Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Dec 1943, p. 7

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are mwlfi thougýhtS. the miark the vilfl not forleth 2ppetiteýs aLtten'tion; thse prepa ifyot ît is golder erieandci squash fo-r a veg Lamb Loaf ë_inupul o'! bread crurnibs %cup) diced celery i easpoon Sai 54 easoonpepper By VICTOR PROSSEAU CHAPrER 1 it was abaut Midday when )aIve Bruce lreined in lis ba geld'ling and looked dowin i-nto the vîtley below. For, miles it see- d to extend, gradualy rising up 0 the continluation ocý' the mounl- tain chafin that walled it off fromi lie walnsad the d-et veYfine indeed.GxAT hoPes of drivin9 sjt the sa wIt 3.OYao- times bave been iE be oC mta LESSON from packuv -ariee peu MAKEIý 654 êwn maki2 Ilus thé,: Thie war isn't won yt Disaster may stare uin lithse face again, just as it did at Salerno. Viclory wIm ieours - bt àt woa be a walk-oer. Let u alil make thîs our monto: 5No ILetting up unti L flilast Shot is fired." Fr if we do ket Up, ohrwn 11psy fo"r it .. fwithteiriveýs. lA limm-iedîately beiintnhlm Da-ve saw onle of theirnost projsp)er-ous- 1uoking ic-nc-les that lie had ever set eyes upon. T'here was the xlanhhousq, He cluser of trim buildings on either Ilde of it, the long bunkhouse, the corrals withi straiglt fene-posts and taut wre gleaming i the noon sunlight. Sitting his horse upon the top of the rse. Da" cold se aaclus- ter of puncliers gathered about the reinuda corral, which imuats harve been at leasit ttfree acres la e-tent. Inside it several horuses were nilling, rearing, or datshing ildly around the interior.Eer. thîng stood out liard kand clear ii the crystal liglt. "Well, fella, this bools like- business,'>Dave remarked to lis gelding, whcli f lî an ear and went on 'ý-razi, on the tufts of green gravss. "Thiey told us ho,,, Wilburi Ferris lad the miair spread la Mescal, but 1I neyer looked fo-r ant ing11e this. How'll it feel beeil for two years, had- been pushed to the wl by the depres. sion prices. Dave had niow reach- ed the point where it had be- creessential to settie dowvn to The tri idown wlich lis was riin ws certaînly fl rot in habit-6 ual use. At tirnes it grew so steptat the bay put hs Moe- feet together" and suid dwnil]a shlow'er of shale. Near. the bot- tom cam a finge of aspenl, with a, layer Of ft dL" ead leaves, soggy" wit sepigsfr-c'llone of the in- downinto the valley on thjis side of the heights. s * e, -ù w s t1î-,,ý j ji aspens nndc in the vle itself, and thie bay was movinig at an casy lope tow hte horsýe cor- rai. duepenor eiostnmn were gath- ered about it, but none of them wvas sýiting on tbe rails, and Dave saw wlihy. Tbe buncili of horses irside wvas unbroken, and everyý now and again one of shens ould maea furlousý lunge against the posts, or stat on a wild career around the interiorears laid back and teethgleaming vicously. As lie rode up, Dave saw that the outfit consisted of M1exicans or breeds. Sullen and suspicionus looks were dirocted toward hlm as ilie eased the bay to a stand- stilliand sat surveying the gronsp. Tweny-fvetail, straighit ln his sadd1le, fair-haired and grcey.. eyed, Dave watclied the swarthy punchers, sizing up the group as bis left-hand fingers rolled a cijgarette. "'Howdy ,ý! lie addressedi the crowd. "'in lookin' for Mr. Nobody answered hlm but the scewls deepened. Wilbur Ferris' CosBrcertainily dîdn't seem ahosptable outfit. Bu a man arne stridg out of And then ail hell was Iooseaed. to 0be rouniIldiin' y p steerlsaai after our thremoth' olidayi3, fella?"l The bay risd is head a1 qs Dalve tautened the rinand 1le- ganlP pickinlg lis way vdown the precipitous dlescent tuat led into the v-alley. Thres or four iles aWay Dave, couldl see the roofs aind hlouse fronts of ecl hud- dled beside wa looked like a neck of the valley. It was three rnontlis sine To Safeguaerd T7heir Tomorrowv- VICTQRY BONDS 0 We watnt a hcp)?ý,y to- morrow for aur childrei- a wor!d in which they macy grow and live ini peoce. Our men are fighting for such a world. The sooner a ne arby bunîýhous-e, a tal a-ad stocky nman o! about tit-ie with aimsso!fnatted hair and blacl, imustache. Bnhsof imus- es on the chest an arms Dark, but umsaal an Ameriicani. The Mxcn wer>e looking at hmsigjIjficantly, Ingacn et Dave, Wel"der-nanded the nsrw- corer'. -"You'r-e foremnan- of this out- f tasked Dave. "If that's so, you wanit another hn. ('ealh 1WlIat makes you thinik SO"inqiuired thei otherý in a snering voice. "look nt the autfit you got." Thie two mneasuired each other. Dave ladlit hls ciarette and was Ipuff.ing it esi.The Mýexi- cans -were watching the pair at- tentively, There wa,,s -agrowing tension. "Looks HIe you've rode far," said lthie foreman, eyeing Dave's Liorse, whlchi was plastered xith sweat adalkali dust, "Yeah, rode dwnfrom ULtab." "That's a long ways frorn. here." "I was fwo years twite Mid- dlle Brothers, tili their outfit crashed. Thougit Id sces a bit of the counitry beor ettîla' downai aaN A feller la some town along the radtold nme there miglit be a place on MNr. Ferris' ranch et Mescal. My niamie's Dave Bruce'" "ImCurrarî. I got abctit a-Il the hands I need. Mîglit use a good one, but I've got to be shw'The snerlathe fore- mIan 's voie had given way to a sort of purinhgnote thutDave distrusted. "Faýct is,"* Curvr %vent on, "puncin' in these parts is different from up la Utah,. i had one amachoor aifter another, and 1 goteto be shown. "IM- Win to show you," an- swre )a\-e, da in a a lst pufÈ aind trwn awaiy the buti- ,of his cgrte "You are, huli? *,' 'U-ow' about haws-wrngln'?Think ,you could break oeeof!lthein broncs in there ?" Crrnjerked bisthm Millions 0f Sleds Ready In Russia Russie is. preparing to tbrow aà warmly-clad, swift,hadîtig arm y against the Germans as failling temnperaturLes on the souith- era an.d central- fronts hrl the approach Of another bitter win.ter. Millions of sleds are be- ing- acua t' O carry Red Army troops aceross, snow fielda- that once wvere regarded ;Asulmost im3p a Ssaý,b 1e, ISSU E No., 44-4 EGGLESS MA YONNTAISE Vteaspoon dry vmustard i teaspoon sugar ,/4 teaspoon pepper 8tabJLý omis tnsl '/~ easpon aprka Vap)orate.d mlfl /t eas ýpoon0 ' sait-- cup Mazola, hlîfe i2'tablespoons lIcmoti Combine the dryigediïent,afdd the nilk and lenLid betli thechie Mazoàa, thien add thlemion juiecand roaybeater until smooh. Tis dresýsing w,,ifl keep inc acool plac.YED:Ymit ALL-DRAN TAIIOII MESMEHN 8011 cONT'aTI, When IYOU're busy asý most of us arc, wvorking to hielpvin tise war, it'S doubly import ant to know whiat ALL-BRAN can do to relieve tl{' cause of constipatinduie to tlic lack of the rightut of "bll" na tise diet. It's a "etr a"thon- forcing yous-self to, take purgatives- that offer. only te -(rryIeief. E a! tALL-BRAIN every Tbat's the sim-ple me-ians th ands use to keep reguier.. RALLY! 'îEnjoy it as- a cer msuffins . .; drink plenty olf m)d sec wbiat it does 'or v ALL-BRAN at your groce: two convenient sires. I,ý Kellogg's in London, Cal Hitier is next "Who-'s nxt? " asked Les, the popular1 of Essex Cen.tre. "N>ex-t?" excLaimec Picobac, iocking up from his paper. "Hi nex-t. We PuIÉ Mussolini Out of business. we go for Hitler. That's what this Fifth' Loan îi, for. Corne on, Canada. Let 's puti the top - and to spare 1" Speed the Vi4 BUY ViCTORY B( A E OA S Te3%ll,ý Ot

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