Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jan 1945, p. 1

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VoI.8. N 5.ORONO, o TYH ~tA ,JAN. *A. 1945 ~eJack Rabbi"ts Destroying tesIiNw Northumberland and Durham FINANCIAL S-TÀALTEMENT Orono Fish AppleGrowrs' onvetion Durhani Central Ag îcu*tural Society T TeNor.tiuiiitirIau4c and Duhi To Miake More Fliers W.C.T.U. iMeetii _Apple Growers' thirty-fo-urth tuaRE IPS 4?onvenHton was held at Cobourg on AILnLjvA~1 'Tueday jaillay 9h, vithabot A a ~ a ,i~y Balalinefrom 1943 ........... . ........... ...... -.~$2S9.33 A eeting of teoi 7MI 150 il, attendas.ce. Considering the lts ion Temperance Unioni waý road and weather codtion.s thia was OtwJn.1 -(BU) Ai, rns Tuesdaýy, January 16th, at .anexelen re~st~î~forc fiii eeliitoda that Provin of Ontario, regalar ù£.-.. à4l4iaf r. H. Walsh, wvidi thej '~Thlrat speak~er, pro RW. nàtioal selective service soon &Vl Ontaro Live Stock Rraiich, Black & ïàll 0ff I ý'0iVrs, alh presiding. T1himpson, Provincialài ioogisannonce roi reg'ulations affeCtig OntarlHisasn Flrem.an Associati. ..... ..... fo OACGuelph, deait Iwitih ttehe an- de caliig Up of disarged RCAA.. DurhaulHistiein Friesian AssociaV ' _ ............ 5.00 l'hie meeting opened witl ges wi hwern being nmade in te personnel. Province of cOntalo, Fieîd Crips ---------.501() Athiymn "Lord speak to i 1945 Spray Calondn.r. The chie<on The action will bactaken, it was United conutes... .3.... ..,1, 17,3 imy speak", te devotioalV leing that the basé for tabuiatng discldand o assist national selective TownshIip off Dariingtoln.................. 75û y hMrs. Ittlewood who -the mitrs udbe on a 100 gai- service in f1ling its call.up quota of Township of Ularke . . . ....,. .,* man1s, 12th chapter, anti gav linhos nta f 40 as in the past. , 000 m-en),each nmontit for the na! Y. .o...of....r........... ........4...... AO btslk on the words "Fierventj ?rofThoipsninieitedth aï one of Air force officiais. said the R.C.A.F. -------$137K71i and followed ith prayer. tha newer serions inisects is tha Apple had notlha to do with the new stop, Donatios_ çal1 was answered wiâ a, Rfed 'Blig v wich causêýes fr aitgt but were aible Ao conrntat natioal Jack Fraser ....................0.00 ..,..,helpful quotations. Th coi 1,coe adly distorteci. Apparentiy selective service initanded Ya issue Wny. Watson..0,....................1suer Vie hast conltrol isNitneupha thé n(-ecessary instructions shortiy. Wmii. Riddell, VlaefOrono, ani nar ~ 4~Q1daueito rn sh ýýdded cV, the iCalyx spray. At present, according to an an- Pickering Fainu............................j Iee secretary, Mns. KE an article on pence. Tis Mn Don. Blafr Assistant P Yàoon1ouncment b on upry Toronto Elevators....... . ... . 5.00 u reeonIae h iMîticheil, nlster of labor, lit he Percy Fairow................. 100 fanounJced1 that this yen1r is gis .-u entrail Exeriinental liarii, t- tseilssino alaetRCA .EtnC ...... ................. 00 'pecal f R-.A. T. K tonCo ...........nniveiaary of the Union aw nouane4 that a forticulaural F, eronel.thavrs.s.eric.o.......e.n. ll h r11gi.d0n0 Subh Statît i s ein,g set up at $niih- F esne -ooýeslpc M vn ilb eo_ýie ns ield in Northumberland Qounty for mrean tare nle tars' servceu 129s00lhradou f I testing apples aismall fruits. ThI aad r fo alet rm m Prime ListnavbArsng.........ep.. . 12.0ot r theUtso,nin At fairm w 11i consisýt of 100 acres, i ionmidischareThe new regulations Entry Fees and lonatbeshipsFatr y.....184.4,5 o fi eelti n i o.altcu restg rica tha exemptionistofruntM-mberships paid prior to VirDay.... ....... 25.ü0 begr estbnithe disrit asiuit.wh overseis servie, and thms male Building revenue ...,...... 5100 as enjoyed. grwes n it dstic fomKig-avnilable ta Vie army n who are Grand Stand. . .. ...â.11.9 A pleasing event tLook plmc ston ta Torefito. 3V Harr Sireitc ieiing discharoeed ms surplus to pr - Giround Rents.................20.00 Tast president of the Association prhent airntSyld i>a Ve Il SI reprt on i'te work bee faire iqrequemnts. onmessons .......... ...... -1 300 baus unday t SndM. dtie b te A pie Advisàiry omn- Damce at Newemstie --------e1YOadss eeeivd pi ziegw tea kgmt speaker athe udv col esConcert ut Orono ....... .....1............ . ... .. 15 Wina 'c lNw C7.T..f5r writtmg on tl> banquet, te R",a P. J.Kelly, C4- 'Sale of ito ................. ............... 1 315.4 pea ce lessans. The 5v t p bourg. usecd his Irisli wit ver snuc- Atenien ! Heme itis! Titis iY Gate RLece.ipts-..........74 .7LTestament was preuded i sflyLBanka Lon . ,...........400)o;Vtescn rs i Inshaîe no ) p o r iile r i t we h ve been awaing for a a mbeno rship Fees retined for 1945 - - -- - 78 OQChIorle s A mtongda tit ,George WiIsoqamv or of dhe140ut siinmes i o merat lasI Sunday, Bramich, Toronto,(domit wiitt aoli wke r tohy ba a naosintesing wr act e Storae and Markete s lieawas ofOnd nnimatet discussion n idut Mr. .EXPENDITLJ yl. nc eieja o, bie pninVhte rweslut 'H or's capabJele Intersip. A ser- 'VI *b d~ ev r ~ n a plein A a m w i. Ct te . .. ....... . . . . . ......... .......... . . . . . . 24.f) more wi3.i 4e rto>e ery nman ini Shap-..... 4 ..... non ~ rcold aaa W p 1 m n tà t e conini la Vy andi iense consider . Swiae _.............-.........-.......... ........ .... ... dititt'U .ild- jos n u e your peraoni l v a n. Poute ....n...-,. ................ ......-... ... .... ............ 17.5Thte ainual imeeting ai' tih ceedonatst ida antirmlup i e Tunare oly ten esso.s le", (Nome Grain and Seeds 2L50 Cemletery Cop1y21ashe e s todcd tlywsl o ad's &na fiéd te"T te V aiIeew s3s.25 ouiciChammeu naq, o The next seakei 1hn .L. Whel- .Ano h&r spaial feature of te Fia ersand Plants 551l) prese . Jnar tstt îh nym se;Frdita d %Cg( De- 1 aday Seiool last Sun lay, x the Donicestie .M.n...ac..r ..... ..... ........ 35.25 paet r~t V n of r , Ot wn rêe Wnitian of chose six ju. ior by L de 'KW Ik ........ ........... ............ 42.50 ,rTe Followin3'nffcers were %al wh demw& hg prohe s [ Iv lene' Mcf Mo wroe. Se reprý .....c..ass........o..rote. .....e..Fine....Art , ..................f..or 1945: 94 hu "A0 s aP i hsBe- T e unce Coitest. 1Sr.~~~s DaomsVicScience ................4050.r.s... -H. J. Souch]. partment hi been Jus ted in ded- and AM. liV1wOm er e ereP'e- Junior Deparasnt . .......... 27,05 Vbe-e ident - U. J.Hai eîgY iitt Bri tish Coluiita antiNova cen tires froni the Wcnn's ychrs- Sehoal and s'ciety exhîitps...... Scotia througit certaira sub)siieýs stdan Tamperane Union heo aiau- Amateur Show......... ............... ......... 26 Sec.-Treas..- C. F. Awde. i.der to i taIs a ~nmr.eitaie ypeetdthe awards Vto tee Juniai Sinelub.... ... .. 940Dreos- J. E,. Armrsrr for the Ontfarlognwers., rie Pim! cilnmKeHithGibit wOn Vie higit- Junior Caf Club__....-...-.. .> ........... 49.5..son Gilruy, R. H. on peaker-, .M_v.lMqley WVe1ster, lPd in est pise and Indares Armstrng FiidCrop Competition... . ... 75.00 Nixon, R. lu. Waddell anti C. discussion for a shiort perioti. rTe camte scn.ElyAmtog Ae.____ 919 er. clief sujecd isaiussed Iv'an rabbit uruiod. Bruce Mys amid Reitit eneral Epwnweýý "as ioved by W.J eontroi. Appayently th itspst là giv- iWsst ea hci eeived a suitalile bookç. iy r .......-....................... I . ng consderahie touble imany or- The total atVéndance wosn p ta 98 Hy<iro................. ........1.64ston, ee ni tyR.hR ciards thwis yaav duetnaa te encessive in rie of the Ion tempevture nand d geéas........-..................... ...... 43.00.. I f aeth e ai fM snow, . ow.4lled rnatis.n a mcorne aîoagusAttra.tions................... ....55.0 lhae ha ewpto i' ,11lII 1,Ur. Russalli Osborma, Ciairmnanflote, a adFliy ta Sunday Buiilding Iavatory. ....................... 140.55 sucit imuees nthe present lite Nominating Commillttea, bough ISooï at 2.30I-.letaus make tHuma Mantnaceof building.......... 30.47 cemetery lots are sold ouï,!Il ndie féolorng sate of officers and wrnzer of narked spiitual adrance nuac......... ....... 170.00 lots a itemnew part bc $100 lîestorsnuarco.uiyfr ovgmd Loans aninliterest........1..40.8lion Vo ite perpetuai cýare. Pat reMet--Enoh Gb admet-i alite. o(-raio o. al arabour and sri ce. . . . ........ ................. 93,1 lots ia the niew lpart ta be solý ls t Pesid.ntR. Lnrl ie neil okwodv.Pinnig Prize Li'ste............. .... 18'Q4.112 Vu'ritepoîi-tof Vite reasii ASîeesweàsad.....e..R.....R.....2.0.56 hove President ..,John Àiyea, 'Trenton NEWCASTLE PREEVE coAdv bertsnaad~ nd g..............4.6 . . weshwe.Vi'n R.. R. 4.ELEC.TEDWRDNSFtaerPstg ndEcie......i3.0 ay hid $,5 in bonds Ice Prasidert - 11rwin Golwill, ____Harient............................0in casýh iriite bnnk ) np11 S~e'catleMh.C. R. Carceti. Reere of New- Prz iios....... . . .134 imt epeuîcurie fond. Lumber1), wallbiomrd, etc......... .................. 241.14 Sec. Trans. -- E, AS "er, asie nas eiected %Wmren of the rize corons oficial iîibbons, pieetc,...........6-5. 10 - - n Wll . I. Rck rd, New- T uaday ev enling lnt. Con ratul- P d fOr bcn hogs............ UnlVedHouR, sRt a;clmationoniSudry sppli. ............... .... ..................Via St t t lipe;ý Wi fred Carrudite rs, Bowla n- Cobourg, R. R. 5; Hari-1Y Clrew-s. Tiet1- oB1alnc e......765 "e; DasnBeebe(, 'aort lRope, R. ton R..f', ;:S. 'Tinson,-rig--on; $28-33.8 ; Clae, llaUomnvhl, . . adon Flynn, Trenton R. R.,31; ~ H SvetBrglton J WlsnHerv Knigh,1t, Coîborie 1R. lR. 3$4755.79 _________________________________________________ASSETS .~rh Baane uhnnd...... ....... ...... ..$ 76.3?5 PtllsGracemar, Grante nd iDonationsdaue ..... ...... 98.530 Donm i ni on rovincial C n e -Rena......... ............... .......... 80.00 L . Menýali(t A. a Land an..Buldings...... ....... . .......70 0.00 L. J(Pe If ani ilm A. B

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