-Labor Squeeze May Bc Overcome Offie WorkersMal 0o Four Hour Stint in OVerýaIilsAf Day's Work ianpower squeeze is as tight as aznywher le in the cuty new seheme s being troed ut hic ay give ouýr wrid tries a substantia luri , nnoimces the Wianipeg Free Press, Rt is based upon the assump tien haI mnypeopbes rkn ini seden_;tary occupationswod welcme achiance todo)s(1, of ShopS gangs offfice work- ers Gdon overaiLtls and slack's an-d do a fouMhur stintafter their normal da's worktis oc It i, too eariysyt toe ug wcbrth(' planl will suIcceed or fal Uytcrly reportsarenu- 'ah us nd slsmnwho are do- ing the w ýork are pgcttinig a greatÉ deÀal of, satisfaction out of it. Wheteythoi il be abyLe t epupthe grinid after the nov- elty es off is soIi-thàing,,else ganItis ollething to woVrk fo 2husa Cday for a weekr or toItimuch more dfiutt styechet the per'iod forimnthsil n and. One factor wvhich leads some of the Vancouver observers to feel that the plan has a good chance -of swauccs1i the old adazge that a chnge is as good as a rest. The work te men and womnen do at n gh t is- completely,, di ff eren t from thbe ork they dlo in the day. Te work no harder at their war ob than they would in thecir gadn r playing golf. 11a any event the Vancouver experiment 1s somthing forte rest of the country to pay some atention tto. If it wik tere it can be adopt- '- din ail other centres of heavy war production. KILLED, IN SICILY Mao .H. W. T. Pope, sec- on1d l o- rnand of the R1oyalý Caaia egiment, whe was kihi- ed lai action in Siciiy. MjrPop)e, whv'owa 29, had beenin the CaainArmy -sine 13. 1 fomry resýided in ictart Queb;c ,City and Ottawa. Second Officer Arrives On îTime to Conduct aFura A ible clenched betweea hi-, %tee4, n officer of a torpedoed British m n-er.chant ship swain froin eroe lifeboat to another defying shark-infuested waters of the SothAlanitic te read the burial sriefor a dead sipnate, The stery of tItis hieroic act bas just' been reveaied withi the ivarding- of the George Medal te the officer, Vernon ton. The2-ya-l second officer Look commcand of 40 men in two, lifeboas when hi ssueniors were kiled by the torpedoe explosions. The survivons were more than a menthY snsihing from the South After a, few day's, Upton, heed- l(èssý of the shiarkýs wich coe. foliowed thei(,hoats, swam lfromLý oue te the other te tend the wued and revive flagging %pirits. On the 12th d(yth first man died, afier having gene in- sn.Holing a Bible la is teeth ekepit above vwater, Uptoni gansipped in{eo hte shark-f lii- ad seas and swani to the secod boat tece nduct a proper huriai -, ervice. On the next day th--i lBth o!fthe ordeal -. resa j ONqTARIO'S ABLE PREMIER jlS U ND A Y Iof a jr fment ithe judge e-oigJe W' ith bIis wli-kenow n cnergy and ability, Preier Drcew is îiime- diaelyatackngthe problcms presented hy his programn of reforma,. I-e has taken tlhe Education portfolio htimsclf, By pCATS T PAF n Gwendoline P. lk There is, one advanitage te a big boulse - one aiways bas a good choice of roomns in a thun- derstormi. Tha.t's the way we find it, anyway. If the storms corne from the suhettheni we open the doors and wvindowvs facinig Porthe'ast. 0f cureif it's 1bot 1 alwýays wait until thle as ii- uIte. And thllea thie wind gets U p and Iav te rush arouiàd froni room ite oo011shuttinIgwids and iockîaig (deors; but by that t e ind ahad ]3y ýthiat you may gatiei that there(- is a storrn rag,,ing as I write. Auid it sure is a stormý. Theighig is inces,ýsant and thle thuadeidr terrific, Rain is sýririg 1),y ila sheets and the winid is twsing ad twirliag tbe trecs ]ilanauiry oaster. There is a bi(chstnut ire ýa littIe wy fornthe ckdoand it loo)ks as if the wiad and thie tree vre locked ln a terrific fighit te test the xviii amd strengtb Hlave you ever watched a tree ini a sterrn? To do se is te marivel at its teenosstrength. See- ho(w thie wîid wir!ls around the branhesben ingtberm first this way ad thýen that. You would hardi41y believe thait anything could standl( up agý,aiaist thiat awfui wind. Hlere is a ma,-ple sapfiing, its trunk ne thiicker thian a broor handi,, yet look at the( figh"lt it puts Up11. ht benids '11d sas it is tru- but it doesnA' beaký. Pr'jom whience cornes is strengthi -roi wence thie powýer teo e- sisit the d1estrucýtive forces of the wind? "I suppose the uiswer is- thle strength of the tree is la its oet s. And thiat somnehow mnakes mue thinjk of the %%av, and o! tie great multitude of people who go te makýe up thje Aliied strength. Ail of uis like trees-some big, somïe srnall, and like trees, of a, different fibre. Some strorrg like the oak, others akin to the lcss_ strycalibre o! the basswood' tree. But yet each, according te our strength, standing up against the cvii winds of war. Bending and swayiii:ng aybe, but not *rerots are set firn ly, and deelv a HeCSou!ofCa a ad jf theBriîs Empirýe as a whiole.ý Wl, esomis over but it is stîJli raiing. Panner sm.ys thie spring crop is iyin.- fiat. That mieas more trouble is harvest- ing aad probabiy considerabie loss of grain. But that's one of the joys of farming - yeu neyer knIow how much you wili get forý all your worlk until the graýin is in the bin. And yet urban peo- picý woadcr why farmers se oftin grum.-ble about the weatber. Priom where I amn sittiag 1 can see the storaj-i bas flooded the gardenanad fthe ditches are ru- aing. Altogether it is one g-randi( ms.But stili we have reasent te be tbankful because our wheat is la the barn and -we have nio cut hay lyiag out- te spoil. Somre. of our aeighbors zarc net se luck1-y- they have wheat, alikead tim- othy al eut iii thie fdwaiting to ha thrcshed. Une thîag is certaiin, there is no0 drep la the tmeaue E vcry ý vtime 1I mop my brow I 1try te re"DPmber we shouid be tha--nk- fui for' thie heat -bcuethe longer it stays biot the longýer we can do -wthout uelfor, heatiing and the ls time we sha have te worry about cei--or lack of it. Anidyet 1 a' get aniy como- fort fromthl'le thouglit. jInt it funny-in the( winitcr we get se tired 'of cold weather and look ferward iongiingiy te thievarii! days of summiier. Atid in time, the warmi days come-and thea we get tired of the heat. What inconsistent creatures. we are'! HORIZONTAL Answeý, toP revious Puzzle 17 North Caro- 1lDepicted state. pi rS ,i î R AK v lina (abbr.)ý, 5SFormer U) AIE PI N AL A 18 Compass poIntý Russian truler. S TE DS Y U 9 Nickrame fo)r 9llunter Slain 5 A P L Y ET ERP Y Edward. by Artemnis INN .SE E!,Ti i11û IO 21Bora, (myth.), A -,T RE-RA U N 23 Genus of 10 First vertebra D RP RN i E T geese. of the nec%- KlI~- A O Y GI24ÇChecks, (anat.). miB ED IE R E E27HerngFg 12 Verdanit. KRA i/ D 1IT j Ar 13 Modify. L F R P Y H29 Rocky 15 Exclamaýtion W U£E ANT C A pnce osorcrow EXPO E 34 Personal being 16 Fa rther ïin. 36 Written form VEIR TICAL 37 Cleveland isÏ 20 Eaglish towii. of iister. I Native metals. its largest 22 Sesam-e. 37 Calcium 2 Goin ha 1 ýste. 23 Assenits. (symbo)l). 3 Prann to 38 Bever,âge, 25 Imnitate. U9 Crirmson, n. 40 Remove. 26 Symbol for 41 Be indisposed. 4 Onward-c. 41 Ventilates, terbium. 42 Merriment. 5, Symbol for: 43 Titie of 27 Hall an em. 44 Chiaracteiristic. tantalumn. nobiity.- 28 Size of shot. 46 Local position. 6 Fixed look. 44 Migration. 30 Early Enýglîsh 47 Sense of smell 7 Entircly. 45 Drop ofey 1(nbbr.). 49 Ail. 8 Scold. fluid. 31 Old -Roman 51 Made a 9 Spokenî, not' 46 D)ry. weight. mnistake. written. 48 Babylonian., 32- Daybreakz 53 Exhibitions of il Bristîclike god o ) f (comï-b. form). farm products. part. p)estilence. 33 Electrical 54,55--- - 12 Volubie. 50 Seven (' Rom,)ý termformys rmost of 14 Invecigie. 52 About (nl~ 35 Of the mnatter uts northern 15 At'torney 53 Symbolfo (law). boundary. (abbr.). iron, 4. IPOP-Never Tou/çhes the, Business End By J. MILLAR WATT