Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jul 1944, p. 3

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Nlancy Southeru chortles with f~ee as s;he sits on cuirb in Geetisboro. N. C.. anld tison ber bazgain nylons.. Bhn her is part of fouir-block lim-e o womnen who tried ta get in on gale at Federal Building of 5000 pairs confiscated froni lack >narkreteers and sold by 'UnclE: Sam at frorn 50 cents ta $1. 6.5 a pair. O.,rigin of Mvâilitary Term "D-Da-,y" ration Àf the ivio fGemn beld westeýrn Euirope !by\ thleAli JWScoe at last, cnens The But .a goodý, maypopeae t WOnder"1ing how thbat degntn ïame ta be, given tawatollb ior thle fuiture of dt world ocio ïIie importantt date(s ofhitr 4ba aIlanniIg a largeoern ~ thi typeit isnot awaysposj Mle ta e an, exact date o) r xc lxour for the str o hng n the ctual evenit t as hn Sa ornIe mo is used -, t rpre- 'sent th a n h or Or hjhtheý exact timle mayý be s-ii ftittd whnit is deCrie r w..-hnit isdem d\disabIetam e k. knocwn. ThusI li t lat lw>, the Briti lused the sybo "Z" dayý and- plhe terni 0.00 houir, fronl w hich the x presoisnl "Zer 01or"'a, ervd On thie o her had the Amij%1Ican aryused the'ý synbol "D" ay atid "E" houir. 'ZRo our" a ervd O h c>therl hand( theu Ame1icn 1ar3 9ssed thec symlbols "D" ý da and "E" houir. "D" an[d"H egnlryth finitiais of the w-ords day an]d hoUr. Ihe great joinit operationls of !"',e rentwar Che la(ttersybs baeb(en îInployed. WAVE FRANCAISE -ry have learned the ým of serving KCelogg' 8 ,-to-et cereal8 often. ing to mix or cook. ulig nytimie of ;,asy-to- digest.. tool ~1~ DRY r on the Boardwolk COWJAN STONE of the arn. she ids hiçl- tries ta :.TRi- saidp =Ilbeuthere hung 1,uptremblung a Lectoç Parsonqs sicr- fle for mrdruntil lic bey wauld( stalyareed e had busierssMitCin- r"son eslauscson as side beAwfonte oor! al sbubt hee re pors adgIe tenw cmrs neic0 amonce.cee Iooked 've been ýa gond deal o and sever!accthrsu"li santly. AIa nwmnher or Onk a tise Navy, Army ce' tochow itt h a lag îyour window. 1e Lent reprents adI' aer; il the SCrvi(ce. ge Stree't, - TorOnïte -TLasteenîin)g","ChristýIrre b ried onA"wen tota apublcean- ing b a clirvoyant called Chan- dra-" IlAnd lhe told you," thinpc tor iput in wt a tired sile, aýmonigàa lot of othler thinigsyu djidn'ýtbe1ieve n oebu yur Sel could possby know, tatyo wer*e goingunder lan assumed name" "Wh-iy -ys hisiead- mitted; "buit lie also told me some- thing ,Ihat nmay ýsurprise ev-ec yn, Lispector -- that someone !hado dis- turbed moytings at the Crest- "Sany îhave calledtteli me that it was Chandra's dagger Ys-u foscnd se opportnnvely ] as t night1. 1A iýttle late, isn't t ?" After a trted brea i Cri fine asked, "How (ldo yu n thatit s his?" "Practically ve-,ry oe n Sur , àr f City has seen that dagger. You drw Is picture yesterday. Art- ists dod'u is itreqedetils -ie ha . odrif yo wol einterested , if î toldyu that tw o hours after that nmgeri between Anialamated and 1,a- tis Cliandra sold 'a piece cfJIand he's been paying ruirous txes on forni yeairs ta The rcorgani7ed com- pany, for a ncwv plant liy'r "Not yet.. That dagger was a Alte noo oviosly a plantd Christine tougI ý-I(suden Pa- fli, Cao he imagine that I put iv "It idnt ocurta o u, I srp- pose," she sî,"htas srw na-sihe mri-glit 1have ,planted iv himselfi-iesing tha lte police oudreaison that a? 'ut dide" the ispectar toId lier wNearxl,'Wren caer aurmiedical offîcertold us w3that Mrs.Taer wasneo sabedin tatbooth at l, but rwas brouglit there aiter "O " Chrisýtinesaâbaky t'ien cihe rusliedI on in lier cage- estoget ,anà with heir own r- rand, "But rwhat I reailly caeGt tel you is thlat, when f I dd exan- ,ne m1y thling , Ibnld thlese hf(- dci way mong itheml." hos desk. lie opened it, riffled tlirough th# econitnts; then looked up, a frowan beween hobisbws. o lE MACDOI effective imi NALD tl ic nceasrom nertion Pa- prsad back again with snich cool, mrthilessaue nt ha hrsnethoiig-lt in sudden pne Hesfo-undsomecting 1I issed. shul av ooked more calre - "Vol' meanIl'e b i îpector de- theIse bonds vwèîre th1P property of yotir cousin?" Aýft(r a mmn' blailk coônster- njationi, Chrýistine shook lber il '.-d1 wordlessly. "Well=a-w tat I have told yoss does àitisuggest anythinig ta you that youihad fot oght DI bc- sCaoeoe killedl her for those, h wouldnt he keep tem?" -"There are oth t resosIslfor murder besîdes robbery, iss Thorensýon Suppose Mr,, Talbert wzas nlot killed for thec bonds after ail, Ibut from iaLvny o ai nm- ber ofvotherimotives...lInsuchl a cae, mght't te gultypersanl reasoýn ithat the siiiar'hing ta do ws to Ymaike ità seern as if she had hceei rolsed by vsomleon c ýIsC - espcialy omene ho ight 'be milrder. ù. ou, FOr instnie, MUiss Thorenson lý,- wî---ý-th a fortunile at take if thait willis 1authientie Whnshe onîy stared at himi wîtbut peakoghe ent, l;"Or supposng the bonds do explaun, M. f Taberthi's death, perhapis the fitst 1shouting wasover, Iuýccould get 'thr rn o as eaOsily as hle he added soft la" was even sorne- one wbo caotd an Yomr keepng thm afe!y forhi" "Yo - ou ai't believe thatq 'Franklyq 1idon't know what 1 believe ex'-Cept that finidinig theCse lias cmpletl ealged the com]- peinof this wIholc business. I have bensupposinig thiat your cosn' eath waV's ied ,up with he opoitontathie Amailgamii-at- td-National merger. Now ià be- gins ta lookasMifit had only beel veýry neaLined ta )look thaut way i x-ep'L whait's real ly bac:k ofi t . Haeyou eadthe ,papers> _M i ss "Yesý," hrsietdhlda- idg the hardly knew what. "That "Then perhaps you awmthat youLr cuins sh ad bceen ïon o fit anc :pairof 't'ose ifoot- print's leadin"g irons thatstrandedýý rowboia ttOn ardth oohwhr 0Cie was îfouod?" AdBil'5s os hrsiewas remeberig, ftte ite othIer pair, "That tory appened ta lic trurc, cxcpt" nsecor Parsonis wa s going an, '"hat tdey wee n'tmae by ltheDIishosshe was warn; but anoi(thIer pair, identical in mnea- IYeu Will Enjoy Staimg AtI COMPANY that niew Govemnmenp-it re'gula- Lmiediately, restrîct the Sending of orys overseas toD the 300 size only. Oô0 size parcels 0111Y with a limiit of iividual per imonth. NA iîoistenied ler dry lips o," atin thewood-, r on viceas she I (Continuedi Next Week) MARKET 2ù? PER SHARE $5 4.00 ASSAYS ALREADY TAKENIl Editoriafly, The Nrhr Miner said this of the Yellowknif'e outlook: '"He would ho a very lieeles m--an WhIO would lightly cast away his equities i this potent field--listory may ho, repeating itself' and history doesn't repeat very often ini a ifetime". Why this Oreat Excitement in Yellowkni1e?7 Because YellAowýknife looks lke iÎlt wilI beconie the richest Gold Camp in Canada-remini-scent of the old Yukon Giold Rujsh days! What is ethe Recent Market Record of Yellowknife Shares ? Gîint Y.W, mwas ,OP'in Jan'y. NOW$8,10 Negus was 59ý in Jan'y. Nowj 1.62 Bryhierin Y.K. was ? in Jan'y, No-e 1.00 B.E,.R. YK. was 38& ii Jan'y. Now 1,79 Kamlac -%as 15çý in jau'y. Nom'1L50 Jensen wyas 15ý, in Jtine NOwv .28 What are the Profit Possibiities o f "Jensen Yelowknife"?l. Present price approximnately.28çë per share--Located îin the heart of the Cam.p arid surrounded by Brjyhern (2 PrOperLies)ý and Negus (2 propertcies) as Weil as adjoiing Consolidatedl SmelIters. Prpety is well located. $54.00 Assa-,ys just reported. One, Zone, traced for at least 1500 ft. on strike. Work already under way. Additiîonal developmenit reports ivili ho mnade public as received from the property. Where is ienenp Yellowknife Locaed? See Mý/ap belowv-.Note relat,*inshýip to N s Bry- herr, Giant YellowknifeBAR, andK1amlac. Who is Buying Jensien? Nevj Financial initerests-Fr-om. ton, 'Vancouve&r, Monrtreal, have ".Ienisen.". Cal'gary, Edmon- recently corne into Who cire the Officers?7 Presidet-Eý. A. R. NEWVSON 'Vic*e-Presiqe-RýOSS H. FAWCETT Dir-ect'or --EARL S. MRHPmB WO recommend fie imied;ute purchase o? JENSEN YELLOWKNIFE GOLD MINES LIMITED at 28É par sh a re W. D. L A TIMlE R & CO0. 244 BOty Streeî 1 - - Toronfo , Ont. U tse this 0 W. ri, Latimer & CO. eopsn a #u 244 Bay Street, Toronta. AD. 8891' direct or Pleaïse purdhase for mie.......shares SJensenî Yellowife Gald MIines Lîmnited a, 28,, place yaur per share. order through 0 yaow ak~Name............... ............... or braker-. drs........... w w. w w "i. w. w. w w w, w. 's w 's 's w 's w. w 's 's $ 's 's '-s w s w. w. w. w. w. w. 's 's w. 4.' w. s. w. w. w. w. w. 'w w. w. w w. w. w. r'- w. w w, s w. w. w. 's w. f.' w. w. w. w. r- N t.. i w. w w w, N w. w. w. w. w w w. -'I w.

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