1 N Il Il ÏILLE JIJLY 28th, and 29th Shows at 2.30, 6.00, i.0 0.00 LULIRELEand SCO11TY Roy Aciff aad is Sroky -Mouintain boys and girls, Vera Vaqgue, Jean Parker, apy CehrDon Wison. The season's bggest haad.picked cast of sereeti and radio-as sweet a package of grand ali round etralretas bas been seen in a long tiine. plus ROY 'OEs, "Kinig of the Cowboys" "IEART 0F THE GÏOLDEN WEST" Snsocf the Pionieers Mon., Tues., Wed. "RIDI-NG iGHli" DORTHYLAMOUR DICK POWELL VICTOR MOORE 'Mit Britton and Bauid ARodeo of Rythimin. Gorgeous Technicolor Thurs., Fni. AUGUST -3rd and 4th '711E PURPLE H1EART"ý RICHARD CONTE The astoundi-ng draiathehiad tellehea(dines when NYauks Alwalys comifortably Cool atd the Royal IE. E. IPATTERSON Insudrancýe Agency PIRE ýAUTOMOBILE, ÇA'SUALTY AND LIABILITY NEWCASTLE P. O. REPRESENTING srne of the LargetSrogt and Most Reiable Insurance Firm's hn canada Farm Property a Specialty 1 arn prepared to quote yoDu rates frorn 41,- a hundred, accordiiig te 1sil~ino Phone, write, or Lhet'ter sqtl, Cal i will b. pleansed to ,quota y o ïra tes 'on yo,.ur property -which will surprise yoýu Orono inshop! Fu r n a.e s are sold only by Permit If you neeci one -your order should be in NOW Local Nes ter;a Miss Mabel (iemond, of Ott a, In hîssafe SOfl. Mr, an Més isKathleen Saples, BrantforLd, dughters ivisiig with 3Mr. atnd Mr. .W, DawS on,C Bilhigs. land Mrs.j Mir. Harry MUercer is brightening wek up the front of his garage vdwi a Ir 'Ni coat of pai't 4isf wek Mrs. George Riehards~ and daýtiuh Stoney L pkgs PasryFlour, 24-lb,. bag Tu 'aC.wax, Brown, lins. Milton Corni and son David spemt iast wveek-end in Nia-gara Falls, N.Y., vis'ting wïtn h Mr - . D.A. o'Elens, M.and Mrs,. H. R. Watkinson, o)f Derileft on, Friday o.-as week for their homeie la Detroit, after visit- ing w,Îtihthe Van WVyng,,,,aarden's. MVr. !Neil Forter is hvn h front of his resîjdence bihee j wîth- a coat of ivory paint tire wihgreen, wich loolks verysar Mr. and -Mrs. E. G. Stieckelsý-,, Tor- o-ntO, are spending their hldasIn' MNr. and Mrfis. Stevnson'shouse diur- ing their asneat South cMountabi ýMr,. ani Mrs. George Ja-mes receiv-1 edi word this week that thleir. son, Capt, Bill Jaines, fightiing vith the Canadian Tak orps in Italy, has! been promoted to Major. pkg. Coils, 4 for PRIME COMMERCIAL BEEF iusda y, JlyI rui from nithe n7"b. roo,~ If I tketh inse nonneand dwiffl iSa he ut Veal, boned Psalxï and 's1M)5 uoLnt m c e P, t'Oe0 suoe m ae d tlteo,: ofhran'i.nfttioar, mesurs hve kepttko el White, WVhite1 Piqueý,i ed. i Thafswhýiy iIpa o as prie confin Caada.Remem beç you pfr oùoliav's wortkwhen Yeu use qo"UrYae 'il w~si ,whnjua«dbs rsee l'obii nedesluxuries... ive Mc a'esawde 64beth.and don~t'hoard goeds. lai .$4.50 and flower - - --......- 79e A ail day Mondaly, juIy 31 -35e.b Rouind Steak lWb. ~.E. LOGAN pflR lrrEo R ruo Phone When isaDollar No! *Wehen if wolnt bu y a do 0 Ar wrtf qooads! For instance, co mpa red lo present-doc p.fl dodoollarte IaswarYwvs wor1,,not a doIIab - y .utsorefimes les$ thn®.HoswiePh wn foraelfo ilr-Pcund jarow5fjam wïîch go u b Main St, VI