Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 Dec 1943, p. 5

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n g to seil o lie Time~, ou vil ge f olk the ' Toronto, vîsited J. jBest, on Sun- f prizes in 0. W. ickets, 25c. Date B 17th at 1.0a Lickt ? Just one a onel (. Reiember, of prizesý. c ith Mr. and Mis.h Mr% and Mrs.o and daughiter 1j M. J. Fagan (nee Mari on, wi, i hoa been e(mploy ed in ýo, lias been suiccessfuJ in se- apositinwith th-eBrts ment. Shie will leaive on ay of next week for New vYork shie will enter the British S e- C-,OrdlinatLion offlice, wihis 1lie Britisb G (overn1ment. Mrs will do0 office work, and will course in tltpn wich will min unlie of m.orlç. We wish k in hier new position. .ECTION IN SGI IN CLARKE TlOWNSHIP yhing. in the- Township of iS quiet concernîng zýr1elec-1 The present council lias been a. good~ job in bandling the af- >f the rateýpayers, and the lat- ni quite icontented. We expect the old counc il returned ýby an ation. We do. not know -what tppen inatthe village. There1 to e somle disconitentmlent1 wvould' not take much to starti tion, that is, if anyone would We wvi1l teil you about the alter the nomination. AJ UV'AUJ THURSDAY -FRIDAY SATURDAY TH-AN PRICE, WeV ar gadtosecMs.Croýsley t after sufferýing [o natc le "flu". Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hen"der-son and .( eeui sipent Sundaiýy with Mr. and- s.W. C. Cr'ossleyý, Mrs. Ver'a Mlsnand soýn, Tor- [o, spent Sonday at the home of, rand Mrs>,,. W. C. rsly Bill Lynch gave bis first donation1 the lll1ood Donors CliilinOshj- va on Mond'ay mrn last. plis Bckç of the ,Continluationi !11o0 staff was confilned to bner rue wýith a severe cod idiuring paý-rt last week. Virs Thos,.1Lewi s has nrecei r,îd fromi be Ihsband in Iay o is nowý sick a1nd in a hospitail iný Mýrs. Baxter,of sh and r. Manison), of Trno eevstr la!st Str a at te lhome ofMi and Mlrýs. \Wm Waýlter. -We are sorry to) report thiat our- former townls peopeMr. and lMrs. r oadSniâi, of'Trno aebe quite M i ithte "l" M.adMrs. Frank Arron n sýon Madison, Toronto, vî,iied M:rs. Ardronl's parents, Mr. anl Mrs. M. C. 1a,11,over the wee-end. W'e are informied that Mr. Clarence Allen, of Nwcsle-ar-rowly avert- ed serious inj .ury when attac ked by). an irate buill one daiy last week. Mr. Georg,-e Butters wiîshes to in- formn the public thiat o et or- ders restrict aIl trees frcom beinfg but for- Christmas trees, othLlerwise there may be trouble: Corporal Ernest Bowen, who bas spent the ýpast mionth at bhis home here, returnedi on Têdy atfor Halifax. Ernest, prior to his vaca- tion, ýwas stationed at DbrN. S. Thie intermediate iroom 0j f'Orono Public School had a holiday on Tues- Wa aù dedy of' this week, as, dhe teacher, Miss ilaradea, had an attackç of laryngitis, losiag ber voice. lr. Thos. Tebile, ilamilton, spent over the week-end with his father. Mr. Tebifle r-eports that some of the large %var plants la ilamnilton are cutting dw in pro- djuctionl. The net proceeds from -th Orono Chamber of 'Commerce danc-oe on Sat- urda y night -will lie used to send par- cels to our soldiers oein.Tuorn out to this dance and m-ake iît a pay- ing proposition. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstronig, 'MVr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor and Orme Gamsby formed a theatre party anid attended the presenitati(.on .' the "Sudenlt Pr2ine"' at theRya Alex- andria, Toronto, onWdnsa last. The Jersey cow, Vilagec Vi ewm Happy Xenia, brcecl and nedby Mr. M. W. Stapies, Oronro, bas re- centl"y comýipieted ,a slnddfur- year-old record of 9,C223 poxunds of milk, 520 lbs. of fat-, 5in0 la 65 days. Don't -forget to attend the bazaar unoer the auspices of the Orono Branch of the Red icross Soc-iety on Saturday after-nýon, _Deceir.ber llth. There will ibe a lot 0f ueflarticles to purchase and which, no idcuibt, you>, eau use, while your monwey T will go to help our soldiers. On Saturday evening Ms>,iý. and Mrs. 9c 'Boyle went to Oshawa anit took ila 39 a m1ovie, asud left theircar ý l aa parking lot. When te aeout of the theatre to comne ho felmetey fouind [bat their car hiad ibeer stojlen from the lot. Tbey notified thfe police and 36C their car bas been founýd iacrboo 39C ~The car is a Lincoln Zep,-hyr. In the Kingston WhgSan Ldo 22C 1riay, Novemtrber 26t,ere ap- iOtîmiist, alonig with W. A. Eggle- 21C ton, President of theOpilsCu, * oldrlng a bear ip btwente ~ E whîch weig'ba, 15 The T bearç, Mail thei Anitiocb CncrtlndChiristmias1 Tree w-i be held oni Tuesday, De-1 cebe 2st, a 'lc tthle schioo l house(. AIRS. W way to better Nc ir FEE copy pl, -Win- NOW. ýY (ONTARIO) a ndhealthI YNCH'S PIANO - oA lmeeting 0 f piano studenits wvas THOMAS SOMERVILLE hleldo ud ay11a ternoon azt the ""hoe of their. teacher, MrIIs. W. A formier 0Orono business mlailn ync. Pifteenl pupils w-ere pres- passed "vay on Wednesday, Nv ent, several beiag ill or othierwise 24th, after a leng-thy illniess, at the be to attend. Each child played age of eightýy years. The late Mr. one or two numlbers followed bLIy a Som1ervýille waS "bora On the llfth line Very interestfing talk on the life andi of ClJarke, and lived practicallvj his works Of the composer, Bach, which1 whole life in Orono, lHe -was a SOn w\as given by Mrs. Robb. The chul-1 oyf George Somnerville anm Mary dren then gathered around the piano 'Waddell Somerville, 0f which union, and learnied a beautiful hym-n writ- only one sur-vives, "iSanidy" of Tor- ten by Bach, p&y a rticarten ont 11l 1902 lie was united in mnar- tion to the formr of the composition.t riiige to Etta Kirk, who with one It is intended to hold mnore of theses dauglit er Mfary, sur-vive. For manY imeetings during the winter and it is 1 years Mir. Som-erville was connected h<xped thart the meibers of the classg 'w"ith the egg bhusiness and Was wilpl show their interest by regulart known in pratically every corner attendance. of Clarkle Towntshîp and adjacent_________________ townships. H1e retired from t he egg business a few vears ago. A ýprivate funeral was held at the homie -withU inemn"eing made in Orono cerne- tery. The pallbearers were, Rob -Roy,. olville Evans, George MGill,I f- F a nk ll , a r o I u . R . AM Orono Tinshop'I Repairs for ail makes of Stoves and Furnaces R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR C*ntre St.1O<roeo Phoio. 80r11i REPAIR Your RADIO Now Do't wait until parts become srarce, For your convenience we carry a complete line of TUBES, BATTERIES, GONDEN- SERS and RESISTORS If uniable te bring your radio to the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 C. R. KNOX IT PAYS TO Phones 21 r SUITS New Suits arrived this week. In good quaity English Worsteds, in plain blue....$3.00 Fancy Worsteds $37.50 OVERCOATS Darkç Grey Metton Cloth in raglan sleeve, 3-4 lined; a very dressy coat for the. man that does not want too mtich weight.....$35.00O Fancy Cakes lb. KST. u suys be used GIFT MAIL TIIS Co (des.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . s-,,. lb. EEF 17c. 24c 26c 43c 29c. ~35c 32c 37c 43c of1 ind~ ~lb. ? coupons Flo-Glow qt. bottie SI

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