Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Apr 1944, p. 4

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The annual meetfing os orono Wo- Barristeran oile menýs Instit.ute will e,( hekd in the A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. R aaios For Sa e Gou;dil ca ro rd chanbr o 'Pidy, Aprnl BO'WMANVLfLE, ONT. -Ibttery, 2 electric. t-aiblemoele,, 21,st, at 2.30 p.n, ris. 0O, W. ROlph PYW4 rdSRGO 4 gtiaranteed in AI shaip e coniete will sppak. Everyone welcomne. Pihones:fle Hurs: wih atteries. The April netn of Orono IJor-~ fie68 Hm 5 .0t .0pm;63 o80 z C. R. KNOX ticultural isociety 1iii be held in st. Oroo - Phono 42 r 2 iotsHall on W%ýedJnesJay, Aii_____________ HOE47r-1ORN ________ _______ _______ ______ 9th , at S. 0' p.1,1. 'Sprîng orders_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COMING EVENTS wlill have to ]be in by then as nursery W F AA f CMN VNSstock jevery scarce. W. F.dr s o W &A%îj VETERINARY By popular request the 0Orono Con- ie sent r-xay de4fiitely ne-,xt week. BRITR OIIO tinuation School xiii repeat the play, "A Rad,~-Mee Fmul," i O FO REN NOARYDR. W. W. SHERWIN Town Hlall on the evýeninjg of Thurs- Garden. Appj4 vo M. E. G. Wa',d- plones: n April 27th, under the 'DR. J.vT.,SHEPPARD of, the ,Quilting rGroup, W.A,, oft Pari,, el,72______Ofic_82_________49_DJ.______ARD ___________________ Ofice825 esience409 VETERINARY SREN St. Utnited Ohlurch. Corne and enjoy a good nighltIs entertainmient. Ad!- SEEDGRN FOR SALE BOWMANVIJLLE, ONT, Office Mýain st. Oo. mission, -15 1-11( 10 cen1ts. Cartier Oats, inixed grain (Urban -___________ __ _phone :56 r 7. Ormo _____________________C___ Ots end N~a' Barley), Aipply to _______________ _______________ Nice~vethe ba ~gnn arjvd ~E, J. Browýn; Phone 65 r 16, Orono.J.CG ME ter- two or thr-ee days of di1sagreeable -. 1 - -frisM1 & Son weather._____________F__ . F. 11I5 XUl ___O -MAN WANTELUI S L PARK STREET S'ERVIES Toci set as earetakýer for Orono Fu.neral Directors Fire, Casualty, Autome.. llie Easter Sundayý serviýe.s weie Gernetery-. tor- particulars see C. F. wIlattended at P.rkSt Church, AWdCIe, .soretary CE1metery o. Furniture Dealers b ile and iaàbility and themessages t!hepastor ard Orono. t. AMBULAINCE SERVICE Orono - Onai the nusic by the chIoir -were much eniJoyed. In addition to 1hm anithernBwav1I rn at thec morning seýrvice, Mr. R. E. FOR SALE Phones: omnvle Day 480 AUCTIONEERS Logan and Mrs. E. J. Browni sani- a House and Lot on Chureli Street Ngh,754 an~d 573 heautiful duot. A lovely clpoin0f South, Orono. Apply to {Chas, E. foesgraced the a1tl,the gift of To, R..No On;Poe Orono, 27i-1 T D J ~ ~ the Tanxblyn fnmily ili memolny 'CIS r 1- 9. their depairted loved ones. - --_The_________________and____ Auctioneer and Valiiator SEED FORSALE Th OdetLaget ndMot Sa les oif al wses B 1RTHIS Linited amnount (YIU'ban Onjts Comflete Furni;ture Store anti ,. tra(11,-,erts To,)M. andi lrs. -R. J. lHancock, fronx regisiered seed, Clean froni MoemFuneral Service n n a r-11bl0ats Toronto, on ThursmyApril Gth, ý1 weed seed. Apply Fried riacln ,Duha Cninickate wý,ith himn at Ptoei son, John Egerton; a -hrotherfo hoo58r6,Gen. -4-.Per, nareo seibsClecA Alln ad ele. ___________________ Our Service-THE- BEST E. Mvorton, at Ooo for date. IMr.ad M.;E. G. Hy nec jeani R0031S' ÇOREN1TOurr Gocd-THlE NEWEL-ST ____________ Logan), are pleased to announce the E>irth o)"»f their son "ila Richard-I,! Four ufrile roons. Goo(d cei- Our Prices>-T1HE LOWE'-sT a little brother for Donny, on S 1day- î s E.Paerson; phaone 81 r or loe opia, oono ______________________pilOh,144MtOhRWmRISol 6 4,Oon.&,.SONORI &SN iene Acioer n --A--- FOR SALE[ BOWMAN ýVILLE -- ORONO Vlao ENGAGEMENT South H1ait Lot 1, Cor.n, 4 on Specialize in Farlrand Dr. -,astîtrs. lEIford iJ. Nelson, otLp(of Clsrke, about 100 acres, 10 _______________ Guelph, OntL, announice theena- acres hairdwood buish, some edr menlo Te;irdaug-hter, Myjrycee, near buildings, house in good fPovàciail 0icýe GomsinrFurnitre Sls Helen, Vo Pilot Officer CakNe- t* C A 'William Stringer înrforrned the On- Conisit rme for1ter-nis core Pwer, sn f M. Grdo N onijo, ~ ~ ~~y tario Leg!islature ast week tEst 285I Powers and, the late .Muis. Powera 0ofEns .PttroAnlasrtrIPaions were killed in traffc accidents piandiPat e-S Kîtche-nerý, Ontain; the wvedding to oIf RbnsnFarrow Estate, l~cs and 5,208 prosecujtedi forl. gw take place the later r j1t of p itle, Ontario. t.trfi ioain-uig 93 yPoe1620 - Cak 0 Invasion demands mAore action from every fighting service, combined $Y- operations, Combined operations in- < clude you, too Despite the shortage of help an eqîp '.ment, iCarlnadian farmers have responded nobly to demands for încrease& produc- Ytion of foods. I )But there is one thing on which a bette-r job cari stfli be donie, MORE M-ONEY is needed toih fight a More intensive war. Ail Canadians will be âsked to furnish at homie owe ta the men on the fighting In these days most farmers have bigher incones". money to saVe. And that is the job that they are asked to do,,. ave money anîd lend it to Ca-nada, -~.Yeu are flot asked to give môney j ust W to lend it. Wlien the war is over you'il have this money to "plough bý,ack" înto el'J

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