extra food, appears imperative, hydrt> o ns 'Ire hiîgher due to the excessive use of lighit and powver. These ,l'atter needs probably account for the aniaunt off effort which g-oes Into the coneratin)f elothig.Whiether -we step ouatin a new outfit or. in an outifit nade over, oýr in last year's oiit as is"', that outfilt u be warm ta< ho effcective. Woe Betide The lack Raý Son-tim;l the near future the ily jac] castle aiea are going to have a difflonît tme in tenthemiselves and the Oro-no Hunt and Fi r(10wý being iinade ta form the hunt lu order ta e fromNwate whichae at the present tii age Vo apples trees of the g-rowý,ers in that secti( m--ost iikely liue up north of Newcastle, probab enga wide terr tory, thon proceed ta, the lal that'evade the hunteors and proceed Vo the lake th e water and simta the other aide. Samne of reach, the waters edclge, mnay decide that they ichance of living lby tu.rinig arounil and chargin of the hunters, hopiug that they vi find saune - 1which, no doubt, týhere wilI ho miany. When th, cae o Orono fromn Toronto a couple of years aVries of jacks dodgijng arouud the hunters fi t-eta-ýv.A i,,pk rahit la hnilt for san<cidand SON 'ýy E, e you un r, r wt qute perty 1ALL ~ v May be et Cana.. supplied siege 01, of mleu'a3

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