44 EntusasicMèein H Iiyair Dirýectoréil DnrectQrs Are Looking vceii MrdMs. Hubrt Forwar0 To Al Boge rric Anric Boetter Fair Ini 1944 - îflttio socty~ WillAgain Sponi- R_àoia Tim Table OýC o sorTh '0I Cop< this out and keep availfible) cas' ppr ShW P rT ,lvi ng Te Comnpetition, onoe r e The nnu1. metig ofthePur- Ooipons 141 to 29 inclusive no w ù e Il vaid; ýC>upons El and E2 valud on Abu sVný-ftve peupl.e Igtee an etrlAiolualS~YFebriary 17; valid utl delr tri riu th ne to* hall 1, st in th paciou ýGleanny hinua to ~wsheïd in the Town llalt, Orono, on' ;oidi. Each, good for 8 ~ci-i whe a syu Frday aftermon last. A good coffe or 2 ounces of tea.Wa prr" ~ P tir s.lý Hin a Osgbre ber o~diretors and iiinmers weie SOgr- lr~ta<l cm'amea Ltd' anaughters wh1o~ lest theci' holme euoent, represcuibg 'various parts Coupons ,14 'tu 24 incusie now FTRST -PICTURES~ OF (W I - Vl LÀ.FIS 311TCHELL B~ 2, DAYh BOMBE Ga Wa _ tos Uo ng b1 ifDigtn fn CWake. Tevnalid;~ coupons 25 and 26 valici Feb- 0Oue of the first pits td' be - hon of th ..' ne Mic e to pi-_,eý -sth tlkn au or n idenchair. 0.owimuW ruary Srd; valid mail deelareit 'oit. Bl 25 day bonihors in operat'un. These %danes hase 1>een luac~tion mrit elie s rri the princial potin IOt3 h oen -te hair. tm e b ei ~higo froeponio 'gr great success in rnost of~ the ect ibig daylig4t raids or ia mt ~ ~~as' chnainnan~ He~ calIldc iûrt on Butter try. Picture -sho-.vs Micelll B, 9_5 day» - ribs flyi,%-'iii formation." Wanda, Malley and Hieien Turner, "with -was the 1inancial staternent aui Cou~pons 46 and 47 now vahiid Naurncia uile of the fn wo prèeeuted Barbara and B everley '.audtors' report, presentecl by th e exir -99 ~ 'so 48 anid <~ ylu ooat " White~ wh dbaotU liT flan, Iber No. SetavTesrr Mr H- 49 valid F(dbruai1y 8 andi expire on iis-pCt,-ceorpr~ hnol ma j vs.&ý en ~ Stap1es. The statement in' detail will Fdbruary 29. Eachi good for one- [j iaiyal o ieraie anyt di4stateful -d- Mrs. Bowen pres'ented tvwe quilts; e ciun in anothere l3lumin of this half pound of butter. 'A ~tn"de "'l4e ýtxcTe a fmto'r wroi ru.T ~paper. -- --ot eat, 1 - - - _r ~éaf~adenidpfuc re Ped v-i and Bob. Aluin as- Sochety endld the year m~ith pract- Copn p airs -35 ami 36 now th variou fini w-a' fndie sigsýedb aV- eh-s> ràntl ~uaU th ~in cah baanc on audvaici; copons pair 137 valici FefruryAfIYrTfýV 4 i%(1kC LT ý L 0-OCIETY of -' oo prises. Card h been dhose pruse"t.~r >h 11Y t'le sainnecshg thne ouhn ; coupon pair 38 ialid Feruary U es Ai ïAhn Cha G*im s oneen leyear 'AIl 10. Expiýre Feîr1iaryý 29ý Eacli pair F I E R1943 mailed tii ougliut the nigbbhed, brught l , lires, bine aànd it ?prze nioney had 'been paid in full g&od for 1 te 21 pouncis of mneat a ind tle peoiple irentd tO l4gnaly 'quilt (mall and - -onated by aund al, accouani-ts paid~ aise. naore tur~ thecars ndT in ho notal:ed a" sxhgt adcin cox- n 4)12PT hem S) ai ~ur rne & at theo 'utet of jte ester iyp> j~ibitoers at 'the, fair with the yoar 1cupons D2 tnd D131 uowi valici Balance frei precerding yens.... .r- 2ca .63 tininent Inthdeènnlting draw, the Vaon tIm- ermitte icarge, MrsL, 3eimenie HU&d la1k declareci veic. Goo oi 6 s- luclcy lire winneirs Wcew, Ale Bral and rud Y 'G on, rW Aut.. --ite ppeebdblfiy to ilcreaseci shortage unllPovine of Ontcleo .. s.o.o 4 Iolftatt, S$ ci on piaffas. j. 1).in 'Turner oand Chaos. Mlennet, -df hurp gas intong a4nu-rese 1rves, aircet sprcads or suar.c To=,Mhp of Clrke .3.... rowni, W1,. J. -W'ason, and N(jil*nadnte t'utbl d ýfavoîrraýIila seasorl for certain farnm li-0 -rouii~ ofir inugo lit.n finî..... 7wdl3ry Qlrigth irs4pra preciuce. A A D ~L'nîteà Co'ntîes ...................... 832b'.26 umanrrne, a dance ,vas carried for- gre rv lea ipreati'a ofiathe wit Sorîrý discussion arase conuccrning1 Town «o Bowmanxrill.... ............ 210()~ uw3d 'ifih le or-pr4w ù end frirath prCltub.l lo tho dviataîtyet thsentnoig t e st s'inday mas surely a blighl- liolste-in Féelsan Ausociation...,............... 14100'Q Jin Watson ié t e acongra'tulated esaithfaprcten1M s fair for thie rerianing 'irar year' iL-týttxIgteinérs"m r press. lt rap Çefrnee oth Aln o- 'Jms ides founc siliali favour uniong- IgtaonficruarsM s Onutario Lire Stock Branch ...............- 810uo a saccrssful venture, as we'- bori i)ei,---ii Ibw kid e~veryoi st the inenibors 'prescrit and it wvas Par~k Street $'unday Sc'hool wahen tie! iprevice ouf Ontavi Jr. lait QiuL. .. 21AltV 1ie udfon ddnt ~ W~ u efepcal i tnnaimîously decideci te holdi the 19111 1 ithful oftendao Ji.uriurle1C43bet.. ro..n.e et.....ar.o.Jr..... ll1,3, 1 I d'uring lie daýr The fre k'at ,1d. ers at Geuerai ïMtr and als6 tha 'fuir o Wedneday, Spt, 2oh ~ txeIve pupils v-.ïý, dily i-ecoggmncd. Doyoiuin of ûanada Jr Calf Clul) ............. .- ............. 214,0e u o mites ttg . Tutct(mè faro cýlpd>ySp ot et'Charles andi Bi1y Anirvcioap A 1unnl misio vinans sonbir nodn Chibo ,.....,... of~l conld quara licid Turning ta i'proven'ents Ma cd the htghet awvards ait" 'perfect coul $ure 14Qe3 'niht~ uae~trosnp reetae tttend&ace. Xs this ýw'as ean cp- ---'~--~-- .Wa e b RausseIl Osbornce WUil -ýtte toasc apriug e r ost. Oree ien tienai Nle recod the snpoliiten-, 'oa Tup EntsaBctXo pca....,.....ý ra~ i frs nide mntho S > dent tolc a story, "Signs for Tour- TEtnCBco k Spi ..... 310RED> CROSS NEWS ,. a hour o F with t e chiools sudis'ts" e1emnn the? Munn . cale Speel . ...... ................ ......... 5). u) 0F Aiun4red Thnitetue ner a- Those who mnissoci onlyl ene Sas Caoi pdil..... y The 0oncu B3randi l'*a' ifs ragthurl Ï,ored, Xfo'wed by the serving ji ý,vefnc-et in tde junior section ot wee . 'Fnrrow sNecial .,........... ......_......... iill$6thl inen at hrdy.1 'nl the faix. Anotirer conrttec wals wr ayAs rmtngDinePhasey, Davidi Phacey, Dick Clarke, A. EK Wl Spb 8.0 peiointhey riOrange~ ias ! w Thtrsd t »t ltroaah. charged with the drmty of 'sc'ilnges ,,, Allie Wood. The one Lloyd Kenneýdy sppcial ............... ..... 100 kareo&Ln Cat , rug-i B. TJTH hl tihe 'ntid t louir Thc Osbne' t mo,,içre attractive enterta-iniei-nt, par- wýho were absent 'ony fs ýun4days o'-4- R$îsej RuOi Pvse'.~r ~~ ~rc~i h a~t < ~±~Orvmll t i u la r ly f o r t he c h u l4 r e n s u d y e .t n g u rn g th e e a r w e r e D o) u g la s IL '- Ga t e R e c e ip ts . .... .... .. ....> ~ . ... .. .. . . ..... ..... 4 l aT w l y - l tt r Em5e o h a n 1e v io d n r e noy aili-,, ,,I l p<ecpje. ett, Keith Giitb, Dick Gîb and Mur- Entry Fees 1 . ,.. .~T7%20 g-nt leýtr 1.f "'14dfrt u hn 44lueoln ~t t A latter froir 'Mr. J. A. 'Carroll, jorie IicLaren. By way et special 'Concernious ......... .., ï_ .-~..,.. ..,...... 8.50 our local1 'hoy w% had-acknowledged ln ye and Ged Save tie t.p f~~ epelueidan,'itittei ht na'ic Mrn. Phasey sud 'Mrs. 'fan- Rof etBuilding' ...... ...., 168s2 ir -een -.tl anditr'a unr Folid fri lesd hb ie, gýrants wo'ulci again ho a'vailible for trell sang' "Goi Is Love" to thc sweet Grand Stand Rereipts 5................- 7.95 afs'. A spi#i'd i, n ý_o! t ron d ýr. aa Mr ,u ci/ir. OsIa, -fild crop corapotitons. The Soiymelody et Beetho'venl's lÇiuuLet Coflcert anA lance 'Rwcnpt (gross) ...... 35.33 Ftan StpIs WEs, Alta a l W- 'api MrTyr Orv.ile Osfbprnc, LL.ii voai -A accept tiis op'portuutity. an Analhg tadnee 4 a- sale et Bnanoi 'tog- , ..... ... -1 - -, 31 gratedily roccixed. _Mrs, W. E. a.i fiaen, Mrs.ieae Car '-lecided. u a cempetition in oats, tie pie assomirleci atenac b oueur 6 th eun Adv'ertsig à Prise IÀst ............................... 161.06 Arsrug iie F. Tilbyn an îyaciNitn r. aud tl výarietifut te cenieýt of Ajax, Er'ban fouks andi te enjey together the eing- Ilemtbership Fees 89..A~O M'r. C. B, T1yrril avacre aupaln&a4 cpsan,ý VTr, (Jruveei, lT~V1ý ýpud h anflig co ptiti a cna e il ing-, stud(y and tellowship) et the heur. ___6.6 M'aetigte to h 'ue ercets lonc'2-IMa, vmcrpu o ing the eonnmtition car be obtainell 4M82A2 Incued t e d gaizn itlunad1Wni; on, lr trýyi-r he secrtary. A ield naist cnn-EXPENDIURES starcb2d . Aon. trdntinx, weirhing to doc 'et irecea oe-m 'total re...a.uaig e$790, Gansu Se...........~.. ...........'--- .o Cross t cmpnleteg f quota ofe 85lt- peor brn ecoptuci ta mieeinge ofd se'balaIncst ry ae e. .10 6 ......... a........... _._r _a ..r...... .......... ....--,, ---- .. . 62.00pe c mn ei et of-~ -alr thtiie q-r'cns ra e iii thour ey. sev tea 6OO{> nhussd I'oers ........ _ . ............. ........ ..... 94.50te 194,3. nhe Nationa Caud#ailw Ammoiately coiterwars tho uaw Wsth S'its sor T s ecst onda %rn ...... ...... ...........-*~-. 70.00 diuse and oranzaio «H--'~".-$~~ th ainbeO* tCldri fie bea repoet >tuergni le aapt 1alane. ruhe faicrs are FrLli, ihte A.rts sud .... ......... ... ...... ........ 10,5170 stan-e subi ,.~... 2,0t~V erflo Mge or clen teui ord f dree~ctrs 'ne Si-toalo rot aogin bi eteet $Sehou ErxandSets ..... .. . ....... ............ eills Do ation t.o $27.75 fot by ir ttu d»mlatfi 1sf cte O.t onigtcange. h eda; G. exarce, Seretpary ad a Redos djuitbls. 1<hO Hpe, eeoerdQC tre" ?rinC oupos, A-ôfcs ope pw In d td h ~ret B'ickad- ba e o f $ 0or h pastr f9i A-ffilition... ...... ......... ... . ...5 .......... ........ m.25.~. Trea e Repor v d-ri-te u rcbas e t a FolwF . asuegsic p sre d ofton e fhe00O deneganes ndt Bacoxw eg ayef .............-....-. .-. ....- ....S > 25-fee r it ob r n aftt ti annap meetineWrSvns loassatacah Fdal tlg tire7 cci ten aten t9he ...roac.iu .air R32194 thcudn ratione boris oriieshp ehi.. lorder-- hoard me'pted o r O.nt Wn Mb aac h liesae rd At n rfs. ........ ...1.. ......... ReliAi asnr Conenio lul To.uto tire meeting years ooïFar Dapco aai ilscr .,...i.,....Th k , fir manaer. Tinso9kruci are adnre, h i nshseghe 'Cola Phies -.150... Donations....~ .....6 ..... ...y....... ..... 130 u1'te7,tonA-irsr ,o paý;:C,1ýrco, ecrtay, nd Repdr teos Piput pABds . ...... -'a-h PrcsBoic. no06î-ilsi