Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 31 Aug 1944, p. 6

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WORK OR PLAY a' Exftru Tsty wtFehPuh Buii breakfast corid Ncbîsco> Shredded Wheat I EainG thisý hlgs-eerywhiewheat cereal 5reuly is a mïghty pleasant, way ta beip get the prijteinS and carGbahydrates you need, ais weil os useful amounts cf the mnris ran and phasphorus. Tenider, golden-brawn týNabiscoý Shiedded Wheat is reody colçed, re<ady taeot. Serve If Qftenl1 THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHMEAT COMPANJY, Liu. Niago«raFail, Canada a k. WRA<T CEE Glass IïMchne von Au1oc sites sttiy in front seat of Allied jeep as lie and 600 oDthers who s-urrendered with hïm are taken to a prison camp. Berlin denies his capture, but the camnera dOes.n't 1ie.ý THlE WAR - WEEK - Commentlary Oni Current EveMis 'A "A Definite, Complete and Deci'sivle Victory - End of War In Sight", 'ilCture of(France todayl -it te uc fcir-even the most giftcdreots and temoteprmamars saystde New York TimesTh meûtr au dp ip her andl cr intotheclous ad smeike chat h1ave been swirlug eve-the ctn try. Tlle :mapmkes au la!yIont wit es ndhd ings the x- pdîgarea ,of AIliud netol h comniusreve al snicb o the ,riS' mevemeuIts las wviIî neen- f igbIten thl.e euem11y CGeneralMot gome, lu a characteisic burs of cthusasmdeclres hat here bas becu a"dliecmetad deýCisive v-iCtory"'icaidasserts that' th c ed ef 'tl]( war isu ign . Prme MiiserChurchill, 1m10r7 atiulrefussite "redict au eary ed of the war" %bu wllnet guarauteagsinst à it cdg sonn- er than wehadallwed urslve Nazi Disasters The deýtails sms eygnr! Lz!lu: hebulk ýof enra oyn Klugcs SeeuthArmybciugce- cd tp iluthe Agna-aas peke;elmnt f 1the CGermn itcthArmy tryiug te ece teSinle under air bmadct Amrcntreeps oui the neurth bn ofteSeïine bwMnemv ing- ttur uhsoweaerue lue :ewtap; Paris utfakd x~ith rsistauc forces lhecit grwig oler evy-herI an entrance euly lu order te prevent f anti i aud J the futgre the cisdestructon; Alied r ships sîning the forts af Toulen. a1d Fenhtroops in the ou1tskîrtsq of the ort;un Allied !colin fromi thdsi e potc ne-third cof the wa"'ta3 Lyýn;Allicd cusr 4heling Bayonne; Nazis and their sympathizes pourug into Spai over the lite rntifion al1 bri ige a H daeas did thle rfuee romn Naimfour years lgoý; thFrnc Foresofthe 1interior active Dover one-tid of te area ofFrance, Two Bigh Facts Twofatastnut brïghtiiii ail thlis apparenit cnuin is that theGerMans, nMt eny Out- nIliubreý d nutweigheud but outi- gcnerslc'd anid U ouvugh, art its great danger of loing the test patand perapsthegreater part, of ithe sixty-ine diision the wer rporedte haýve in-,western, Europ otiD-dsy. If the present presureis ept p tey ill fiudi i ifficit inideed te, stand on any Une bnide the Frcch fronties, and thcy ay ave to iatudon Norwy adthe LwCutis Nor do they clare, in spite ofa, temporary succeas Lonithe Baltic frontlit. dr 11ylare 1)mer oftreopfom thile East.'lThe s ond fact is thlat the momenitu the Naz bld wcae t any Poo, thr i pp Lar upri ig . Tlis la ~$aI~ vidutin France,ad that it, wilil occur c~wee he oc cu1p ation1fortCe, eau h ope ois Time Iitier's Orily Frierid St ee nt become uls to for- get, c wecthat the Nazirem bias been brught te this stga Mr. Churcililpmedicted, b)y od swa nd t1ears. iBeys of the - lied nations are sffering w-oundsg addcathlu iithis mlomený1t of vic- tcory asthey did ;l the lesa oeu dlays. At this toree riisiti fo-r lus te support them itb wir asý wLul aspyes . Týimeiso Hîitlcr'*s e frienid. The hm fron-t .must san ith hefighitinlg mien il) u denyng it te lmn, beedbg and know Bunkers HerbaiPis treait thoecause vat Us source, Mon'ey back Ul the first büttie dOm ilnet satîsfy, Buy [for your d -ruggost iae Repair Plant of thec biggest aipiane enl 1heatre, lbas ben oencd arý serv ice emnd sm play a s~nd years rni, bni. lo t DVEING aAVI~ CHU dyeiug or c for informa answer you ment i-I. I Llmited, '79 ratite EDI ATTEND Di 1 s i , ùpL e, 26 Sî- whe fili Pirductic is attainedi, some threemnithisafter the jg a an ol retpr-p a r ed, these TO0 DOLLAR S 1rs froun Val d7Or. ý%REE GO LD NOE Pi, (APT.'! MIIES LIMJTED3" les, iatge poresil il la1gyo 1k11n. Gratta's Wrnkle otion i h et o:! [ufommalion on va- tUnesI rks I To. f SATISFY sufferer I'Jeurjtis edy. So Store, 2 5sléI iii veStp7 A ege <expert auld demes- siewood dae buiesnucn th rsideuce cýf Liati( Paiso ry ixouis Hm Munmeos Drulg E{EDWORMS IEW AI' parts. Qeen PA11rNT~ IN~HAU<OH & CIIMPANT lolteltors. ll2stablished Klng West. Percuta. TIME TESTED QUALITY. SER VICE and SATISFACTION fI OR8 ,XPSU ftROL AS 5 REPRNTS 8 ýfor25 T on may fnot ,et iaIl the films 'o waat tis y Ia,ut you eau Il tril the'le ity and s rvilty 1desre PROMPT MAIL SERVCE GET BET-TERPIj1CTUrjj,-ES AT LOWER PRIýCE Any 'î7e 01,-g r S E îsrs DEVELOPEDANPRTE25 A somr a t. erik, N S. pleased I ih our iwondIer - fui work qncj rompt serv i e"\\V EN LA 1RG EMý1ENT S SPECIAL PRIlcES ON FRAMING AND CLRN STAR SNAPSHoTSERIC Box 2 29. Postal Terina .Tuot PîtYourNmeadAres PIIlanly n AI] Ordiers. WTED 'WAN*1TED j)TO U L ONS0 b-ard !Mo ad sofýt w-oed '-s, aise maîl uautiy bota. Write 1' g on Co ss, Fnî tur o Ltd Waketo, nt. WANTO TOBUYBUSHlANOS 1u2tbh e teu ut1.rn t'el bul. N s, a 14 et of

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