'Vol. And Newcastle Exceed Objective PlaceI lic Speaking Held At Orono' hich is donated f y 'thýe D urham iuýnty OId Boys' Cluih 0f Toront, dc vhich it was explaincAd 'il hoý ,pt by ecdi winner for a p-eriod of nimonths. Another shield, dionated the Kiwvanis cluh, Bwnnile M go to the second prîze wiÀnnei-, is Lois Burtch, Port I'Hope. in ad- ion, al!cotestants reeivedl one Ilar i War Savings "Sta m ps. hln N-Ton i)i-iI f1t hetwo f6rsý lifth Victory Loan Is Weii Over The Top, In Durham C Thiree Trainlees And Whole Domniniol Civilýianl Die In crash Its Object ive b~ Garden iilwýas the sconeo0f a Ottawa, Nov. 10.- fatal airpînne crash (,arl1y Fridlay t h 12O0U~ mlornling of la.lst wee~k when three air Loan whic closcd laL force navigation school trainees and now total $l,337,8S7,85( a civilian staff pilot frorn Toronto 'dlaved reports to ni AUL go to olrgao. id at Itaplce i idate wý,ho wlll proceed Ae seok honors in the tien at Toronte. Beý- rCarlton's address, iigconduicted by Dr. y iss Tickner, and thi songs. rounded,' 7peridledg up tei sion. pairt inthoeakn Stinsýon, Mlbok nourl, NorthCaan ton No.eI. 1,TlmaIli kod Crek; 10, Jac. in, Biacekst ock;: 1(i, Velcoine, South HoYpe; rinan, Ncwcaqoýt; 13, )uth Cavan; 15,loias !op-; 2, Bob Town, 1, Florence Campbolp, SICILY FRONT. BRIIT1"SH II R Picture taken in thie arly stages hs ardyplnced the nmajor portion Br1itisi troops rnanniing acatue marters anneuaced. four Occupants eof tic lane ýng the pilot, Harry Chiambers an, Regal Road, Toronto, a a staff pilot, -were instantly The otier three were a) New der, a British memlber of tic and a Polisi traine(e. AIl tat onied at Maltonl. plain(,e, on11airouitiiunein21 1 ig fitcaid and ex on the fruin of Dr. S. Wrighit 1Aricles tih Oronio Branci was Orngiall lasýt Tini nlloon. Tle workroom is Th'ursday- afternooii, wl îals can lie cdtaiineýd fo)r1 Frtv bo hxes ha~ve Iode, t rp- Yublîc Charles Public lewood, A silvier cleci n s takçen to eefray exipene s. Mrs. P. IL Brown, wasaso ialnist for the sýinging of Foreer,"with which the rgrm pneand the "NationalAnhm which maked its Close. Ration Book No, 2 Ex'pires End of Year C adasfrom the ,Atlantic lto the frmRation-ý book No. 3' according to Hloward I. Ross', deputyad nit- tor of consumer rationing. De ,;e 1, 194,3, is theu lastda onwhich consumjers mlay buy sugar, tea or offee ad nt with coaîpons fom rati5 o bookNo". 2. Sgrcou- plons Nos. i to 13" and tea or coffee coupnits Nos. i to 1:" in the oid book wili not !bec good after Doc. 31,.0On theý saine day, aill home canningý sugar-i corpons e-xirce too. Mleat coupons Nos. 25 becoîne goodi Nov. 11 and ex,,13i fe Nov. 3M The last mieat cuosinl No. 2 ration ooNo. 2,-3,may be used Novembler 18 andioupie Dec.3-1. Set On Vegetablesý in fresi cd, 'Id/i c. pound; grOteOl' ed, 2'/4c. pound. -washed and scour- fi rs andishî,prs sýeling d- te roelesteî heriniteda p of 15 per ent. of their total g rc.Grote-ers adsh fes g iettecoaumrstill ho [itted te add fthe retail tmarkup- pper cnt0o1te selinig prîco'. der the nwvegetable prices ,waxed vegutalcs have the eHing price as vashed and rcd vegetables. Ony beots and ts miay ho wigied and sohd tops on.1, Mes broughtlth ee iay of the tea and siower of parcels for the boxes. The 'Ciristias Bazaar is the next !ig undertaking and overyone in the vlaeand surrounding coutry isj invited to have. a share in thiis. FancyT work aprons, vegetables, fruit, poul- try and eggs, in fact, almost any- tIiagthat is not raiond may ho offepred fo-r sal'e. MUore anucmn wil h made, later as to plans for youir entertai-nmunt. This , our one Jbig feature of the yaran wo want you aal te have a part in At %s adosTo .tic eLadis Wve eed yoU very badlyinhiRed Ycou sco e ..at first... this sort of an appeal Wasn't neP'sary. týt noever is, at the begîninh'g of %Mii There's draa, thon . . .noet Sthe ex,7ýcitenlt of start- ing snimtething nw Býut wve'ro aypnst that phiase note. The wehole wvorld is ,nery of war. The wýeather bas heen good . . -' the notes bas been good... It's prolbably the human thîg edo . .to "sit back" ...j'ust n tittle-. Tfhat' a seoius danger! It's tehat our en-ies would want! WVe mustnt do it. Thero ies an11opportunity for- serv- ie, no-w, ' That is service, in the reafl-est sonse of Tl-e word. SeQrvice . . . with the gaorail gone. Wihthe frosting off the top. jIl itting big, bur1ly tuIrtle-n'cký sweaters with long sîcves Winsox come Snmii casýetier and you -o-.d(]tura 'ýem out' "'jus t ike that" AlI right . . . so you'il take on a sweater, inIstea,qI Bocause sweaters are needed. NaJoody bas an-y hehp. Finding time, is like pulling a rab- bit out of a bat. But it's bietat for everybody. (Our moen only have tinoe for fight- ing . . . but t1iey MAKE tit-io thee Coemmlssion exýpect te p),y tfleoil- -1----------11, -ý-., off on the îsýt of 3arech, Eb944 , wich n,14.Ceiust hth a will ba.,ve the hydro with'ino mreob- 1en a en t iniithe R.C .A.F., 1 ligattion to pay. Thero is $3150, in- completing hbis traiingjý in thoe spriivg vcs;ted in V'ictbry ons nd an f 19412, and hiad beecrloi e on in- balance, îincluding ýinituest, cof $2-efinite leave to serve as a civilianc 83733 mkin atoalof ilearîyi taffpilot at -Malton. $6,00.0~ Born in Ida Freeman caime to Messýrs. -J.> .ThtlyF. O, Canlada in 1936 and attendoci Acadlia Coeper and R. E. Logan were maiýdo u1nivers;ity, in Nova ,,Seotia. Ho join- a omiteototry and rrng for e h .-AF in JLïu, 1941, a al seQries of dances to tae lacdr-shrtieafrhémrid str înge tho einter mr onths, WniddHuewoaso hdco)rne from india to Ca1na-da. (Q1uiîte a1lenmgth1y discussicon tens hould on whethier to iold a, -*poulty LieD I I market tu--s year or not. At .the ouitry nas Ceîing, previous mieeting it -was dcc.ided to hiold thc market On Decemiber 17, Strong ro- ssarehenrced btat tismeeting' th e mibers lO h tPice Eoard from poultry pe thou!git that prolbaibl- tw 1dh uer h on u ta eiecn btter to do the market for tu'hs sumer-1s arepyigfuli 1cein!g pr-ic s yr. Two of the ini reasons fC"fordressed poultry-, produ1ers a-re droppinig the 3market tis yvear, was1, eiVnglCwreoe;pnd prices that thlere is, a ceýilînig price on i Ovl for. live poultry', and thait it would ho, of nobeet to "It shioull hoempasizedutht the thle falrmer, owfing to the price bein!g Board basJI,-,;so set maxuHimum rîces set On fowld; wbilo tie othelr relsenllfo)r h-ve poujltry," said Fi. S. roae %vas thiat the miemhers foît !that tie dptyfoods coodnto1We farmeiicrs did net give their wieihoe- the pr.i e)fdrs Onltry to thei hieartedsupr to the market. Somne _________________ of the farmers hrought ia their faote ,(1' yýàarin ain enavurto mn5 iaseInOl take thleir t'owl to othler places thikig lîy wou71ld get a higier ~ prie for ùthe ,ir poultry.1 Some woukl Pension W i liold b)ack their ofrns trying to decîde rwether to hring- thenin in or- takle themn away. H-on. R. P. Vivian, minister oor T -efial ecso w a it there Wlfare, after a mleetingo the would ho noimarlket tis y ear at proviniacbinet0on Tbur1sIdayeven- Ies.ing of Last week, a1n1oince'd that To Invade Sicily, gnow ate ami for Vtlei Look, ladies. We aeed you Cross wv thero wouchéail a monith in the On there ,would ho -badly in Two no- Russell Seiling rbythe1 -1