Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 May 1944, p. 8

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Iaio1 Bule and 'V~îi.4ai II~r11uIv , }utc~ x t~~amayu~puroae~uWI an Ptte Fowerig lants are always appreciated. lease Bordo; Mis F 'ou.ce E-anBurley, Camp Borden., notea-coffe ou opoqe 1'atiQn ad- order early as supplies are lxie.Cantosand Sap paet, r ndMs wtîr.adMr.P1Bre.1nnstai n 'oUnces. dragonsper dozen ............... ..$,2 Mr. and Mm. Wm. Geary, Ajax, kfore the increase iln the tea and ~boo, pen th wek- it Mr. George Pope on Sun Y. coffee rations which beerune effectvePTTDFL W R GILA S ?In.]Robert Alexander, Toron to, May Ist, conatimors were obiiged tuoOT DFO E INP.,'-T crsary servces ispent tho e eken i Ms parents. puichase oither tos or coffea with Ca.c.o.arias ........... ...= 0a d 5$10 teîn one is privi e-ged1 to Neil Stewart, Kingston, is spend- ec coupon. Bostoil Ferns ......................... suci, eloquent spea'kers mng tiwo weeks nith Mur.John Stew- Whelte Value or the coupon -was GerAUMPns SPECIÂL .......... .... 30e ahic-n h sm daat. incereasedt eacl, tea-coffee coupon ( at thpo UnitEýd C 3/1.rM. and MJrs. Vaince Allen andcoul ho uýsedJ to buy either four y. Mvl adelon with tMr. and Mrs, Wi. ounces of tka or ome pound of eoffee. yers on nd ta l- eWe< r. hese arnounts may stili hco btaied Àon. Ini he af'e roo , Mun and s n le oge sw arbrck or a com bi ntion of bo h sto n da cof - é r1a Pk text "WiosIoseth his days W i th ilidand iVirs.Hilditch. k'e shanU find it.Y In the Woe are glad to hear that AMr. BUTTER RATION CUT Fn ttoer Dr. (7, Ok, W c P, lake Alexander and Mir XA. «Hosin 4naa'1uterrti--- h F AtrivSe Gifoes le Church" and its pro- are both irnproved in Ihealti duýcendtmani berV i Jn e acl- a u.. oc., A n i - a post war woul. the MssNellie 1Hi , Miss Margaret 1tatedteibiolng u f eserve to20.-50. i collent at bth services. Pardon and Miss Katherine Stewrt, i eet requirents next fail and ein Photo Albuas, at._50w., ioo h Nwtovileteahes,~woe raedfor ton the Pnicos Board has aniýned. $1.00 and..... ....... ...... S 2. 0 4oie St d thtee anthems: ,"The port HopIe on Monday afternoo of'A coupon wich would have ho-. Framied Mottoes......... 59e. B Adrienne, Gardenia, g' in which Misses last woek.!cornie Vaîid Junle 1 ilnuw hecoin-e buxed, pair ardey nd asher n Mn d [M a g a n oE v e n i n g l e v e rs a inro m e n d l a tte n d e d L' e v a lid Qo n J u e . - - _ _a ir_............$ 1 .1 1)__ _ _ _ _ _ _r Churchof God"11u funeral of the~ late Elwinantrilil Under tihe reduction, the pound of ~uut teeype be of te etda Inat Elizabethmile on Sunday atelr- buer b iight with coupons (12 anld This Year Give rm..5e each at'1$l00 won hers he dthea oonl ast; and we wish to ext0end !"ur103, vaîd Iay 18, im-ust last for thnoo vn th M si e tival.synpathy to the (QuantilifarUiiy, weks, uptii june 8, w en coupons 6-1e ti reBr s , C m n Ln iýlsi esialso relatives. Elwini, a -meiIIer of 1'iii bec e valid, Fine Toiletrîes i1u Colognes, Gm n rd two anthemon, 'lInanthe .C.A.F, in W'esterh Canoadcia, ing"and "ILord who iWas killil, 4Pa'pl-«in rashý. Face Powders, Dusting Mirror Sets Thee ero nîo t-_______ -----Ç S-- SPowders aad Perfuines: ~ atflPasiasro ueres. Ladi qureP ON --in famnous bouquets, sitch euti - hsamr ,_e - 1. Fenie m i CRECORD production of electric s ts,, as Tweed -arfflMiracle. colonVs,unraal;3 JeNe 0 eue mle IN FINAL COiJNT-UP,1 rangetts ali grils this ynmwt oona.., ....$.5 pi-eco se sfroýM $ i5ne$95 )bell is-1iender and Mrs. no e rth e MoAIS gei n u a ecexit Face PoWdera .. ,.$1,25 ýaniat for ot0grv'ces. 0ttý'w?,1a My 17 The Sixth Vic- report which wns baspd l l -,,Il an- Dusinzg Po*der's. ý2 00 Lr o iume today stood at $.-no unicemnc'lt mle at M~k2 iE Prues ._..,$116nd$.-5 I. Meeting ,~~~o wbiech is w,,ithin $21K ' ,-C.- Lowe, Pnices Board adnistratot ______________________________ rW. E.meeting vas WU0 of the Isot pan total. Oficials of Capital Equipment aud EletMicegndo acmnFowr Tited Ghurch basanent Of the n0tioal war finance connit- Produets, pointed out receU.Aent frlcknu.lwr tMay î8th. The mieet- tee sajid thesý,T cereo_ Phfl1istic that Since the March :22 ainnounemollnt PecipinSpeis We with singing of the 1the final dýean-up figute would ho the was made, thllere has becn upwarcl m-PrsiponSpeeaît .e and repeating the ighest On record, vision of "Canadas heavy shoîl pro-- in uniison. pFo1llowiiug TY&,-ty'sta1 represen,-ted a gin gramn, the Board oxplained , witl the f the inutes and the of $64;0I20O since the at figure result that, the quantities of clectric __ a le y r l report thre follocing as announiced on Moý,f{nday. Thie hree stoves, rangettes aigil whc d alt witb. It was de- week $1,00,0'00,000 an drcive end d an e nad hs an will ih M U con-r e 'case more wcol for, last Satu1rdayý, but ail mtumus are not sicleraIly beow the origMialesthnite Phone 68 - ORN ,Ot Chnitma boxs. ,-sei:Otin.bhecause the steel will not ho afail- _____________________________ ble. cHughes, Mrs. W. D1.- s. SamOis wore namd s eonsidered and it ,vas agreed tha.t w-e SALUTE TO "R.CONSUMER' ______________________________ dhe disthlt annual. The aský for an ofllcers' rally ns wf as progrmme was thon speclul service fro)ni the departmenrt. aWeek (if M ay 22- throuighout__________________________________ ________________Mrs. Pearce thon tiookcharge of the Canada will o se gnat& lrs. Con.- following programme: Roîl caIlsurnom Wedk' Vo pay tribute tA the Wvheat Njuggets (Uhffed W1heat), large bhushel, '"5onething I1emdele his yenr."' womlen of thre îcountry for tde part opeimprbg.....,.. Mlembers esponded well até such they are playirig in thelDouminion,! bags, nopeirspe a Vhh Iings as personal rnoelng cnmestabilization roganan- Special Coffee, fehecustorn< gro-und, i1Jlb.,and NITOR ~~hume remiodelling and clothes me- ntounced Bynnie Sanrs, directo f copn10.....~..,,. 9 1modeug Wero given andt descnihed - tie Pnice Boatrd1s consumjjer Branchl, ApeBtebln opn,- ... 9 Piano solo, Margaret Oveus; address, at a receit imeeting in Toronto. pl utr ul,10cUùrs ensationai- lMiss Young, iatOf Nich-1ois s- Refomrng te "iriiatîin" as nunrb-er SetPcls1 ucbtis,. . . .5 Lit. Daif pitaPeero, poen t1 eleed of coebatte on thre homie-frnt, pMis Grapefruit Ji ,ju-mbo tisi t. 1ùune morenures nd ave grat auySanders enphasi7ed that uleas ithe Jice intresmgfacs e one1ngth 1e peopie of Canadia -cau defeat brIfýa- tins .,.,..,...,,,~ ., umngprofession.; piano solo, ýMr. tien now, there is little hope for Vo- Sandwich Spread, veal, Ram and Tongue, 7o z. F.Gie; contest, colour.s Jin mîusic i1nortrow. li was eJoyed uy al. The meeting Duing thie eek cf May 22ý, Caa- tn.................20e a Yar-as lseil lt7rpéiting the iz,pah ada will say "Thnirk You-" iii a saint Steel W0o, fin-e, m-redium' ôoazrseý, pk-g,..,. ben6daction. The June mieeting wil ,tlte oe onop tihomýJefront heOon mue 21 at the hzomaioiof if., the w;omien who are ce-operatingFA IERSD Y -JNElt Haýigh's group in chiarge. M-rs. 'trol . . . . te thre woMen W-ho houp Godaof Tyrone, wil ho te-wîth the distÉribution of goodo lui gus.speak-er. short Su'pply by living rwithlu ti te, Men's Khaki Work Shits., sizes 14 1-2 to 16 1-2,ý Spcot of the ration and buying only each -..... .. . . . . .. . D1 --what they reallyneed ý. . ctie wo-tpi nwho eaize tbat %wage control Mens, 13oys' and Ladies- -Strawl uRats and Sun - is a serilas prercontrol an, ont..........9,3c n 9 ~.Yand AFT 11W RD- tat you can't have the -benefit (of JhstnsBa-by Bowder, ùued. size28c Lge size 55e Vzew-is Coinpa-ny',AMighity War Effirnc-rledpie1vthtc rlld Mn~ otw 3odlohSotzes 2t 6 re - Wx ar rates de- A a i a and L abrador, ari n Ùi l n- ge ca efu "y e Wth at M n ? C o t otimie to . . - . . . . . . . . ,. . , . , , 5 hAt duing the tiating the first Tans-Atlantitcpayentcan hly o met ud Victory Butchr RyP.aas.n.ikan..u otpt ,evceus to 193e9 ferry service. - -sprhsd BthrByP'ý1ai ik nù u ' pat lad been rmade l iecnpnysinnspreae.~l o 0ni 12 ertain, classes of efces're - "Y had nig teofive piraes eof rssz es 4 20 p r ... enjroyeQ in 1943 swpeam rpan -1pece er homniespnsbàiis el, rs hild['en"s Sun Suits, szs o6, each.,g,,.. 25 ,ervncsprto met the re aa-is cWihwouid pacsigîoC- SI11ý emevitus pr a5e in the re- ofpot,,arad- ---- Cnue" spatsn fr tire 1 . Chambray ,Sun Suits, eachi........9 Jfistinent. axWo in indeït" - ire inthvrue selas aC eaninings would ~ un aaa esbyfo in ievrus-lihsr rsp-- Grs Navy-lRraîd Trxmmi-ed Sun Suits, sizeýs 3, 4 by 55iýilior-q.sad, andapoisiy otised for lier hm,"Ms 5ndere an-:,. byfi $55 mlons. wl-,;tiout- core sot-bacirs-andu&aoie said. ad5 - -c ffton-ddoubedpainful experience, wili then enter- -- Iov'BodltSut n'yan brw,2t6 îf.i has tmehueD'uponl a peiiod expansion, n-yl Bd ddtD Su'rRICT Eand JUST FAL2LSo 'of ntettir, i ndustnial developrnent. Ina tins DSRC (Sr AL aboe ostt, lu-eas ec mnteti adcountry, as hi otirers, t1irre is coni- SHORT OF OBJECTIVE yas ah.. ......,..,. 9 vý ac he ffetBoys Drili and Tweed Shorts, ela?" Bn, ie thre beniefits of these wý,bir altain that tire fruits îtitECalý oýrihpýid 3,t ers ars.î ad 0f pnosperity eau only ho properly 5src . irr o-si nd 3t e~~ar. . . . . . .0e foenmance result- distributed thrrough mnsrs0 ecs ,just, faîleci te rend l- v' detCohShr ihBlt.szs3t acreas"d traffiT II rgid state cenotro n-and tirat _frýe - obetveb$, .This diïs trict entoprise, as wav have Énw v-, -tailed near tire b,ýto-tlman niong tie 6 yea-rs ,. . . . ..5 ce thre cen- -1soulibe systomatcaLrjy otiI rive until flear tireCdend enwhe a-y CidrnsFkiwered OrganiyBonts ssred e wnr, elguirt .buying -ef bonds stamted Vo shootlte -y or ~ f ianay nt adealing wvith Virs ,howndtta.l Up near to the -betiemr. tlsanid colors 39 te expn-d, ~» coane Canaa's Oconmie sudTire obj.ctive set nt $2(ý2,00 1- a ChdensW tePceBo es....., ,35 C-Omlpauýy had 1îndUSt-riaî structure w ýithin a sys- very igir fgure fr thisdi-tque, -BonnetsS tiran 2L5 imilion te, of etigidsttvcnrorM.oudhave meefnrbeen botitr ifPicncd adl -55 imillion - rfný otiecasi pend.ous accent- eDccupationulalu sectional enho- d been sot somr-ew-7here froni5,- _______________________________ possible by t, ire s being fostrod sud thre on- }Ot $17511JO0 Tw-,o hie ios lnoeimportant couagement gîtven young poe su---id -0JI's isa lot of miouey te take te fomargn-izedprssjmom)utsOut et i munliciPalityý, anti tiie peo:leNO 5c. TO 51.0o STORE tleo e e en-ch ethor, for a shring of woaltlrchisdsrc are bte be congratulat.. 3, fts emiploye.os 1 wi te r -nomgedo io cma - loe tri OUR PPL R H PINGCEN R urged te Croate, jecive. co pl ete kno kdo,,e Ire ~~ ~ ~ ~ e fuuee0i I ioebhu ismvmn h iue cwll osgien l nxt___________________________________________

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