ss illeîeTo ,onto. sd Mi-. 0.11 onPline 4,2r 21A. F. McKENZIE, MD contoX, Vancou-ver lsan,cýWA, OOnle ler ,5Anguat 15, 19-14, a oi Rnil Asngebed in good conUiin. 2.00 t0I' 4.00 ..;63 b .0 .a Wi dMs. G Gordon Wiaynej. --Zlra. Jaosoy F ne 30 r 2, Ormno. FJ N 4r R Mi, -,d M rid Little ndCAR» 0F TIIANKS . fA ý,ï>aiy r spending thýeir holidays anV ANE» EA w~hrel'ati'ves. lM -s. W, J. Walter an fmH e- Live Pou try and Fe,-thers. 4ood tu uani lVhs. t~Wl ai, enid their heartielt thanks aIn4 âïl-prices paid1. j Fatt, Bethaiy 1. 1R Lawrence C. Mason B.A1 and. >Edmiùiý 1and , ar vsii, preciatioB -to theirrniany frieaids <re- No 1-' Telepheot- 7 r,3 E -hly Vth iVî r. S. Sa ia-tives and eihb rorthe many 14-. Britrand Solicitorý Mrs. Wim. Sa R and Marcia k esflorail tributes ard e _______________ Perye 'r s~dhg ore.ho1presions of symipathy extenjded dur-_ SL BWAVILLE, ONT. arespodin si-n hoî-ling the illness and pasig of P, be- BWýA y deys téh Mr n. <Wilson.led husigand and fatber, Hfl--tdaioo- Saba-and Pine Siabs, in Phones: 'Mr. an 4 Mrs eorge Swarbrick__________________4-lot~ Iength. For iiiformiation and 'Mr. Ernest Grig, Toronto, spent pone 109, Ororno; or J ohn tïoftt atfi, 8 om hbe week.-end Nwith. Us. T. llildic. CA4NAD.A'S MEATI SUP 8 -F-. ______________ Mrs na. 1 erer Hlen-, __________________l_ Violet andtGrace, apeit Sund(,ay at Meat jationing w&II ot ikely be Mc. GCracken's aiidingf, Sftony Lk. e ndinCanada durhig the re- VAC(IIM ORSL W. F. A RD2 ~V1. aIdlMr. ~ 1ackie andt dauigh- mnainder of the calendar' iear accord- VCUS RPIE ARITR OIIO ter, Mrs. M. Menies a gand sn ing to a repent annrouncemnent of tb GOD eUU SFOR 01 fronm Toronto, spnt a week's lloliday Warti i- Pres and Trade Boayd. llousekeeping", Aise guazranteed NOTARYý- ]witlMrs. T. HiIdîtch. i K. 'W. Taylor, Foods Adiir-exprt repaîrs, liubrica4îý,orn, etc hn âl J1r.,ohn Thmipson, r.Luxon or, peints out, ho-wýever, that theru ...Sls&Sxîc 1enha fiek5Rsdue4 ard MVarion Whit{e, îMiss Beatrice I would he ïne difficffltýy l- oringing McREGR, ARDWAR~E Ce.. B w- -Ofce85Rlde 0 Thonson, Trono, m Gra'y, I teat ~ratioining into efect aa-s' it 11 lle Telephonc. 774. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. perrytwn, nnpet the \veek-end l- st sert notice. "There wlbe jnet_______________ 1Mrs, ,ioisctae. o.ýt opn n h ït(nbjk Recent visâtoi-s ith Mrs. T1. J.,-even.theutgh w-,e Il iu-îw, a il -ot FARM îFOÎRSAEETRN Y Coisraddu ereMfr, .and Ms. iR. S.bave teouse themp"Mr. Tapyk,, sd, -Scantb Ilaif Lt 1,Cou.4, Twwui-______________ ealdwell, of Prt Hope, Mr. ?- anti IMrs. ___ - ---___~ shiýp< of Clorke, about 100 acres, 10 G"a,Jones, M1r, and 3%r. J. Eagle- 51%s Kuthèen Snith, IMUbmotoacres huxdwood bush, son&c cdaýý, DR. W W 11R I -son, of Orono, nMà». J. ýC. Elloitt, Of formler tea,ýche1r of Anîüti, is isiting creek near buildings, house in geoit end Bowianvle and 70ji.s lM. Fowler of 'vvith M1r. anfd Mrs. J , C. Tambl-ýyn. condition. Terms Cash. Apply tc, TPoronto, ýMss SiïiLth bas acc2eptait a position nrrest E. Patterson, AdmiistÉrater- DR.JL.T. SlîEPPARI) o -as teacher atINiagara Faýj ofcusobSl Pri owEstatc"evNrus- VETERINARY sUýlfýC.E4OnýNS American visitoxs rinay secure tami- Offie Main St. orouo poxary ration nards by applyhng et WIiat yenu waste todayy eux fighiting Phofne 56 r 7, Oronol anyloa ration board. for-ces inay ueed tentiorrew.PE OAL_______________ KEEP KLFýEEX EAN11Y. ýC A E QUICK-HREAL1NC Salve for Suml-J. . A E nier hkm ailimients. Sun'burn, Poison Ivy, Mosquîto Bites, Cuts, Burns, I S RANCE Eczemna, ra, etc. 5f1r%; $1.00; FrCsgly edd sold by Tyrrelis Drug Store,Oon Otr. CARNI VAL Orono._ _ _ _ SALE REGIISTERS UTOER whlichiwaâ teo havre been he0dQon on iMenday, Septem-ber 1t 9-4,T E D J ACKSOýN W ednesday levening; August 16 farni stock, jimpWmeentse etc., the Aucticncee0and Valater propert Of MtJ. E.White, a'Lot1 M 3, Çoicsslon 8, HpeTewnship. GnuesA eti~ Sales of 5 tia b entQSale te cornine at enae 'clock and at reaýorlabÀe "mte_m f a;b c n p stponeui sharp. At the s-cuïe tima unitd placel the fan ntwiIF be offered J for sale suzb- 0mtlaewt i' tPe 9eet te a reserva bld. Terins Cash. 1e7-ys IRiID r sec. ib ~Clerk,A. à&Jack Reid, AnUzeton!eer. E. Mouton a0roxie, fordte ThurdayAug.I 7 thr wili be :ýffered for -sale by pub- JA WEATHER PERMITTINO lic auction the farn stock, imipie- K R I propety ofMx. Lcensed Auctioneer and Mar-cus Soper, l'ot 4, Concession 7, I k l 4 lanke 'Township, f1 m-ile of Ken- Valuator n ~ cil tliIV 13gsllA)Cl A~LLL~~oui. Sale te omajmice at one o'cloclç. Termrs Cash. The fian haus peciafize jR Farm and beau soîl. Ja>kReMi, Auctienear. Fuirniture Sales Fifteen Booths w1il be on gyrounds dposay S01,br6, C'onsuit me for te-rnis Mpubhlic nctîin the registereit bard of and daes; D >rawi for ton tucky priz!ges Ajyrsir1esý otheer farri stock, and imi- Phone 1620 - Cak ence Liunun, Lot 31, Concession 4, of Oronoýc. Ter-jnis cash. Sale ït» sn eof d<y tY t te w:refort, uanitthe knomIedge Qu'tînefa e'ocshr F.F M ri& So couse thseare siinply eux ownervatin upassinig, but wa feal ________________ noeacertain cf the goibuinssbelpiNit heo-o-pcrative trsig Gnutyuxrte ekhfr uea ietr pdea.L Ifitell te nroan is kind, se mxue.h tha better, tCensi(1erable gngto inaiket. Ithelps ure Dealer must face thiremn nvehaigasitita hoeaeui oignt i Fr chagrin g sétd os aond crr if ynow- thje correct imber hm, finds bis cwýV1 n uath)ert c rop Fft eut i there n.At Oire saule cf ration coupons yen xMust. swrend~- B ULLA NC 1-,ER VIýCE F lime, a likefate may hav extaehlm had halieutteniptait to handie or. tha wonk ail by hinseif, -ý-- - Bwlntfnie - Orono * * * W~~Ye maun tend imaterial off te wax hnsrBwa vIDay 1810 TheApro~hig f Grmuyby niaking wihat n hava do , ., by 1Nikght, 7,54 &l 573 Ph ppiaci.gEd ranlising battia equipment lneais Orene, 27- j Thc Aluies now flghtng -on foux fronits, ara gradcally ,vool audc etton unit rayon. , . steail squeezing the lu ifa bleot ufethe iGerniar auies. tWe are of the nirlrulbaer nnd papen more than wa oninhat 'wnithmeight weeks -Ce enmans wilI ha ewtie1ceareitdo.Ise Oldest, Lw'gsst and 5Most frem French soil, ver dniving thewNb ut a s1'uller circe. At pres- Complete Furniture Store and eut-heRussians are diivîng tý'heiniMk front the East, uin %tay Mdtbay -l eric i are steaduiy being drivaitback.InuWesten France tha Alîleitanc ar oigne thne andt have capt11reas consîdarable portion of - lra F Urce since "D" fay, and non tire Allies hava inlvuet, Aane S Our Se.rvice-'i-IE BEST the ou on a hundreitaile front. Ih would sean t1haItirhe nn ai-Israc gnyOrGod HENE1S -, ' ill1 inj a very short limnnie et p withe arroies îlu Wcstern FIIEAUOMUIec France, AIl these drives,- iifferentlaces, are hart on Sie G0ana le Serves.W Nhau the Germran armriea re dniven back behintiOmhair CASUALTi AND» UiABTiLITY ___________ own borites, Sthtie AlliaitAir Force wMill haale ~twreek vanew u 44A Clae geane upn the ýountry tlit staritaitThe -war unditth tr peace NWA'~E~.o MORRIS 80 SON lovîng peeple cf Se wnlit mteb1oodyieua.Tire Ailitas 'eos1oW I BOWMANVILLEP- O.O1 te Rel g-ong, but they are tcing stone nean tira enitand dirae dI culil acresm