Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jan 1945, p. 3

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chn SINUG-AND HAPPY cm to bc -~~ takirli çiver i gover ailbuinesbig sud f!t- ,tans fr nl ad 0out 5o- 1 w. ne. cd, but it is too, late nIâw to retret. bat Mld V-3 A Zurich despatch of the Ex- chiauge Telegraph lsid recelyN thiat Nazi propagand-isos are SpIe), ing rumnors il! Swîtzerland ithat tht Germaus ný iow are ulsing the V-3 on thie Wýesztern Fronit, dsniigit as a w'eapon capable of 'freezing a 11 persons within 1O 01dsaiits ex- SUCCJESSFUL PARTIES result itweliyou serve Maxwell House. This de- liclous coffee stimullates and Cheers. Its a chioie blend of rare, extra-flavor Latin-Amnerican coffees- Ille finest Obtainlable. >w Ease PAIN! Aepiîn ReIIP Al'most Imml A littie top-lleavy in bis growen- ups' cdothes, thLs Bastogne young,. ster is warm enough to grils hap- pily at the cameraman. Bastognese, recently relieved of Nazi seige by Gen. Pýatton)'s men, are up against 10 for warn, winter clothes. Luxury Airliner A new "flyi:1g hotel" wýill carry high British anid Amerî1-can waýilr- effort emis saries con fuiture uirgenIt P'rovided for Bitain underien- lestis dilmasiseia"is a Iuixury air Ihiuer wth ak panellced walls anid beige leathier -eihings. Cabis hae ruceaed igiti7ug. RHLIEUMMA TI1C Aches -and Pains If iiit one bottle of R-ade not shw ou the uCuick, es a to ge ea elief fro rhemati aches adp ins lcas o oh Maýf todva andif yulire unt lae wlt hi uta,lurmne vl LerunebyayrustrTi Heëre is a cinicaily-proven, two- way treatmerit for coldsl Take ALLERGI-TABS to "blitz" that "drip"-relieve congestion and dis- comifort within an hour. ALLERGI. TrABS comTbine fast-acting mnedi- cinal ingredients with Vitamin C. One or- two tablets wifl prove how effective they are! Take ViTAVAX to speed recovery, increasevitalifyaniidbuildiniynunityv to future colds. VITAVAX combines Coldi Vaccine (specially prepared to cmbat commuon cold bacteriaf with riclily concenîtrated Vitainn A, Bi, C and D. Remnember: ALLERGI-IABS for speedyv relief from colds; VITAVAX to build i-nmunity to colds. Aslc L fdrusggist, Roberts Bioogi4 boratory, Toronto. Super- Submarne !-;F r,ýIU wek ha CcheGr- wit e ct a1r-cnfoa d unsll Lhc s e snounited iii a fe minutes and sheail Lan enmy cast- 2i tüown fni La lonlg dsaneThe veselcarns a cew o 5 w wceks' fl sud h las "po-wer andj speed srt.siganythiingknn' for iunarn i~te Spanish br-oad- cast saiid. -ACCOUNATS & UDTR or Latrge Businesss.Travei !any- whr.Abprt IBrett & C'o 8 WelntnSt. E., T,,ronto, k)nt. RAIIY CHSCKS 800BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT nooK YOUR 1945 CHIORS NOWV and get your chieks when pou ,vant them. Orders arepuring li, lreedr Satcheries tare Awy Ysold ýout earPly. Don't take chiances on ordinary l'lk~ Pace~ your order 110NW. Pure lBredSsex Large Type beghorns, Susseex X New lamps., Sussex XN Legbiorns. 'Rock _K Leghornis, Rocký X New Hamips., BarreO Rocks. Send for large illlustraltad Cataloguie and P'rice 1,is t. Lkvt Poultry lFilaril. Weil, 13ros., Exeter, 0OuL- 100 CHICKS FREE WITII EVERY OROLEIOV100O PUUL et c-hicks, vwe give 1lu0 fee chicks (Our choice), Leghoarl pullets :22.95 per 1M0, trrred Rock pu!- lets $19 95 per 100. White Rock Pullets 824.95 per 1!Ou. Brown le-g- horn $ult 24M9 per 100. Ail chcssold backed by hlgb egg pedigreed stoec.$1.0book e yur order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteedl 1U% Mie ddem KaRnt SlAc- ery, Chatham, Opno. DANISH BOWNLEGRTORNS MX ed 2 cens. Pllets SOC llarled Rokviixed 141,'. lPuîets 25c. Lare EgIilîs hl Leghlornl 1niÏXed lIcoPlits2Ce. AIS stock, bloodtestedI, bred t,, lay amI hlgi arlm, detown. Ontaro, $1LU0 BOOKS l'eUE CISER and Voo b disappo)ioited. AliS cjhicks are fromgixaanee test- ed stock, and frwm 25 on. eggs or better. Bre ok ie $12.00 per 510, WiteLeghlornis mixed $1 1.00 Per 10(j(;Brýd Rock Plles $1900 Pmr 1u, white[Leg2horn Pullètl. 2.00per 100. white Rocks mixed 815.00 Der 10A, whIte Rok PuIlets $241J00 per ]100, FBrown 1eghornis mixed 81.0 pr 00 Brown leg- horu pullers $240 par10(1 We guarantea 1 0 edelivery. baIýlnce PaId C.UD. 1ILaple City Hatcher'y, Cliathjam. ýOntario. EUYINGC RICKS LN MA5NVCAWSSi EARRED ROCK AND NE'W RMP-r shieO.BS.Flock, Kemney's Bree latchery, R.Rl 2, SAULT STSi.MAREOnt. NOTICE TO POULTRYMEN WE D-O'\"P SECOMMEND TDO use o! yýste'r Shels-Use Can- adôian Pur1e W'hite Grilsý and save 25%7,anld procluce beûepr ng g. Wve offer you white solpije (9 8%" Calcium Carbonate),ad Wlte Tynsoluble (aver 9~ iiaBath evaillble for meat shipment On çcarload ots or Ss-g~t 'vt' -Wtt for pics nd tainplcs. STINSON RF-Eý 5tPLY COMPANY LIMITED, DELORIMIER' AVNU~E, ___ .t GLRA111N4~ 1,iAv, ,tll.lANYTHWLG 5NIIDS dyitg irfeailing*l Write t',0Isk ,for iirptit.W1e ire gVSA d t àalswery ý3-,yUrquq,ýtîonS. epart- tuntf, ParIzeels Uve W-Ol<st t'onto, L E A R1,N HAD1iDR>EýS'INGFTUE Robertsoî nmethod.Inomtn on requýest 1regal ng classes. Robertsons farres ngAcad- em.137 Avenue Rad. LToronto. roll SALE ELECTRIC C-MOTORS, NEWV,USD bought, übi, rebulit beiîts. pul- eys 'rshsIAln O1cti Cm. panry Ltd.. 2326 Dffelin St.. Tu- roui 1. tw1fxsto)he redfit. 1B 1u et ic k bireed. Black and wite -w"ith anm exelet tc. nce8i.0 PATENTS~ rDTRERSTONIÀHUG13 L CQMP11ANY 19;4 Kin, Wesýt, Toronito. Bo4klet of Information on~ re-, quet wmAu c 0 m 1 N Oa BEUMOR v -y tP windruo siIbookt tees MeidoMission, Rchcster' 11, R(1easýorl.sfur laving r!sCurl. Prt'ecodpy f romCu retdlha Linismiore Cres., Trno6 TIME TESTED QUALITY SER VICE a-id SATISFACTION Your films oon Ccdvelfpf-(iand 'y," 1, ( NOW. .1 get reief alxnot SQ Pfreçtiv -above ,tlht t millîions of le to swlear byit le directions: due fa: Taetwo AspirSs w % .so.w 79C

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