Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1943, p. 6

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Mor1e than 8ý,000,000 Ameni- cansI, many la thle primi-e of life1 Bffeýr froin arthritis, ose (o-f the inost prevalent chronie disabling diseases in that nation, a s itL aIs o is ia Canada, says Thc Stratford Peacon-Heraid. But favorable Ymesut obtained with a relatiely mew treatnWAt" 250 cases of tise most crippiing fori of artîri- tis are reporte/I in thc curreat issue of IndustnialilMadiine by Drs. R, G. Snyýder, Willard H. Squires and John W. Forsteir of thse Hospital for Special Surgery' New York City. The patients, s iiics a asx yea-r study, previously lad Ifatiled to rcspondl to the miore ommii-oii forins of therapy. Thani they were given tIchew vtreaitmiet-luge doses (from 200,000 t('300,000 Mnis pet day) of Vitmin D in the forîn of an eiectricaily acti- vated heat-vapomized ergosterol <Ertron s the tradec naine). Over cxtemded pen.iOds the pa- tients contiinued to tale tise caIp- iles by monthi. Mh article clars dataled effeets of thc vitamin treatment in 50 seious cases. On tise basýis of a check nmade froin two to thrce years after thse drug --was firat adninistered, resultiiOn'22 cases w-ere good or excellenit, re- ausis in cigît cases poor, and the rest Mtar fair or undctermined because pa-tients rn'ovcd away. Ia seainstances persons wboseý ' joints appcarcd hopeiessiy stiff- ened and swollen werc able te resume their normal occupations; ose .,-as able to play golf again, anotIier, a star tennis player who had becs uniabie to rise froina sitting positonrcsuncdhis gamae, and a third, ail of wbose joints -were affected, rma.deaa The f,yicians Say that wile toxic reactions fro n massive doseý-s of Vitamin D of a diffa- ent type bave caused trouble ini thse past, . Ertronl, itself, causes un Serious toxicity. èHow CanI1?? By Amie Ashlley. Q. Hlow cýas I make a solution for c2laing woodwVork?' A. MiX 1 cuýp ofvigr,1cp ef krcea and 2' cups of warm w Tter. Tis i s excellant for washing esameied o r ainted woodw-ork or furnitume, going ovar a sinali portLion at a timeý, then dyisig wtha sofi cltl. st iJlremovegrease anid dirt, Ieavinlg 'a fiee gioss-y surface, Do isot tuse osvarnishced surfaces. Q. How\% shouid paint br-ushes be washcd? A. A paint brusli can be dean- Od by wvrshing it thorougly ý,in hot soda watcr and soft soap. Q2. How can 1 prevenL sticki- ,ness of a waxt-ed floor? A. Try washing np the floor itl ea water alfter waxing it, and tises go aver the floor wth a dry clotb. If tbis dss iot help), it is probaly dïue to thc fact tisat the varnisihlas sot dnied properi« Q. Hpw dan I kccp j)inosquitoas away from tCe body? A. Kerosene, ru'bbed on the exposed parts of the armis and body s &ten very effective in - - keepi'ng aa nqute.Thc odor 1s sdldom notied aftema -. few mnnlutas. Q. LHow ,cas I bleacl wite slk that bas ycllowed?' A. Dsov a tLablespoonful of hyposulpiite of s oda Ja1 two quarts of water and dip the silk !ri the solIutioni. Risise in ecan - water. Dip and risse ýsevemral Mimes but do sot show thc fasrie te stay iOn thc Sollution fior aay Ientl, of timýe. Plea For Trees Tish le of a, tmec was re- cestly mnade knnwni by an en-i est entomnologist, wiso reports thiat 60 fair sized elins were reccstly sold for $3,000 apice and(1tisat nasny arc wvorth $5,000 eachi. A tree sot only bias cash value, but it aIlso possesses a Worth thlat cannot ha reckoscd in dollars and Pents, says; The Gulphi Mcrcury. it îi'à- very simple matter te foster its growth. If evcry prop- erty owaer miadeý it a point tc Idaint a trac on available spae - and rafrained from tbe rutisiess destruction of those already wefl grownj,, mach would be dose te- wands einiinating the follies of pi7oliisulouis snd tbongb-;tlcss de- carriers gave rit of posy ex- TWO DIEPPE VETERANS BACK IN ACTION Two vterans of Dieppe, C.S.M. James Murphfy (left), who won the Mlitary Medal at Dieppe, and Sgt. John Carroll, of Toronto, who was mentioned in despatches for, services in, the same action, pictured aboard ship as they sailed with Canadian troops for the Sïcilian battle theatre. GENERALISSIMO DECORATED Lut-n.Joseph W. Stiiweil, comimander of U.S. forces in india, China anld Burina, confars sew Amrerica-,n order of Legion of Mn on Genierali.ssinin Chiang- Kai-shek. Awar-d wshighiiht o cd ereý- montas rat.('hunigkiÏig on sixth anniversary of China's war wxithJla- pan. Have Yeu Heard? Joncs (discouraged)- "Yes, 1 did1 have smoetluing în the bank, buit siace 1 met your daugîter it bias all gone." Fathar: "Expansive courtship, eh? Wcll;' you know love makes the' world go arnund." 1 -Jones: "Ycs, but 1 didn't think it wouid make me iose my bal- - Doctor; "Look here, aon't you kn-ow Ury consultng hours are flromïî6 to 7 .p.m.?" Patient: "Yes, but the dog LAiDY HUNTIER FEIMALE PILLS For Painful and Delayed Periode3, Extra Strength, PHONE LL.. 3600 For, City DeIive-ry SK'Y'S DR"UC," STORE 1981 Dav/enpIort Ra that Lit me didn't." Profassor : "Er, my dear, what's tise meaniu'ýg of this vasa of flowes-s on the table today?" Wîfe: "Measing? Wisy, today's your wedding asniversary." Professer: "Jndeed! Weil', wel, do let me know when yotirs la so I may do-the saine for you," Clark: "May 1 have the afiernoon off to go shopping with mny wife?" Boss: "Certainly not." C lark: "Thank yen vary much." Husband: "Darliing, did you ever stop ta realize that if yon knew how to cook we'd ha able ta cave some mosey?"' Wifc: "Yes, and if you knew how ta cave mosey wecoculd keep a cool."y W ife (btiste raturning hnshand): "Is tisat you, John ?" John: "l'd lettar le."' Japanese miiitary aui,,thorities lave reported to tIc International Red Cross at Gsathiai tlay bold 10,166 Asrle soldiers, îscludiug 898oficir, asprison- crs of war, Frascis Forde, As tralian Amy M,ý'linister, annousced recentiy. An additionai 3,321 Aýustra- lians were reportcd lid by tise Japanese in a Tokyo radiocast but sisca thc radiocast was sot- con- firmed, they are officially listed as missisg. There are 9,995 others, includîngý 231 officers, aiso listed as m.issing, Mr. Fonde said. Rice and Turnips Lord Woolton, 1 feci auira, wonld ilke to know o! a cook wlo aould make sonei-tlhing sîe c e andj Patrik Fizgerliecturing te tIc oyalGeoraphcalSociety, salid)lG used tÊ' lave une la China, Thits eoük could mahe twe neals aý day freni rice and il tunips, keap h, up, for five days qnà Produce a differea,-t flavor* everytie Mkodem Etiquette By Robeîrta Lec 1. Would 'tbe ail igbî t. address 'a weddiag invitationj to "Mr. and Mrs. George L,. Smith and Famüly"? 2. Is. it proer for a hostesa, té offer her hand, to caliers èwc receivinig thein ? 3. !,s it consîdcred badi forin for a guest to tal<e a second heiping at dinner if it is offeredi? 4. Is it corr-ect, when writýing to a divorced wmate address thse envelope "Mrs. Grace Wl- son" ? v, Shoulda girl tale bier purse with bier wvheni going out for ani evening of enitertiieni-ct wt an, éecrt? 6. Ts it oligatory for the bride's attendants to wIear gloves? ANSWERS 1,. No; if thee blidren or other iembers of' the family are old enough to be invitedea separate invitation must he sent to cacis one. 2. Yes, aiways; to both mca and women. 3. No; the guest need not hesitate to do so. 4. No; if she bas retained ber manrried namne- and bier maiden raine -,as Grace JTOncIs, address it to "MrS. Joncs Wil- son." 5. This is a matter of _personal eboice, but it isawy better, for a girl ',ô c-rry bier purse. e. It is preferable, ai- thougis not absoiutely necessary. It is estimateil that 50 f19t4n planas oan use un 3000ioud of snali-arins amimualion in onM minute, as much as 10,000 men Ai Napnlona's army-wuld h~eua On a day's battie. CLASSIFIED ADVERTý'ISEMENT'S AU ¶r0m 0 1LE-J~f 'USEDCARS WITH (_0000TIES Seceus tiret. Mounit Pl'aaan-tMo. tors LimitaS. tiseS Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Hlead Office, 632 Motc Pleasant Road, To- ronto. TalephoeeRT.Y 2181. BIABYCilcKs LAST REGULAR BRýAI MATCH this 1-month. \We hava 2-3 week light breed pulletis and -a few others. Odrnwfrimmdit corfaldlvr.Ba acey 130 3ohnN. amltn Ot LARGE f B UBSFO FALPNT ing.Rano ColconTlp 2 doz. $.0 ieSDfoi utlbs 2 doz. $110)Dliv je d. upe'e Bulbs, Ratzi c, B.CXW ro h best only. DVEING &CLEANINU HAVE YQU ANYTRING NELLDS dyeing or cleaning? Write t( us for information. We are glao to, answcr your questions. Depart- ment R, Parkers Dye Works LimiteS, 791 Vonge Strcet. T- rente. ELECTRLIC AL EIIM REBUJLT Et 't(CTRIC M O T'r and equipmcntiý. RePa*ire ewn and parts. Cmlt tc le Electric Compýny-, 232i; ufei Street, Toronto,. 100 ACRES CLY LOAM1, ALUN- der cultivati, oug rcaiS Brick bouse with imode coven lances., Bank bar,i.vaýtein barý n" two silos, drive ha, lectiiy One mile from Chucb. Villge Scbool. Seven mile ro trt ford. Xould seili soc, ed tm- plements with farm. m. IDoug- las, Si. Paule, Oalj1o. FORSL SOME 4;HICEY 1NU 1EUSTEIl: ad Yorkshire ewsjuet bred, and eome choice yonng Rgsee b-oars about ireadY for service. Edgsr Dennlis, RR .Aurora. Ont. AR( TIC LEFO S.SLE Saskatchewan 32.50 GoOODis O, TRE 'i E condition.1-3Rmly raor J. Everton,120Rslan o ronto., BALIMEEKA FOOT iBALM Scstroys, offensiveodr îirnsta nt ly, 45C bottie. ottawsaget, ,,umn Drug Store,Otaa IIELP WANTE hand mus e acpbewt ar cattie. Excellet om sd on wages to ,ighýIlt man i.Apy R.R. 3e, lntaýro.,. LE A i1 1 HARUESSNU T Rfobertsoin metI1od. Inftoîrmation On reQluesl r e ga rcSin g cli[ja ses. Robertson's Rar1es . g ca- z1my, 1.37 Avenue Ro)ad. Trnt XLEDICAAL el of 1Rhcuaiîc iePainsrrNer itis sol6ryDxnsReml'edy. ~dunr's Drg Stoe, k5 Lsj1iî Otaw. olsîpad$,0 A Leisurely Life Wan !msabut "car('iPess a And pecopie wbo ,trîy to exrc ii-i itar--y inform-1ation fi-rm members, of the foceUs niay racail tha sýtory of ose of cMarbo7î'tis'5genermzis whn 0 was beîng etetane lt a big banquet in the City of Londoin. NWxtbtol) was -ataikative al- delmias whn issiýsted onulboriaig bin with a ucesof!qesin about thele eo! a soldier lan thc field. Thec gen~l cced with lmp good-, luMody for a tOmie, but the a flderman wouldot ola denliil. "But srhe demandeil,"sry yours muai stbe a vcrylaoou empînyment ?" "Whly, o ir"1 ejiadthcgen- eral, w figîit about four hlourla th morang and two or tîrceaiter dSper. and tIen we have ail the rest o-fthe day 10 ourseves." Renioving Hi-test Gas Dangerous Work Mercysdefireýinen worked for, todays la a shlp' hld tu pnmp Out 1,500 galions o! higl octane, aviation spirt w1icl lad iaaked inýto tIc bld froirdmagliconl- tainers Tîcir herie ýýcwnmkre vdte lsk o! a disastr'ous epoin Stripped to thc wai, sud ith ail imati rcmnlvtýd fson their, clothilg. ,te iles prae hn upotO Transfer tIces iri nOto 45-ga.lon drums. Frequent reiefs watrencesy anld strict supervisionla hd t(:)beG niaiatainedà for fear tla mcar.a came intioxica!ted by tlc fumles in, a situa'tion w'Vler neairspni set wnuild lave nefant iatr Oxygen raligaprau a kept lu ontntmnnes for- rescue or reviving oparations CLASSIFIED A DV ERTIISEME NTS WA NTED IIP MDATL1)RG ar,.$65. to maximum $75\ lu 6 mionthe. Six-daç! e. roe Mamorial Hospit, FrgOt PAT ENTS1 4 PETHER LSTO'NH1AE,Il OPN Pset Solicitore. Etaliee 1890: 14 King WsTrno Bookiýt 0f IfrmtOponle- POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 1,anish the Tormaud t 0f ry km Troublas. P* oest s Eczema, Salve 511111Not Disap1poinit You. Iicing, 7ýScajiug, Burn1ingLec- anS ethîctas Foot il l (ýreeond rcadily to tiil staînl2ees, odor- lees oîntmcnt, rgris of how stubborn or hpleethey may seemn. PRICE $,0PRJAR sent posi fre onreceptOf prce PO'ST'S REMEDIES 889 Qucen st, 16. rnrof Lo)gau MPIOTM43tAPmil î DON"T TRUDGE THROUGH Abs Heat. 0-, or Hal HAVE YOUR SNAPS Aly btuorb5UaxPoure Ifim pelrectiy du\lpa aSPr'iutcd for only 2, e . turme qualîty anS fitassey vic e IMVPERfiAL PHOTO SERVICE "ALWA2 YS SEiND MiY ROULS TO0 STAR SNAPSHO-2T mn ý t, e.owi'tcs. l adds ,,Iom roilîs t trSash Srle'anS the dd. The, toar nwreg- lar cutomer *of Sar Snaupe1ho Boy)s and giljs on active eric snjy lttesSo much more ýUwheul sho Srvie or a tilorder- o wtill9get quaity p[rin, %ilhfie datal-atlowel -'t. AnS you ivil gtthe mostprom[pt mailservijCe wor. tarSape,ot Seriee operi- atestaaaebge anS hast equiped hototinihingstudio. 3 MONTE ENARGMENTS m Size z 0"l Beutifu1 Easel Mounts>. cd b hanS for a sali aditionll chargLe. STAR SNAPSH'-OT SERVICE HOx 29 PstlTermmi1a .¶poi oui'ah ree FlIS DEVELOPED 25c COIN 1'EUSNAL LEORTA1BLTS1, iHARýMLES aneffecýtive,. >1 ,bw0weeke eu1p- pl)at -ail druggiesý, orpospai trom Maltby Bos 5Bon - runto, 0Ont, Th ie mea Jinewle- ,llthat perol m-ixed with ir i eplsie ro the le othe v'ePses pss D,ai the mawr ibrw in te apou ai. dsi, ncs PI p r o t m4%ia Piles shouid ltno BukersEtebal PHistea the cause at il, soulrce.Moe back iM the lenst bottie does not sair, Un âmoeiYomr drugis-, If --LASSI F!IED IADVERTISI5'MENTS WEj RA VE BPU ES AIIN Seýns asud toil v r vlaebue ilu al sateof Poic.Seuld Iful varlcuas luiofdec t eonce. MalI. iPowll u opay t fri of Rhtlmais ý" c Pa i o Ne vurtrsoubletpaDxo'e ri- 1dy. Munros t)rug S tre, 03 gin!, Otla, Postpaiu id $1 00 TOACHANOTHRATDWOM lei y. our troble? uthering ar- lcujlarsFrfl rienoMulvenay Ramdce clalies Tor on Ont. pjl- ýR ginsBule, imma ansior leaf obacoTi-ripas sudom flavoing 3 poipali. Ruthe- TEACW.R SAcT - fo .N.1 'i SouT ,wort ' au mene ep. irt. Apjt ýd or, Zocc A",oleSeresyBor oiTu- n tes,tDIvowcOt RTDITT OT.,UBIC S i!,L; grades 1lo -,1comm ',ing ,Sep $10,00, R. W Godfllo Sc. QUAIFEDPROE SAI' Telch- er fr SS, N. 5C Saogi. SL-Y ary 155. Aply o Ms. oo StougtonCalaogea Oui SE. F.Ai.ih, rft Jn. Pr TEACHE,PROTESTANT1, QUrt- bac ut. DilomîGrdes6-i fo Treas.-pJol71tte, Que. Freema T!anders Sec. Trnd PRT 1TN TAHE Hue ufC i'S.S No. i 'i' raut , si"te axparenceand qalîJation. S-- Apply-Te Ver , F-, cretc, y, R.R 1,SheibuneOOnt Lydi'a E.Pnta' Vegietable COompnund snot oaly halpe relieve nionthly pain but 4s0 weak, nerv.- ous feeini-gs-du-e to 3monthi 1ac 'inl istsrbaaeas,ý. It lsbldU resistance aaaSist dýýrese et euh dYs" Marle la Canada,.

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