he mess jermans n mess r, Wakefîeld he possibili~- 31, afÀOCnii LIrLIci W1 ýr tr'.unks ý C'trees nd its stems trahi lewn io geatilengths de ins nlth chaatrc h ït li te mss dre , Ths trea~d he ess s bitte, ut itr Cotondrss ngs sviil take Upcfrei log cite six l ie hk d~wih waerabobe iiedce y rani cmibrenehten epert Ru ais Sces anm ad a Olm] Wt nXA te eîsd, Sell t And an F adp Y anSd is E Lse , Prar, sv t s spllete do Then, ifaise ai S and ne ana An ni pi îe Theres nobingmus ei o sLer te do keineg n osmtse-ee the .wedge heelsý," said the tali blonde. Why Iow, heels?" askcd lier fiend iiwrie "IWall',them ita ge ti DUCLE'SMIXTURE ltsAilM edLiý ,cation By Anne Ashley Q. ew ao l pcvet istinoca Passini bee ssas ineal ot cf nîcat BAIIRED somo start- j dayehi rock- ~, ici Johi CHICKS HE QTJICK Isr ntw undercarriat~e invented a yenng Scotsnsan permits tise s s ehng ex tise Miseels cf planes aller' a laisding ar arn amîgle, Dail; FL prrss said I sst week. Th de-vice, pcrfcckd hy Os Maci srtn who ssas reperted has e pros'cd the ms x tien suec îully iî ~ir Mniîsiry tests, is pecied te pros t s ainable te a' thon, ~. ~ ~aiiy mn a:rpo't consîr tien. Fîsots eow lammd and take facheg heto tht w md, reqniming onstructior os se~ cm aI ruesvays field Bot crabwh r tackhng te efis a~im I landhngs w onId esssk.e c 055 s~r~p eteets mry. Ne'miy lau o? tnt ~astlîw~ peche~ oued ie tht neriheasi ~u.s. came origimsaîmy 1s'orn Eue 'FPR~ VOTI FI INA. I