Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Dec 1943, p. 6

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I>uring JVay, aý year tbley, e rafe of oen rmnente vaymajor, EBattle's 0f tapn e, scieufific and ut te reach out ~hIug ships anti 1li the palates amen. adiau Navy bas .ntnient of five to act in an a?- in the prepara- c ail navalchips1 ts. Ail trainad dtitirs befor Lvy, the job of1 [Il be to e eethat lanced and varied inpr-cedlenfted ,o GanIladian or the concerned for have neyer hnd wLhh at hap- of l page Kids and a kcg make foýr gysotat KnigoE ad whiere thes ebjdren -of ,Bri-tish w -,ar okrsaepaynj!a usr O"bject of' gaýme is to stanid on top of the, rolling brrel WHATSCEE Mîrplane Log Book,,s WVbea almost everything about au air-piane is pr- da t le ulilimate dimension to cnev waightd, it mig:lat seem tmng that the b)ooka in ahic-h thelog 0f the fliglat is writtea areco. i a tai suid leaid, saye W. P, ese ial the CrsinSineMntr The re-ason for tie sis that th data in flac b)oolas iare Eussd nvuet not be aliowed to)fali inf ýluemy bnd.To nmake ctin that thlis dops flot hpetelog bJookas are boulu ladsotha feyan sfiuk rapqlidIy ad orlyiftie ovarboardte vedposil cp fure by the ney WVaHkie-Ta ies Origiuially devaloped ite be car- ried by foot slesA lu staming jungles. deýert nsfsor bleala Arctic beaches, th,- "ýaikia-taîkie" two-way, onle-mlan radio statl(ï i fow lias goaeIIP «)se,. f bas bean dsovrdthaf Ifs *uu 10 miernge is sufficeuf fo per- mit voice messages -'cha ex- changed batwaen WBe diffament vessais in a bigscoavoy aithout using the poaverfuýl sli's radfio wxlaose inimensely greafer "r-eacbl" mîiglat rcI lu enemy listelers piokiag Up Ignas wh Wou,! give away thecnoy How Canl1? ? By: Anne Ashleyv Q.-H1ow,-, ca -,Ilpr ýeelat p an.i cýak[es fmstIck ing te Phepan fryiug ,thelna? A.-Add(et w fbeeen fulis of pmelted lard, or3a table- epoon fu*l of nmeled buterte he baffer sud if alkecep thenai fromr eicking ote a rtd Q.-Hlow cnI reoveInsct froin vagefablas ahe abu A.,-B1y puffiuig a lit i ingar- or, a pinich of borax -ii n tic ater.- This aiibsjutg the lveinsecte te flac surface almeet imefflataly. Q.IIW as 1I make a tissue face creai? .A-A good tissue buulder is -made of fao ouncses cacaof c«oe butter, lanolin sud alond ol, or olIve oll; add a fea drops of Cologue. Appîy le lac kmafter nutg !botfowels. silvar articles? littia aarm atèr, usi-îg sbruala if desirati;rne ndenaster, sud (drytiruby Q.-loa can Ijean[s Vii-ie panama irat? -in Mediterna A nmarchat arnusamn home on as mon'%mav, api for 'a oaa "A"gsoiertn book tetoreplatcecone h es.The local.x War ud Pri(ceRto Board said he -would have te adverisa fhe Io"s bafore asether could Be New inter Garb For W.D.'s This ainfer tfie aeafhar nman ailîl hold ne f'errore for MoforO Transport Drivers in the oa' -Divison of tire Roya1l Caladfian Air Force. Aboya is pictured tira new garb walaia e b issuad te ail girs l iOs exciiag ial work. TMe bina ziperd granvle cot fiying-ý jacket le, fleelUaed, cona-i plaepwi-th hoodl. The sIacIce a re of spacial dasiýga; mnade of laaavy wool flaeýy are of a type used by sIî-indafd girls. Thlat le 0s f the skI type,aio The boots are somiethLinigaot niotiug. They, tee, are zippa-red snd fleece liucd; su exýact du1plicaýta of firose aowu ½y the fMers taeim- salves. Last but net least, th-e gutif ame fleeece ýle, matie of durable, good-looking leathar. Transport Drivers, baffer known as M.T. Drivpes are urgeufly re- quired by flac ILC.A.F. la ordar Io let masn, who are (loin,- flais work, train fLor a,*ircrew. Transport di i l e eofte mrost fhrilliig of al R.C.A.F. faa u-pen taw iîîbetweeîî fie ages of 18 anti 45. Thayae ia oetet driva eartig fromne hasmart station wagý,ons te the beýavy cdufy triche firat zlp f0 aud ifrom lflyiing stations. Tiosa intersfed ilu ennig mnore about "MLTI'" shld visit, write or p he i eR.AF. a- cmriig Centre,2"0 bay Street, Toronfo, Adelaida 5S-11, îforco- plae infomaf i. lawy have Thii verl.d (l Cli fors cta illy us l('u tea!"' 'Aiife: "Go0od neýýs C-eorge, ,hs e lt our baby. This l t ,eurongcaag" Hýusb!id: "uet. Thia car- naeha"s lîbe ires. Ayung- a rerdtodozen roe quh ent te lais iaceand 011f eon1thacaIrd int wIÈ asto go wtïI tIem: "A r-ose for eachyen fyorprecin lf. "Thro(w ini aniietra (dozeii," said The assistant d in hawns told. First Mtois-1 love the be-auties of th-ecotrse" Second M,'otorst-",So do L, So 1ims give 'rnalift. ".onne ahtd (d(lyou have for "Teacer, et ix cg. "Wb, obni! ou sbouLld say, T o mmiYiy Mot h er, i f baby s Wa".10W e d con t id p o!os, wold t kil! hlm? Mother: Il: might, deàr, Tommy: But- it hasn't, iijohfl, 1hope 1I dol't see you mlngat that girl."' "I hope you didn't, my dean." fit f If ,f ive 1 p golf, sel SeodDoctor,: "I say-hiard her, By: Roberta La-- 1. Wengýiin a tip), is if also ecsayto cay a klnd word of appecato a cnieaeser- 2. 1,s if truc that fried clickeal chudnot ha antan awithi he fingers?! L-,Isif correct for a mi-arricd auman to hava her personai eall- ing cards enigraved "Mrs. -Mary Jones" ? 1. What le the pr-opar way foq eat 5.Wlen fao womren are- intro- duadr, shouid the youngar woman makelî the tirst move te leave? oShul eat3ke a slighfly sieis osition whea elttinig at te ad of a sofa? AnSwIrs 1. If is not uccesýsary, but ift is i-,iIce to de se, 2. The correct way test chicken la withi the knife andi fork, although if is frequantlyý tmikn aith thaefIngars abqa the meai is anltan at home or af pirnie amognginibarc of the fam1i1ý ly a lutiinante fiend1, 3. 'No; lbar carde s1lould raad "IMre. John (mia1die initial) Jones." 4. Alligator pasara ccrvedcnt inhlhalvas Like canfaloupee, sud affer addîng Une drcseg shonld be catain witla a spoon 5. Npo, isleps'opr that tha h ler aomian (dothis. 6. Yeotherwise- eolata likely to a ssumea siffposu a Prîces Affar First War Com- pared With 1943 PriceS are cma ilustafin, 1by fiec, Winnipeg Freeprese. loaur, jusf f eflcFirsf GratWris $80 aaiat 2.5 oday. Sulgalr was 22 cents a porun s ompared wiàt tb nina or 10 confs(of l"4, SIs)e 8 ensa dze.Pets- toas cne-ot .0 a bi ahel. Sida bacn aas 5 cntsa !pound,. Clth- laighfa. Tbe ci 0 fliving impQsed a1 crue hadsipontoce 4p dent upon filxedingoies. 1Pa-n- cloîers cmll ajaiedfolk 'tnd bad it. 4 s lut 191S redcot16 cents a loaf. anned corn came as bigla as 2V centsa ftu aginsf 15 cents tod y. tinned fomatoas were double 'teir ire. Jam, which today ýi., whan thfere is any, can be bouiglit for ClO Cents, cost $.0 Faed forivestckwas propor- tintly igh. Qats csig$2.75 fody ould nort le bouglat for las than $55.Scratch fed was $4,60 ansfthce preseut prc of $su,5 Sb-erts were $3100 as compared WItG $110 Wtoay. ive may gat Ppety NVAeI exas- pe-rted wtprice icontrol aft imes. Lut wlien we cousider wlaat ît menas la fermn of actual cash sav- ing-s imost of ius wouff ld fhink wice biKeforeWewuld want to scrapif. It's fto0 bad somnieof the pres- ure groupe that have- been howl- lng daow the mwle price contrel strutur woldntfake time to conisider 'the0 probýable cons,ýe- q4wintes' of tieit oavn folly. The Nuthatch Earns J-is Name Nut'hatches are bJluegray id aot eparrow size. The" are pure whîte underneafla, have wbite mariks in their wings and show white !in their tailewenthey fDy. Thei!r general shaple is tinîir thlat is, their shoulders appear wide -whfie the tipa 0f tladr winigs feld closely against thair narrow shorts tails, Their buis are very stronig, euabling tlýe birds to cracýk o pean hard-shelled noute. From tis lacking, or hatching (old formi) they get tihirmamies, A-oris and beechaiuts are thair favorites, but tbey do not scora peautiis when already she-lled,. To "acl"tha nut, 1the bird wedges it luto an bark ceic.If flot bungry juet then, he leves itthr for a fulture mneal. Wheni -wbacking a t the sheli, niuthaý,tcheis do not braceý thenaseîvýes witb. tlheir talle andi are as Iikety f0 be stAnd- ing head downward above tire foodi Ias tA hePecking at U if com below. Tbepy vm i!)upand down ad irouiff free trunii with the utter allant- dadm i.unconcernof a fDy ouan apple. A wroaig-sideýup positioai ditrb hein,,not at ail. Nuthatch1,es lýe scfand Mwill Vocit a fooci fbut regulagly neveir bickerig but always politely aswaiing %MertMrn. They are es- peilyfond of squash and clpun3lp- km sedasudwill acetsucli [f >youir back ce or il youi have out IF çrtrouble. This Conditionle a sure Sign that your kidnycs kare ntf Ily rdding your blood foisono(us cde and wacstes. VWhen 11thekidnieys slow up. wastee collec-. Backacha. dizzy speLs. * pt4y eyesu ndii urhumatic paiins ipay fio. *Your kdeysuned hel-gnd tçct ttmei-tricd. Proven way to hcl te knwwn as GOLL) MEDAI. Iaarin Oil Capsu1e. These Capsules contain cars~ fXlly incuasured qoantiie of Unbit widy known pus i clldDutch Drqm.Abu wi llad th4iir actin fast and eaffPctive. B2 sti-c you geýt OLD NIDAI. Haurrit 011. Carziles, the getiine and i o~gnal Dutcb Drç,ps-paeked in £a-nadu C'et a 40C package t romn ydir dfugglct.e tasties, if they fndthem spreA4 ont oa traiy )orwindowIX P O nce, nluthatchules becomie accustomed te a ceirtin feediagpae, they will catj olit 1f thley find t ilsIlemýpty. Canadiaa servicemien Ovtrseas reeeived more than a-iiIon jcig- ,arettes in 1942 o)r an averag-e of 15 per iumn per day,- Fr~ee edcl reatmlent i available for One year zafferds. charge from the Canian ïîiAiïlry How To Make Money hIGol Mine Stocks... Tlaere ileonly oaa ue, wyt maireoey in ýgeld mine BIJ AN iSELL ON FAÇTSý. -Eacb w-,eek w-pblaa Mr ket Le"ter--tleGODc.ESI -wblch ives alIheimport- ant news and fajcte ýaut ",ail thaim nportantCaaanlod -Senors Junorsand irs pQc FREE ,TRIAL Thie GOIIYDIGS i esent for I eeke-wthou chreo Rlecmond & Ce. 30 Bay St. Toi-onto NAME----...----------- ADDJýESS-------. W HOW TO RELIEVE FILE TORTU RE QUICKLY AND EASILY ilý yiu aire troubitd iwîth iîtchîagý piles or rectal i eîes (dJfo E- lay t1eatl11tný ,d run ite rk0o S ttting . hia conitonb"cume chro- lc. Anjy iebunorsrenes.e or pamnrul esae tstool iý atre wvarni and. p rop er îtrea tmni huibesecured at once. For t Mis purpuse cet aL pac irla ot H mbld frm any d r uggîst su :ue s (dlrecteu. Thx:i e Vmul, wilh is uied jutaii nHy15a emali, eaay Wtu ttaire tabit, w;l Oicl id jeliath ,îetndr pui em-i liOi enattueI the heishiuoily ro i3luy ue;Q ri Oe piuj a d chraunile oo uit iî vteI aucF!a- t e1renîed Fay 0e had aW c1 O a emaicot Ir yo thly ainmut aiîd aiîtire no Ou eniey l aS--ie o zwîith the rui ts yiour drÈ-urbgis.I wiil gLady at eI1eves 'J!(tîins frn UNN oci-

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