More men sm-ïoke Picobcac in any other Pipe Tobacco in Canada Twi oints To Win T Týhe "'vVi hcPae oeet vf whicbLori Vnitar'asac edite beieny as pýlnnel nube f meinsto biü t henotice of ,ï rth pulic tise12pon 'p eacech a rte r",.1 sY q t'he M - ana"l surendecir ýh other Ai eotaiit ) othat the nitca nov t swîfflvtl hro ougis coun- try,. possibly under firse, Thei unit cairnes a liglist oe1 in alew tressels, ailirsmilyciasbe plaster, dresýsings; fuel, plasmia, pni- mus te,5oves, Paraffin pesur lmpa and eetia eda~ s supjply hesurgeonlswt liglit for tir Hlow Can 1? By Anne Ashey A.I tis stiaied1or fddgv itwn-coatS of igh gradefor soawatcr to remove thle ,rease aUd iet il dry ,thiorougbliy. iia mnehoil ma be used on grass nW fibe rgs, washzing with opsd gof soda. Strectcb tuhe mg andtaki fîmyIi thelo or l(bIere pintinîg. C.;How lng sho)nî te beief n thewer? A. The trength of tea is not re- qulated by delime tise0water and jeavs ta nd for surngthnig. b1ut th tie amntn Lof leaves use. l. Te ea ves wVi 1 give ulp ail f layor;in about tbree minutes. Q' How canpIr1 mvepaper tisaI bas ~ ~ ~ ~ "n 'tc 0apoibdw osr- A.Pour a àfe' dropa ofS \et o onI ise paper 1and thenmbwib aotclotb. i nish w'ith a good fu- nitue pooah, Q. iIow sould swýeaters-- be A Dssove wo tablesp)oonfu"lîs of MAiCe oap fcakes 1n a cup of go fwa ae.Dp dise gr suent 111p)and dowII n !iiitsisqe îng insted of rbbîng.Rinse in1 sevrala aersof isesame temper- 'i b , Oy bie gc iad lito- L. The efectite occupationof Germ),any by an Aliiel Armiiy and Air Fojrce and the esa-ablishiment of an nte-AliedCounicil of Conltrol, 10 b maitainliutil it is deicded be no loniger ncaay 3The arlest ad riai cf per- souls believel glthyofvar cie inj tîhe countries wbere t e wee commîted . Neuitrai comntric-s to 1)be requeseei~aTûtogice-sntar 4.The cuupïlmte dmubillzatiuný and dl isarmametof)ial Germanr irimed forces, inicluîding dthe surrenl- der of t.e German flet andLuf jt- wfe;the Saile procedure to be applied,0toile ther AxisPwes 5, Tbe police forces ýin em n 10, bm reýgïia! aicifree froni ce-- tral inttroýl ai i(to be dmltrzl i6 . be abolition iin Ger-many ofý inlg tallay age in anty fr ht ofcrscorps amd trainlii'gcorCPs 7.The eaulo fal.t'rrito- ries invaded bhy the Axis Powera, 8- The ,restoration o f, orcop- sation for, blmachinery, an1de equipmlenlt remved r cdS tr o yec' Alsothe resoruon«Of, or compen- sation for, cOmmerçcial anrd in-dus-, sueie. P.The effective control and wbre reirel, the closinig îdwb of Germiiany.'s war potetiais, in- cuigaviation in al ils forma.ý 10.\No finanlcial asoisit anýîce to be permitýeted 0Germanily r 0anyý Of hie other Axis Pwr 1.The-crrcul f s -ho i-a peoplit iasýsurin acodaniit the prinjcipis f ntrntina good-will. 12,TheGera-radio and ailý4 BfTf1 SIF -0. ou r0 seseue- propagandlaito be under initer-Allied superisio for uch ieasma be necessary. At the opening lmeeting ini Man- cetrLord VnitatSaid it was conOceivablie that the end ot f the w-ar ns1igh1t come ai 2any time within. 12 motscom the coming whnte, and We hatd rtherefore got 40 bc pre- pared "ho aeyou going to be lieve," h ael- "those h know-, the truth about Grayo toewbo don't' if ithis country for thie thiril timrlefu'ses ofc the, faCt ctsyou will ae tidGer- ian Mar tapon you in 16 yeas, Watch Your Step Tt nouldn't have beon as.ascei- estif ' !oidiCt bave benQe- Vente d... wouid it! So: Don' t tryacoaesitsebt tub). TFack Stair rasgS down tight and mauket sure that raiiings are solid. -Rusty nails oftln nean lockjaw maecertain thlere arenï't any in youirbue Be sure thffat the rungs on yu ladder are SoDilliand 1let solie one biol ie bottomiwe o ei Doni't amoke ini bed... thm~at- tress buros quickiv. , andasy von beaslep bfoe ou mknow it. Trrain ciiren ton put away th,,eir tos., ju as mucb for your sake as Pheirs, Neyer let ch;ilren near stoveýs a"nd keýep ho1t liquidas in pans saf e- tokn10, tuirn tue )jidles of pots flot i io owrds you. Kee Cpal",poisonbhoittics careitïlly labeled and ot o he chiiiren's -ecs.(r youi sure that y ot know wat theýir re--aCh s) Five sets of quadruplets bave been bor«n mEngiandAwthinthe hostesa, PH0ThGRAPHY SI uper Pri»ts ed 49c 600 Nazis Taken By Loudspeaker -SHow tnoetaI 00GrmnIl iceran sliers i hror ;surrendcred on June if"26 anid 27 tol a, British sergeanit maora lnce corporal and terdiearmled only1 itba l-dseakrwas re- elein LoIdon recentiy. 1The men sucu )ibe di te argumcent, but their colnel Said lie )ci otelur- wfhohih hebaiil no r eA ins r eopig wre nse'd ag:aiwst imi, SixT pho~porousgrenadles 'ere ose at is positi,40th en lhe gave up. HU LI MOSS Humifed Sbed» osiafur fine Lwsi hrlbe ' ritlas- ISEL ~RA FRDUTs q(Reg.; Caidox n ESt,Os. --i ete n d haroneas re- Stive i Silpit also Ilas ma,ýn y euglbold use,ýs 2 5c mup a til moast 'ery, haýýrd(Jwa re uanid ha -*n ese. A pro',duct of LlodsLb- oijý3 .DTronto. RUYMLEY 'TRACTOI].AN n~~~ ~~ thowr E-so 4,ee Shrsder. RchardIlgrani, maie S reply. a 783 C vîe Jçnnele NEW ANDY USED CArî ÀN F) TIUC K pars. tlersdeAuto Prs 1 01 1t, sb. atIsix jnà. , nhs. [rnient stîock eroal seeedirons spcll atinigs i l L' y eX- ranlge brsto select rnrie withlout loS5. The scre 0 s ce M is in r eli ab1,le ,foundticionjý ,our stock should pa big ,dlvi- dends. WJhaling TuikI,ý.-r Ranch, ojfoUr rd forces, perfect cn dIion, $25 tleiJvered. Ladie js' arlly shoOs, peIrfectlylrebu, l it, anitee. State Size, SEnd money ,O)Cirde.R kn&Co,Ptebr bogh, oid, Yrebuýlît; b e 1 t ~ Dsles rusli:. Idlen lcti Coirn pss Ld. 22êiufrerlS. PROPERTES WAN AI IOf T for ,hJckenfra rre a- denls, and towýn or, villaýge oue in iprts ofdrovDýinje, Send fi] ariuasInI confidence aoce We ae no charge uînless we sIi. Pow l ad Conmpany, 51 St, CiratToronto. *WANTED SLAB_-ps ANDE 'F I)G INGcS. 'S and adod Stafe kIInd, un on1 cars. Wle cis.19Me Jindai: Strýeet, Torno WATD TO 1B(-Y A UL Fa rmhan-i gI erfor, daiy ar, erann postogo wge:gîerf 'a l>w 'b dur,