Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 21 Oct 1943, p. 5

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JA sac:aI eveing tillbe held in Leskýard clthfool on Wdedyeven- ing, October 27th. (}ood programmine jnot!ier entertainm-ent. The canvassers are making their cails in the interest ofT the Fiftili Vce- tory Loan. "Speed t he Vitr, hàuy Vitoyy Bonds. PLAN TO ATTEND Durham %County, Plowing Match Friday, October 29th On the farm of NORMAN RICKARD Lot 35, Concession 2, Clarke Township (Just iiorth of Kurv lIn on N\o. 2 H-ighway). Enter Ilhroughi James T. Brown's farm immieiately east of the checkerboard. TRACTOR AND HIORSE PLOWING Those wishhing prize list please iýrite the Secretary, or E. A. Summers, Agricultural Representative, Bowmianville Town and Country Folki are Cordially Invited. Bring the Ladiles Mléals served in close proximity to gromnds by Shiaw's, Home and Sehool Club Ilioward Henry, Pr-ýes. Campbellroft John Rickard, Sec, NewcastLe RED & WITE STORES SPECIALS Thursday, Friday and Saturday QTJALITY HIGHIER THIAN PRICE Boneless Round Steak, IL Blade Roast of Beef, IL Chuck Roast of ]Beef, IL Macaroni and Cheese, IL Bologna Sausage, IL Hubbard Squash, each 38c 29c 26c 28c 23c 25C Cyrus Bread Flour, 98 lb. bag $2.59 Table Turnips, 2 lbs. Citrons, each ' Kellogg's Krumbles, 2 pkgs. Quix Cereal, 2 pkgs'. Kellogg's Ail Whea.t, 2 pkgs. Fresh Ground Coffee, IL Giant size Rinso Washing Soda, 2 pkgs. 9c 20c 23c 25c 25c 39C 49c 17c ORONO WEEKLV TIMER I on 31 Satmriday, Local News he, lat, Eliza- MssMarion Coo, To!ronto, was tnd Fther ,. f home foi, a fwdays thiswek i frm bi 1at MacSmilh, Toiot,"a ntw Street ,S'ouVh, o a few hours on ona last, Octdbe 18. Pe. Chs. MlerI,-i, ofr igtn 1.nte1rment iflspntovel. the eked ihMs uealunderMier Local News on Cureh street. Mri, J. J. IMeiýor gaý,ve atl tote un ~ ~ ~ e vvetlsa Lm1oon, Li g ý n themto acclasebonds in the Fifth Victory Loan !lDr'ive. PlCtkrros tWZ , i Dr. Joje Lomas, of Wateidfown, is ;Ish on thuesere'en. visitilig with Dr. and -Mis. W. W. L.A.C. Roy Satt f trhe R.C.A.F., sherrwin. w\ho)bas just cooanpleted a cour-e ýin Mr. J. D. Brown is reniovating Toronito, spert avei h ee-n sýome or the buildings on lits propertty, witl i bi parents, MWr. and Mrs. Il. N. in the soubltwrd Scott, then left for Belleville fur fii-r,teîtriing in air gunineiy. Thice or four- real estate deaý'Sls in A eyfnstoflisshwig Orono are just albuttclosed. Pl-operty- p vureryandieisetson slie shwimi is nw ontheiiioe. road will be shooii in Park St. Unii- Mi. and (Mrs. Cyrl French ecd Cburch at 7 p.m. on Sunduay, recent visitoîs at the bome of- Mr. I Otober 24th. Creadnjoy an ami rs., fHeib. Murray. hour of wD.iship, song and story. , Pte. Bruc~e Mercer bas returned toj Camp at Nagara Fýaiýsate a twoý weeks' vacation at bis homje he(. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. Ajax, have rented one cnf the aatmnsil, the Kumrite Inn, IMorig in hact week. Mirs. W. W. Sewn Dona'ld ajnd Donglas, and Mrs. Rdhav'e retur- ed homealter visiting at Lucknowv. Mi. J. F. 'Lorriman aras in Toi- O'to over thw week-end, isitiing witli his son, Capt. Fred Loiiman of Sud- Mr. Robert Stwr eturnedj hI'ome fý*iorn the Province of Saska't- chwnwheîe be uspent the iupast twoJ Mis. J. ýR. Cooper attended Rose- nieaUh Fair on Thuirsd'ay and Fîiday o«f iast rweek judging J}omiestic Thle first snow tis EaIl feI on Monday aftIel-noon last dluriing tIhne inii stoîmn. This remi-inds people that winteî is on its wey. Mi. John MeTNuli, teller or? tie Bank of? Commieece ait Oroo, eft on Fridaiy laszt t,, o report for iiitary duty at Kin'gston on Monslay. Mi. Herrîy Mercer g'ot is car- baiedk fromi Toronto the latter paît or? List week and now looks li'ke_ a new ane, having receivecd a fresh) coat of? hlaek paint. Mis. M. Smnith lef t (ouIS11and ight iast for Osýhia, antI ao day jo.urneyýed ta igri at weeshe wl pnithe rwinter nimonthis. Orono 1.O.O.F. No. 43,6, will lti their denýce in the tarwi, hall on Fri.- diay, Ocýtobeci 29th. R'uçss Creigliton's Var-iety Dance Band or? Toronta will b)e in attendlance. rNfressrs. Wilbur Prouse, Wairder of the United Counties and O. -W. llolph, were, tie j.uîdlges of thie Farximerettes BReauty Contest at Rn seneath Fu-on Friday of last week. Mm .E, Smith bas ,ented nc of her stoûres onan str-eet, formerly tised for groceries, to Mis. Phasey andl it is no-w Ieing ,,,turned into an apart'ment. iMrs. Phiascy and famly wvill mnove in around the flrst of No- vemnber. A mneeting o7? the Orono Charaber of Commerce will bie held in the Kumrite Apartments on Thiursday Oveitgo0Vber 21st, and a full at- tendlance is requestod,, at~ this -meeting as theore are some important matters to he ciscossed. RADIO NâI'ow Don't wait until parts become srarce. For your convenience we carry a 1- complete lune of Rev. Milton Sanderson, Toronto; Mr. and fMrs. Lornie LamPb anmi Don- alid, Ralph StUart, Miss Rutýh, Mr and Mrs. Milton Stainton,« Dorothy and Clarence, of Enn,-iskil len; 3,11 John 'PTaibjllyn and Miss Myrtle Tan-iiblyn, alsio Bolbhy Casey,vsie Sunday ait Wri. StantonJs. Frienls of? Mr. and Mis. De-witt Harnessý atteýnded theý, presenptation alt Clarke Union &hoo"01lal"stWednes- daiy evening, w.heii Mr, und Ms 11lli-y Nixon 'wee manlde the recip- ients oif a beautiful dock l1ndl altea' pot. Mi% and Ms.Nixon wreonly reelyInarried, the latter being forerl Mis Helen c-aarness, Hav5e you noticeed the, north win- dlcvi of 0. Wý. Rolph's hiardware store lately ? Well, if yùLu haven't tk time ta sce it. There is on1 display a fulliline of weaiing aup avellfor the Canaf-dien C.WT.A.C. Anid what, aý diaýpluy it is. Everythitig there is of the lbest mnaterial and the g-irls wbvo wear them isliould be veîy pîoud indeei. Tirere, are about twenty-two pieces in the hayotat an, at$2.O Citîzens of? Orono and vicinity who liir Mrs. Dorotlhy B. Thanipson sipeuk ov-ri CBL on Suniidayl--lmn will be inreested taow that she Owils a home fil Orono endspenlds lier retenations here. Slie is a profes- soi in Toranto UCnirvesity, oceupying the position that lier hubuntiProf. Raomer Tbaxnp.soný, who îsis ow over- seas, lid for severel yeîsr'. AMirS. Thoiîipson speakIs agi next Sundcay- moriing ave-r 4JL et 1. o) n fur ther in,(idoqnts in bier lif e in Greece." fV14 E WAVt' A MA N'S FARM Ai N-rjoS-r A PBIT- .--Tr' A PA.R OF 1MIS COUNTRY! TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN-1Ê- SERS and PRESISTORS 10 rono Tinshor If unable to bring your radio to the shop, Phione Orono 42 r 2 C. R. KNOX PARK ST. UNITED CKURCH m Rev. S. Litttlewood SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24th 11.00'am-Wasip "The Bible and Business" 2.30p.-Sund,,ay School. 7.00 p.-ii-llistrated Lecture, "The Burmna Road". "WIho shall ascend uto the bilh of the Lordl? "lie tbat bhl ean hands and a pure hear'tYl If Yoù' Need S5table Equîpmfent Order Now R. E. LOGAN PROPRIBTOR re St. Oroio Phone 3 Page from a Primer Q.-What is the Fifth Victory ILoani? A.-It is another opportunity for Canadians ta put their money into the fight for Victory.. Q.-How wilI my money help win Victory ? A.-Tt will supply the vital w,ýeapon-s of -war needed by Our troops overseas. Q.-How wrvill J benefit personally?9 A.-Yoli will be saving your mo1ney (wi1th in- terest) for the post--war period when you m ay need it more. Q.-IIow mucli should 1 spend on bonids this time ? A.-At least as much as last time. Every cent you can possibly spare-and a littie more. This advertisement eontributed to the Fifth Victory Lean Campaign hy Dominion Textile Co. Ltd., Montreai -I ARMST 11l IT PAYS TO PAY Ci Phones 121 r 1 and 70 r 1 FLETTE W e have ail ou of Flette in by 5 yards to a cu please. Buy your1 Hose, and early, f or ceh mûen, boys ai I OVERCOATS A real good Quality Carr's Elysian Coat, dark grey. Large Grape Fruit 2 for 37c.- Clothes Pins 3 dozen IO c. Javax bottie Fresh Shoulder Pork $45.0 E wing's Cocoa lb. 25e Flake Wheat 5 lb. bag 23c. J Apply at the Orono - Ontalrlo ORONO TIMhES OFFilICE w -~ Dresses, Coats, Skçirts and Waists, ail new stock this week. Corne Ii and see these. J. J. CORNISH ul i eje

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