put ait th.iaton Mminlie?" shec it on tremake, came ithe re- you, BflI, but circumnstances ovee which 1 have no cpnrcZ preverât me." -And twhat are thoGe cir- oleestudent whowa. wring2, as afarmnd duringhis vaica- tio, "do you tihl'il everl e- conte ascpau giutra xepiedFamerBlut,"but you'Ii ney-er eafaie" l'~ngr(O ariver of qld re) "Can't yçu go. Diver: 'i cld, ir, but 1 ,Wquldn't ike to leave my rooti Prrospctiýve c Tnailt: As hole ;t's fine; OSa aroonri, ot eoo" li ihunelec wrote to his aew:"I rn endin)g you the yo eUe.sted, but must draw r atenionto spliig rror our lazst leter: '10' ;swrte i onnogifottw' work yeti, s M urh "si d DOG 0F WAR nd, at to Serve yo l ne eyou nioney. itnofficial ation, lias the to secuire a t, andl wilI do i to assist you, HOW TO RELIEVE I PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY Il, you are troubletiwtt , utebna î -1 mv i trA. msti nl fd rian --n rv< n s CI E NCýl'E fDOINC mail colt. uc are flot e resul s, iy returu Ia&I.t'flu Snarp t'a gs and agry growi' ape'i isaterfor anly foe whol iigit try ayhn while this dlog is ongui The Armly trains dogs like the-!sefedn>t ton dehlydrate, dog fond", 'toguard How Canl?? Q,.!How tn i Tean walpaper that cla tied?, A. Trymai, paste of thiree tabiespocus of amm-o-nia an-d P/a cupful1s of water. Rcimove ges Rspots withflannel dampenje(ila ttains front washabie- fa-bries? A. Spread the stcain over a bowl of boiing water and thenl rub with saitt with lemoni juice. Place in -esuni. Repeat untii the tains are light, in clor, then wash i i-w ea ka iimmo iiia water and rnace in clear water. Q. fkw can I soften oltiputty? A. Cover the putty ith soft ,cap and ae it on for sýever'ai hoursThis ill soften the putty so it can easiiy le rentoved with 1 ciu'an the ïlnside v kttie-? Iy with a solutiou o'lrvr ' iinv tli spark. 'Such spark pliotog- raphy lias cauglit the swift flpglt or ifle bullt and its behavior oni uttîn~vrious kinds of Ob- jeu ts. Fast-imovinigimaýciner(ly parts myals;oli"sopt"pt- graphicaiy by the use of a flash- ing or ientitnt ligLt If the flashing iglit is perfectiy syn- ebronieti wjli te engine no0ve- mette whoee, piston, or othier part to lie studied will apa te stand stci No-w, howiever, a speciai motion pictbure camer-alias beeni devel- one wicll is capabïe of Laking n un b e r ight to d p#Ice weight 578 To- APSFIOT tzi TÈrmP.i am, aiw Lad :w fer and See your nearest Straw ,Wrte, i ta Look With e sure you ge' Oil Capsute-s, Dutch Dro-,-" 40c. pa',ckage fi gtive. arlem iginal Get a VV uIsIýMs Leue uln- t f tii