EKLY- IÉ ÏÏ W.Ci.. vening,*,& Park St. &I S«I Monda4y F1. iruy H7ave INon Authority To ClbR--Et>Same GvnetTPa$s Curfew By3-Lawov Oficer Jor 1944Z Ueei-mnt10Send En- sET Ai-idAVA gineur Dcown To lnspect DUTt TatS SATURDA pay sl" TannaTy F1111 n The Clo Eolice TPrustees met on The etizenis of Orono and vcinip y m--ihG ~h~uisted o~f ,MOur and usns atnded thea is,î -Wednesdap ,januaÎry 26th and organ- MMi have the opportunîty, soon of aniwichen4 n7Vk!b s SiiWîces pie fzed es oiows; Ghairnîan, C. T. a-on btîgr shretly t0 the war eta~f~ ,iVtiier; Secrat>i - et J.)J. Mellor; fort by the con ributi of salvage 1at h trco 0 h ~arge of Opxe haRf and enlie, W, A s th-e Scouts have noe iace now togf 5su si~ il - Dr. t)ýiti5 0, mina nvil le, RddI. -store and pack saisage, a truck lwillii iv'] his finsttieiir The miutes of tie previous mneet- corne again froi Toronto on Satr nieeIfl, LMSrk W~a by hi» i were iead -an4 adorptec. d1ay, Felb ary 5àh, andc pik it anua g i s e g bis hotida inl that TPhe mnter of the Tannery 111l along the stracts; Mr. Melho sa iOe I tri p ýrnd ei c nai,)s Thfesepj -'was reported -that such pregirèss 1fad~ qjuig to tip ail tipcr v'ary lu ibis5 aa~h ter -been id that thle Department of o>neiy or paekz them in Ppig taLos heir meeu, Ëag- on- the _ ng Yi 00 lathe-Pio aalast ql,,, laes h-are tsera is m,. 1-ighways h-ad expressed - Us readi- crealk dca-sl U ardbard Laxes o0' a gor- - - - +' tliei enfle-d h t ion tira iiess tic send an engineer down to any kind and. lie, themn in lm~da He AL1E WA GWEýM JWNl odpte0 ii, -ieokl the siiainovar. Lake up Jasa saae; tie up Tag~ i-4 Tag gOFi y, 1-ý1<E1 C-Tsni 1euy 'Nus -Ricdei mas asied to ge fDU nigsoresadlabeltheni, an tg in( 9F4- of M.L1f -mmo 'i h1-e m a ebichoa hé homevvIIAl i ne uid n f m t a f g n o z i l a n d ! M t o n t a y m i h 1 a r t i c l e s t i i n n i h t O n % i ý ' e c wm r . t e s i e t a n a p d a e d u 0- . , h e we fui > h i wt i n e , h a i s u - Tprlt ba-ck as early as po-s ifia. h useU. Rèlker is flot mreded -n-y Hey,,r, s oA o a lcicw, -c a~nunds bi hakome. These pic i'a The Sacreta&y rauo a conimunia mors a-s it canot hauuie.- SSI-b0- ~ ie we-a aa-iy lion~~~~~~prse hac thee~ twL ei M-0 yIeet OF Tire ,orew cq 1a -ak a' 'es n.s- h iek er nemw tire hose wouldi he here A i e orution to the nar effort s ýq l n - seyn 1 . .C-reh sfirst wpek of Fahruury. sinnp parm and cardboard. For - %~ture -shows Genea Y tm, -Dpt -muadrnCiCo oe y0 .Am 0P-!O "eo A le'tr sread fromntheW e -pa,rlof ppeie aig'hhi an Gwira Eu --- -- --- -- n", tah-n"L iud nrns hiinTeinsperance Uionjl10-0 i ., canî be turned into us ertpr -- - - - -Os hyc14\ Z nde hw difae ffngo peati in the working h-oid r wish wili provicie 20co- sanie( as at year. Carrcd. vlae f - out -Di irare -1 hi. 1 ain1ers for blond ulasme, Mr fon - 110 - -- ke L 0u ficil uihCaeS îv Y It mas relmrtii t tba lirn s pnie tire, tah- i tir This inater wa thorou.ghly dis.- ration , 50 casinga for shahe M r i 's pad il te e s eused nd pointed o' int oxes Wor ouid andï nqu. metiIW- ame le ne authoity for t'ne TIil pape tP sfgt n svsh .P i-i iirk T-nai j1:ncard oet the natiiruit S er e!aLesisa t ~ sh-tn Mire.. c-dPew tees or tce ceuncil tic pass atel bý-bisj il ato a ao 1) n ued,, 1ý iî thdat the cost cf 1iinja, in~ t'hat Cen ie monmtbeIS M'Oidd !Mea toC Sec~ 7'On L',i i~t~ tcwa i ie ýpe on Berhn or a cotainr for lieHoiiwn 1isa~ wA irnsced ty hshrasd gpa ei1 at tt-f--y iosn roilt put i haiy od Tihe Chddiden' Protection Act proý- gig plasile. - Te htee of i1he ClaeIr ita irrtruec-1d to clT ic ania-ry cf 1941. lia S-trearnas in {larheiO:- kii f ieis a x ývides tin,,t No ciild shahl liter hi ,tper Ya a very ser-ious rWAe puairn-gaments lotsthfle !CN!R. re Sinc titdae n every yeur uintil Ne-y ara rastode,5i voýe r i.faxeh -any pulii place after ine 'clok in n-oav Se uct us le mnore diHigent ÎÏ! çertjn 0-rono srets a-cm dlosed as e h-ar dh14,ý ir c>-o W.raQV hyW1.AIhir ýiu to -.irii hti'prtrst the afteraoon or hue ha any pie f our sa-ing of aven tictie bi.-iita. Tpry, e~ls thea pizrchase er thre C.N.R. IMjg iaeased oëii W~t per zefrt mtr-l sesnitad by' P.~ ~ dn~ott V~~es-- a pose rese rt ifeanetalr wcusl nisehs u froni "Coubiedicit St. to tic In Osier w, nus lme encAge 01 _iÀ- out art e> t Mr oca-l n-aia th-at hoer unIess acompanid by is maies un. One week éi-onicession Uine. anrc in-ntre Onai onte aNý1: sparent or guardian or an adit cpio wil a Cco day in -OrOqo. 1%~ 31ciné and fie Ciarç wera fitwhi h iras unescp in P,' -amw slii. a sv 1ointa Nyeir parent or guardin a)c __ - _ - piac _ti _era_ __e -uni 1u e ,tta,1 'accoinan suail ehil." The wodCamiStEan a-t Nie annoul nr,,eetîpg ù! the Bon'- it eorne"phFr-Paanp gw, T1llre neict oadliti cfLhaiceuvs 5"hi"is dafeïiied( te niean a 'boy -or Can a etoanaplîikt hos-pital on F iday, Fai. mvisi tie fiOenmy 0,ira-e friocf omeears ci 4.stoi At thie nefpgc-sla4 Town- gil lect1all,-y Or apparantly mindar 4th .ssr tpiwl- ie~fa fa -r tr-- wèe mou i~~ Xs ta ra-tean~~ ycr ae"Trr per iiis mnir Cana-c entiered aasrs. A. Bmire and M. Ëh»W - !> 1a-v - r i -ice. I-cc a-u mea-de fori oû lie nos authi ty or aX S%-a sch lir tiikd year cf pre contcel W Sutau-c Ir --i n t re 5nae c .l. isru-iii g W a- toteiit yloroni. Cna ahs set an exainpi tmg ,o ari etc le epîa It ws ar. Thie pr-eap ige - i-M na - wRkF . oca 'UVRf he< ff-~ (.i a. uh taer cioth- H. M. Mecelms aýpplate tK tire ?1a.tionis oh tira woîhd . .. .u N eideri tic rapiot to e i rodSuper- ciar-agduring Wo-li Wlr 1, r.eprè cu for 1944 ar -- a-nil uret y -e tn ha ya-lu Th-e -cil Mei biffa cAere ore mI ter cernttry h-as thre orse fa intendat fo action Muirt tie matai- sed the luaase Ouer Augut cf presce& -Ar. A . Y R iian another paid: Wlhulliaar Chpoil booek, $1.9C inrics boe ccked tic tic extentil lias h-en suamd nul irp Cati 1914. Tha for lea iet wr is ~eiection ept, .5;Ge-,. Eut- t rici LTisis a fr et hec r - . thir a-qz ove - én emi Aot Sateay- C. îe~. an okir i jý a--a i- tera, sanding waiks, $Isi)o; Orono ýjf hudrenlize and apecta- Tire folIowing by - a w, m-,Te p a s - À1' Aau sti ',~ a hr retopt Un Avhd i de tovs-hihia-va oferiq on &luibr,$3.0;N.%' orer Kaicps Sentinel. ou: Liiecent Il asec in'tv Two r - wrt- rIa Mrsai y-, rïiiue o~-,ieti - Are tIahll insurance, $20.0.fJ; - --L -pé n ~ pord< ceapers <as - - --t er( cet -tm for~) he heWste >-irt iea tcneed (0- Vito Willia Milîch ire.r 19 L5 do SU mmle Uou ihm pite a-hao andie S-O---. lh, aFUbn y,ala, WOUr bi er 1 -:i: od Llyl- f 1Î~1 ori!îuurt. idlove, SanderRbmoG ~pJas, nNva ol i--n-i t a -nus prei-èced hi ei toc ~~~~~~'s ih r C19isGdn7le, B g l , lasea i C nit-b I i .......... ...h~ ......... -i i-f iar ~ W i nt cie -- f l iir Grl; - - r-rn , orm1an--- Andi s, Roy ii!e, odiEleTi,1,Gecueby 11 r- Cha a- 4n -a h<in -eïcie ~ th(' 5k tpha-t e- c nti B-Laws-Commt- Qci ana-, Ge-orge Laing. R. 3ofIfat. - 1ewoS- ui i r a-round -1-4 'lhlliha meoph o f ea A ;Hea-deci b1y Reell C-. R. Cariveti, cf LeisntTas. RanheElvaratti -ah-t, A. J. N - ei Wur j94 -à Th oi $4U 00- rtifiate-w pic.e& t -a ~ jet - 7Nema tle , i Striti, Cm i tee -. W., Cola (cirairman), D,'aviison,i ao, L. 'D. 1BeIh, Win. Peiv. ardèn, N o e % 91 . .. ...... 15.4 -sert, te il-W E. aey. ateihhg tie ai ie ui-.- ae'a& deca up tce fowo colet en -W-- --r< *n, Ce Catict, --tO P Ttouj Lewery, Lorna Ro aa N i r 1942- 117 r e t bucl eo tir u t o tys cIle-r for tue Unit! Couis oh Nrotirut-- , klSipnBica, 2.ApJoni ng fene vrewers Ar-~ êmuc, De Chonse ori.o -- - banna-i i Duirin foi- 1944': Sbe3h--a- -1a,W. A. Sitir, MIf tiui R mn-s Edward c4 Sw e- 1i vom iera prima cie f or Wardan-Lm .Kle. ibiLc LiSte Il isGen, Rome - - n'g crs dur the-a tem - pa OF an iEn euitr bgctbs~- Finane - Comumitte -- BaiiSarGrims edn ely ADpeinng George tue -i ne e a tc h-mg tio-p l'h Po 4st-- Casa Bigeln ca PCarvatir mr a ,last anniraer Tir pre lac - o tae once ino iera e ci scrulo (eiira)Woodley, Ciolec , WealIspctr.ha in thp ce on "n-g p-o d of Jh-Ansrngar~ec aa MI ou bgtî, o t a arçt , Siir, Cia-pinn, Daviýl Agr1i ilture - C ienii ri ticae Tsic o wng fils ame erdiewd deFlm c; qa lu ts ce No bl J n acevc i te- ,'i iQi O tr .A son, Stopien, F-limnu1, -- acHlihan- Gricias (ciairnian), Daidqon, Ross Juai-dtn apo Glen, Gordon, Gmecn Grimes, Hans- Wren, J. Smnitli., ti ,l-qiraaa- o ai o ea tires enm Pai. i li ]hl gîter-L - ip eiyRowc, Ljittia, WVa ma-n. stcvefts, FniY, -Carrutirers, 1101l, Sen di. R art, office sIp"I .$ ...... 2.63 inii , > as and er t Oron Ci Mtoncriefý Rei(1, Pie nIl, Mogn icsii Brad artrîaa-, Rewae unîci adWori1s, 1,- take 41shi im w atiar sey -rat en -nl- lyae e t Hie- hiome e 'r -lri andoo Conmita 15 Cahvti tor h- t, Fof ida- Glenn SV11 ori+s 'ilrni Foiùs - ayopeme :n Diavy TbeiiraRssuns ha<ve <cartrîn u), C.X vcsn Rosa, Gn G-oon K yBîlowCavtrT.JA. Ca -- ondcn -wo A t W~ 0-O tm fire e d uet. M'lp ou~c Wie h-i- .nu M- i--n, an ) u - J i S i ir a i , e i b r i, S t v n s i a l e O r o n o Ciam e sL T , 1- A~. d ,- ~ -i -v ii t i c - i Ii ia . i r t - e o C.ahuw) G.idon Ar--stonYi sjel.,--I n . in- On c -Ypeg ?l I~ - -1e _-re o -Tuntiol <ca t-xs